[MF] A warm set of sheets (More intimate than sexual)

Here’s a “storytelling” prose 1st person story that’s about how me and my SO became a trio, as fake as it sounds.

A little background:

Anna and Ava (The woman from my last story) are what I’d like to consider social nudists. Ava is a nudist, and Anna is more/less one, although she prefers just toplessness to full on nudity, unless she’s in good company.

Honestly I don’t even consider women being topless nudity at this point. It’s so normal to me now, but the aesthetic admiration is there. She also likes them touched even when we’re not being sexual, so it’s kinda so-so in my head. I guess I just consider it sexual/nonsexual given the context. To her it’s like I’m patting her head or rubbing her back softly, just regular petting with added sensitivity.

Ava took my advice from my last story so long ago and strips down near instantly when she enters my home.

Her and Anna have an affinity for either toplessness or nudity whenever they can manage it. I met Ava at a nudist resort when I worked there as a groundskeeper in highschool. That job wasn’t really all that, pay was trash. But I got a friend out of it.

I live in a semi-rural area ~30mi north of Topeka. (what a shithole, seriously)

There’s not much out here, but we’re not so far from major population areas.

My SO (Anna) is 6′ tall, with thick thighs, broad shoulders, short hair, and an overall muscular physique. She has a nearly flat chest, with somewhat puffy inverted nipples.

Ava, as I think I mentioned in my previous story, is 5’10”, and somewhat muscular, but doesn’t adhere to the fitness regimen that Anna does, which is frankly superhuman.

Ava has shoulder length hair (right now at least) and as a swimmer, she’s got a strong toned back and shoulder structure, and though her shoulders are narrower than Anna’s, she’s still got a very nice looking body.

Well, I suppose I should write the story.

Ava drove to us, and stepped out of her car, having parked it next to the house on my driveway.

I was in the engine bay of my 01′ ram, replacing the water pump. Anna was standing next to me watching what I was doing as Ava walked up.

“Hey” she greeted us both.

I think I mumbled something in reply. Anna probably waived.

“What’s got you working on this thing till late in the day?” Ava asked as she walked up and leaned against the fender.

That made me check my watch. It was about 7pm.

“I got home from a job at five, and this is what I started when I came home.” I replied, stepping around the truck and taking off my gloves, setting them on the passenger seat, and closing the door.

“Tomorrow’s your day off, right?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I replied. “That’s why I’m leaving all of the tools out, tomorrow morning I’ll come out and get started on it.” I told her, lowering the hood till it was just barely before its latch point.

“You’re going to wake up at six thirty again and go back to work, on your day off?” Anna said, squinting at me. “Can’t you just have a lazy day for once?”

I shrugged at them both. “Just how I do it, if I put it off, knowing my luck, it’ll never get done.” I told them. “Anywho, let’s go inside.”

“You need a shower, you’re dirty, and you smell funny” Anna told me.

“It’s synthetic rear differential fluid with a limited slip additive” I told her. “I got some on my shirt” I pointed to a spot of oil on the left cuff of my button up.

“So that’s what that smell is.” Ava said, following us into the house.

I hung my keys up near the door, taking them off of the clip on my belt loop, and watched as Ava stepped into the foyer, and removed her clothes, taking off every piece one by one and folding them before setting them on the bench next to the staircase. She does this every time she arrives at my house.

“You wanna join us for the shower?” I asked Ava, who popped her back like she usually did. She shook her head, and when I looked at Anna she had a somewhat disappointed look on her face.

“Oh, while we’re in, could you check on the blanket and sheets in the drier? They should be done soon.” Anna told her.

“Yeah, no problem.” Ava smiled, “you two have fun” she wagged a finger at us.

“Real quick, serious question.” Anna said, looking Ava in her eye. I watched her expression.

“Shoot” Ava replied, crossing her arms.

“Do you want to share the bed with us once we’re out of the shower? Nothing funny, but it’s been a while since we’ve each slept in the same bed” Anna said. “I thought I’d ask, because I really enjoyed it the few times we’ve done it”

Ava blushed, and nodded. “Once the sheets are done, I’ll make the bed for us. I’m comfortable with all of that and more.”

Anna poked me in the ribs. “Strip dummy,” she giggled, “take a hint.”

I laughed, and Ava asked with a look, first me then Anna. We both nodded, and she stepped up to me.

She undid my shirt buttons, and pulled it off of my shoulders to hang by my elbows.

