Interface [Mf][MindControl, SciFi, Anal]


(English is not my first language, but I’m trying my best. I’ve written numerous erotic stories in Swedish, but this is my first attempt at writing something longer in English.)



Protagonist’s Foreword

Dear reader,

As I am writing this, a girl of about fifteen years of age is giving me fellatio. She is very patient about it, taking me in all the way to the hilt in deep strokes, not rushing but taking things slowly, not intent on bringing me to a climax but just happily slurping away because her brain is telling her that this is what she likes best – of all the things she could be doing right now, the act of sitting beneath my desk with my cock down her throat is the one that appeals the most to her. Each time I feel a wave of pleasure, she feels the same – only ten or twenty times stronger, and each time my level of pleasure rises too high, threatening to make me lose focus, she gets the urge to back off a little. What she’s thinking about all of this – how she feels right now about being where she is, doing what she does – I have no idea. I just know that she’s been.. I guess ”programmed” is a suitable word, although it doesn’t quite capture all nuances. She has been ”programmed” to do this of her own volition, and she won’t stop until I let her.

So rest assured that this is a story of a sexual nature. I’m saying this because I’m about to jump into a rather lengthy technical description, and I want to promise you that there is plenty of sex to come, so that you will patiently read on through the dry part.

But where should a story such as this begin? Should I begin with my childhood, where my father was quite absent and when we met he was both authoritarian and loving, showing his love for me in gestures rather than words? Where my mother was warm and loving, played games of imagination with me and taught me about nature and how to behave? Should I tell of my friends when I was a boy, who were all girls? How I felt betrayed when they got other friends, who happened to be girls and therefore more socially acceptable than I?

Or should I begin by speaking to you of being bullied and rejected by my peers all through school? Of not having any friends at all until I was in my late teens, because my peers all perceived me as different? Of not being kissed by a girl until I was twenty years old? Of focusing all my teenage anxiety and fear of rejection – my loneliness, my sexual frustration and my feelings of helplessness – into achieving perfect grades to compensate for my feelings of inadequacy? Of replacing feelings of inadequacy with feelings of intellectual superiority?

Will such glimpses of my psyche help you forgive me for what I am about to tell you, and help you see the redeeming motives behind my atrocious acts of narcissistic hedonism? Perhaps, but you should know that I am unapologetic. I will not ask forgiveness and refer to the hellish formative years of my youth as an excuse. I did what I will herein describe because I had to, because I am who I am, and I will no longer seek to conform to any norms except those I have carefully considered before making them my own.

So let’s jump ahead, instead, to another beginning.

Chapter 1. About MilSpec hardware, Project NanoRep and a daring theft

You will often hear or read that MilSpec computer hardware is roughly ten years ahead of what is publicly available. This might have been true a few decades ago, but these days the competition is getting harder and harder, and MilSpec is really no more than five years ahead at most.


We’re also seeing a technological development that is pretty much an exponential curve, and these days five years will often equate to technology that is light-years ahead of what existed before. Feel free to shrug this story off as pure science fiction – for it will probably seem very sci-fi to you – but bear in mind that maybe… it isn’t.

For me, this whole life-altering story began about three years ago, when I was doing some work in GAI (Generalised Artificial Intelligence) programming as a sub-contractor for.. let’s just call it ”a government agency”, shall we. My specialty is in designing intuitive user interfaces, and this certain agency needed an interface expert for their work on optic nerve- and motor neuron control of robotic drones. You know, surveillance drones or attack drones that fly around over mostly Arabic countries, controlled from NATO bases in the vicinity or even from control rooms across the globe. That’s the kind of thing they were already doing, only now they wanted to shift from using VR headsets similar to the Oculus Rift or the HTC Vive and from joysticks and keyboards to electronic implants directly interfacing with the optic nerve and motor neurons – both as a means of decreasing latency and as a means of making the technology completely surreptitious. They wanted agents on the ground, close to potential targets, to be able to remote-control little sneaky fly-sized drones spying on meetings from across the street, without any outward sign that they were controlling a robot.

