Report: The Aluminum Hills Incident [MFFF+] [20s] [Sci-Fi] [Tentacles]

#Incident Report — “Aluminum Valley Incident”

##Juno System Branch
##Division of Security
##Department of Colonial Integration

**Date:** 15–22 April 2201

**Location:** Cordin Mountains, Western Continent, Juno ɑ

**Security Clearance:** Level 3


Following the 2199 arrival of The Magellan Group’s Hopeful-class vessel Revealer at the Juno System, a large confederation of indigenous humanoid life forms on Juno ɑ began open hostilities with Magellan colonists. These aliens, named “goblins” for their resemblance to creatures from common high fantasy tropes, began a long-term guerilla war against Magellan, mostly fighting with primitive means: spears and bows and the like. By 2201, this conflict had been going on for two years, with much of the goblin population being reduced. However, the Western Continent’s mountainous terrain made it difficult for Magellan assets to make airstrikes with high precision. By April 2201, most of the Cordin Mountains had been declared a “green zone”, meaning that the region was considered mostly free of the goblin threat. On 14 April, the Division of Research and Development’s Department of Planetary Science sent a standard four-person ecological survey team to provide Magellan with a record of the ecosystem in the Cordin Mountains. The four ecologists (Dr. Erica Thomas (expedition leader), Dr. David Brightly (expedition lieutenant), Dr. Ana Chatti, and Chelsea Wo) arrived in the Cordins via orbital drop pod at 10:04 local time, the drop performed by RV Birmingham.


The first day of the survey proceeded as normal, with Dr. Thomas noting in the log that the weather had been “unseasonably pleasant”. The team surveyed the soil biogeochemistry in the region, and did a topical analysis of the local plant diversity. They made camp at coordinates [REDACTED] in Aluminum Valley, near the centre of the Cordins.

They were awoken early the next morning by rustling outside of their camp. Dr. Brightly, suspecting a goblin attack, grabbed his sidearm for defence. The team exited their tents, and were suddenly ambushed by a tribe of “at least fifteen” goblins according to Brightly’s initial estimates. They engaged with the enemy, fleeing into the mountains away from their camp.

At 07:54, Wo activated her distress beacon and contacted the Division of R&D’s Crisis Centre, informing them that they were under attack from an undocumented goblin tribe. The Crisis Centre supervisor advised them to flee the area, and immediately dispatched a gunship from the nearest Security Station to intervene.

The numerically superior goblins routed the ecologists, forcing them back to a mountainside. They ran for cover in a cave. At 08:10, Gunship AV-19 arrived on the scene, opening fire on the area. AV-19’s crew reported several goblin casualties.

The fire from the gunship caused the entrance of the cave to collapse, trapping the ecologists inside with seven of the goblins who had narrowly escaped the airstrike. Out of ammunition, Dr. Bright threw down his sidearm and surrendered. The others followed.

Herein, this incident report is based entirely off of Dr. Chatti’s report.

The four of them had their equipment taken from them, were tied up at the wrists, and were led deeper into the caves. The caves appeared to form part of a much larger underground network, likely volcanic in origin, that was never documented by the Department of Planetary Science. They were taken to what appeared to be a goblin colony deep inside of the mountain, with a population exceeding 40. All of the goblins observed by Dr. Chatti were female.

The ecologists were brought before a council of several goblins, described as “elder mothers” by Dr. Chatti. They spoke English, much to the ecologists’ surprise. They were told that their capture was for a specific purpose, as described by Chatti:

> “They said that the years of attacks on their tribe, the Kikzi tribe, had killed off all of their males. Traditionally, the Kikzi females dwelt in caves while the males hunted and fought wars, leading to all of the males being killed by Magellan airstrikes. This left the Kikzi in a situation whereby they were unable to reproduce, and their tribe was effectively doomed. As such, so they told us, they required us to restore them. My initial thought was that they wanted Dr. Bright to procreate with the goblins, however, they had something more sinister in mind.”

The ecologists were led to a large, cavernous pit at the center of the colony, which the goblins called “The Nest”. Chatti describes the Nest as being a vast organic collective of thousands of individual green tentacles, each of them coated in a thick, sticky blue goo. The pit was about 5 meters deep and 20 meters in diameter.

According to the goblins, the Nest had the ability to spawn goblin offspring from any female womb presented to it. Any female humanoid (goblin, human or otherwise), once undressed and thrown into the pit, would be transformed into a broodmother who would produce goblin offspring for the rest of her natural life. She would be bound by the tentacles, deep in the mesh of the tentacles, completely unable to escape.

The goblins informed the ecologists that, owing to their lack of males, the Nest was their people’s only hope for survival. They elected to throw the humans into the Nest.

Thinking quickly, Dr. Brightly stepped forward. He proclaimed to the goblins that he and the other ecologists were demons, and if they were harmed, fire would rain down from above in the form of the previous airstrikes. The goblins were at least somewhat convinced of this. They locked the ecologists in their jail cell to deliberate their options.

They were left in the jail cell for three days. They were given water, but no food. The cell was described by Dr. Chatti as a 3×3 metre room carved from rock, with a crude steel barred door locked from the outside.

On the third day, they were brought back before the elder mothers. They stated their conviction that Wo, being the physically smallest of them all, was likely a lesser demon, and would be sent to the Nest while the others remained in captivity. Dr. Brightly protested, but he was taken away while Wo was dragged off, kicking and screaming.

