Motorcycle babe [fm]

Dave again.

This was in my early 20’s

Not the sequel to [Grudgefuck](, you’ll get that when I’ve finished polishing it.

I had ridden my motorcycle interstate on holiday to attend a motorcycle meetup/show and catch up with friends. The meetup had a bunch of show bikes, parts and accessories manufacturers, dealerships and everything else motorcycle related.

I had arrived at the site – pretty much just a large parking lot in an industrial estate. The event wasn’t quite in full swing, being just after lunch, but it was busy. I parked my bike, locked my helmet on and hoped my camping gear didn’t walk off. But seriously, it was a couple of tarps, some rope, a roll up self inflating mattress, an army style mess kit and some extra clothes and bathroom supplies. Nothing I would worry too much about if it went missing.

I started walking around looking at the bikes, having a chat to people when I found something interesting.

I stopped to speak to the dealerships, trying to find out what was coming up and to get the low down for some friends whom I was supposed to meet with. I ended up chatting with one; a lady named Amelia for a fair bit. She wasn’t a “booth babe” like a few places had, but was a serious motorcycle enthusiast who was working for a dealership. Amelia was tall, over 5ft10, quite slender with black hair, and brown eyes which were slightly almond in shape. Her hair was cut in a slightly messy reverse bob – the front was a bit longer than the back. I guessed she was a bit self conscious because of some light acne scarring on her cheeks. It wasn’t bad, but I could understand someone could get a complex about it. She had quite pleasant features, and she was quite pretty but I wouldn’t say she was model material. She was wearing plain black jeans, with a dealer t-shirt and casual shoes.

We ended up talking about fun rides, crashes we’d experienced and frustrations with some of the bikes we had owned or worked on. She really knew her stuff. She was impressed at the fact that I was over 12 hours away from my place and had camped overnight and thought it was pretty cool.

I didn’t want to overstay my welcome and end up being “that guy”, so I thanked her for the chat and said I would keep moving and check out what else was happening. She gave me a smile and a wave, and I wandered off to check out the rest of the meet up. There were all kinds of cool things going on, some Japanese style bikes with crazy exhausts and exaggerated features, a whole row of blinged sports bikes and lots of very fancy cruisers.

I ran into a couple of friends whom I had hoped to catch up with, and we talked and they showed off the new modifications to their bikes. I took them over to one of the dealerships and pointed them in the direction of a couple of things which they would be interested in. I glanced towards where Amelia was standing and she caught my eye and waved me over.

“We’re having an after party and I wanted to invite you to join me there” Amelia offered.

“Sounds great! I’d love to come. When and where?” I responded.

“You know where our store is?” Amelia asked.

“No, I don’t know the town all that well.”

“Ok, stick around and give me a hand packing up, you can follow us. We’ll start packing up around 8”.

“Cool, I’ll be back here then” I gave her a brief wave and headed off to find my friends.

I hung around for the rest of the afternoon talking with my friends, meeting new ones and checking out all the bikes. I spent a bit of time resting next to my bike, scoffing down a greasy show burger and talking to a few people about camping with the bike, dodgy roadside repairs and everything else.

Eventually everyone started packing up, so I jumped on my bike and idled over to the dealer booths to give Amelia a hand.

“You weren’t kidding about the camping!” she exclaimed seeing the gear. “where’s the tent?” she asked.

I pointed to the tarp.

“That’s a tarp. Where’s the rest?” she asked.

I pointed to the bike, saying that it made a great lean-to.

“huh” she said, giving me a speculative look.

Then helped her get a couple of demo bikes into a large van and locked them down. She apologised for not being able to fit mine in there as well.

“Nah, it’s fine. I wouldn’t want to risk scratching my paint” I said cheekily, giving her a wink and pretending to cover the bug splatters and general wear and tear. That got a chuckle.

Amelia waved off the other reps to head off and we kept at it until the van was packed, chatting about everything until we had finished. “Just follow me.” she said.

I put on my helmet and gloves whilst Amelia jumped in the van. She started driving out of the lot and I followed. It took about ten minutes of driving to get to the dealership through light traffic.