Needless to say, my mind was blown by the sheer amount of talent and resources this government agency had access to. I guess you could say I was also a bit frightened by the terrible capabilities that the military has. No. Strike that. Not ”a bit” terrified – I was shaken to the core!

With such powers comes great responsibility. Too bad I’m not a very responsible person, and too bad there were others a whole lot like me hiding in plain sight at the research facility. The chief science officer assigned to the development team I was placed in was a true security risk. A recipe for disaster.

His major mistake was to assign me a much too high security clearance. His other mistakes included not keeping strict logs of all computer activity and not installing enough security cameras. I worked nights quite often – as most developers do, drinking too much caffeine – and would often get several hours all to myself in the lab, unsupervised and unlogged. And since I am a thoroughly untrustworthy individual, I made full use of that opportunity to browse through the details of other research projects, past and present.

That’s when I stumbled on Project NanoRep, and what I read came to change my life forever.

Basically, the researchers in that project had developed self-replicating nano-robots thousands of times smaller than a grain of sand. Robots that could not only use materials from their environment to build copies of themselves, but could also form complex circuits and even build small machines out of themselves, that could communicate with each other and build miniature devices capable of receiving communication from the outside world. And the most stunning feature of all: They could do this inside living organisms, such as humans.

Now I understood a bit better what they intended the project I myself was working on to actually be used for. One of their experiments had been to infect – that’s what they called it, infect – various wild and aggressive animals and have the NanoReps interface with their limbic systems to take away all their aggressive tendencies. In another, they had infected rats and taken control of their motor neurons so that their movement could more or less be controlled by joystick. So far, they hadn’t experimented on humans, but the results in higher mammals and even apes were showing promise. Now add to that what we were working on in the internal control interface program, and things could become interesting. What if you were to strap explosives to rats and then have an operator manoeuvre them into buildings using a feed that allowed the operator to see what the rats were seeing? That could come in handy. Or what about a remote-controlled gorilla soldier with the strength of five men. They had lots of ideas like that.

But more sinister than that were the ideas they had about pacifying humans. Infecting a camp of enemy rebels with NanoReps and then switching off all their aggressive tendencies by manipulating their limbic systems… Or what about infecting just a third of them, and then using the infected ones to kill off all the others? Would such a level of control be possible to achieve in humans? They didn’t know.

Needless to say, I was stunned, awed, shocked, disgusted and scared to my bones. That night I had some very disturbing dreams about all the people around me being remote-controlled automatons.

But the next night, I guess you could say I was visited by the fairy-muses of nocturnal emissions. I dreamt I was in control of the people around me, and that I used them to slake my thirst for sexual depravity. I woke up and realized this was a chance that would only come once in a lifetime. If I didn’t at least try it, I would regret it forever.

So I spent the next few weeks planning how I would go about stealing a few vials of NanoReps. Whenever I had the chance, I would also access the project’s computers and download all the information I could get my hands on. I won’t go into detail about how I managed to pull the theft off, but it was a rather neat thing where I used a script to delete all digital tracks that were left behind when breaking into the storage chambers where they kept the NanoReps, and also manipulated their database so that the samples I took wouldn’t be missed.

Once I had the NanoReps and all the research data and software associated with them, I put in another few months on the Interface software – which was much easier now that I had a hunch about what they actually wanted to accomplish, not just the bowdlerized info they gave all software developers – and when we were finished, I took a one-year unpaid leave from the company where I had worked and started to work for real on my own project.

Chapter 2. In which unethical experiments are performed

The human brain is a fascinating lump of lard. Before I really started to learn about it, I just knew that it was a very complex network of about a hundred billion neurons, all interconnected with axons, dendrites and synapses, and that there was quite a bit of chemistry going on, on top of all the electrical signals being passed around. I vaguely knew about the different levels of the brain – the neocortex and the limbic system, the cerebellum etc. – and that they played different roles.

