Command (D/s, F/m)

I was a couple of years past puberty when they first brought me into my home. Maybe 15 or 16 years old, and fresh off the farm. I’d had the surgery maybe a month before. The small star-shaped scars on my body were still shiny and new, but they would begin fading soon. I was still sore, but even the earliest implants were small. As long as someone survived the neural integration, physical recovery from the process was quick.

They drugged me. For the pain they said, though they’d been weening me off the narcotics I was on right after they cut into me. Whatever it was, it knocked me out. Or least I don’t remember leaving the recovery center. No, the next images were of a house. Beautiful tall windows. Rooms ten times bigger than the cell I shared growing up. I was walking along about half conscious when I felt someone kick against the back of my knees. I felt myself fall, but they caught me, and settled me down into a kneeling position. I had been walking on a hardwood floor, but there was a mat beneath my knees. I could feel a small stool, just a foot or so up from the ground, that I was now sitting on. The room was open, dimly lit, and not so big as those I had first seen.

I was tired. Relaxed. My eyes were half closed. I felt something press against my wrists and then my ankles. A distinct metallic click. I felt content. Everything was fine. There was a woman standing in front of me. She was close, maybe a foot away. I looked up, and I could see she had a gun strapped to her right thigh, and she wore dark clothes, BDU pants, a black tank top. She smelled of vaguely gunpowder. I looked up at her. She was beautiful, but thin and toned. Dirty blonde hair tied back. Tan. An athlete. She smiled a friendly little smile, and ran a hand over my short hair. I leaned into it. They’d never touched me before. I wanted to reach out to her, to touch her back. I tried lifting my hand, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t lift either hand. I realized my wrists were locked behind me, down by my feet. I tried to stand, or to come up on one knee. I could not do that either. I turned my head to look down, twisting, and I heard a little laugh. I looked back up, and the smile had turned into a grin. She grabbed my hair in a tight, brief squeeze, and then she let go.

I watched the woman as she stepped back. She walked like a cat, circling me, still smiling. I tried to watch her, but the restraints made it difficult as she paced behind me. She would reach out and brush my back, or pet my shoulders with her hands. I realized I didn’t have a shirt on. They must have left it at the hospital. I kept working to try to move my hands, to stand up. I jerked against whatever was holding me back, repeatedly. She kept smiling, kept stroking me, kept pacing in and out of view. I stared at her. I’d never seen a woman in a tank top, never seen a female show that much skin. I stared at her chest. I imagined what she looked like naked. I imagined touching her skin. I wanted so badly to touch her back, as she walked around me there, teasing. I tried to speak, but the only thing that came out was a grunt. I couldn’t make my tongue work. The haze in my mind started to lift, just a little. I couldn’t move, and I didn’t know where I was, who I was with. I had a thought that I should be afraid. I looked down. I had on a pair of trousers. My cock was hard, pushing against the fabric. I was out of breath, but I kept trying to pull myself up.

“Settle puppy. You’re not going anywhere. Emily, you’re getting him worked up before we’ve even started.”

The blonde, Emily, was behind me. She took each of my shoulders firmly in one of her hands. I could hear that grin in her voice.

“He’s a cutie though, isn’t he, sir?”

Footsteps sounded to my left. Another woman, the one who had spoken first, entered, olive skinned and in heels, long dark hair flowing free. She came to stand in front of me, looked me up and down, eyes resting briefly on my erection, and then sat in a high chair placed about an arm’s length directly in front of me.

I leaned back against Emily. I wanted her. I could smell her. I could feel her hands on my shoulders, the front of her pelvis pressed against my upper back. I bent my head back to look up at her, the top of my head hitting her stomach.

“Look at me,” said the woman in front of me. I ignored her. I arched my back, and tried to settle as much of my body as I could against the blonde.

“Command, eyes.” An edge crept into the dark haired woman’s voice as she spoke. Nothing happened for about five seconds. Then stars exploded in my vision, and it felt like someone had hit me with an electric shock lasting maybe a second. It was brief, but it hurt. I screamed in pain and surprise. I tried to jump, but I couldn’t get anywhere. Real fear welled up in my stomach. I thrashed, as best I could, against the restraints. “Look at me. Command, eyes.” Strong hands grabbed me, one by the hair, the other at the base of my skull, and pointed my face at the woman in front of me. We locked eyes. I was hyperventilating. Nothing happened. Then the hands let go of me.