It was a pretty big dealership with all the modern conveniences; coffee machine, pool table, juke box, fridge with snacks and a big “customer” area for waiting whilst your bike gets serviced. Lots of memorabilia and a real club feel to it.

By the sounds of it, the party had been going for a while. There were probably 30 or 40 people there, a mix of all types.

“What are you drinking?” Amelia asked. “I’ll just have a coke, gotta drive” I said.

“Don’t worry, we’ll find you somewhere to crash” she replied. “Bourbon and coke if you have it, please!” I perked up a little; I hadn’t had a drop of booze in a week.

Amelia grabbed two cans of premix and popped them in neoprene covers with the dealer logo on them. I thanked her and opened mine, taking a sip.

We kept talking and she walked me around the dealership, showing me all the interesting memorabilia. “Let’s see your bike” I said and Amelia took me through the service department to a really slick machine. She jumped onto it, pulling it upright. “what do you think?” she asked.

“Hot” I said. “Bikes ok too”, I followed up with.
Amelia smiled and said “keep that up and I’ll let you ride on the back”.

“Nah, we’d crash ” I said, “don’t think I could keep my hands off you.”
“You’ve done pretty well so far” she retorted.

“I was hoping for some privacy before going down on you. Where’s your office?” I asked.

Amelia stepped off her bike and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards her office. “Not an offer I am going let pass by” she said.

We got into her office, which had a one glass wall with “privacy” frosting and a fairly solid door. I decided to try something I had wanted to do for a while. I kissed her passionately, which elicited the response I had hoped for, she was pressing herself against me and had her hands resting on the back of my neck. I had my hands on her hips, and used them to guide her to the door. I pressed her against the door and started unbuttoning her jeans.

Amelia laughed as I knelt down and started tonguing and kissing her pubic area as I slowly pulled down both her jeans and her panties. I looked up and raise an eyebrow whilst continuing to enjoy a nice meal of pubes. “Not what I was expecting this morning when I was getting ready for the show” she said, responding to my eyebrow.

I had her jeans and underwear around her ankles and she was struggling to kick them off over her shoes. My mouth was way too busy to tell her to forget about them. She had a pretty full bush, which isn’t my first preference, but one doesn’t complain when there’s a willing woman getting her kit off for you. I got one of my shoulders between her legs, and wrapped my arm around her thigh, giving me a hand to work on her mound and keeping her pressed against the door. She had one hand behind my neck, pulling my head into her crotch and she was biting down on a couple of knuckles on her other hand, trying to silence herself.

I was focusing my tongue on her clit, curling the sides of my tongue up into a tube and using the edges to stimulate her clit. I was using two of my fingers in her pussy at the same time, curling them upwards and pressing on her g-spot.

She was shaking and making strangled noises and honestly, I was having a great time. Just went for a long ride on my bike, caught up with friends, giving a seriously brain melting orgasm to a pretty, fun and interesting young lady; as long as I got a roll in the hay or two it was shaping up to be a great weekend.

Amelia had stopped shaking and was making some small sighing noises. I’d backed off the clit fucking and was just playing with her pussy with my lips and tongue.

She gently pushed my head away, a satisfied and dreamy expression on her face. I slowly removed my fingers from inside her, and got my shoulder out from under her thigh. She was unsteady, and I helped her sit on the floor without falling. “give me a couple of minutes, that was intense.” She panted, pulling up her jeans.

We sat on the floor in her office holding hands and talking for a while before I asked her if she wanted to go back to her place so we could continue. The smile she responded with said it all.

We ended up getting a taxi, I had grabbed my bag which contained some toiletries and a fresh change of clothes. She lived in a townhouse about 20 minutes away from the dealership.

Once we were inside, I asked if she minded if I took a shower before we resumed the festivities. Amelia had no objections and showed me to the amenities.

I scrubbed all the road grot off and wrapped the towel around my waist. Amelia was waiting in her living room on the couch with a magazine on her lap and a glass in her hand. There was another highball glass on the coffee table, filled with ice and what looked like coke and smelled like bourbon.

Amelia seemed to approve of what I was wearing, and put the magazine she was flicking through on the table, grabbing the other drink and holding it out to me. I thanked her and sat down beside her, legs far enough apart so my junk wasn’t squashed and making sure I had my leg against hers. I stretched my arm out, resting on top of the backrest of the couch, inviting her into my personal space. I took a sip of the drink, before placing it back on the table. Delicious.