The NanoRep project, though, and the Interface project to some extent, had required the scientists involved to wade through tons of scientific papers, extracting all available topological and functional data about thousands of different tiny areas of the human brain, and assigning them to different ”affect channels” that could be tweaked by NanoReps in specific ways without the operator necessarily knowing all the details. I spent several months after the initial theft fine-tuning my own custom interface and assigning new affect channels to target regions of the human brain.

My first few batches of custom NanoReps were injected into cats in my neighbourhood. I simply dusted some fresh prawns with the NanoReps, and left them out for any cat to find and eat. Six hours later, I got a beep on my monitor saying that a live video feed was available from an infected subject. The NanoReps had finished attaching themselves to the optic nerve and infiltrated the relevant areas of the cat’s limbic system. Converting signals from the optic nerve into actual sRGB video and sending them over WIFI was one of the areas where the NanoRep project had already developed their own API when I tapped into their research. I watched with fascination as the cat prowled around the neighbourhood, seeing what it was seeing in a near real-time feed on my computer monitor.

Then I started up the 2D mammal control user interface I had built for viewing on a computer screen. The controls were very crude, using only some of the primary affects; mood, arousal, salience, fear, disgust and aggression. My very first attempt at controlling the cat was when it got home to its owner – a middle-age woman two houses down the road from me. When the cat laid down in her lap and the woman started petting it, I simultaneously bottomed out the fear- and aggression controls.

The reaction was what you might expect. The cat attacked the woman immediately, clawing and biting her, and then rushed out of the room.

After that proof-of-concept, I readied a small batch of NanoReps to infect myself with, in order to build myself an augmented reality neural interface. Since I had already built the software for such a project once, adapting it to my needs was quite a simple matter. I drank the batch of NanoReps in a glass of milk one evening and let them work all night while I slept, replicating themselves using elements from my bloodstream, building their intricate network inside my optical nerve and around certain areas of my primary motor cortex, and also building a powerful wifi-antenna right on the inside surface of my cranium. I had really strange dreams that night, but put that more down to my own imagination than to any effect that the NanoReps could have had on my brain.

Next day, I interfaced with my new internal hardware and did a systems check. Maybe you’d think that this would be a strange and uncomfortable experience, but actually it wasn’t that much different from using a VR display device and a keyboard to manoeuvre inside a video game; the only difference was that after just a few hours of practice, my control of the internal interface got to be very smooth, fast and finely tuned in a manner that I wouldn’t have been able to replicate with a keyboard or game controller.


Hang on a minute.



Phew. I needed to cum. Damn, that was a good one. Nothing quite like having a budding teenage girl give you head for hours on end before you allow yourself to cum in her throat and let her experience an orgasm that nearly makes her pass out from sheer pleasure as she feels your semen erupt in her oesophagus. Her intermingled moans and gags as she gargled on my cock just now, while it was unloading a torrent of thick cum down her throat, made my own orgasm nearly unbearably strong, even without augmentation by my NanoRep circuitry.

Anyway. Where was I?

Oh, yes. The day after I had infected myself with the NanoReps and they had built my internal circuitry and interface.

Chapter 3. In which I lay out my plan.

I confess I have many faults, but stupidity isn’t one of them. While I freely admit to being something of a narcissistic nihilist with very little respect for the autonomy of other sentient beings, I’m not so naïve as to use my new-found powers in a manner that would draw too much attention. Obviously, various government agencies will be aware that NanoRep technology has been invented, and they will have some form of plan in place for detecting its use against members of the higher echelons of society. He who invents a powerful new weapon had better make plans for when his enemies gets hold of it and uses it against him.

I knew I had to keep a low profile, stay in the shadows, be inconspicuous. I must think long and hard about what I wanted, and come up with a good plan for how to get it while drawing as little attention to myself as possible.

