Pierced Tarantula [all characters 23-55][oral sex][masturbation][murder][sadism][exhibitionism]

Chapter 1: the survivor

Never knew her name, was supposed to be an anonymous fuck. Her username was “tarantula” … mmm… “tarantula97” or something of that sort, that’s all I know about her identity, black leather boots and hammer of Thor tattooed on the right shoulder, no wait!?, the left shoulder! …hmmm…also seven piercings in the Pussy, I count them, fuck yeah!! I count them all with my tongue, never saw anything like it, like an alien butterfly with seven eyes ja ja.
We meet in the caffe, chat little bit, this and that, pleasantries. We took the bus instead of my challenger by Her choice. the bus was almost full, sitting in the back rows this girl spoke in my ear -“we could be caught”- and start touching her butterfly, looking around, reached her clit under the skirt and begins to squirt slowly, looking the surroundings every five seconds with big eyes, I took out half Johnson and stroke it I thought to better follow the game if I want to poke it later. People were Mundane chatting as usual, the news, the job, the quiet staring, the small talk…until an old fella drunk or stoned touch me from behind saying to me —“ hey youngster can I borrow a menthol cigarette?”- and then she came bursting a jaw dropping, slowly, convulsing, a long cum…-“a menthol one pal”-… getting the left hand to cover her mouth she was done with the last gust of the orgasm. At the end she smiled at me eyes wide open.
we walked from the bus stop few blocks to the hotel, “the blue tulip” room 331. She was straight to the deal -“eat my pussy”- said sitting at the couch lifting the skirt, and I did, took away my pants and boxer and jerk off while kissing her alien butterfly, ja!, that pink pussy vibrated! I used my other hand to finger it and stretching her libs, playing softly, her mouth start moaning, -“ hooouu that’s it”- my tongue moved nicely, circling the wetty clit, she now took my head with her arms authoritarian and shook it… when there she have it, – “haa I’m cu..” she babbled.
In my turn to receive head, got closer to the bed but kept standing. She kissed it… but… strangely relished, swallowing the pre cum and fluids from the sucking, still feel amazing, the ectasis didn’t let me see all the weirdness of the scene, who would!. For example, when was her turn to please, perceived…now I perceive the looks of the eyes staring at my cock, hyper excited but hypnotized, like a heroin addict finding a lost stash…or a trained dog trying to control the intensity…or a spider!… well you got the idea. Just before… looked at me with half in her mouth and then she bit…hell!…it felt like an axe, she bit my dick!! I got in chock, I see blood everywhere, a sprinkle of red out my penis, my survival instinct allows me to apply pressure with my hands in the wound…in the bite.

-crying and screaming-

“she bit me man, that woman bit my dick!!”-continue crying-

“The surgery came out ok! that’s what the doctor has said, right!”.

from two men facing him, listening pitifully, Detective Thompson and Sergeant Adams. Him, cover up to the chest with a white sheet over the hospital bed surround it by all kind of medical devices continues to brake on tears and sobbing without any shame in front of those two men.

“It could end worst, a lot worst” -said Detective Thompson- “she has murdered seven individuals, all men ,bled out by castration. You got lucky kid!”

“Seems that a fat cock is better than a long one!”
said Sergeant Adams with a smile that got obscured when saw Thompson not reacting but instead replying

“we had taken DNA samples from your… match the samples from the other homicides, thanks for your cooperation, we will contact you if we need ask you further”.

Adams tried again a failed punch line

“yeah great testimony Bru, we can’t go searching for seven pierced pussies thou!”

Thompson throw at him a severe look of embarrassed dad.

“But works with our psyc profiling”
continues Adams “the hammer of Thor is a promising lead.”

“do you think I need protection?” Said the survivor.

“We don’t believe so, this hospital has enough security and for now we’re keeping your current living status in secret for 48 hours at least”. said Thompson while both leaving the room.

Thompson: “take care kid”
Adams: “you’re a resilient motherfucker bru ja ja”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/132n0vl/pierced_tarantula_all_characters_2355oral