The time I [f] fucked two separate guys [m] at the same party…

What’s up guys and girls, Rachel here reposting a story that got removed, with some new clarifications:

– Every named character in this story was 18 at the time, including me

I think it got removed for issues about age, so I hope just clearing that up is enough to keep it up this time! Anyway, here goes, hope you guys and girls enjoy!

Oh, one more thing. I kept getting DMs after the last two stories asking what I look like so I figured I’d share a quick description (don’t wanna post personal photos). I’m 5’6”, with lighter auburn hair, very slight freckles, hazel eyes, 32C boobs and a butt that ~also~ receives compliments ;)… I have been told that I look like Sansa Stark from Game of Thrones, which may have just been flattery from guys but still something I wanna mention lol. Some really quick googling leads me to say the best comparison is probably her: (although I don’t think I’m *quite* as fucking beautiful as she is haha), with a bit of higher cheekbones that maybe creates that Sansa comparison? Anyway, that’s a long enough description I think, let’s get into the story!


Take yourself back to June of 2011. A time when many people still didn’t have smartphones, when fashion was a little simpler, and when for some reason LMFAO was popular. I had recently graduated from high school, and my good friend Brad was hosting a huge party at his house to celebrate the end of the past four years. I went to a smaller private high school, with about 100 kids per grade, so usually when we had parties about 40 people from our grade would show up, along with a few older/younger stragglers or kids from other schools. Brad’s end-of-year party, by comparison, had probably 70-80 kids from our grade, not to mention a random smattering of others. So maybe not objectively huge, but up to that point the biggest any of us had been to.

I showed up at Brad’s a little early to meet up with our smaller group, there to help set up and do a little pre-party of our own. Inside, I ran into Brad, as well as other close friends Jess, Sarah, Lauren, Luke, Juliette (French exchange student), Andrew, and Liam. Quick summary: Luke was dating Juliette, Jess was dating someone else, Andrew was fucking this extremely hot football player from another school, and everyone else was single (me, Brad, Sarah, Lauren, Liam). However, things weren’t all peaches and cream in our little peanut gallery: Sarah and Liam had split less than two months previously, and there was still some tension between them. Plus, I was really good friends with both of them, so it couldn’t really be avoided.

Anyway, we helped set up, putting stolen parental alcohol plus whatever we’d been able to get our hands on atop the kitchen counter and hiding away easily breakable decorations. Brad’s party was going to be big, but our small school meant we would know almost everyone there, which would hopefully minimize property damage. As we were moving around the house, I found myself in a room alone with Liam.

“Rach?” he said.


“Do you think I handled things badly with Sarah?” (obviously I’m cutting some of the beginning of the conversation).

I stared at him for a moment, surprised at the blunt question. “Duh?”

He laughed. “Well, yeah, ok, of course I did, but like, college is coming up in a few months, we had this big fight and I was just like, is it even worth trying to fix us now? We have like, five months left tops if I do.”

I watched him as he spoke, his piercing green eyes cast down with nervousness. He knew Sarah was also a good friend of mine, so this must have been difficult for him. I stepped closer to him, lightly touching his arm and looking up at him.

“Liam, I wouldn’t worry about it. You were a little tactless, but the past is the past and I know you didn’t mean to hurt her. Deep down, I think she knows that too. Your heart’s in the right place,” I said, smiling in a way that I hoped was comforting.

“God, Rachel, how do you always know exactly what to say?” he said, pulling me in for a warm, friendly hug. Our embrace seemed to last a few moments too long, but I thought nothing of it until he pulled away slightly, our hands still on each other’s bodies and our faces now inches away, looking at each other hesitantly. Liam grinned, a slight, uneven grin, one that I couldn’t help but match. I stared into his eyes. They really were beautiful. Dark and bright all at once, deep with mystery but shining with fun and humor. I think you can tell a lot about a person by their eyes, and Liam’s told me only good things.

