My married friend comes to visit (m/f)

So…I went through a phase. Not necessarily a preference, mind you, but more of just how these sort of things worked out. I don't seek affairs, but I think it has to do with the fact that when I find out a woman is married, I become relaxed, like I don't have to worry about trying to impress someone. Confidence increases.

I moved to New York for work and ended up in a pre-war building in the Upper West Side. Not exactly a single guy's paradise, but I quickly found out that the fact that I was tall, single, and lived by myself was enough to secure dates. Another unexpected bonus was that I saw more friends from home in that one short year than I ever did before I moved. Again, the whole free apartment thing.

That's how I ended up hosting Suz and her mom. The two of them wanted to experience New York, but didn't want to pay for the hotel. Could I host them? In addition to being bubbly and extremely cool, Suz was a knockout. Slim, brunette, with blue eyes. Tall, too. She told me that it would be just her and her mom, as she wanted the weekend away from her husband (soon to be divorced).

I hadn't met her mom. And frankly, I wasn't too keen on the whole thing. I had history with Suz (first night we met, we had a drunk accident and made out in a cab) but if it mean that I could get a visit from a friend with no chance of sex to mess things up, then sure. She could come.

I met Suz not too long before moving to New York, so I think our friendship was a bit of a relief valve for her with her marriage issues. I was someone who she knew, but would never see. So we emailed a lot and it ended up working both ways: she emailed me her issues and I felt free to open up about my exploits. Once, I told her about how I was waiting in a cab line after a night out and got into a conversation with a girl in line next to me. Turns out she lived near Columbia, so we decided to share a cab north and have me dropped off first. As we got closer to my place, I just thought "fuck it" and kissed her and low and behold, she kissed back. I think we spent a total of five minutes talking and now here she was in the cab. She ended up coming up with me.

"What's up with you and cabs?" she asked. "I don't know, but I can't resist kissing girls in them." I replied.

So her and her mom visited for the week. I barely even saw them. They insisted on sharing an airbed in the living room and I was able to stay in my own bedroom. Everything was fine. Until that Friday night.

Suz and I hadn't had a chance to visit, so Friday night her mom volunteered to stay home and we headed out. We didn't really do much – we had a few beers at a bar before deciding to head back. It felt a little off though – she was wearing a dodgers cap, which there's nothing wrong with, but I hadn't seen it before, other than telling her I thought girls in caps were cute.

The cab ride back was silent and we neared my place. Finally, she huffed out, "What's wrong?" "What do you mean? I'm fine. What's wrong?" "Well….we're in a cab and this whole time you don't even try anything?"

It finally clicked in my head. The hat, the cab…she wanted to hook up. I didn't say anything, I just leaned to her and kissed her lips.

It was soft at first, and then hard, more urgent. I quickly shifted around and put my arm around her waist, then pulled her closer. The cab stopped. I paid quickly and we walked into the building.

We made out in the lobby some more, both of us frustrated that we were so close to my own apartment, but couldn't do anything about it. We walked to the front door, paused, and then started to kiss again. Her hands reached my crotch and she started to rub at my dick. She pulled me down to the stairway and there we sat, tongues softly exploring each other. I massaged her pussy through her jeans, then slowly unbuttoned and unzipped her. I felt her wetness and softly circled her clit.

"Is there anywhere we can go?" she asked

Ding. The laundry room. I grabbed her hand and we ran down to the basement. But it was brightly lit and open. The maintenance room. It was unlocked, but tiny and cramped. It also had a statue of jesus sitting on the small shelf.


We walked down the hallway of the basement and there was one last door. I reached for the door handle and miracle of miracles, the door wasn't closed. We were in a small, carpeted room. It was dark though and from what I could see, there was one washer and dryer, as well as a small file cabinet. I smiled. I kneeled down and with her standing, unbuttoned her jeans again. Pulling down her pants, to her knees, I couldn't wait any longer and dived into her crotch. I tongued her through her underwear until she pulled them to the side.

We went at that for a while, her moans stifled by fear of being caught. Finally, I pushed her down onto the cabinet. Pulling off her pants, I stood and removed my pants. She motioned to get up to suck me off, but I put my hands on her chest and pushed her back down to the cabinet forcefully. She was mine and there was no more waiting.

Here we were, in a cramped room in the basement of my apartment building with her mother sleeping somewhere above us. I grabbed the back of her knees and spread her apart, thrusting in forcefully.

I wish I could say we went for hours, but this was primal. There was no art. The combination of alcohol, lust, pent up frustration, the taboo of fucking this married woman with her mom so close by, and being in a public place were just too much.

Words were spoken. "Fuck me" "More" "yes" were tossed about. Finally, I couldn't resist any longer and with a grunt of exhaustion, pants around my ankles, I pulled out and came all over her belly. I reached around until I found some rolls of toilet paper (not the best fix if you are trying to clean up a mess, btw) and wiped us off.

We didn't talk, but I just took a moment to take her in, still lying on her back with her knees spread apart. The light coming through the door reflected off of the cum wiped on her belly. My eyes adjusted and I saw a light switch, so I closed the door and turned on the light, finally seeing where we were.

We had fucked in the preschool that operated out of our building's basement.



  1. Upvote for the statue of Jesus segue into "JESUS CHRIST" exclamation (although that could’ve been a nice taboo to throw into the mix).

  2. Some Mexicans including myself would have said "chi chis Christ". Bravo!

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