Chapter 1: The Family
D was a handsome looking 46 year old bearded corporate royalty with muscular build reminiscient of his younger days of frolicking with different female companions. His grandfather, a wealthy tycoon in this once secluded and 3rd world level economy , muscled his way into a sprawling empire making everything from refrigerators to airplanes, transforming and earning him an untouchable elite status. D inherited the world on a silver platter.
Adultery was encouraged and Grandfather would regularly hold competition with his younger brothers. The women spouse of the K family, suffered silently in mental anguish every night against the muffled screams of female submission behind the walls.
It was under this *Kennedy-esque* household environment A grew up in and was expected to set the example for his younger brothers. But A had a secret, he did not enjoy sex with women. He was physically aroused but felt emotionally distant because of his transgender desires.
A would regularly fantasize of being a daughter and the sister of his younger brothers. A simply was too afraid to come out as he feared for his life–One of the brothers would replace D as the new CEO, and D did not get where he is without spilling blood.
Grandpa was married to 4 different wives each with children. Competition was tough as they fought over the wealth and who would be named the successor. Mercenaries were involved. People were threatened and sent overseas in exile. Ruthlessness was the prime trait that Grandfather was seeking and D showed this with action. Instead of being punished for threatening his half brothers, he was awarded with the key to the empire.
D had grown attached to his wife P in his longest marriage to date, lasting a whole year. Vowing to never look at another woman, P grew as the object of fixation in D’s mind. D also never took vows seriously and continued drowning in pussy.
The marriage was good in the early days but lot of broken hearts from D’s past partners in the form of harassment took a toll on P, until she decided she couldn’t bear hearing the moan of another woman coming from the other room anymore. She simply packed up and left.
D was traumatized and became an alcoholic. His younger sons had found girlfriends and moved out but his oldest son A still in his mid 20s lingered at home, most of the time glued to his computer screen.
D thought A was peculiar because he lacked the aggressiveness in his other sons, and disliked him the most because of his feminine mannerism and looks. But D was no longer the same attractive man. Alcohol abuse had aged his face, and he held women in contempt for his wife leaving him, he simply could not realize his own adulterous actions have put him in such predicament.
As months went by, and D drowned in further sorrow and desperation, he would turn to imagining P, her soft skin and curves in lingerie. His drunken gaze would sometimes turn to A, alternating with conflicted feelings and guilt.
A definitely felt his father’s strong gaze. A was hungry, his father never showed affection or patted him on the back. A longed for other men but he also felt feminine like a woman and curious why D would look at him like he used to look at P. The more he thought about D, he felt pity. Pity at the sexual desperation he suffers in at the thought of his ex-wife. Pity he is alone. A wanted to stop his suffering.
[to be continued, tired]
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