When he leaned forward, I was surprised. So surprised I didn’t lean away. So surprised I leaned in too. So surprised that when he kissed me I kissed him back, hard, insistent, warm. I realized I had not been surprised at all, wrapping my arms around him tighter, welcoming him.

We kissed for several long moments before breaking away, skin flushed and breath a little short. Confused, I hurried to the door to leave and rejoin the rest of the group, a million thoughts racing through my brain. When I ran into Sarah I almost yelped like a dog, and probably would have spouted some crazy nonsense if she hadn’t immediately spoken.

“Hey, Brad says we’re all set up, you wanna go join everyone in the living room for the pregame? We’re just looking for you, Andrew, and Liam.”

“Uh, yeah, I’ll head over,” I said, distracted. *Liam and I aren’t the only ones missing… thank god.*

A couple shots and silly party games later, the nine of us were suitable tipsy and our Truth-or-Dare questions were becoming a little more risqué. Andrew dared me to kiss Juliette, which I did to much audience applause. In retaliation I made him kiss Luke—to Luke’s credit, he didn’t shy away, and the girls all cheered at the boys’ kiss. It was all in good fun, but I kept glancing over at Liam, unable to get the kiss out of my head. I wondered if he was thinking the same.

I think I’m taking too long to get to the good parts so let’s fast-forward a bit. People are here, everyone’s drinking and smoking weed out back and having a great time. Jess and I were playing beer pong against Brad and Jess’s boyfriend and getting totally destroyed; we hadn’t made a single cup and apparently were in danger of getting ‘naked lapped,’ a rule that at the time I thought the boys were just making up. However, right before the end I made a single cup, saving us from running around the house naked. But Jess’s boyfriend had another rule up his sleeve, one that I’m certain he *did* just make up.

“Alright, no naked lap, but only making one cup means the person who didn’t make a cup has to flash everyone in the room!” he said, grinning wickedly at Jess. Jess stared at him, open-mouthed.

“That’s total bullshit!” I said.

“Nah, that’s real,” Brad said. “But there’s a way out of it. Instead of Jess flashing everyone, both of you could do a topless lap. Like, keep your bra on but no shirt.”

I knew we were being taken advantage of, but the combination of the drinks I’d had and the adventurous, high-school-is-over vibe of the party made me almost totally okay with it. After some quick talking, Jess and I both pulled our shirts over our heads, exposing our bras to everyone around us to wolf-whistles and cheering. Men. Still, it was kind of a turn-on.

Brad made us throw our shirts over to them until we got back, to ‘avoid cheating,’ and then we started running around the house, people laughing and clapping as we went. Jess ran faster than me, eager to get back as quickly as possible; I, on the other hand, was starting to enjoy the attention, as much as I would’ve denied it.

I rounded a corner and ran directly into Liam, spilling his drink all over my white bra and leaving little to the imagination. I gasped in shock. He quickly took my hand and led me to the nearest bathroom, locking the door and handing me several towels to dry myself with. I tried, but the bra was pretty soaked, and it wasn’t very comfortable. Almost without thinking, I moved to unclasp it, before hearing a subtle intake of breath from Liam. Of course. He was watching me.

I turned to him, his face set very still, as if one wrong move would scare me off.

“Hey Liam? My arms are kind of sore from working out this morning, I can’t really reach the clasp. Can you come over here and help me?” I asked sweetly, all innocent and wide-eyed. It was total bullshit and we both knew it, but I couldn’t help but remember the energy with which he kissed me…

Liam stepped behind me, gently taking the towels and laying them on the bathroom counter before softly running his hands up my sides to my bra. My skin tingled with electricity. He deftly unclasped the bra, then held it up while he grabbed a towel so I could keep myself covered. I took the towel, dropped it on the floor, turned around, and let my bra fall. His eyes again. They were wide, wider than I’d ever seen them, with a twinkle of wry amusement flashing straight at me. One moment we were staring at each other. The next, we were furiously making out, Liam pulling his shirt off as I undid his belt, his hands running up my back, strong, forceful, dominant. He massaged my tits, feeling my nipples, a little rougher than I usually like but it suited the mood. I braced myself against the bathroom counter as he slid a hand down my pants, wasting no time in rubbing at my pussy, pushing his finger between the folds and sliding up into my wetness to the sound of uncontrollable gasping. He fingered me while we made out, my hands on his muscled shoulders for support, my breathing heavy and ragged as I pulled away from him to moan every few seconds. I got his pants off. I wanted his dick. I needed it.

