A summer night in Santa Monica

It was a warm summer night in Santa Monica, and the night life was just beginning to bustle. We were three young bachelors, looking for the right place to have a good time. David told me about a lounge that was always busy called 31TEN, with good music and beautiful women galore. As soon as we walked in, David and Anthony recognized a couple of girls they knew from college, so we met up with them and exchanged names. The wooden floor absorbed and transmitted the heavy bass from my feet to the rest of my bones. Large decorative paintings and stylish objects were scattered sporadically, giving the ambiance a chic and cozy feel. The calm night breeze seeped into the lounge and conditioned the temperature perfectly, alleviating some of the body heat from the crowds. There were two sides to the bar, where small intermittent groups were mingling. A DJ was in the corner, where the vivacious and energetic flocked to dance the night away.

My eyes hovered across the rooms, taking in the warm amber mood lighting mixed with the neon streaks darting across the room to match the DJ’s beat. I calmly inhaled as a girl walked by, not getting to see her face but taking in the mildly sweet perfume she wore. Enticed, I turned around and caught a glance of her wavy, flowing hair dancing from side to side with each stride. Her thin yet curvaceous figure was quite apparent through her black, one piece dress which tightly hugged her body. She was headed back to her friend when she noticed she was already chatting it up with a guy, so she awkwardly paused and took a sip from her drink. Seizing the opportunity, I closed the gap between us and tapped her lightly on the shoulder.

“Hey, I’m Bash. How’s your night going so far?”

“Uhh, hi, pretty good I guess … Oh, I’m Alley,” she stammered.

“Nice to meet you. Oh! This song’s my jam.Would you like to dance, Alley?”

“I love Big Sean too! Sure!”

As I extended my hand out, she grasped my fingers with a feminine touch. I could smell the perfume again, the enticing aroma lingering around my nose. I was afraid that my manhood, already slightly bulging, would be noticeable through my slim fit khakis. The crowd in the corner near the DJ were already dancing up a storm – or getting “guap” as they say – and the energy was contagious. There was no awkward shyness between us – the chemistry was instantaneous. We faced each other at first, and she laughed as I broke out a few dorky dance moves. Someone else noticed and joined in, which resulted in a spontaneous dance-off. I had a few tricks up my sleeve for situations like this, so I managed to get some “Oooohs” before my opponent conceded to me. Alley was smiling on the perimeter of the circle, when I pulled her in and broke the circle, which allowed the group dancing to resume. I brought her in a little closer.

“That was unexpected,” she said into my ear.

“Heh, it was nothing.”

Adrenaline still pumping through my veins, I swung her around and pressed her body against mine. Her curves seemed to fit perfectly against mine, like two puzzle pieces. My left hand was around her waist, my right interlocking fingers with hers near her shoulder. There was no hiding my bulge anymore – she could definitely feel it. The song changed to something more sultry, and we swayed together in rhythmic coalescence. She tilted her head to the side to look at me and smiled. I gazed into her deep eyes for two seconds, and then met her lips with a hot embrace. Her tongue was a serpent with a mind of its own. I never had kissed someone like her, and my heart raced, wanting more.

I spun her to face me again as we slowly moved towards a less conspicuous spot on the floor, and clasped my hands around her ass, squeezing and pulling her pelvis towards mine. I pushed her hair out of the way so I could kiss her neck. Her carotid pulsing as her head lifted upwards, a slight moan escaping her throat. I noticed and paused for a moment, hoping we weren’t too obvious. She was filled with ecstasy though, and couldn’t give two shits about who was looking, so I took to nibbling on her left ear, gently treading the fine line of biting and licking, so goosebumps passed through her body like a wave of electricity.

Her eyes were fire; demanding. The hunger beckoned from my loins as well.

I took her with me outside to my car. The night was still only mildly brisk. The moon was full and casting a luminous glow onto her skin, lightly glazed with sweat. I took a picnic blanket and two pillows from the trunk, and we walked onto the sand of the beach towards the waves. The tide was low, and the waves crashed gently onto the shore. The salty air was carried across the sand by the calm breeze. Normally, Alley would be thinking about how her hair would get wild and frizzy, but at that moment, only one thing had mattered. I laid the blanket down and we took a couple minutes to cozy up and regain our body heat, spooning and kissing with tender restraint. On the blanket, the sound around us was muffled and soothing, and the breeze seemed to pass us overhead. I pointed out the few constellations I knew, her head laying atop my chest and leg wrapped around me. The fire between us was still there, but dormant, waiting for the right time to be unleashed.

My hand started to drift along her body, the tips of my fingers trailing down her smooth skin. Immediately, her nipples hardened as I cupped her breasts, which perfectly filled the palm of my hand. Alley let out the same familiar moan as my warm lips fully enclosed her areola. I focused on both breasts equally, switching back and forth from circular licks around the nipple to soft nibbles. At the same time, my right hand reached her pelvis, feeling the curvature of the pelvic bone that protruded from her wide hips. The skin near her groin was almost as soft as the rest, and was like a cushion as I firmly pressed my palm against it. I found the opening, and submerged my index finger into her. She gasped, her chin pointing up into the night sky. The repeated motions of my fingers caused them to be saturated with a tacky dampness, which told me she was ready. I climbed on top of her, gazing ferociously into her eyes. I had slipped my pants off with some difficulty, but not before she had hers cast off to the side. I plunged into her with one deep, fluid motion. The orgasm had come immediately, and with each thrust I had to fight off cumming. As the intensity built for her, I knew that I couldn’t restrain myself anymore. Each thrust became more aggressive and rapid, until we reached an electric climax that had both of us crying out in blissful euphoria. I held the last thrust deep into her, and as the rapture had ended, we looked warmly into each others eyes, a slight contented smirk on her face.

“We should get back,” she said softly.

“No, not yet. A little while longer.”

I laid back down, with her leaning into me. The stars seemed to be scintillating a little brighter, as if in approval of what we had done.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/7ekh0o/a_summer_night_in_santa_monica