Spring cleaning with my ex [MF] 20’s (Long narrative)

[For context: Sadie was my long-term girlfriend over the last portion of college. Average height, maybe a tiny bit short? athletic build, strong back, amazing collarbone, and wide hips with a firm round butt. Has a strong, but calm presence, and loves the outdoors. Long blonde hair, and elfy features with an almond-shaped face.

I would describe myself as moderately tall, lanky, and introverted? I’m told on rare occasions that I’m handsome and that I have sad eyes.

Previous stories about our saga are stickied on my profile!]

Many years ago, when spring was in the air, birds were chirping, and flowers were blooming. Sadie and I had been living together, informally, for several months. Taking walks, holding hands, wearing our beat-up hoodies in the crisp spring air and

… having intense arguments over when we should tell our parents. In fact, Sadie hardly spoke to me on the ride to the airport after I VERY maturely needled her about how I could still book a flight and come with her if she wanted me to. She already had plans to go back home to her folks’ place out of state. My folks were a modest drive away. I thought it would be prudent to go meet her family, and maybe discuss our future as a group. I hated to watch her so deliberately stare out the window as we drove to her early morning flight. I walked her to security, carried a couple of her bags, and she wordlessly clung to my jacket staring at her shoes at the TSA threshold. I didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know what to say.

She pulled me closer and tiptoed a moment to give me a not-dispassionate kiss “I’ll be home in a week”. She was still mad, but she still loved me.

“Call me when you land”. I ran my hands through her hair, down her back, stopped momentarily on her butt, and released her to board a winged metal tube that would carry her away from me for a week.

In my heart of hearts, I knew she needed this. That she hadn’t seen her family as much as she wanted to, and if I had gone along, the concept of “us” would have taken up all the time she needed to make up with her family. But I was a petulant 20-something, and doing mature, sensible things for my partner was difficult sometimes.

My drive to my hometown was uneventful. I had probably just recently seen my folks for a birthday or a long weekend. It wasn’t that I had a bad relationship with my family, or that I didn’t enjoy going home, but I was a gloomy sop the entire week. Sadie did call me, every night before bed. We managed not to fight, but we also managed to not discuss anything substantive, like we were both afraid of stepping on the same landmine.

I felt like we were in a bit of trouble. I felt like we were in MORE trouble when she told me her old roommate wanted to pick her up from the airport, and that I didn’t have to. I kept offering, but she said she wanted to see her friend for a couple of hours, and her friend had already agreed to. Part of me feared Sadie would just move out. Most of her clothes were already packed. So the tail end of my spring break was fairly shot, so I went home a couple of days early and … decided to get black-out drunk on my floor, and spent the next couple days starting to clean. I was ahead on assignments and needed something to keep my mind occupied.

The house wasn’t a disaster before? But it was in need of a deep clean. Oil spootz around the oven. Gunk in the blindspots of the sinks. The bedroom smelled like sex. Everything needed a buff and a layer of lemonsol. I was up to my armpits in dust mopping when the door creaked open, and a familiar midwest-adjacent voice rang out “I’m home!”. I was in sweatpants, a grimy shirt, but I practically flung my broom aside and kissed Sadie home. If a kiss could be tense and irate, this one was. I grabbed her heavier bags and plopped them on the couch. Sadie left me to take a post air travel shower as I continued to toil with the baseboards and perpetually dusty corners.

“The bathroom looks nice,” she said in workout shorts and an extra extra large shirt and working wet hair with her towel, “it’s all looking nice, is there anything I can help with?”.

“Laundry mountain and I’ve only gotten a little ways into the bedroom?” Obviously, the laundry mountain had only gotten taller with the two of us back from week-long trips. Once we had both worked our way inward around the house into the bedroom, I felt a tingling energy of wanting to start a fight and prove how right I was to myself, and this simultaneous spiral to her presence. We hadn’t been together for over a week, and it wasn’t like our phone calls and texts were particularly steamy and naked. We made the bed in silence with loaded eye contact. Like we both expected me to sleep on the couch, despite laying both pillows out, and we continued puttering around the room hunting down dust bunnies, and refuse that fell behind dressers.

I was scooting furniture and rearranging bookshelves when I heard a frustrated protest. Damn near the first words, I had heard from Sadie all afternoon.

“Come knock these cobwebs down” She was barefoot and probably would have reached in her shoes… or with a longer duster. I took the duster from her, gave a big stretch, and got them cleared out of the corner next to our mirrored closet door. We were touching, leaning into each other… I swear I could feel her pulse in my fingertips. The warmth of her skin. The smell of her recently washed hair and scrubbed skin. The moment lingered. The eye contact lingered. We were surely falling into a spontaneous and long wet kiss before my dumb ass opened my mouth and spoke

“Are you going to talk to me?” I said centimeters from her face.

“That depends… are you cleaning so you don’t have to apologize? or are you cleaning because it needs it?”

“It can be both?” I didn’t have an answer for her that mattered to me. I just needed her to love me. “Whatever you want from me. You want me to be sorry for wanting your parents to know I love you? That I even exist? that we’ve been together for months?”

“That’s a really fair way of framing all this.” She replied curtly.