I knelt down in front of him, wrapping one small hand around his thick shaft as the other began gently working his balls. Now it was his turn to throw his head back and moan, a low, deep moan that seemed to set my pussy on fire. I kissed him, first at the tip, then along the shaft, then taking one ball into my mouth as I slowly ran my hand up and down his dick. He was uncircumcised—I’d never seen that before, and was relieved when it didn’t bother me. It certainly made jacking him off easier.

I took the head into my mouth, mind now completely focused on the dick before me, barely even registering its attachment to a human. Back and forth I bobbed my head, swirling my tongue like Juliette had taught me to do, rewarded by further moaning and grunting from Liam. Sarah’s ex. My best friend’s ex. I pulled away suddenly.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, gently running his hand up my face.

“Nothing, just… I just thought of Sarah. What would she say?” I asked. Ladies, if you’re ever wondering how to kill the mood in five seconds…

I was pleasantly surprised when Liam, instead of trying to brush it off and get me back to his dick, helped me up and took me in for another hug. Of course, the platonic intentions might’ve been a little sabotaged my by breasts pressed up against his bare chest, or his dick slotted in between my thighs, rubbing against my tight shorts, but it was still a sweet moment. He kissed me on the forehead.

“I get it. I think you’re an awesome friend, but part of that is deciding what you think is right by all of your friends. I understand if you don’t want to continue,” he said, smiling warmly. I melted a little inside, and stood there silently for a while, looking up into his beautiful eyes. “What do you want to do?” he asked.

I grabbed his hand and placed it on my breast. “You.”

A few short minutes later I was bent over the bathroom counter, Liam thrusting in and out of me from behind. We tried to keep quiet, but our moaning and gasping still seemed so loud to me. I was worried that there would be a crowd of people waiting outside the bathroom, or something, but the more immediate animal part of my brain really didn’t care. I twisted my head around to kiss him as he pushed into me, grabbing my breasts roughly for good measure. This wasn’t romantic, it wasn’t tender, it was raw, needy, rough sex, sex that insisted it be had. It was not a suggestion, it wasted no time, it simply took over my mind and body as I stood there, propped up on my elbows, feeling the fullness of Liam’s dick inside me.

He thrust in hard, pulled out soft, thrust in even harder—it hurt, but god it felt good. He kneaded my breasts, sucked and bit at my neck, pulled my hair… not stuff I’m usually into, but it felt right for the moment, for the setting. I was fucking my best friend’s ex drunk in a bathroom, I felt like I deserved some rough treatment. He pounded me fast and hard, leaving me a moaning mess of a person, barely able to think straight as his dick pumped in and out like a jackhammer.

He pulled out, cumming all over my back and my butt, breathing in ragged, uneven breaths. I stayed still, panting, cheeks flushed in the mirror, my hair all in disarray and sweat shining across my freckled chest. I felt used, spent, fucked like a toy or an animal in heat. It was unbelievably sexy. I turned to kiss him once more, softer now, but still filled with the same insistent energy, before grabbing a towel to clean myself off. We both dressed, me still missing my shirt. I tried (and mostly succeeded) to fix my hair, and then he stepped toward the door.

Luckily, the coast was clear. He went first and I followed soon after, walking toward the pong table in the vain hope that Brad would be there with my shirt. Instead, Jess and her boyfriend were playing against Luke and Juliette—Juliette gave me a knowing smile. I think the French can always sense sex. Luke said Brad had gone up to his room, so I ran up there, eager to wear a shirt again.