So what do I actually want, when it comes right down to it? Have you ever asked yourself that? It’s a question with many subtle nuances. I want to eat pizza or tacos every day, yet I want to feel fit and healthy. I want to be in a consistent hypo-manic state of positive flow and creativity, but at the same time I want to keep my wits about me and be able to focus. What someone wants and what they need aren’t necessarily the same. Everything needs to be balanced. It’s just that the balance we’re biologically programmed to maintain – homeostasis – isn’t necessarily the most pleasurable state. Darwinian life doesn’t care about our well-being, only our ability to reproduce.

What do I want, when it comes right down to it? I want to maximise pleasure. My own pleasure, first and foremost, but I’m actually not a cruel person; I also want others to experience pleasure. I can get off on making someone suffer, but I often feel guilt-ridden after. As I’m writing this, the young girl who just spent hours fellating me and climaxed just as I came has fallen asleep, contentedly curled up under a blanket beside my desk. Her brain was nearly overloaded with the intensity of her whole-body orgasm, and in her quivering, blissful post-orgasmic state, she didn’t have the energy to crawl over to the sofa at the other side of the room. While I’ve robbed her of a part of her autonomy, her new life as my companion and sex-toy is certainly not without pleasure. Quite the opposite, as a matter of fact.

I suppose I ought to comment on the fact that my sexual appetites aren’t entirely in line with mainstream morality. The girl who just spent hours giving me head is fourteen or fifteen years old. I’ve always liked girls in their puberty. A fresh young face, a lean and petite body, a freshly shaved pussy, budding young breasts – these are my pleasures in life. Not children, mind you. I’m not a pedophile. The word to use is actually ’hebephile’; I like teens in puberty.

So what I needed to do, now that I had proof of concept that my neural interface was going to work, was to establish that it would actually work in humans, not just on cats. Then when I knew it worked in humans, I could use it to become rich and start building a truly pleasurable life for myself. I could infect people who had financial resources, make them transfer funds to me, and then persuade them to forget all about it. Or maybe just walk into a bank one day and… no, even better – I could make a banker go inside and fetch me the funds. Shut off the security cameras and alarms, and then… this was going to work out just fine. The possibilities were nearly endless. I just had to keep my wits about me and be subtle. Stay under the radar. Maybe even go into stealth mode and fake my own death. Yes. That was it.

But first, I needed to establish that the interface would give me control over humans. We are, after all, a good bit more complicated than cats. Maybe it wouldn’t be possible to override the controls of human consciousness?

Chapter 4. In which the first human experiments are performed.

This is going to sound cheesy, but my neighbours’ daughter… ok, you can stop laughing now… I felt it was convenient to perform the first experiments without needing to travel far. My neighbours’ daughter was an appropriate target to start with. Sixteen years old, give or take, and with a decent body. Not a stunning beauty, but definitely rather attractive. Mostly though, she was a convenient target because she lived nearby. Jessica was her name, in case you care to know such details. Is her name, actually. She’s still alive.

First, I needed to figure out a way of infecting her with the NanoReps. Maybe I ought to say something about the rate of infection? Just as with ordinary viruses, NanoReps follow an s-curve pattern when replicating, and the initial slope is determined by dose. A single NanoRep can start off an infection, but things will be very slow for the first days. One becomes two, two become four, four become eight, etc – two to the power n, where n is the generation. Each generation takes time to build the next generation. Once a certain critical concentration of NanoReps circulate in the bloodstream, the growth rate becomes limited by the available resources and tapers off. Starting off with a large dose speeds things up tremendously, and I was impatient.

So I bought a six-pack of plastic Coca-cola bottles. I carefully drilled small holes in them and injected them each with a few drops of NanoReps, before using a tiny dab of epoxy to glue them shut. Then I lurked on my porch for a while, and as Jessica came home from school, I called her over to the fence between our gardens. I explained that the local store that makes home deliveries had failed to give me diet coke, and since I have diabetes… would she like to have these for free?