She angled towards me, looking at my chest and my abs, running her fingers over a couple of my tattoos, then into the ridge between my pecs and onto my abdomen. Her hand traced lower and lower until it reached the towel and she paused for a moment before moving her hand underneath and exploring, her fingers trailing through my trimmed short public hair, then around the base of my shaft briefly stroking it before moving onto my balls. She ran her fingers over them, watching the amused and relaxed expression on my face as she cupped them and gently squeezed. Her hand went back to my cock which had started to grow and harden. She was alternating between slowly stroking my shaft and lightly running her fingers over the head and around the ridge at the base of my glans, exploring it as it grew.

I leant in and kissed her, my free hand starting to fondle one of her breasts. She didn’t stop stroking my cock as I told her I wanted to have her in bed. We stood up and started to the stairs, making it to her room in a few steps. I had taken the towel off and my cock was standing at attention.

Amelia pulled off her bed spread, which I took as a cue to lay on the bed and watch her as she stripped off. She sat down on the bed taking off her shoes and socks, taking her shirt off, showing an understated but lightly laced black bra; I ran my hand over her lightly freckled back, enjoying the feeling of her soft skin. She stood, and unbuttoned her jeans, pulling the down, showing a simple pair of black cotton panties which I had around her ankles earlier that evening. She unclasped her bra, taking it off and revealing quite delicious, very pale nipples on breasts that were a little more than a hand full.

She slid her panties down over her hips and let them drop, letting me see her bush which my mouth was very familiar with. I couldn’t wait to ram my cock into her.

She sat down on the bed and we started kissing. I ran my hand over her hip, down her leg, then back up to her hip, along her ribs and onto her breast, circling my fingers around her nipples and feeling it harden under my fingertips. She was slowly stroking my cock with one hand, and was playing with herself with the other.

She told me to get a condom out of the night stand. I opened the top drawer, seeing a box of condoms as well as a sleek vibrator. I pulled both out, and placed them on top of the night stand, grabbing a condom and tearing open the packet. Her gazed flicked over to the vibrator and back to me. “We can play with that later, right now I’m planning on having my way with you.” I told her, as I rolled the condom over my cock.

“I only really get off by playing with my clit, I really enjoy sex, just don’t expect a repeat of earlier” Amelia said. “Ok, more tongue time once I’m done, then?” I asked as I guided her into laying down, and opened her legs.

“I’ll hold you to that” Amelia said, smiling and laughing at me as I climbed between her legs and positioned my cock against her. I gently pressed down into her getting my cock in as deeply as possible and stopping, enjoying the sensation of being inside a woman, my cock gripped in a warm pussy. I had closed my eyes, and when I opened them, Amelia was smiling. “Feels good having a man inside me” she said, pulling me in for a kiss.

I wanted to take it slow, enjoying the intimacy and keeping it relaxed. There was plenty of time for me to fucking her, and she seemed quite happy with my approach.

“Amelia” I said after finishing a nice long kiss. “Dave” she replied, amusing herself by responding with my name.

“If you roll into your side, we can spoon and get that toy involved.” I said.

“Still going to do that thing with your tongue?” She asked.

“Promise. Just don’t bite your knuckle, I want to hear everything.”

“Deal” she said, gently pushing me away, her eyes running down my chest, abs and onto cock as I got off her.

Amelia rolled onto her side, facing away from me and grabbing the little vibrator. I moved up behind her, my cock pressed against her ass and getting my arm underneath her waist and pulling her in close. She started the vibrator and started working on herself. I grabbed my cock moving it between her legs and up against her lips. I could feel the vibrator buzzing as she played with herself.

I pushed into her and wasn’t getting in as deep as before, but it still felt great, the underneath of my glans was getting a lot of sensation, and I could nibble and kiss her earlobe, neck and mouth whilst exploring her breasts and tummy with my hands.

Amelia had her leg hooked around mine, with her hand and vibe working her clit, her hips rocking and legs tensing. “Ugh, you are hitting the right places.” She said whilst losing control of her breathing. I kept thrusting with the same rhythm whilst pinching her nipples gently and nibbling her ear lobe. A few moments later she was shuddering again. I think we had found something she really liked.

