The Old Mansion [M32/F51] [Femdom] [JOI] [Masturbation]

Working as a headmaster, it just is my dream job. I like doing minor repair works, I like taking care of a garden or some lawn. I even like doing some cleaning work in hard to reach spaces. And I love that I mostly work without any supervision, that there is hardly ever a boss breathing down my neck.

But it wasn’t always that way. Back then, when I left school, I learned a trade. I became electrician. I did nothing but wiring new buildings for about half a decade. At first it was fun, then it got repetitive and boring. While the pressure to get more and more done in the same amount of time constantly rose.

It took me a while to figure out a way out. I was browsing job descriptions, I was talking with friends and family, until one day I ran into someone drinking in the local pub. While sitting at the bar next to each other, a conversation came up and I asked him what his job was.

At first glance his answer was an ordinary one. One I probably wouldn’t have wasted much thinking about. He told me that he was the headmaster in the local elementary school. But as the evening went on, as more and more beer went inside our bodies, he began to tell me about his work schedule.

To my surprise, I like what he was telling me. He told me that he more or less could work whenever he wanted. He also told me that he had a lot of different things to take care off. And he told me that the boss, the schools principal, was easy going.

When asking him about the payday, he told me that it was enough to get a living out of it. As you can imagine, I was fixed. By the looks of it being a headmaster, or a janitor, sounded more than just appealing to me.

Out of pure luck the guy I was meanwhile drinking with, hanging out with on a regular base one day told me that he was more than close to retirement. And that they actually were looking for someone to replace him. Needless to say, I jumped on the opportunity that was opening up for me.

A couple of weeks later I had a new job. I was the new headmaster for the elementary school. I got hired, and my drinking buddy showed me around and taught me what I had to do. It didn’t took long and I fully arrived in my new job. Luckily I got along with mostly all of the teachers, the pupils were kind and mostly let me alone and the relationship between me and the female principal slowly but steadily turned into something unique and beautiful. Unfortunately the last thing I mentioned didn’t stood the test of time, so after about six years, I was around thirty years old back then, I was looking for a new job. A new position as a headmaster. And this time I wanted something in the private sector, I was looking for a mansion to take care off.

After a couple of months of searching for a new job, after going to a couple of job interviews I drove towards one of the most beautiful and for sure one of the oldest countryside mansions I had seen so far in my life. It was love on first sight. I wanted tot take care of the place. Needless to say, the pressure that came out of it, the pressure I put on myself, turned me into a nervous wreck.

After I parked my car in front of the house I went over to the huge entrance door and rang the bell. A housemaid opened up and told me to come in. We crossed an impressive entry hall and wen upstairs into a huge library that served as an office too.

Inside the library the lord and the lady were already waiting for me. The lord looked onto his watch when I came into the room. A smile appeared on his face while he did so: “Nice. The first one that is on time. Actually even was able to show up a little bit early.”

A smile appeared on my face when those words came out of his mouth: “Yes, I am more than just punctual.”

Then we shook hands, they made me sit down and the interview kicked off. We went through my previous work experiences. They asked me about my expectations about the job. And then they asked me some more private questions. Questions that I strictly speaking hadn’t to answer at all, but I was thinking why not so I went for it.

The more I talked about myself, the more they seemed to like. Especially the lady. A huge smile appeared on her face when she heard that I was single. And that I was more than just willing to move into the servants quarters up in the attic of the mansion.

In the end of the interview the overall mood was a more than just positive one. We shook hands one more time then the lady guided me out of the mansion: “We will call you soon. Promised.”

Two day later my phone rang. It was the lady: “You can start working for us, if you want.”

Needless to say I said yes. They sent me some paperwork, I signed it and sent it back, two months later I had packed all of my stuff and was on my way towards my new workplace. And towards what I was hoping would become my new home.

After arriving at the mansion I moved into a free room beneath the attic. Once I had all my stuff carried upstairs – the housemaid and the cook were lending me a helping hand – I had the rest of the day for myself. I decided to explore the park around the house and the surrounding countryside.

When it got dark I went back into the mansion. There in the kitchen I had dinner with the housemaid and the cook. They told me some stories about the lord and the lady. They also told me about some rules that were in place: They lord liked his privacy. So when he was at the mansion, we, the employees, had to stay in the background as good as anyhow possible. And well, their rooms, their quarters were off limits for me. At least as long as there wasn’t any work for me to do there. I nodded with my head.

