[FM] My fiancé cheated on me (29F) and his mom had always been a bitch to me, so for revenge on both of them I tried to seduce his dad (53M)

Until a couple of months ago I thought that I (29F) was in a happy relationship with my fiancé, Scott (28M). That changed when he didn’t come home after a work night out. I was worried about him so I phoned some of his friends in the morning. They didn’t know where he was or at least didn’t want to tell me. Eventually the girlfriend of one of his colleagues who had been with them told me that he had gone home with Kimberley, the office slut, whom Scott had previously told me was notorious for having slept with half the guys in the company. I was stunned and refused to believe it.

When he eventually came home I asked where he’d been. He told me he’d slept at his friend Josh’s place. I told him I’d phoned Josh and he hadn’t seen him. *”Did you have fun fucking Kimberley?”* I bawled. He panicked and stumbled for an excuse. *”Get out!”* I screamed and threw the first thing that came to hand at him.

In the following days I cried more than I care to admit. In my weaker moments I thought about giving him another chance. Then my thoughts would swing to revenge. I wanted to hurt him like he’d hurt me. I wondered, hypothetically, who would be the worst person I could fuck to get back at him? He didn’t have a brother and his friends were all assholes. What about his dad?

It was a ridiculous idea that made me laugh for the first time in days. Scott’s mom, Debbie (51F), is a bitch. Ever since we first started dating I was never good enough for her only son. She’d always make snide comments about me or try to put me down and Scott would invariably take his mother’s side in any disputes. It was the thought of Debbie coming home to find me riding her husband, staring at me with that trademark look of disapproval on her face, that gave me the giggles.

I’ve never really been into older men but I found the idea intriguing. I’d always liked Jeff (53M). He was the opposite of his wife, just a chill guy who had always been good to me. He’s about 6 feet tall with salt and pepper hair. He’s worked his whole career in construction so is in decent shape for his age but is not somebody I’d ever thought about sexually. Would he say same about me? I was pretty sure I’d caught him checking me out in the past.

The more I thought about Jeff the less ludicrous the idea seemed. I asked myself, hypothetically, could I ever see myself fucking him? I surprised myself with the answer and how horny it made me feel: yes, actually I’d probably quite like to.

*”Yeah, I should definitely fuck Scott’s dad. I’d love to see what he and his bitch mom think about that”* I thought to myself defiantly. The idea made me wet but I knew it was just a fantasy that I’d never go through with. I fingered myself while imagining how such a far-fetched scenario might play out. I rubbed out a very satisfying orgasm and fell asleep.

The next day Scott called again and this time I actually answered. He wanted to try to fix things but somehow only made everything worse.

*”It didn’t mean anything.”*

*”It doesn’t have to be a big deal.”*

*”My mom thinks you’re being unreasonable.”*

*HOW FUCKING DARE SHE?!* OK Debbie, let’s see how *reasonable* you think it is when it’s your husband. In a fit of anger and having no fucks left to give, I resolved to shoot my shot. I was going to try and fuck Jeff. I realize now that this made me no better than Kimberley but I was past caring.

I’m aware how absurd the idea was but none of these people were going to be in my life any more so what was the worst that could happen? I wouldn’t actually tell Scott and Debbie – I’m not a complete psycho. The dirty little secret would be satisfaction enough. I had no idea if Jeff would go for it but I was excited to try. I deserved some fun after what Scott had done to me and Jeff deserved a naughty little reward for putting up with Debbie for 30 years – I intended to give it to him.

Every Tuesday Debbie attends meetings of a committee that she is on – some group of local Karens that like to involve themselves in other people’s business. Every week she’d be out for a couple of hours and Jeff would be home alone. This would be my window of opportunity.

I waited in my car for 15 minutes after Debbie left, trying to work up the courage to ring their doorbell. It was preposterous. I’d never seduced anyone in my life before, especially not a married man twice my age who until a week ago was going to be my father-in-law. I’m not a sexually confident woman; I’d only been with two other guys before Scott.

Every time I lost my nerve I thought about how angry Scott had made me and the constant disapproval from Debbie but it was the taboo of leading Jeff astray that gave me the courage to get out of the car. I was physically excited in a way I hadn’t felt before, trembling with nerves but also incredibly horny.

It was cold and I was underdressed so I quickly skipped up their driveway. I hesitated for a moment and then rang the bell. I’m 5’6″ normally but my heels added another 3 inches. I was wearing a split-thigh blue dress that showed off my boobs. I’d had my hair done earlier in the day, my make-up was understated but sexy, and my legs (and pussy) were freshly shaven.

Eventually the door opened. Jeff was surprised to see me and stared open-mouthed for a moment. If he wondered about how I was dressed he didn’t say anything.

*”I’ve brought back some of Scott’s things”* I said, shivering as I handed him a bag. *”I thought you could pass them on, I don’t want to see him”*.

He invited me in out of the cold, as I knew he would. *”So it’s really over then?”* he asked. *”He cheated on me!”* I sobbed – it was not difficult to turn on the tears, it was still raw.

Jeff seemed torn between arguing his son’s case and disappointment in his behavior. He’s quite a reserved man, not really good with emotions, and didn’t now how to deal with his son’s distraught ex. He placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a sympathetic look. I took this as my cue and moved in for a hug. He was uneasy and held me loosely. I wrapped my arms around him tighter so that our bodies were pressed against each other as I snivelled on his shoulder. I kept holding on as Jeff’s discomfort increased. Eventually he announced he would make us some coffee and released himself from my awkwardly intimate embrace.

I sat on the sofa and waited for him to come back from the kitchen with the coffee. When he returned he sat on the other sofa opposite me. That didn’t suit my intentions so I got up and sat myself down beside him.

We talked about the last 4 years that we had known each other, since Scott and I got together. I leant against him so that I was looking up at him as we talked. I positioned myself so that whenever he looked at me he would have a great view of my tits down the front of my dress. He tried to avoid eye contact.

As we talked I “innocently” let my hand drop so it was touching his thigh. I could sense him tense up slightly but he didn’t say or do anything. After a little while I moved it slightly higher. It was so subtle he must have thought he was imagining it.

I told him how much I appreciated him and was sad that we wouldn’t see much of each other any more. And then I made my move. I kissed him square on the lips and lingered for a moment. He froze as his brain tried to compute what was happening – maybe I was just being overly familiar because I was emotional?

I clearly wasn’t being direct enough so I straddled his thigh and placed my hand on his cock. I leaned over and kissed him again, this time slipping my tongue between his lips. For a brief moment he reciprocated and I felt him stiffen in my palm. My heart raced as I realized that he wanted this too. I guided his hand to my breast. He cupped it for a second while I teased his tongue… and then he pulled away.

Flustered, he stood up and apologised – although he had nothing to be sorry for. He told me he was flattered but that we couldn’t do this. He was a better man than his son. I felt bad for making him so uncomfortable so I apologised and left.

I got back in the car and cringed with embarrassment at my pathetic attempt at seducing Scott’s dad. I was also unbelievably turned on. It had only lasted a few seconds but he had definitely wanted me. I couldn’t help but touch myself as I drove home. I went inside and fucked myself senseless with my dildo, imagining it was the 53-year-old cock I’d had in my hand. The hottest part was the thought that while I was doing this he was probably pumping that same cock thinking about me.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12pnlqk/fm_my_fiancé_cheated_on_me_29f_and_his_mom_had