Dr. Chatti and Dr. Thomas, the other two females on the expedition, were taken to watch while Wo was sent to her doom. They were taken to a “control room”, which Chatti described as a constructed room with windows overlooking the Nest. Inside were two vertical tubes made of a clear glass-like material, each one with a mechanical lever next to it. Wo was forcibly stripped by the goblins. She was in tears as she pleaded for her life, but the goblin women forced her into the tube. She pounded on the walls, but the goblins quickly pulled the lever, opening a trapdoor below Wo and dropping her down a chute. Chatti observed her fly out of a hole in the side of the nest, where the tentacles grabbed Wo and dragged her underneath the mass of flesh. Chatti wrote:

> “It was like something out of a horror movie. I watched her nude body, still slick with the goo that lubricated the tunnel she had been dropped through, fly out at great speed into the Nest. I watched them grab each of her limbs and wrap around her waist. She screamed bloody murder, then was dragged underneath, leaving the Nest silent.”

At this point, Chatti and Thomas were returned to their cell with Brightly, where they explained the situation to him.

They realised the situation was dire. Without any of their equipment, their capacity to contact the Magellan Group was effectively zero. It was Dr. Thomas who first proposed a forced breakout. The plan was simple: Brightly, who seemed to have the most rapport with the goblins, would feign an illness and request treatment. He would presumably be taken out of the cell, at which point he would be able to slip away from the guards, return to the cell, let Thomas and Chatti out, and find a method of escape together.

The plan, Chatti would later admit, was a bad one. It was predicated on far too many assumptions. However, it was their only choice.

For the first time in four days, the ecologists were brought food in the form of dried mushrooms. Brightly attempted to feign an illness, but, contrary to Thomas’ plan, immediately engaged the goblins in hand-to-hand combat when the cell door was open. This was successful at first, but a swarm of goblins arrived to pacify the three ecologists.

This defeat led the goblins to realise that Brightly’s demonic claims were lies. As punishment, the goblins ruled that Thomas and Chatti would be sent to the Nest. Brightly, meanwhile, would remain in the colony, to attempt to impregnate more female goblins and jumpstart the population. Thomas and Chatti violently disapproved, but Brightly did not. Chatti discussed Brightly’s reaction.

> “He looked at us, then back at the goblins, and said it sounded fair to him. I swear I saw a smirk on his face.”

Thomas and Chatti were led to the control room. Chatti described Thomas as “inconsolable”. They were undressed, and late in the night of their fifth day in captivity, they were loaded into the launching tubes— Thomas being in the tube that had claimed Wo the day previous. Thomas was dropped first, then Chatti.

Dr. Chatti entered into a sharp drop in a dark tube slide. The sides, as she had recalled from Wo’s drop, were lined with the thick blue slime from the Nest. Immediately, Chatti tried to orient her body to slow her fall, but it was just too slick.

In the near-darkness, Chatti noticed some rough edges on the sides of the tube. Using all of her strength, she braced her body against the tube walls and tried to stop herself using her hands and feet. She slid to a stop, a matter of feet from the mouth of the slide.

Chatti heard Thomas fly out of her slide. She screamed as her body was violated by the Nest. There was nothing that Chatti could do to help her.

Chatti knew that her only hope was to climb back up out the way that she had came. The slime was extremely slippery, but the edges of the tube were rough enough that she could inch her way up, little by little. It took Chatti hours to climb up inch by inch, occasionally losing her grip and sliding back down, but always managing to recover.

After several hours, an exhausted Chatti was able to reach the top of the tube. The trapdoor had been left open, so she was able to pull herself up and out. She stated that she then spent several minutes lying on the floor of the control room, exhausted, trying to fight her tears.

Chatti was now naked. She snuck out of the control room, and found her cell empty. She avoid detection, searching for Dr. Brightly. She then found him in an antechamber on the edge of the colony. In her words:

> “[Dr. Brightly] was sitting on a bed surrounded by half a dozen youthful female goblins. He was nude himself, in the middle of coitus with one of them, and it seemed like the group of them were lined up to procreate with Brightly. It all became clear to me. He had sold out his colleagues for the purpose of obtaining a harem of eager young alien girls. I frankly felt like I had no choice but to abandon him.”

Chatti left the scene. She ran for the tunnels leading out of the colony, following them in a random direction. It took her a day, but she managed to find an exit back out into daylight.

By this time, it had been almost a week since the team had gone missing. The search and rescue operation was close to being called off. However, Chatti’s makeshift camp was eventually spotted by Rescue Craft LX-03. She was taken aboard, given first aid, and fed, before being returned to Frontier City on the Western Continent.


Dr. Erica Thomas, Dr. David Brightly, and Chelsea Wo have been officially categorised as missing in action. Though their death is not yet ruled out, too little about the Kikzi Tribe and the “Nest” is known to make a decisive ruling. It is possible that Thomas and Wo are still alive inside of the organism being continuously bred, and it is also possible that Brightly is still being used as breeding fodder by the tribe.

In light of this highly unusual incident, the Department of Colonial Integration makes the following recommendations:

1) Continue to use land, air, and space assets to fully annihilate the goblin population in the Cordin Mountains

2) Cease all scientific and prospecting operations in the Cordin Mountains until recommendation 1) is satisfied

3) Initiate deep-earth biological scanning processes to investigate the “Nest” and verify whether other organisms like this exist. If it becomes apparent that this is a Cosmic-class organism (see CV Destiny incident), operations on Juno ɑ may need to be suspended indefinitely.

4) Maintain this document as Security Clearance Level 3 until further investigation is completed, so as not to deter homesteaders and prospectors and impact sales.
