Interface [Mf][MindControl, SciFi, Anal]


(English is not my first language, but I’m trying my best. I’ve written numerous erotic stories in Swedish, but this is my first attempt at writing something longer in English.)



Protagonist’s Foreword

Dear reader,

As I am writing this, a girl of about fifteen years of age is giving me fellatio. She is very patient about it, taking me in all the way to the hilt in deep strokes, not rushing but taking things slowly, not intent on bringing me to a climax but just happily slurping away because her brain is telling her that this is what she likes best – of all the things she could be doing right now, the act of sitting beneath my desk with my cock down her throat is the one that appeals the most to her. Each time I feel a wave of pleasure, she feels the same – only ten or twenty times stronger, and each time my level of pleasure rises too high, threatening to make me lose focus, she gets the urge to back off a little. What she’s thinking about all of this – how she feels right now about being where she is, doing what she does – I have no idea. I just know that she’s been.. I guess ”programmed” is a suitable word, although it doesn’t quite capture all nuances. She has been ”programmed” to do this of her own volition, and she won’t stop until I let her.