It worked like a charm. I think she probably drank two or three bottles that day, because around midnight, my system lit up and signaled that the NanoReps had already finished infecting her and built the necessary connections inside skull.
Well. Maybe that ought to be further explained. What the NanoReps had done was to set up the initial conditions – the very basic structure I had devised for the cats. First they reproduced and gained mass, then they started assembling critical circuitry: a powerful wifi antenna from a large number of thin strips of NanoReps simply fusing together on the inside of the top of her skull, capable of transmitting on the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands; a main power-harvesting circuit capable of converting chemical energy from her blood into electrical energy to power the other circuits; all the micro-processing circuitry to run the necessary calculations for relaying her signals over wifi; all the connections to her optical nerve and the various parts of her limbic system and some other brain regions and glands that I wanted to gain control of. This was a very basic configuration that would give me low level control, but wouldn’t let me do anything really fancy to her. The whole circuitry would operate on just two Watts of power, and the heat it generated could be easily dissipated through her whole body. Two Watts power draw means 48 Wh per day, with equals 41 kcal, i.e. the energy content of a kiwi fruit or half a banana. She would never even notice the increased appetite. The only thing she would feel, except for maybe a bit of headache the first day, would be a craving for food rich in certain minerals and metals that the NanoReps had stolen from her system. I myself had been eating beef, broccoli, kale and brussels sprouts with surprising appetite for days, gulping it down with orange juice, which I otherwise never drink.

Using my internal interface, I connected directly to her system over the 2.4 GHz band and acquainted myself with the controls. I spent hours tweaking the layout of my human control interface, deciding which functions of her brain to link to which controls.

Wait. Maybe I ought to explain that bit too? An internal interface isn’t constrained in the same sense that a keyboard and mouse setup are. To manipulate those – to use your mouse and keyboard to click buttons on a 2D interface on a monitor that doesn’t fill your whole field of view, or to use your fingers to press buttons on your keyboard to input text – is slow and inefficient when compared to a direct-to-motor-cortex-interface. You only have ten fingers, after all. In a digital construct, you need no fingers at all. It feels a bit like using limbs to input data at first, but that feeling fades after a few hours, and then it feels more like thinking ”I want this done”, and then it happens. The latency is extremely low, and the whole experience is very strange at first. It is as if this is what your brain was always meant to do, but it had to drag this bag of meat and bones around through the process, and now it’s finally free to be as fast as it wants to be. It is orders of magnitude faster than interacting with a computer through your hands.

I’ve gone through many iterations of my internal interface, but the basics could perhaps be best explained through analogy. When I possess someone, be they human or feline or any other sentient mammal, I bring up a semblance of their body as a see-through anatomical map, in which their nervous system and brain is mapped. I zoom in or out and move around in this 3-dimensional representation of their body, and when I want to affect one of their core emotions, I just have to think about it and it happens. It’s a bit like pushing a button, and depending on how hard you push it, it delivers a different amount of current to a specific circuit. It’s just that the analogy isn’t very good. I don’t see a button. It’s more like flowing colours and sparkles. Different kinds of energy. And it’s not so much flowing through my fingers as it is like… flowing through my forehead toward this graphic avatar that represents the other mind. I guess this sounds very strange, but it works, and it is lightning fast.

The one situation where I feel there’s a limitation to the interface is when I bring up the signals from their optic nerve. I can’t get a perfectly sharp image, so it’s a bit like looking through a kaleidoscope at first, before I can decipher and re-route their signal to the appropriate parts of my own optic nerve. The image grows sharper with time, as my system maps their signal better to my own configuration. You would think that human vision would need a higher bandwidth than the 54 Mbit/second that the 802.11g-system can give on the 2.4 GHz band, but you would be surprised at the amount of image compression inherent in the wiring of our retinal rods and cones, and at the decompression our brains then perform to extract contours, colour and contrast from those signals. Our chemical signals are sluggish in comparison to electronic circuitry, and how our brain processes the very limited input from our eyes and constructs the rich inner representation of our surroundings is a miracle of darwinistic evolution.

