24 [FM] surprisingly slutty date

Mad props to the girls on here who are getting gangbanged every night of the week, but my slutty memories are a little fewer and farther between since I entered the adult world. I had many, MANY of them in college and before but lately I’ve been participating in the rollercoaster that is dating. The swiping, the chatting, the flaking – exhausting. But, for the first time in a while, I got the sudden courage to let out my inner slut on a perfectly normal Hinge date. We matched, we chatted, we made plans and a tiki bar, blah blah blah. I wore a perfectly nice but not “sexy” dress. No flirtatious innuendo at first, polite conversation about our jobs and neighborhoods and backgrounds. Then gimmicky tiki drink #2 hit and I started to feel devious. I began looking for a subtle way to turn the conversation sexual, but subtlety is not my forte. He was talking about a recent trip to Vegas, so I asked him if he liked gambling. He said he hated watching his money disappear so fast and that he has bad luck with gambling. Completely freewheeling it on the spot at this point, I said something like “i totally feel you but i love a little low stakes bet, like you have to buy me a beer if the Padres win a game or something” (we’re both from San Diego / SoCal originally, not relevant). “Oh yeah, that kind of thing is fun” he agreed. My fuzzy, half-formed game plan solidified in that moment.

“Should we do one now?”

“Ha, hell yeah. What do you wanna bet?”

“We could flip a coin. Nothing too serious probably. How about like, if it’s tails, you buy me a nice glass of scotch or whatever they have. If it’s heads, I’ll suck your dick tonight.”

Dead silence for two beats. “Uhhhh, i like that plan a lot.” Jackpot.
Readers, I put every crossed finger, rabbit’s foot, Lord’s prayer, lucky penny bit of juju I have ever accumulated into that coin flip and, like we were in a fucking movie, i slapped the coin between my palms, flipped it onto the back of my hand, and it was heads. #blessed.
My heart was pounding from my sheer bravado in that moment, but I tried to keep it cool. I told him we should probably get the check, and he agreed. From there, no more polite chit chat. We figured out quickly his place would be better since his roommates are guys and if anything they would just be proud of their boy and mind their own business, whereas I live with nosy girls.

The 15 minute walk back to his place was his turn to surprise me. I kept taking glances down at his pants where there was a super obvious growing…situation that he kept having to readjust as we walked. A total gentleman up to that point, he stopped for a second and said “you really want this fucking cock huh.” Not the filthiest sentence anyone has ever said to me but in that moment, oh my god. I just nodded and gave a weak little “mmhmm” and he laughed.
His roommates were in fact home, and we stopped for the last polite chit chat of the night before he said “we gotta go” with a big grin and took me to his room right off the kitchen where everyone was hanging out. It was about four seconds before i had his cock in my mouth, and I had a fucking blast trying to embarass him with lots of loud gasping, gagging and slurping. He just kept repeating “good girl…jesus…good girl” until i felt those sweet sweet hot ropes painting my esophagus. After that the story is less thrilling but it was still a fun night. I got to hang out with the roommates a little more, chug some water, watch some classic british comedy (Peep Show), and then I decided I needed my own bed immediately and ubered home. Proud to say I earned a second date.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12td8s3/24_fm_surprisingly_slutty_date


  1. That’s super hot! I love that you went back to hanging with the roommates after making them listen to all of your gagging and slurping

  2. OP, is your user name a play on Caravaggio + vagina?

    Also, I went to school in San Diego. NCAA men’s basketball broke my damn heart this year.

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