The Dorm Room Bet – 4 [MF]

Sexy part starts at comment.

Kristin ran from my room, humiliated.

I was at a loss, having awkwardly gotten dressed with her in silence. I was scrambled in my thoughts, trying to calm down from the hottest sexual experience of my life, and the crazy roller coaster of emotions that just snuffed out that moment. Her expression was one of anger, hurt, embarrassment. I wanted to hold her and let her know everything was going to be ok (did I mention the good guy complex?), but I was observant enough to gather how unwelcome that would be.

I tried to talk to her. “Don’t,” she said the moment I made a sound. To this point I’d always remembered her eyes as sparkly green as emeralds. They looked more like the dull dark green of the North Pacific over her currently agitated countenance.

I tried again. She put her hand on my chest, just looked at me and almost imperceptibly shook her head. And then she walked out of my life for 5 weeks.

I handled the whole thing very maturely. I was 18. Of course I didn’t. I tracked down the three people that saw us. I interrogated them as to who all knew. It was all futile. The bet had united our floor of the dorm, and those that put money on Kristen wanted that cash, and was pissed that I was not forthright about the situation. Future lawyers of the dorm delighted in mulling over whether it counted since Jill had already left. That spawned questions about what else everyone didn’t know. Ugh, it was absolutely the sort of misery that made this bet a terrible idea from the get go. Of course, I wasn’t really planning falling for Kristin either.

What might have been a casual fling I wouldn’t care about being publicly mulled over, was instead an intensely passionate, intimate connection that surprised me in how much I wanted to guard it in the most primal way. I snarled a bit about questions at first, until I heard that those same questions got posed to Kristin. Then I told everyone to leave her alone, which was like the worst gasoline on this fire. The impish confidence of youth battered by the fallout of lacking prior good sense. They didn’t stop. Shocking, I know.

Without betraying a single detail, I confirmed that the house didn’t win the bet. The whole thing took a decidedly less jovial tone, but I’d accomplished what I’d set out to. Things moved on. Slowly. I’m certain it got back to Kristin that I discussed our time together. I only hoped that she could have a little peace, even if it meant she hated me for it.

I would see Kristin on campus occasionally. Now that she was putting effort into not seeing me, I noticed how much she had arranged *to* see me before. And that made me yearn for her that much more, and wonder how I could fix this. I tried to reach out to Jenn and Bre to connect with her. They were scarce, and unhelpful. Then fate helped me out.

I walked out of the student union, looking back over my shoulder to exchange some comment with a buddy as I pushed open the door and walked right into Bre. She was walking in right next to Kristin. I had a lecture I should’ve been on my way to, but I apologized to Bre, and asked Kristin if we could talk.

“NO!” It was loud, it was emphatic, and a good chunk of the student union turned to see the fuss. I think I’d just reached the bottom of my barrel on embarrassment at this point, because I leaned in. Even louder than her, and sort of half sung like a musical:



JUST LIKE THIS?” I may have actually done some version of jazz hands as I finished. Ok, not really.

In our game of brinkmanship, she blinked. She angrily grabbed my arm, and drug me outside. “You are out of your fucking mind!!” She hissed.

“Says the person that shouted me down.” I shrugged. Being flippant or casual appeared to be the wrong approach, as she double hammer-fisted my chest in a modified and much less funny version of Elaine from Seinfeld in response. The student union

“Stop this bullshit right this instant.” She seethed.

“Stop what?” I smiled as I said.’

“Stop trying to be funny and charming. And stop performing for half the school.” She indicated to the windows of the student union that carried all of the onlookers. I thought I saw the faintest bit of daylight in her face. I definitely knew she was a touch embarrassed at the attention through the window.

I’m the youngest in my family and live to entertain myself through the playful torment of those close to me. *Resist the urge*. The thought cycled through my brain on repeat like a scrolling marquee. I would later learn to control my urges. I ran back to the door of the student union and stuck my head through the door.

“IT’S ALRIGHT GUYS, WE’RE JUST REHEARSING A PLAY.” I got a few laughs. It’s all in the commitment to the gag. Jenn shook her head and chuckled. Not gonna lie, there were a few football team sized guys starting to take notice like this might be domestic violence. I kind of put my hands up like *mea culpa* and then turned back to Kristin, who had a resigned expression on her face. “Can we have a regular conversation before these people think I beat you up or something?”



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