“I can see where the salt from your sweat stuck to the shirt” she said, tracing the inside of the underarms of the shirt where my sweat had stained it.

She looked up to my chest, and I saw her blush, then look beyond me to Anna, who snatched my hat off of my head and put it next to my keys on the wall.

Ava took my shirt off entirely, and I took it from her, taking everything out of the pockets and holding them in my hand.

“Come on, let’s go upstairs” Anna said, putting her hands on my hips. I turned, and saw that she’d removed her shirt.

Ava followed, and she helped us both strip, with lingering hands in certain places while holding long looks in each others eyes.

I stepped into the bathroom with Anna, and she waived a goodbye to Ava before shutting the door.

She came up behind me and hugged me, putting her chest into my back as I let the water warm up. “You alright with maybe doing things tonight?” she asked softly.

“Yeah” I replied, putting my right hand over hers on my stomach. “There’s for sure a bit of tension between us that I’d like to get rid of.” I felt her nod against my back.

“We’ll cuddle and talk about it with her in a little while.” She said before sighing and stepping away.

I made a “what’s up?” humm.

She waived it off, “I’m just relaxed but a little nervous” she said, testing the water then stepping in.

My master bathroom shower doesn’t have any walls to it, it’s just a shower head coming off of the ceiling with two long drains beneath it in the corner. There’s a curtain, but it just borders the vanity area and keeps water of of the counter top there.

I followed her in, and adjusted the tap a little hotter. “Communication is key.” I parroted.

She got wet, and stepped out of the stream of water as I grabbed the bar of soap.

“I know that honey, sometimes I just have trouble expressing how I truly feel.” She replied.

She stood in front of the mirror, giving me titillating angles to admire as I soaped her up while we chatted. She somewhat reacted to me sudzing then scrubbing her vulva, just a small shiver.

“Say whatever comes to mind, and be honest” Was the advice I gave her.

She frowned. “I’ll hold you to that too” she said, wagging a finger at me as she stepped into the water again, rinsing off the suds.

I watched her as she used the water to scrub away the soap, then it was my turn.

I handed the bar off, hopped in, back out again, and she set to work.

“What did you mean by some things?” I asked as she rubbed the bar into my underarms and made me smile by tickling me a bit as she did.

“hands in-” she paused. “Areas, light foreplay basically” she said, “Why, you alright with that?”

I nodded, grinning. “Fine, just trying to stay on the same page is all.” I told her, nodding.

She finished with the bar, set it on the shelf, and started using her hands to rub the soap in, her eyes lingering on my crotch as always.

She even washed my ass for me, that’s true love right there.

Sometimes she asks me to put on a pair of boxers so her libido doesn’t make “her heart stutter” and she can enjoy my company rather than “focusing on just that.”

I don’t mind, it makes no difference to me how nude I am, I’m comfortable with whatever she chooses to wear or not wear.

I need to focus on remembering rather than going off on tangents that are somewhat applicable to the story. I hope you guys don’t mind.

I stepped into the water after she was done, and rinsed off the suds. She stepped around the curtain and pulled open a drawer, finding a razor for herself.

I’d shaved my pubic hair the day before. But she was due for a shave.

She’d stepped back around the curtain and was standing in the stream of water next to me, about to use it on herself when I piped up.

“Want me to do that for you?” I asked.

She straightened up, and nodded. “That would be very sweet.”

I took the razor as she offered it to me, and motioned for her to step further out of the water so I could actually see what I was doing.

She put her back against the (probably very cold) tile, and spread her legs, bending at the knees slightly.

She ran her hand through my hair as I worked, gently shaving away what little hair had grown.

I stood up after I was done, and she leaned in for a kiss. “Thank you” she said, accepting the razor from me and feeling herself, finding the areas she could feel and touching them up while standing in the water.

“not a problem” I told her, watching the show as I toweled off.

She finished up, and trotted across the room to the small trashcan, and discarded the razor.

I turned around with the towel, and threw it across her shoulders, then dried her off from behind. I frazzled her short hair with the towel and made her giggle by gently tickling her stomach while she was blind and vulnerable.

She called me an asshole, but it was worth hearing her laugh.

I dried off the rest of her body, hung the towel, and hugged her from behind, putting my hands on her stomach. She leaned her head back into my shoulder and arched her back looking up at me.

Her eyes lingered, and we sat nonspeaking, just looking at one another for a while. Then she turned, and embraced me in a hug that I returned. She stepped away after just a second, and grabbed the door handle, and pulled the door open.

We caught Ava right in the middle of putting the fitted sheet on the bed.