However, in Brad’s room I saw not Brad, but Andrew and his boytoy, going at it in Brad’s bed. I briefly wondered if Brad would be cool with that before apologizing and stepping out. I would have gone back downstairs if I hadn’t glanced down the hallway to see Brad through the open doors of his parents’ room, standing on the balcony. Slowly, I approached, unsure what he was doing up there all alone.

“Hey Brad, what’s up?” I asked, sliding up next to him and staring out into the night.

“Hey Rachel… oh shit, I almost forgot, I still have your shirt, don’t I? God, I’m so sorry about that, I got kinda carried away…”

“Don’t worry about it,” I said, patting his arm. “Where is it now?”

“It’s just sitting in my room.”

I laughed. “Well, Andrew and James are in there right now, if you knew, and they didn’t look like they wanted to be bothered…”

Brad laughed too. “Fuck, really? I thought they were just in there to grab some things! Damn, now my bed’s gonna be all dirty from sex…”

“Do you wanna go get them to leave?”

“Nah, not gonna blueball Andrew like that. We can just hang out here for a while, I guess.”

“What are you doing up here, anyway?” I asked.

“Oh, I was just thinking, you know. I was about to smoke this joint too if you wanna JOINT in.”

I slapped him lightly, laughing and groaning at the same time. “Jesus Christ dude, not okay. But, like, yeah, why not.”

“Wow, letting loose, huh, Ms. Journalism School?”

I hit him again, just a tiny bit harder. He grinned and started tickling me (my one weakness!), while I struggled to play-slap him again, but the tickling was too much. Soon I was lying on the ground, him laughing while on his hands and knees above me.

“What were you thinking about?” I asked, still laying on the ground.

“Missed opportunities,” he said, eyes far away.

“What the fuck? Come on, don’t get all poetic on me right now,” I giggled.

“I was thinking about this girl I’ve really liked for a long time now… And how I wasted all this time not doing anything about it, and now it’s summer and there’s barely any time left,” he said, a strange look in his eyes.

“There are a few months,” I said. “Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all,” I quoted.

“What was that about getting poetic?” he asked. I grinned mischievously at him. He looked at me for a second, expression unreadable. “You’re right, though,” he said. He kissed me.

My mind exploded. Too many things to think about. Here I was, with my best male friend revealing that he’s liked me for ages, currently kissing me, I literally had sex with another guy like ten minutes ago, who was also my best friend’s ex… What a night. I kissed him back.

You see, despite my tryst with Liam earlier, Liam had basically never entered my mind in a sexual context before that night. Brad, on the other hand… Brad I’d been crushing on for weeks. However, I had been under the impression that he was into Lauren, so I hadn’t done anything, and as a result we’d wasted time spent both liking each other. Don’t you love high school?

He pulled up, smiling broadly. “I didn’t know how you’d react,” he admitted.

“I didn’t know how I’d react,” I said. “But, to tell you the truth… I kind of have feelings for you, too.” Yeah, high school was soo great.

“In the interest of honesty, though, I don’t know if this is a big deal or not, but like, I did hook up with someone earlier tonight. Just thought you should know. Just, like, that doesn’t mean anything, I didn’t have feelings for them or anything, I just thought I should tell you. Because, like, maybe—”

Brad kissed me. “Shhhh,” he said. “I don’t really give a shit. You’re beautiful, you’re amazing, that’s neither a surprise nor a problem.”

We lay there, on the floor (ground?) of his parents’ balcony, kissing softly and gently for nearly half an hour. It was opposite to my experience with Liam in every way, but not at all worse off for it. Less passionate, but more intimate. Less sexual, but more connected. Eventually, we had the great idea of standing up, and continued softly making out before he led me to his parents’ bed, running to close and lock the door before returning and lying next to me.

“You’re beautiful.”

“You said that already,” I teased.