Amelia switched off the vibrator, but kept working her hand between her legs sighing gently and going limp.

I wasn’t that far off, and let her know. “Do you want to change positions?” Amelia asked. “Quite happy like this.” I said, enjoying the feeling of her pressed against me whilst I slid my head in as deeply as I could.

My orgasm didn’t take long to approach, and wasn’t that intense, but the whole thing felt great, I was relaxed and tingling all over. A couple of hours of arousal had ended in some really enjoyable release. I didn’t want to pull out of her, but soon enough it needed to happen. I got up to go and clean myself up, kissing her as she rolled onto her back.

“I’ll be back to fulfil my promise” I said.

“Oh god, not yet.” She responded. “Twice is enough for now”.

I quickly went to the bathroom, played the shower head over myself and dried off.

Amelia was in bed still, lightly running her fingers over her ribs whilst dreamily watching me enter the bedroom.

I jumped into bed next to her, my hand running up and down her body whilst hers rested on my thigh, finding its way to my flaccid cock which she started playing with. I started kissing her, this time with less need and more to share an enjoyable sensation.

“I’m going to take a shower” she said, getting up.

The next thing I knew, it was just getting light. Amelia was sprawled out on the bed and I had my hand on her thigh. Not a bad way to wake up. My favorite way to wake up is to morning head though, so I wondered if Amelia had a similar preference.

I moved over and started kissing down her belly and onto her bushy mound.

“Oh wow” Amelia said as she moved her legs apart to let me lay between them. I started kissing, licking and nibbling on her mound and slowly moving onto her lips; gently running my tongue along their length and slowly pushing the tip of my tongue between them.

Amelia giggled and I could taste that her arousal was growing. I moved my attentions a little higher, towards her hood, swirling my tongue around it and teasing it with my tongue. I could feel her arousal continue to grow as she got wetter and she started making appreciative noises. I used one hand to tease her labia open, giving me much better access to her hood and the pearl it hid, starting to lick around it and tease the edges.

I worked a couple of fingers from my other hand inside her adding some pressure to the roof of her vagina, looking for the sponginess which would really rock her world. I started focusing more on her clit, lightly running my tongue over it before moving to curl my tongue into a U shape and engulfing her clit in my tongue and running it back and forth.

Amelia has started moaning and pressing her legs into my head, I was pretty sure she was clawing the sheets at the same time. I found the right spot with my fingers and started pressing against it with a circular motion in time with my tongue. Her legs and abdomen had started shaking, and she was making inarticulate noises bordering on shrieks.

She quietened down after a time and started relaxing, one hand stoking my head. I moved my tongue away from her clit and focused on its surrounds. Amelia was among contented noises and continued to stroke my stubbly scalp.

I opened my eyes and looked up at her, she was watching me through half closed eyes with a big smile on her face. “When you are done down there, finish yourself off in me” she said.

After a few more licks, kisses and nibbles on her lips, I removed my fingers from her pussy and sat up. I grabbed another condom, pulling it on before pushing my cock inside her. Sorry dear, no time to read the meter.

She pulled me in close, wrapping her arms around me tightly and whispered “I’m still tingling from your tongue. Go wild.” And she started nibbling and kissing my ear and neck.

I grabbed her legs, pulling them up so I could get the deepest angle possible and started pounding away. “Shit, that feels amazing” Amelia said as I really started ramming her, she was hot, she was tight and she was slick. Everything I needed right then. It wasn’t long before I was ready to cum in her, if anything I was hammering her even harder, her mouth was open and she murmured “oh fuck, it’s good”. It was too much, I could feel the my cock jerking and my body pouring my cum into her. My abdomen was tensing of it’s own accord and my neck, shoulders and chest were spasming enough so that I thought I would have an aneurism.

I put Amelia’s legs down, she was eyeing me appreciatively, a quiet smile on her flushed face. I pulled out of her and rolled off, laying next to her. I was sweating heavily, a big grin plastered on my face, as I pulled her against me and let her know how good that was.

“I think you were hitting my tonsils towards the end” she said, laughing.



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