She turned and smiled at the both of us.

“They just got out of the drier, they’re still warm.” She said, spreading the blanket out and tossing the pillows back onto the bed.

I turned to Anna, “want me to put on a pair of underwear?” I asked. She shook her head, grinning.

Ava sat on the edge of my side of the bed, and me and Anna climbed in after her.

We ended up cuddling one another, with me on Anna’s side of the bed and Ava in the middle.

“Thanks for making the bed” I told her. I was laying on my left side, facing her as she laid on her back, the blanket over us all.

“No problem, figured I’d get to it while they were hot” She giggled, I felt her abs contract with my right hand in the middle of her stomach, Anna’s hand over mine.

“I love still warm bed sheets” Anna smiled, sinking into the bed by squirming. She propped her head up on her right hand, her elbow into the pillow. “I’m a very happy woman” she said, making Ava laugh again.

Ava moved her hands to both of ours, and ran her thumbs across the back of Anna’s hand, looking at it while smiling. “Thanks guys” she said after a second, looking to both of us, pulling the blanket down to her waist, probably hot.

“I really want to kiss you right now” I told her, making her breath hitch and her face redden.

“Then do it” she said softly, almost just mouthing the words.

I leaned down, and gave her a soft lingering kiss on the lips, feeling her exhale against my cheek, her breath almost cold against my skin.

Anna moved her hand from atop mine as I laid my head on the pillow next to hers.

“Can I lay on you?” Ava asked, turning to me.

I nodded, and she turned over and laid on top of me, resting her head on my chest. She took a deep breath, and let it out slow, putting her hands near my underarms with her arms along my rib cage.

She all but removed the blanket from us, and I was thankful, I’d probably die of heat stroke under the covers with her on top of me.

Her legs were along mine on the outside, and I put my arms on her back, rubbing her soft skin gently. She hummed, and I savored the contact.

Anna moved up next to us, and sat admiring us both.

“I’m going to pass out on top of you before we do anything special.” Ava said.

“That’s something special to me all in its own.” I told her, patting her back. “Go ahead if you want, I won’t move an inch” I told her.

Shameless time skip to the next morning. Nothing important happened during the night.

Anna got out of the bed, stretched, and walked over to our dresser. She pulled open a drawer and pulled on a pair of boxers she’d bought for herself, and side stepped over to my underwear drawer, fished out a pair of mine, and threw them at me.

They hit me in the chest, I said a thanks, and pulled them on wile Ava sat next to me, happy as a clam.

She scooted up next to me, and wrapped an arm around, hugging me. I returned it, and she let go, but stayed put.

“That was nice” she said, crossing her legs and putting her hands in her lap. “I, uhh.” She fidgeted.

“You what?” I asked, putting a hand on the inside of her thigh.

“I hope this hasn’t ruined the mood between us three.” She said softly.

“Not at all.” I told her, I don’t remember what Anna said, but she said something like it.

“So we’re together now?” Ava asked.

Anna and I laughed. “Something like that I think, it’s whatever you want it to be big girl” I told her, making her smile.

“You two certainly know how to spoil me” she said, looking down at herself. “I’m still a little sore” she chuckled.

“He sure as hell did a number on you, how many was it?” Anna asked her.

“Shit, I lost count around four?” she supposed.

I laughed. “Want another?” I asked. She shook her head, reddening.

“No, but thank you” she replied, then turned to me with a serious expression. “You never got anything, even after you gave us both so many.” she said.

I shrugged. “I enjoy giving far more than receiving.”

“Why?” She asked, leaning back and looking up at me, my hand still on the inside of her thigh.

“I don’t know” I said, panning my eyes over her gorgeous body. “I just really like making people happy”

“Have you done things like that in the past? I know last time I tried, you turned me away” She said.

“Yes, I’ve tried all of the usual things in the past, they were fun, but I enjoy physical intimacy far more” I replied. “Just cuddling or showing love to someone does more for me than anything of that sort.”

Anna just sat on the bed, with her usual good posture, looking at me as I spoke with a grin.

“Can I stay for a while longer?” Ava asked. Anna and I nodded at near the same time.

“As long as you want” I said, patting her thigh.

“Can I stay naked?” she asked, giggling.

“Always” I leaned down and kissed her on the forehead, making them both laugh.

“You’re going to make my heart melt if you keep doing that” Ava said softly.

“Worth it”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/131o1ro/mf_a_warm_set_of_sheets_more_intimate_than_sexual