But perhaps you want me to come back to how I first interfaced with my neighbours’ daughter Jessica now? Fair enough. Let’s do that.

Since it was past midnight and I was feeling sleepy, I first interfaced with my own low-level control system. I usually stay away from tampering too much with myself, but I was very eager to experiment with another human, and so I elevated the production of orexin in my lateral hypothalamus and increased secretion of dopamine, norepinephrine and acetylcholine in certain systems that regulate wakefulness – the Reticular Activating System or extrathalamic control modulatory system. The effect is much like that of having a whole night’s sleep and a cup of coffee both happen to you at once. Ping, you’re awake and feel refreshed. Eager to get to work. But you have to be careful, because if you do this for just a couple of nights in a row, you might do permanent damage to your brain or become temporarily psychotic.

Next, I interfaced with Jessica’s system, that was giving me a very strong signal even though we must have been at least twenty meters apart and had several walls between us. I read out her current hormone levels and the activity of her various limbic system circuits. For much of the night, I ran little checks on my controls and acquainted myself with how the interface would work. A little nudge on her adrenergic system and her heart-rate went up. Nudge her dopamine right… there… and she went into REM-sleep. Pour too much into her orexin and norepinephrine into her RAS and she woke up confused and went to the toilet and then went to get a snack before going back to bed and falling asleep again. This was crude control, but for a first test, the result was definitely a success.

As the night wore on, I spent an hour programming a subset of her NanoReps to interface with nerves in her spinal cord. For the duration of the next day, they would focus on building a strong connection to nerves transmitting tactile sensations, and I would then be able to ’caress’ her avatar in my construct, and the signals would be instantly transmitted to her. As I saw her blood pressure start to rise and activity in her prefrontal neocortex ramp up, I executed my crude plan of first attack, that would hopefully keep her home for the day while her parents went to work.

Chapter 5. Wherein a first test is conducted.

I slowly started sending impulses through Jessica’s vagal nerve fibres and her area postrema. I knew both were involved in nausea and vomiting, but didn’t know if they were independent actors or would work synergistically. Slowly, slowly, I massaged them and coaxed them, and just as I saw Jessica open her eyes, I gave them a harder hit of activity.

It worked like a charm. She immediately ran to the toilet to puke her guts out.

No going to school today, sweetie, I thought to myself, a strong sense of triumph surging through me. Just this simple form of manipulation could give me powerful abilities to control other people.

I routed her aural activity to mine so that I could listen in on her conversation with her parents. They had heard her rushing to the toilet to vomit, and her mother had come to check that she was ok. At this point, Jessica’s nausea had subsided because I had ceased stimulating her vagus nerve and area postrema. I was feeling a bit nauseous myself, though, because the visual input I was getting from her eyes was a mess of kaleidoscopic light. I lowered the opacity of that overlay, and instead tried to squeeze out better fidelity from the aural transmission. Her mother was fussing over her and checking her temperature with an in-ear thermometer, and it was an eerie sensation to hear the thermometer beep inside what felt like my own ear.

Since Jessica wasn’t running a fever, but puked again when I slammed her vagus nerve, her parents said she ought to stay home that day, and that she should call them if she started feeling worse. I giggled with excitement, I confess. Or maybe I laughed like a mad scientist. That’s probably a more accurate description, come to think of it. This was going to be fun.

When her parents had left the house, Jessica was already starting to feel better. In my visual representation of her avatar, I could see activity rising in orexin-dependent brain areas that process appetite and salience. She was getting hungry and was about to go to the kitchen for a snack, I predicted, and just a few minutes later, that’s exactly what she did. I was already reading her mind. Or at least, I was reading her brain activity well enough to predict her behaviour minutes in advance. I couldn’t tell if she was going to have oatmeal or cornflakes for breakfast, just that she was feeling peckish.