“Calm the fuck down,” said Emily. “Listen.”

I looked in front of me.

“Release command.”

Emily let go of my head after a minute. I looked down from her eyes. The woman with the olive skin looked like a Greek Goddess. She wore a red silk robe, cut off mid thigh, cinched loosely at the waist. Her breasts pushed up against the fabric. I could see her nipples standing erect beneath the cloth. She lifted up her leg and placed her foot on my right shoulder, her knee bent, her heels digging into my skin. Her thighs spread open. I looked between her legs. I couldn’t help it. I had never seen a naked woman before, not even close. I felt like I was in a trance, half awake. I couldn’t tell if this was really happening to me. I forgot the pain. I kept looking forward.

“This is my house. You’ll be staying here. Try to relax. The drugs should help with that. Do as you’re told. That’s Emily behind you. Do as she says. Do as I say.”

I tried to say something, but again, my tongue failed me. It was like I had forgotten how to move it. I mumbled something incomprehensible.

“You don’t need to speak. I need to know you understand how to listen. When I say ‘eyes,’ you look me in the eyes.”

I listened, but I kept looking between her legs. Her lower lips were practically an arm’s length away. I could see a diamond shape of pubic hair above them, buzzed down almost to the skin. I could see everything. I could feel my cock pressing against my pants again. I felt an urge to thrust my hips. I tried to lean forward.

“Command, eyes.”

Something clicked in my head. I didn’t want to look up. But I didn’t want to get shocked again. I paused for a second, two seconds . . . and I looked up, into her eyes. She smiled.

“Unless I release you from a command, you keep doing as you’re told. This next part is scary. Focus on breathing. Just stay calm. It’s only going to last a second. Take a deep breath. Command, freeze.”

I literally could not move a muscle. I gazed into the woman’s eyes. My breath nearly stopped. I could breath, just a little. I heard another click.

“Command, kneel. Release freeze.”

My wrists were free, but I could still feel cuffs on my ankles. I could breath again. I could move. I didn’t get up, but I shifted position. And when I did that, I broke eye contact and looked down. The pain hit me in the stomach, my vision burst with light. I doubled over, letting out a yelp, my face smacking down into the floor, and my ass staying in the air.

“Command, eyes.”

The wind was still knocked out of me. I felt like I couldn’t breath, but I jerked myself up, pressing my hands into the floor, managing to get onto my hands and knees. I looked into the woman’s eyes.

“You can do better than that. I know you can. Don’t stop until I release you.”

I stared up into her eyes. Her voice was calm, encouraging, but uncompromising.

“Nod if you’re going to do what you’re told.”

I nodded. I wanted to make her happy.

“Good puppy. You’re going to be fine. Em, we’re going to teach him to cuff up.”

“Give me your hands,” said Emily.

I put my left wrist behind my back, but I kept my eyes locked on Mistress’s. Em hauled me back upright, grabbing my forearm.

“Hands behind your back pup. That’s it. Give me the other one.”

She took my wrists and crossed them behind my back, held them tight together. I could feel her breath on my ear, could feel her body pressed against mine.

She told me, “Just like on the farm kid, when they came to cuff you. But you don’t need cuffs anymore.”

The woman said, “Release commands. Command, cuff up. Now stand up puppy. Let’s look at you.”

Emily pulled me up from behind, steadying me on my feet. My legs felt shaky, and I had to lean back slightly against her. She had me by the elbows now. My wrists were still pressed together. They felt stuck together, like they were being pulled together by two magnets in the middle of each forearm, and were stuck fast.

The woman stood, took a couple steps forward, slowly. She put her hand on my chest, running it softly up and down my sternum. I looked straight ahead into her eyes, then down to the nape of her neck, down her chest, her breasts outlined against the silk of the robe, pushing it up, her soft skin between the two sides of her robe . . . The shaft of my penis throbbed. She kept petting my chest, slowly, then began moving her hands over me, up to my shoulders, over my deltoids and biceps, to my neck, through my hair. One of her hands began to play absent-mindedly with my left nipple. A dull ache began to grow in my testicles. She looked me over, touching me, petting me. Her hands would come close to my groin, but then they would leave to twist gently at a nipple, or caress a cheek, or run through my hair. This went on. I tried to speak, but it was like my tongue had lost all fine motor function. I couldn’t position it correctly. I didn’t worry about it then. I felt so good. The drugs. The women. I had never seen a female naked. Not even close to naked. I had never been touched like this before.

