The Genie (fantasy, public, MFFFFFFFF)

I was going through a divorce, and it sucked. Really bad. The ex was fighting for as much as she could get her hands on, including our two teenage daughters. I had needed some air, so I drove out to the coast, content to walk along the beach until…whenever. As I was walking, my foot stumbled upon something hard and metallic. I bent down to pick it up, and it was an old metal flask of some sort with some writing on the side. As I rubbed at it to see what was written, it suddenly began to get very hot. So hot that I dropped it back in the sand. So hot that it was smoking, green, of all colors. Suddenly from the smoke stepped out a beautiful woman, dressed in a gold bikini top and loose harem-style pants. Her skin was a golden color as well, and I couldn’t help but notice how shiny and smooth it was. She informed me that she wasn’t indeed a woman, but a genie, and was forced to take the form of whatever would please her master the most. She was here to grant me three wishes. I was convinced that it was a crazy person, in from the surf or something, messing with my brain. Probably sent by my ex-wife to murder me in my sleep or something. Whether it was boredom, horniness, anger, amusement, or drunkenness, I’m not sure, but I said to the genie, “take off your clothes then, if you’re here for my pleasing.” Instantly she was nude. Her golden tan was not limited to her uncovered areas, she appeared to be glowing everywhere, and was completely hairless below her head. She was naked so fast that she would have had no time to actually remove her clothes, and I knew somehow that she was speaking the truth and that by some crazy force of nature I was talking to an actual genie. And a gorgeous naked one at that.

“OK then,” I said, “let’s talk about my three wishes.”

“Two,” she corrected me, “you just used your first.”

Damn. I could work with two wishes, I thought. I should have thought things out a little, planned a little more, but I was drunk. And lonely. And horny. And staring at a naked woman that I couldn’t even touch. At that point, all I could think about was how desperate I was to hold onto a beautiful woman. Without really thinking, I said “OK fine. For my second wish, I would like to be more desireable to the opposite sex.” I instantly felt different. Looking down I could see that my stomach had shrunk and I could actually see abdominal muscles underneath my shirt. I could also tell that I was a little taller, had more hair, and walked a little more assuredly. I can work with this, I thought, let’s take it out for a spin. Feeling rejuvenated, I but the bottle away, genie inside, content to hold on to my last wish until I could spend some time to make it perfect.

I left the beach and walked towards one of the hotels past the dunes, the one that seemed to have the most lights streaming out of it. As I had walked by earlier I had seen the pool area, and was annoyed at the music and laughing I had heard coming off it it. They were having a party and I was in no mood for fun. But now, it seemed the perfect opportunity. I opened the gate that lead from the hotel to the beach, and walked down the little path, around a slight bend, and into the pool area. It was a party, and a raucous one judging by the looks of it. There was a poolside bar, with a haggard looking bartender passing out drinks to girls in bikinis. There were dozens of people in the pool, some holding drinks and talking, others swimming or playing in the water. As I looked around, I noticed that they were all women. The only male in the vicinity was the bartender. I walked towards the pool and saw a formal looking sign on the fence that said “closed for private event.” Another sign next to it, this one crudely written on poster board, had an arrow pointing to the pool and the words “Kerrie’s Bachelorette Party” written on it with pink balloons tied to the top. I almost turned around and left, not wanting to get in trouble for being there uninvited, when I heard a squeal from behind me followed by, “he’s here!” I turned around, and sure enough there was a bikini-clad girl running towards me. “Mmmm, you’re even better than I imagined,” she said, “the girl at the company said she’d send out a good one. You can set up over by the bar.” Her excited screams had caused some of the other girls to look over, and an excited buzz went through the crowd. Confused, I let the beautiful woman lead me over to an open concrete area near the pool. She turned up the music on the speakers nearby and jumped back into the pool, leaving me standing there at the edge.

I didn’t know what it was they thought I was there for, but soon the girls started chanting “take it off, take it off,” and I realized that they thought I was a stripper sent for their viewing pleasure. It was probably the alcohol talking at this point, but the thought that went through my mind was, “when it Rome..”. I started moving with the music, and a loud cheer went up through the crowd of beautiful, nearly naked, girls in the pool. Apparently my looks weren’t the only things that had been improved by the genie, because I now had rhythm. I could dance! I let the music lead me, and soon my shirt came off to a loud cheer. My pants came next, and before I knew it I was naked. Part of me was screaming in my brain that this was wrong, but a much louder voice told it to shut up. This was fun. The genie had blessed me with a 10” cock, and it was rock hard, glistening with sweat and most of the girls were staring at it now, with hungry expressions on their faces. With encouragement from the others, one of the girls climbed out of the water. She was wearing a sash that said bride hanging down between her gorgeous bikini-clad breasts and had a black thong around her hips. I beckoned her over to me and lifted her up in the air, dirty dancing style, with my hands on her waist. She gasped, and the audience cheered. While she was in the air, she reached behind her back and removed her bikini top, and let it fall to the ground. She then reached down and pulled off her bottoms, leaving her completely naked except for the sash. I lowered her down onto my hard cock, and she screamed in ecstasy as all 10 inches entered her. I fucked her hard, using my newfound strength to lift her up and down on my cock with incredible precision. Before long she was screaming in a minute long orgasm, at the same time begging for more and begging to stop. I gave her more, but before long she was pulled away by the others. They had removed their swimsuits and were all out of the water now fighting for my attention. One of them pushed me to the ground and then climbed on top of me, impaling herself on my cock. While I was on the ground another pussy attached to my face and I started eating for all I was worth. My hands found other pussys and I found myself fucking four girls at the same time, in some form or other. They would switch out as they came and were replaced by others, some going from hand to mouth to cock to get maximum pleasure, others just being content with a hand orgasm. I had no idea how many women I fucked that night, but I realized that many of them were on round two, three, or four. I also realized that I was still on round one. I hadn’t come, and didn’t seem anywhere close to. Apparently the genie had blessed me with the ultimate gift to women, the ability last forever. At first this was great, but as the women kept coming and coming, I began to desperately want to. The last woman that climbed on was also the first, her sash tattered and torn, wanting one more last good fuck before she committed herself to her husband, and damn could she fuck. As I was fucking her from behind, doggy-style, I saw the lamp on the ground not far away. I reached for it, and out came the genie that apparently only I could see, still naked, looking amused. “Genie, let me come,” I begged, not caring that it was my last wish. Instantly I felt it build up inside me. The bride-to-be could feel it too, and I increased my speed and force. Finally, with one final thrust, I came, in what felt like buckets, filling her womb with my seed. A great scream of pleasure told me that my partner had come as well and I collapsed in relief, joy, and jubilation.

I awoke on the beach. I was dressed, and very hung-over. I reached up and felt my receding hairline, and knew that it had all been a dream. A glorious, amazing dream, that felt so real that my cock still felt sore. As I was walking away, I felt something in the pocket of my pants. Pulling it out, I saw half of a sash, the kind they wear in beauty pageants. It just had the letters “IDE” left on it.