I grabbed something to eat myself, and worked on getting the visual feed less kaleidoscopic while we both ate. She was watching TV in her kitchen and staying relatively still, so that made the job easier. Toward the end of her breakfast, I had managed to squeeze the feed much more tightly into focus, and the experience of looking through her eyes was more like looking through a pair of really strong glasses with entirely the wrong prescription. Good enough for my purposes right then.

While I did the dishes and Jessica went upstairs to her room to curl up in bed as any teenager would if they got to sleep in, I started to apply a signal to certain reward- and arousal centres in her limbic system. Slowly at first, but building up tension gradually, making her feel aroused and happy, but without particular cause. Then I started to slowly ramp up her testosterone production. This might cause you some confusion, but women actually have testosterone too, just as men have follicle-stimulating hormone. They just have less testosterone than men. When you ramp it up short-term, it makes women as horny as teenage boys.

I went to lie down on my couch and focused all my mind to the task of coaxing Jessica to become more and more sexually stimulated and aroused. In less than half an hour, I had her out of bed and into her bathtub. So sweet. I looked down through her eyes on her body as she undressed and slipped into the tub. The focus was improving, but it was still blurry. I could feel myself getting hard, almost as if in response to her arousal. This was the trippiest experience of my life, and I was only getting started.

When Jessica slipped lower into the warm water and put the shower-head to her nether regions, her head disappeared below the rim of the bathtub, and my visual feed immediately started stuttering. The signal couldn’t penetrate the metal, apparently. I was still getting enough throughput for the low-bandwidth interface, but the visual and audio feeds were struggling, so I had to turn them off and rely on what I could see in her avatar. She was starting to enjoy herself.

Once I had triggered her sexual response and arousal, it was self-sustaining. During the next thirty minutes, she cycled through several orgasms, her brain lighting up like a christmas tree each time the shower-head brought her to climax. I could see her arousal wax and wane, building up tension and releasing, again and again. I had to go take a shower myself, because I was feeling very hot. I was so excited I almost had trouble breathing. I’ve always envied women their capacity for multiple orgasms

When she ran out of hot water, Jessica’s frenetic masturbation subsided. Her brain was a warm glow of pleasure, her incentive salience starting to dip from the previous high, her cortico–basal ganglia–thalamic loop still firing, but starting to subside, sub-compartments within her nucleus accumbens shell, ventral pallidum, and parabrachial nucleus of the pons, her insular cortex and orbitofrontal cortex all intermittently lighting up with the aftermath of the dopaminergic rush. The display of firing pleasure neurons was unlike anything I had ever seen. It was almost as if i could sense how her afterglow felt.

When she got up from the bathtub, the signal strength returned and I could turn on the visual and aural feeds. She was softly murmuring or humming to herself and sensuously using a towel as she looked at herself in the fogged-up mirror. I regretted the fact that the visual feed wasn’t sharp, but enjoyed the sight anyway. I wondered if… could I wire her sexual response to mine somehow? Could I make a feedback circuit from her pleasure centres to mine, or the other way around? Only one way to find out…

I spent the better part of an hour poring over that idea and tinkering with a feedback circuit from my reward centres to hers, and from my arousal and salience responses to sub-compartments in her nucleus accumbens shell. When I turned on this feedback, feeding my responses to her, she would respond too. If I looked at something with desire, she would feel that same desire toward anything she was currently looking at. That meant if I looked at her with desire as she was looking at me, she wouldn’t be able to help herself.

Or would she? What if seeing me triggered disgust in her? Would that temper her response and shut it down? Better configure override circuits. And maybe put in a multiplier? If I multiplied my own response by a factor of, lets say, two? Yes. Crude, but it would probably work.

Humming to myself, I instructed her NanoReps to start building her tension and arousal again, and to ramp up her testosterone once more. Slowly but steadily, she would get increasingly horny and aroused. Then I would go over and ring her bell to ask if she wanted another six-pack of coke.

Next chapter:


1 comment

  1. There are 25 chapters in all, and I won’t cross-post them all in this subreddit. Instead, follow the link and at the end of each part, there will be a link to the next one.

    Hope you enjoy!

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