The next morning I got up early and went downstairs. There I met up with my predecessor, the current, or better said old headmaster of the mansion. He had reached retirement age. He had only three months on the job left back then. It was his last summer at the mansion.

And I was on his side for the following three months. He showed me everything. He showed me what I had to do, he showed me where everything was and he showed me some secrets like how the age old fountain in front of the mansion was actually working.

During that time I got to know the housemaid and the cook a little bit better. We got along with each other and we had a few drunk get together in our quarters beneath the roof. And nope, nothing sexual came out of it. At least not back then. Back then we were nothing but workmates that were sharing a huge apartment beneath the attic in the house we were working in.

The lord and the lady, I had barely any contact to them back then. From time to time they called the old headmaster and me into their office to give us some instructions, from time to time we ran into them while doing some yard work and that was all. And when we met, the talk was either about work or just some kind and respectful good morning – or something similar – were exchanged.

Then in early fall, two things changed at the mansion: The old headmaster finally retired. The lord and the lady threw an official party for him, we, the employees had a get together in the kitchen a few days earlier to wish the old, but not so old man goodbye. And no, he didn’t had to move out of the mansion, because he had already moved into a nearby village decades ago when things got more serious with his wife.

And the second thing that changed was that the lord left the mansion. As the others told me it happened every year around the same time that he packed some of his belongings and literally moved South to escape the gray and grim winter. Without taking his wife, the lady, with him. She stayed at her mansion. Literally her mansion, because she was the one from noble blood, not her husband and the house was owned by her family for centuries.

And them spending the colder part of the year separated, it was nothing new for them. They did that since the time their children had left their home. They both needed their freedom. So the came to the mutual agreement that they spent half of the year together and the other half separated. And yes, while not being with each other, both of them could do whatever the wanted. No questions asked, no limits and no rules at all.

After the lord had moved out things kept on going in the mansion. But the lady changed one thing: From now on I was her personal driver. I replaced her husband. Always when she went on an official trip I was driving while she was sitting on the backseat. While spending time in a car together my boss and I got to know each other a little bit better. Or looking back from now, she got to know me more than a little bit better without giving away too much about herself.

But me becoming my ladies driver wasn’t the only thing that was changing. She herself went through a subtle transition: Her attire, her behavior changed. She dressed more to impress, she behaved in a more seductive way. And nope, she wasn’t running around in her underwear. She did that all in a very decent, very aristocratic way.

It didn’t took long and I took notice of it. It had been a while since I was active for the last time with a woman. And due the fact that I was living and working at the mansion, not that many women – except my coworkers – were around to look after. So my boss immediately had my full attention. And it shouldn’t take that long until she would catch me starring at her with some lust filled eyes. Her reaction onto it, nothing but a huge smile on her face.

Some time, maybe a week later I came back into the house from doing some work in the garden. I came in through the kitchen door, in the kitchen I ran into the cook. She told me that our boss, the lady had asked for me. That she was waiting for me upstairs in her private quarters. I nodded with my head, I got out of my dirty work boots and into my house shoes then I went upstairs, straight to the ladies private quarters.

At first I went into her living room, she wasn’t in it. Then I headed into her bedroom, the door was already open. Nope, she wasn’t in their either. Then I called for her. It didn’t took long and she answered my call: “I am in the bathroom, just come in.”

Inner me shrugged his shoulders and then I went straight into her bathroom. And what a I saw in there, caught my by surprise. It made me freeze. It made me blush. The lady was laying in her tub, clear water, her body more or less exposed to me. She clearly was showing off, she showed me her damn hot body on purpose, and she did it all with a smile on her face.

And her smile got even bigger when she was my reaction. She gave me some time to regain myself before she gave me my first order: “Can you hand me a fresh towel, please?”

I still struggled to move. But I was able to open my mouth: “I am so sorry for intruding, I am going to leave soon.”

While saying those words, I was unable to take my eyes off her, off her damn hot body. Yes, there was a huge bulge between my legs. Seeing her naked was nothing but a turn on for me.

Then she made things worse, or better. She stood up in the tub. Now I could see her whole body, not water was covering her up anymore. She looked nothing but hot and she still was smiling when she repeated her order: “No need for you to leave. Enjoy your view, and now, can you please hand me a towel?”

I went over to the shelf, I grabbed a fresh towel and brought it over to her. I wanted to hand it over to her, but she didn’t even bothered to grab it: “Now, rub me dry.”