“Okay! I’m sorry for bugging you! I’m sorry for wanting to crash your trip home and make it ALL ABOUT ME! I’m sorry I didn’t clean the house BEFORE we left. I’m sorry I made you late for class! I’m sorry I put a bra in the dryer” I was starting to slip into my best ranting Ray Liotta impersonation, but I didn’t care- I needed her to know that she was the only thing that mattered to me.

“Was that so fucking hard!?” She gave me a slight shove, that very quickly recalculated into her gripping my shirt and pulling me in for that deep wet kiss we had both been waiting for.

I couldn’t keep my hands off of her for another moment. We were quickly a tangled moaning mess of pulling our shirts off and pressing Sadie against the mirror hanging from the closet door. She bumped into it with a resounding thump, and we both laughed, surprised that the janky, cheap plastic Walmart mirror stayed attached. We were bare-chested, and kissing down each other’s bodies. I brushed my lips against Sadie’s hard nipples and gently bit down the edges and kissed down her ribs.

I hooked my fingers into her shorts and pulled them firmly down to her knees. She let out a husky gasp as I kissed back up her thigh and probed her clit with my tongue. She tasted faintly of glass, citrus, and sweat from the housework. I felt her plant her hands on my shoulders and dig her fingers into my back as I worked dutifully to make her cum, but she was sliding down with just her ass braced against our very janky plastic mirror, so I turned her around, and she braced against the door frame

“what are you going to-” she very quickly figured out what I was going to do. I was going to put my face between her legs (mostly in her ass?) and lick her pussy from behind. When my jaw or tongue needed a break, I did my best to rub her clit. And yes, it was fantastic to have her firm round ass that close to my face. I might have nipped and kissed a cheek a few times while stroking my cock on my knees. Sadie and I had fucked in front of a mirror a few times, and she had reported that she loved watching her own face while she was getting off, or seeing my face while I was fucking her from behind. Her face and hands were planted firmly against the mirror. She was fogging up the surface from her rapid breath and pleading gasps. And the few glances I caught of her with her cheek smooshed, and her tongue occasionally out wasn’t very ladylike, but I loved seeing her in such a primal state. I loved watching her sway, and her ribs working rapidly as her first orgasm came very quick and easy. Her semi-bound knees gave out, and I very carefully lowered her down to the floor with me. She turned to thank me with a needy kiss, and greedily taste herself on my lips.

We got each other all the way naked in between making out on the floor and alternating on who was stroking my cock. We found ourselves drifting toward the freshly laundered bed, and I lay my Sadie on clean white sheets. She pulled my pillow underneath her hips, and her recently fluffed pillow behind her head. Once she was properly situated and nested, she beckoned for me to join her with outstretched arms. It had been a week. I loved her desperately. Who was I to deny her?

I placed my achy body over hers, she wrapped her arms around my neck and urgently pulled me closer as we worked my cock inside her. There was the familiar blissful gasp as she felt me deep inside her, and I felt the wild ecstasy of her body as I tried to suppress my more animal and savage side after our first contact. We made love gently with her hips rolling to my rhythm, and the gentle wet slips and breathy strain of fucking your beloved for the first time in what felt like an eon. I buried my outbursts in her soft neck as I continued to unerringly fuck to our rhythm, and she would teasingly hold and grind to slow me down if I got off pace. I wasn’t going to stay in full control much longer, and she knew it, but this was very nice. I had to admit. She very carefully smoothed the tension off my face and looked me in the eyes… “Is that all you can take?”. I nodded without uttering a word, nervous for what insane thing I would say in this state. Sadie gave me one last kiss before wrapping her legs around me. “then fuck me as hard as you want…” she whispered directly into my ear. I imagine every hair on my neck stood up on end, but I’m not sure.

That was all the encouragement I needed. That barely contained savage part of me was cut loose, and I began to pound Sadie into the bed. I felt her ankles and legs gripping me, but the tempo had at least tripled at this point. But beyond that, everything was that wet blur of filling her pussy as her soft folds wrapped around me and clenched in waves. I didn’t stop when Sadie told me she was cumming. I didn’t stop when she told me she was cumming again. I didn’t stop when her chest heaved or she bit my shoulder. Or when she pushed her hips upward to try and feel me even deeper. I didn’t stop until every last drop was out of me and into her. I looked her right in the eyes when I did. And for a brief moment, I wasn’t sure if she worshipped me or hated me. Maybe I momentarily lost the ability to correctly read faces. I didn’t care in that moment. Her body was my trap, and her love was my everything.

When I pulled out, Sadie relented and unwrapped her legs from around me. There was a stinging pain in my back, shoulder, and hips where she had clenched and gripped me. I asked her where she hurt, and kissed the hurting parts, and I kissed her sweat-glistened abdomen, and heaving chest. The room smelled like sex again, and we probably needed to change the sheets, but we had another couple of days of spring break to kill, and a lot of lost time and hurt feelings to make up for.


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12z0pvj/spring_cleaning_with_my_ex_mf_20s_long_narrative

1 comment

  1. Looooooooooong post. I appreciate you reading! I was having a lot of trouble getting this uploaded.

    Well… this is pretty effectively the “chronological end” of the Sadie Saga. We went down a pretty slow burn from this point, had some ups and downs, but eventually broke up.

    It’s not the end of Sadie stories… I don’t think? I can probably draw from other experiences and keep them more focused on the horny aspects. But this was one of our low points close to the end, and I’ve had people ask me “what happened with you two”.

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