The Hatred That Binds Us [M28/F28] [Oral stimulation] [Period Novel] [Enemies to Lovers] [Mention of old scars from a beating]

Hello my ✨Sweetlings✨

I’m posting a snipped from a short story that’s available on my Patreon. If you’d like to support my work there, you can follow the link: [](

Your support would allow me to follow my dream of making a living from writing!

I hope you enjoy this short 🖤


Despite not being able to see her in the darkness of his room, Iarfhlaith knew she was there. The soft scent of black currant and gardenia gave her away. The last time he had felt her perfume had been thirteen years ago, when she set an ambush to assassinate him, and the floral scent haunted him ever since. The insolent woman he loathed tormented him. Not because of the uncertainty of when she would strike again, but because no matter what he did to forget the feeling of her body under his, Niamh Ceallach was etched in his very soul.

Keeping his breath steady to trick her into thinking he was still asleep, he reached under his pillow and wrapped his fingers around his dagger’s bejewelled handle. Iarfhlaith felt his mattress sinking as she slowly climbed on top of it to straddle him. As soon as the cold steel of her blade grazed the skin of his neck, he wrapped her waist with a strong arm and rolled her over, pinning her between the bed and his body and pressing his dagger against her throat.

The red-headed woman who was peacefully sleeping next to him woke up startled and jumped to her feet, rushing to light the candles next to the bed. The king narrowed his green eyes as soon as the face of his attacker was illuminated by the candlelight.

They stared at each other for long seconds, panting and pointing their blades at each other’s necks.

“Niamh.” He dropped his weapon to grab her wrists. The corners of his mouth curved in a smug grin. “Why don’t you quit those childish games of yours and simply confess your undying love for me, once and for all?”

“Love?” She scoffed, struggling to break free from him. His grip tightened around her wrists, keeping her in place. “I would rather have a hot iron poker shoved far up my ass.”

He lowered his head, and he could tell the feeling of his hot breath against her skin made her shiver.

“That can be arranged.” Without looking away from her, he instructed the woman still standing by the bed to leave his bedroom.

“Shall I send the guards in?” She asked, her voice barely a whisper.

He shot a warning glance in her direction, which prompted her to leave without another word. He looked back at Niamh. She looked like a deadly angel with her long auburn curls spilled all over his pillow, filling his mind with sinful thoughts.

“Come on Sunbeam, you’ve been out to get me since we were sixteen and– “


He looked at her with a puzzled expression. “What?”

“I’ve been out to get you since we were fifteen.” She kneed him in the groin, making him howl with pain. Iarfhlaith let go of her instinctively and she took advantage of it, rolling to get on top of him once again. “I will not fail this time.”

“I see you still enjoy being on top.” He relaxed under her, sliding his hands teasingly along her muscular thighs. He felt her slowly melt under his touch, and the look she gave him made him immediately hard. “Don’t do this to me, Sunbeam.”

“Do what? Kill you?” She wet her lips as soon as she felt his cock pressed against her, and he couldn’t resist the urge to slide his hand under her shirt to feel the softness of her skin. He moved one hand up to cup her breast and stroked the nipple with his rough thumb, drawing a delighted sigh from her. She stared at the small scar on his neck, probably trying to keep focus. “How did you get that one?”

He chuckled.

“You ambushed me, darling. I have had you carved on me for thirteen years.” He dug his fingers into her waist, fighting the animalistic urge to take her right there and then. “Get it over with, Sunbeam. Kill me.”

She nodded.

“I will. There’s just one thing I need to do before that happens.”

“And what could that be, I wonder?”

Before he could realize her intentions, she crushed his lips with hers in a kiss so wild it left him dazed. A low, guttural sound formed in his throat, and he sunk his fingers into her hair and pulled her closer to him. She pressed her hands on his chest, pushing him away as soon as he tried to deepen the kiss.

“I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now.” Niamh was a flustered, panting mess. He looked at her in such disbelief that it made her raise her eyebrow. “What?”

“You’ll be the death of me, woman.” He tangled his fingers in her hair and pulled her down until their mouths were pressed together again. She whimpered, and he took the opportunity to slide his tongue inside her parted lips. He pulled away just long enough to take her shirt off over her head, then went back to devouring her mouth and sliding his tongue greedily against hers. Iarfhlaith slid his hands along her back, holding back as he felt scarred skin under his fingertips.

He stood up, pulling her with him. He heard her swallow dryly at seeing him completely naked before he turned her back to him. Two marks crossed each other in an X shape in the middle of her back, while a third ran diagonally from her right shoulder to her left flank. He felt anger overtake him and clenched his fists so hard his knuckles turned white. When he spoke, his voice was hoarse and threatening.

“Who did this to you?” She shrugged. He squinted at her, turning her around to face him. “Niamh.”

She lowered her gaze, as if she were ashamed of it, which increased his fury at whoever had the nerve to touch her.

“There needed to be an example of what would happen to anyone who dared to fail Tighearnán Ceallach. And I failed him, so…”

Her voice was no more than a soft whisper. The king’s stomach churned at the thought of Niamh suffering at the hands of her own father. He could barely contain the searing fury raging within him. However, part of him felt guilty. If he hadn’t sent Niamh back to her father, her suffering would have been avoided.

“How could he do such a cruel thing to his own daughter?” He cupped her cheeks, caressing them with his thumbs. “I will make them pay for what they did to you, Sunbeam. I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again.”

He picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He slid his nose along her neck, letting Niamh’s floral scent waft into his nostrils.

“There is nothing you can do about it. Once I get back and my father finds out I’ve failed him again, only the gods know what he’ll do.”

“I’m not sending you back, darling. In fact, I won’t let you leave this place.” He slid his tongue along the vein protruding from her neck, drawing a pleasured sigh from her lips. Iarfhlaith sat her on the bed, kneeled in front of her and took off her heavy leather boots, tossing them aside. He slipped his fingers into the waistband of her trousers and looked at her longingly, waiting for permission. Once she nodded, he slowly removed her trousers while tracing a path of wet kisses from her thighs to her ankles.

“By the gods, Sunbeam.” He bit hard into her inner thigh, leaving his teeth marked on the creamy skin. Her hazel eyes darkened. “I’ve looked for you in all the women I’ve slept with, but no matter how many resemblances there were, no one compares to you.”

Her laughter warmed his heart. It dawned on him that he was willing to either kill or die for that woman, and the realisation terrified him. Niamh had him wrapped around her little finger for years, even though they barely knew each other. He slung one of ler legs over his shoulder, brought his face closer to her entrance. He could feel her shivering with anticipation. He looked at her from under his thick lashes.

What took you so long?” She furrowed her brows. “To come for me again, I mean.”

She stroked his hair.

“I pushed it back for as long as I could under the guise of practicing so there would be no mistakes again. To tell you the truth, I don’t want to live in a world where you don’t exist.”

He pulled her closer with a hoarse growl and slid his tongue over her wet sex, making her whimper. He flicked his tongue over her clit, and she entwined her fingers in the thick locks of his hair.

“Fuck, you taste so good.”



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