I had to swallow. I had to focus. Then I rubbed her body dry while my horny levels went through the roof. I wanted nothing but to jump on her, to fuck her, but I resisted. I held myself back. It took a lot to pull that stunt and the lady, she probably knew what was going on inside me.

After the upper part of her body was dry she finally got out of the tub. Then she ordered me to take care off the lower part of her party. I went down on my knees and rubbed her feet dry. The moment she saw me kneel down in front of her, the smile on her face got even a little bit bigger.

Once I was done, once I full filled my order I stood back up again. When I was on my feet again she looked me in the eyes: “Thank you for helping me out. Now drop your pants and please yourself for me.”

A shiver went through my body. I blushed. And I froze. I once more was unable to act. To do anything. While my mind was asking itself if I had heard right. But it wouldn’t take long until I got a confirmation.

The lady got impatient. The smile was out of her face and replaced with a very stoic expression. Her eyes were piercing me when she opened her mouth once more: “That wasn’t a request, it was an order. Now relief yourself for me.”

Another more than just welcome shiver went through my body. I was nothing but turned on. It all was nothing but hot for me. It all was a dream coming true. A “Yes, my lady” left my mouth before I dropped my pants and my underwear.

The moment my raging hard dick popped out a pleased expression appeared on the ladies face: “You really like me, don’t you?”

I just nodded with my head then I began to jerk off. One of my hands went up and down my dick. Fast and hard. It didn’t took long and the first few moans escaped my throat. But my doing, it wasn’t like she wanted it to be: “Slow down, gentle, enjoy yourself. Enjoy every single damn stroke. Imagine it is my pussy, not your hand that is wrapping itself around your hard one.”

I complied. I took my time. I gave myself one gentle, slow stroke after the other. Not too long after my moaning was filling the room while I worked myself closer and closer towards an orgasm.

The moment I closed my eyes to drift on even further, she interrupted me once more: “Look me in the eyes, now.”

My hand stopped going up and down my dick for a few moments. It took me some time to focus, to open my eyes and to look into hers. Once it happened, she allowed me to keep on going. And she made things even better: “Don’t you take care of your balls? Don’t you want to squeeze every last drop of cum out of them?”

Needless to say, I followed her suggestion, her order. One of my hands was now going up and down on my dick while the other one was squeezing my balls. Gentle first, harder with time. And I did that all while looking her in the eyes. While her eyes encouraged me to keep on going. To enjoy myself.

Unfortunately it didn’t took long until I was close to an orgasm. I knew that I only had a couple of strokes left inside. I knew that my aching balls would unload themselves within a short period of time. I tried to hold myself back as good as I could. But it was too hot, too good. My dick wanted to cum.

Luckily my Lady gave me the order to do so. She must have realized that I was close. She showed me mercy by telling me, by ordering me to cum. She even gave me a countdown. When she arrived at zero, my body was shaking while a huge amount of cum shot out of my dick, messing up the floor in front of me with a couple of drops even landing on the ladies feet.

A smile appeared on her face the moment I had a mind blowing orgasm. After I was myself again, I got my next order: “Be a good boy, clean up the mess you made.”

I wanted to grab the already used, wet towel, but she stopped me the moment she saw what I wanted to do: “No, use your tongue. And then swallow your filth. Swallow your cum for me.”

It took me some time to push me to do it. It took a while until I was down on my knees licking my cum off her feet and off the floor. It took me even longer to swallow it all. It was a first time. But it had something. I scratched a certain itch inside me when my own cum was inside my mouth, when my own cum was down in my stomach.

I showed the lady my empty mouth while still being on all of my four. She now called me her good boy. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Then she allowed me to put my underwear and my pants back on. Then she looked me in the eyes again: “Thank you for helping me out. I hope you enjoyed it all as much as I did.”

I nodded with my head, I took one last long view at the ladies naked body, then she signaled me to leave her alone. And well, I left her bathroom. With a huge satisfied smile on my face.

I was whistling some tune when I came back into the kitchen. The cook was still there. When she saw me coming in, a smile appeared on her face: “Looks like someone had a more than just pleasant time serving the lady.”

The cook probably knew, or at least guessed what had happened in the hour I was up in the ladies private rooms, but she said nothing. She just kept on smiling at me until I told her the following: “Yes, it was more than just pleasant up there.”

And that me helping the lady out in the bathroom, it was a first time, not a last time. Over the course of the following weeks I was helping her out a lot. It somewhat became a totally hot, but normal thing for me to do. But it all was just the beginning. Things should get even better.
