“Breaking the Doldrums”, Volume Two [MF] [FOREPLAY] [REALITY]

B R E A K I N G T H E D O L D R U M S : A Serialized Erotic Story in Three Volumes

Volume One Link: http://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/23gi10/breaking_the_doldrums_volume_one_mf_foreplay/

Volume Three Link: I'll posit it here when it's finished!

CHAPTER THREE: Flickering Lights

I settled back into my seat, lowering my hands from the heater for the first time since I climbed in the cab, and gazed out the passenger’s-side window.

Blurry lights swished passed under a transparent curtain of snow. The effect was hypnotic. I felt warm. Not in my hands, just radiating warmth, like an aura of sorts. For some reason, just being there in that moment was magical, a thing I was happy to be able to witness and share with this stranger.

I looked forward again, through the wind-shield, just as she asked me: “Mind if I take the long route? The view from the mountains is gorgeous tonight. And with Saturday night traffic, it could even be quicker.”

“Sure”, I said. “I wouldn’t mind at all. Can you see the stars from up there?”

“You can. I just came from the air-port, it nearly took my breath away. I love that moment when you start driving down the mountain and the town is laid out in-front of you, all glittery and shimmering. Catches my breath every time.”

“Me too”, I said, feeling that warmth again — the aura. The fiery drums of Tusk spent themselves to ash in a blaring solo, then the next song began [Link: youtube.com/watch?v=mDkKyBU7GCs]. "Ah", I continued. "More Fleetwood Mac, I won't complain."

"It's not all them, the next song is different."

"I'm excited to hear it", I said.

“Mind if I wind down my window to have a smoke? If it bothers you, just say so. I’m not meant to in here anyway, but–”

“–Sometimes you do”, I finished, grinning. “Is it okay if I wind my window down too and join you?”

She laughed and something inside me reacted by spontaneously combusting. “Of course!”, she said, laughter trailing off into giggles. “Only if you don’t mind losing a little heat, love.” I’d never heard a laugh that big and bold before that didn’t sound like social-theater to me, but hers rung true, like a perfect human note.

I reached for my pack of smokes, then wound the window down. “It’ll get warm in here again quick enough. You’re heaters work on over-drive.”

As we drove higher up the mountain, the town diminished in the rear-view mirror and the stars grew brighter. I found myself gazing out of the window for short phases, feeling calm and at ease, happy to let the time slip past. Close to twenty minutes had passed since the cab-lady — Martha, I corrected myself — had picked me up and still, I had no idea where I wanted to go. I figured star-gazing was as good as anything, though.

My eyes wandered up to the fare-ticker. It read: $26.79. I hadn’t noticed before, but she must have stopped it. Maybe put it on some kind of pause. I wasn’t terribly worried about it in the first place, honestly. I assumed we had some honour-system thing going on when she used the phrase “long route”. Neither of us seemed concerned.

She flicked her cigarette out the window, then pulled a u-turn and parked, so we would face the twinkling city beneath us.

“It’s beautiful”, I said, looking through the windshield.

“I know”, she said. “You feel any better, sweety?” She looked across at me, her eyes no different than the flickering lights on the horizon.

“Yes. I feel like this is exactly where I needed to go. Thank you.”

She smiled at me, a little wider than before. “We don’t have to go anywhere in a hurry unless you need to.”

The second Fleetwood Mac song ended, then Rock On by David Essex began [Link: youtube.com/watch?v=7x6SYcGLJ_Y]. Silently, I nodded my approval to Martha. She smiled back, pleased.

“Want to share a cigarette?”, I asked, less out of want to only smoke half of one and more out of a desire to feel a glancing touch of her hand as I passed it to her… or to taste her red lip-stick on the filter when she handed it back.

“Sure. I’ll have another.”


We shared the cigarette in silence for a while, then I tossed it out my window. She took her seat-belt off and reclined her seat, then looked over at me, inviting me to do the same. I did.

Reclined, I had a much better view of the stars. It was lovely to see them so bright, from a perspective above the light-pollution.

After a minute or two, I realized I also had a view between Martha’s large breasts. She was laying flat on her back and they had begun to ever so slightly slip out of her red bra, toward her chin. I looked up at the stars again, hoping she hadn’t noticed my inappropriate glance.