“And I’ll say it again.” He pressed his lips to mine, and I wrapped my arms and legs around him, feeling the warmth of him, the shape of him on top of me. I ran my hands up his back under his shirt, feeling him, learning his body. He softly rubbed his thumb at the edge of my breast, up and down the side of my body, touching me carefully and gently like a summer breeze.

“How far do you want me to go?” he asked.


“I don’t want to push you into anything. How far do you want me to go?”

“Oh, I’m guessing about six inches in? Give or take a couple?” I grinned at him before pulling him in for another kiss. I felt like such a slut after that line, inviting another guy inside me on the same night, but this felt different to Liam. Liam was a fuck, this was sex. This felt like the start of something. I didn’t want to, as Brad had put it, miss the opportunity.

Brad undid my bra, revealing my boobs to the second boy of the night. He paused for a moment, seeming to drink in the sight of them, before leaning down to wrap his lips around a nipple, kissing and gently sucking at it in a way that made me almost dizzy. He felt the other tit with his hand, softly running his finger over the nipple, making circles around it, squeezing me gently; it was like he was worshipping my body. I reached to pull his shirt off, excited to see him as he was seeing me.

Two minutes later, we were both naked, my hands in Brad’s hair as he licked my pussy with an affectionate intensity. I felt gentle waves of warm pleasure radiating from my pussy, almost like my entire body was preparing for orgasm. He licked and kissed and sucked and fingered, dedicating himself to my own pleasure as I could do nothing but lie there, my mind completely lost to the feelings in my body. I came in minutes, maybe even less than ten, the fastest I’d ever come at that point in my life. I smiled and pulled him up to me, kissing him deep, one hand on his face while the other reached for his dick. I guided him into me, my wetness providing him an easy entrance as he filled me with himself.

Remember, I was still 18, and really, really stupid about sex—there’s a reason neither Liam nor Brad wore condoms in this story, and it wasn’t because they didn’t have any. I just never even thought to ask. Luckily, both were clean, and I was on the pill, but still, please don’t do as I did.

Brad entered me gently, pushing only as much as was comfortable, slowly and carefully until finally, eventually, his full length was wrapped in my pussy lips, my legs around his body to pull him deeper inside me, tighter toward me. We stayed there, him in me, not even thrusting. We simply kissed in that position for minutes before he even started to move again. I gasped as he slowly pulled out, leaving parts of me empty that had felt better full, but rubbing against my inner walls in a way that felt amazing. When he pushed back into me, I felt whole again. He slowly but powerfully thrust in and out, careful to avoid moving too quickly, but simply allowing us to feel each other, him inside me, the sensation of the slow movement an incredible contrast to Liam’s earlier pounding. Both were equally good, just different.

Soon, though, Brad began to pick up the pace, but his movements remained careful, warm in spite of the increased speed. I breathed hard and heavy, moaning his name loud as he pushed himself deep inside me. I felt warmth spread through my whole body. His dick pulsed and thrust, feeling bigger and thicker with each stroke. I could feel him getting close, and wrapped my legs even tighter around him.

“In… inside…” I managed to gasp. He needed no second invitation. With a final thrust he exploded inside me, the heat of it obvious inside my already-warm pussy. He pulled out, panting, and I could feel his cum leaking out of me, down my inner thigh and onto his parents’ bed. I laughed.

“You’re getting cum on your parents’ sheets!”

He smiled weakly, but his panting breathing made it clear that he was rather preoccupied. I pushed him over and climbed on top of him, kissing him with warm intensity.

“You’re beautiful,” he said.



  1. Man, i missed some opportunities in hs… but i was a super shy guy then and in a way, still shy now, 16 years later…

  2. Never could I eat a girl out, knowing that another penis was inside of it earlier that same night

  3. This is a decent story, but im just wondering what the point of posting it here repeatedly is.

  4. A rollercoaster of a night that must of been. :P At least you found love and had fun in the same night. The menories we make in our youth, huh? Lol

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