I got more and more aroused. I desperately needed to press my cock into something. It was harder than I had ever felt it, pressed up by the tight fabric of my briefs. I tried to take a step forward, into her, but my ankles were bound to the floor, and I could not lift my feet at all. I grunted and thrust my hips forward as much as I could, but Emily held my arms. I didn’t get far, but the woman let my cock just brush against her hip. I kept thrusting. She moved her body like water against mine, always giving way when I thought I would finally be able to press myself hard up against her. And she kept touching me. One hand wandered over my thighs, across my hips, once in a moment of exhilaration, she brushed her fingers across the base of my penis. Whenever my cock would brush up against her, she would pinch down on my nipple, or pull at it. And she talked to me, telling me I belonged to her, that I was pretty, that all I had to do was obey her. She kissed me lightly, gently biting my lip. I don’t know how long this went on. I felt like I was going to die, or explode, or both. I was practically humping air, and it felt like it was enough to make me cum, but it was never quite there. I started to jerk back and forth more rapidly, to breath hard. A look of amusement played across her face. She leaned into me, nibbled on an ear lob. I could feel her breasts pushing into my chest, but she kept her hips back to prevent me from thrusting against her.
“Stop it puppy. Don’t move a muscle. Don’t move at all.”

I did my best to obey. I was still breathing fast. It occurred to me she had not said the word “command.” I moved my hips ever so slightly forward – nothing. No pain, no lights. She leaned into me, not into my cock, but she was to my side, lips still near my ear, hands still playing across my body. She pressed her mound into my left hip, and slowly, so slowly, trailed her hand from my neck, down my check, over my stomach, slowly she pushed it down my pants, until her hand was right there, not an inch away from the head of my cock.

I thrust up towards it as hard as I could. Immediately she stepped back, and then she punched me, hard, right in the gut.

“Punishment alpha.”

It felt as though someone had stuck a hot iron into each of my hamstrings simultaneously. I cried out, and Emily shoved me forward. I fell to the ground. I could feel my muscles seizing up. The pain was horrible, burning, cramping. I looked up at the woman. Her robe had come undone. I could see most of her naked body. The pain did not stop though. I twisted on the floor, my wrists still pinned together behind me. I tried to apologize, to make an excuse. Some whimpers came out. She looked down at me. I could not read her face at all. It felt like an eternity before I heard her speak again.

“Pause. Command, eyes.”

The pain ceased, as quickly as it began. I could feel my leg muscles trembling. I looked up at her.

“You are mine now. You’ll do as you’re told. Every time. Quickly. You eat, you rest, you breath through me. You get to fuck when I say you get to. And you stop eating, drinking, fucking, *breathing*, as soon as I say you do.”

Her eyes burned into me. They were a deep green, and they flashed as she spoke. She knelt next to me, breaking eye contact with me as she did so, and ran her fingers along the back of my neck.

“I know you’re trying. This is new. But I need you to understand. You could be put down, and I won’t have that. You directly disobeyed, and you are going to take your punishment. We gave you something to help with this. I want you to remember that. It’ll be worse later.”

Her fingers massaged the back of my neck.

“Be strong. I don’t want to hear you scream. I know you can do that for me. Say yes.”

“Yes,” I said.

“Uncuff. Take my hand.”

My wrists were free. I reached out to her. She took my hand.

“Punishment alpha.”

It happened again. My legs felt like they were on fire. I clamped my mouth shut. She squeezed my hand as I writhed there in silence. I didn’t breathe because I knew if I opened my mouth I would scream. Tears streamed down my face.


The pain stopped. I choked back a sob.

“That’s my pup,” she said. “You’re doing so good. Just listen to me.”

**This isn’t done, but I’ve been enjoying writing it, and I thought I’d post it. Maybe you’ll enjoy it too.**