After a couple minutes of star-gazing and ideal conversation — not to mention a few more *inappropriate peeks down her shirt* — I was starting to hope she hadn’t noticed the slight bulge growing under the zipper of my jeans. I thought about sliding one of my hands into my pocket to adjust my cock into a less obvious position, but that would be a dead give-away in my reclined position. So, I just hoped she wouldn’t look away from the stars. What else could I do?

After a long silence, I said: “To be honest with you, I’m not even sure I need to go downtown any more. I’m content right here.”

“Is that so?’, she asked, smiling at me.

“Yeah”, I said, looking at my watch. “You’re off your shift in fifteen minutes. Do you have to park the cab back at your work for the night?”

“No, I take it home when I work the early shift.”

“So, you are like me, in no real hurry tonight.”

She giggled, with just the hint of nervousness. “I’m in the same boat.”

There was an awkward silence, because I suddenly didn’t know where to take that line of conversation. I looked into her eyes and I saw a potential that excited and terrified me. Had I lost control of myself?, I thought. What do you think is going to happen here exactly with this woman? She's nearly twice your age, she'd never consider

“If I'm taking the taxi home tonight", Martha said, "does that mean I have to take you home with me, too?” She giggled again, trying to disclose the sub-text of that question underneath her bubbly laughter.

"Sure", I replied, my voice sturdy enough for her to know I meant it. "I'd love to go home with you. If you haven't eaten, maybe I'll cook you something to eat?"

"Or I'll order Chinese", she said, her giggle far more sincere now. "You don't look like much of a chef, kid."

"I guess I'm not", I said, laughing myself.

As she sat up and adjusted the seat back to normal, then pulled away from the curb, Portishead's Glory Box began to play [Link: youtube.com/watch?v=yF-GvT8Clnk]. The erection that had subsided after I stopped peeking between her cleavage was now back, raging, rock-hard. I couldn't go ant longer without some-how addressing the problem or shifting some-how to disguise it. I tried turning my hips toward the driver's-side door, hoping my cock would settle back against my stomach, but it was caught in my pants.

CHAPTER FIVE: Awkward Position

"What do you do for work?", she asked me, at the exact moment I'd slipped my hand into the front-pocket of my jeans to adjust my stiff, throbbing cock. She glanced side-ways at me on the word work and I saw her eye-line dart down to the bulge in my crotch. She looked forward again, not saying anything further.

"Retail", I said, feeling awkward and dumb. "But I write and do photography in my free time."

In the same placid voice, she said: "And just then, you were trying to hide your boner from me seeing it, right?" I didn't know what to say. I just looked at her. She glanced toward me again, her expression blank and un-readable. "Right?" Her voice reminded me fleetingly of my French teacher in grade-school and the patient way she'd ask you to repeat a word I'd mispronounced. After an increasingly awkward silence, she finished with a simple: "Busted" and another series of giggles.

I felt the blood rush to my face and turn my cheeks rosy. All I managed to get out of my mouth was a quivering laugh.

"Don't feel bad", she said. "You can't see my lady-boner, but it's there." More giggles. "At the lights up here, even if it's green, I'm going to stop for a moment; just long enough for you to pull that bad-boy out, sweetie. I know you were planning to show me your cock when we got to my house, anyway. Don't be shy."

She smiled at me, as I twisted in my seat nervously. Despite the bubble of anxiety inflating in my chest, my cock had begun to pulse harder than ever — honestly, ever. The taxi pulled up at the light, which was red, and Martha looked at me eagerly. Without realizing what my hands were doing, I un-did my fly and reached under my briefs. Martha's eyes grew wide. One of her hands left the steering-wheel and moved down toward her thigh. My hand grabbed hold on my shaft, which already felt wet from pre-cum, and I tugged it out. I reached back under my briefs quickly, letting go of my shaft and letting it throb in the air, then brought my balls up and placed them over the zipper of my fly.

The light turned green, but Martha was still starring at my cock. Acting on some primal impulse, I grabbed my shaft again and gave my cock a few strokes, letting the pre-cum spread over my foreskin. Martha reached out with her hand, just as I took mine away. She gripped my cock firmly, then gave it a few slow, long strokes. I felt a shudder of pleasure run up my spine and dispersed through my shoulders…


Author's Outro:

Volume Three should be posted (on this sub-Reddit) with-in the next couple days. :) I'll link to it here when it's ready. Thank you for reading! And if you were inspired at all while reading this, maybe PM me your thoughts. You could have some influence over how this story concludes. As always, all spelling, grammar and format corrections are greatly appreciated.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/23gje0/breaking_the_doldrums_volume_two_mf_foreplay