The Doctor’s Tool [F19/M30s][Gyno]Drugged][Noncon]

*All my stories are fiction for erotic entertainment only; I do not condone nonconsensual sex.*

*If you’re interested in my work, please check out my* [*Smashwords*](*.*


“Please remove all your clothes, including underwear, and put on this gown. The doctor will be with you shortly.”

“My shirt, too?”

The nurse continued typing and didn’t look up. “Yes, please, and your bra. The doctor will be performing a full exam today.”


The nurse left the room.

I stripped and set my clothes on a chair, stuffing my socks in my shoes. It was a bit chilly but not too bad. The typical hospital gown was as awkward as usual. I was always a little tempted to ignore it and see if it bothered them. It didn’t bother me.

I sat on the similarly awkward hospital bed, dangling my legs in boredom. The doctor always seemed to take ten or fifteen minutes to find their way after the nurse left.

Today, I was at my gynecologist’s for a routine checkup two weeks after getting an IUD. I’m nineteen, in college, I like sex = birth control, duh. It only took me this long because my boyfriend almost religiously used a condom.


We just… hadn’t worked out. Happens. But it meant I was looking for a new partner and it didn’t hurt to be careful.

Anyways, the expected ten minutes later, the doctor knocked and walked in.

“Hello, Emma. Good to see you again. How are you today?” he said politely.

Yes, my gynecologist was male. Again, this stuff just didn’t bother me. He’s a doctor, whatever.

“Hi, John.” I smiled. I figured anyone who got to see my vagina up close ought to be on a first-name basis. It only took a few visits to convince him of that too; John had been my gynecologist for several years now. “The nurse said a full exam? I thought I was caught up for the rest of the year.”

He rolled over a stool and sat next to me, clipboard in hand. “Yes, it’s routine for an IUD checkup. The hormone may cause changes in your body, and we want to monitor any of those changes.”

“Oh. Sure.” Doctor stuff, fair enough.

He flipped a page. “I see your STI tests from last time were all negative. Have you had any partners since then?”

I shook my head. “Nope.” He’d said to wait until after this exam. I hadn’t had sex for over a month now, actually; I was getting antsy.


He set the clipboard down and pulled out the usual stirrups for my legs. “Please lie down and sit at the edge of the bed, Emma.”

I was already scooting my butt forward. Same as two weeks ago, after all. About the right spot was when it felt like I was almost falling off the bed. I laid back and stuck my feet in the contraption, the gown riding up to my hips.

“Perfect, thank you,” he said from between my legs. I smiled at him.

John was more cute than handsome but there was nothing wrong with that. I’d guess he was in his thirties; he looked kinda young for a doctor.

He moved to the side of the bed and raised a strange pole next to my shoulder.
The pole extended straight up about a foot, then bent parallel to and across the bed. He slid a cloth on it, the material settling on my collarbone. I couldn’t see most of the room now.

“What’s this for?” I asked.

From beyond the screen, he said, “It’s a new procedure to keep things professional. Does it make you uncomfortable?”

I shrugged. “No, it’s fine.”

“Great. We’ll start with the pelvic exam. Just a moment.”

I heard the snap of gloves and a drawer opening, then his hand touched my thigh lightly.

“Alright, I’m putting the speculum in. You’re going to feel some pressure.”

Ugh. I grimaced while he did his thing. After a few moments, he spoke again.

“Everything looks normal. The IUD looks to be in perfect position. Is it causing you any discomfort?”


“Good. I’m taking the speculum out now.” Oh, good.

More glove snapping.

“I’m going to do a breast exam now, ok?”


His warm hand brushed aside the gown and massaged my breasts, one at a time. He was very thorough, slowly kneading my flesh from all angles, his thumb occasionally circling my nipple.
I could feel myself getting wet. My face flushed, and I was glad for the barrier. I bit back a moan as he continued to squeeze and rub, pausing now and then as though to better feel a certain spot. He seemed to be taking his time, manipulating my soft flesh and gently rolling my nipples.

Finally, his hand left. I sighed in relief and disappointment.

“Everything feels normal. Now, there is one last test I’d like to do, but it’s optional. It’s just to make sure everything is in working order. It does require an IV for a mild sedative. Is this ok, Emma?” Another drawer opened and closed while he spoke.

“A sedative? Like ibuprofen?” The nurse had given me that last time for the insertion, to relax my cervix.

“A little stronger than that, but essentially the same purpose, yes.”

“…Ok, I guess. Whatever you think is best.”

“Great. Just relax. Small pinch.”

He rubbed a cool sanitizer over my arm, then I felt a tiny stab. He seemed to be manipulating something in that area, probably the IV. He rolled over a metal pole and hung a bag.

My body began to feel distant and numb. I could still move, but it was an effort and my limbs were a little slow to respond. It felt weird, but my mind was getting detached too, so it wasn’t alarming.

“Emma, can you hear me?”

“Mmm.” I tried to say ‘yes’. All that came out was a quiet grunt. My lips didn’t want to move. I probably could talk, but it seemed like too much effort.

“Great. Don’t worry about talking. I’m going to begin the test now.”
Then his fingers started gently rubbing my vaginal lips. “Let me know if anything is uncomfortable.”

I offered another soft grunt. No, not uncomfortable. It felt quite nice. I guess I wasn’t actually numb. I vaguely hoped he didn’t think anything of how wet I was.

“Ok, I’m going to stimulate your vagina. Don’t worry about your reaction, just let it be natural. We want the most natural responses possible.”

Then why was I sedated? The thought drifted out of my mind. The doctor must have a good reason.

It was actually a nice, sleepy, relaxed state where I could enjoy his gentle ministrations without thinking about them. How his fingers were slowly circling my wet entrance, running along my slick folds. How his thumb pressed lightly against and around my clit, stroking.

The doctor slipped a finger inside me and sort of petted my vaginal tunnel with small, gradual, curved thrusts. He added a second digit and continued to stroke my soft flesh with gentle pressure, in and out.

A quiet moan escaped my heavy chest.

“Your reactions are perfectly normal. Just let me know if you need me to stop.”

I wasn’t sure how I would let him know if I couldn’t talk, but maybe he’d understand the tone of my noises, like a dentist. Besides, I didn’t want him to stop.

The hair on his arms tickled my inner thighs as he worked. He was squeezing my leg with his free hand.
“You’re a very healthy young woman. Mm.”

Exercise was important for the brain, or whatever. He rubbed my thigh and withdrew his fingers from my slick tunnel. I almost complained.

Then I felt a warm, wet, encompassing presence on my opening. It felt like his mouth, his lips and hot breath. It felt like he was licking my wet folds, his tongue pressing against my sensitive flesh.

I moaned and didn’t care what he was doing, just that it felt good. His tongue—I imagined it was his tongue—stabbed into my pussy and licked up my juices. I swear I heard him swallow and moan, but it was a quiet sound. He seemed to swirl his tongue around my opening, then lick up to my clit and suck. My hips twitched and he patted me comfortingly on my thigh.

Sadly, this part of the test ended too quickly. The soft warmth left me throbbing. I whimpered.

He chuckled.
“Ok, I’m going to insert my—the tool. You’re going to feel pressure.”

His hairy skin brushed against my inner thighs and something pressed against my opening.

It felt like a cock.

My hips twitched, but that was all I could do.

“Sorry, I know it feels strange. Just relax.”

The tool pushed into me, one slow inch at a time. I grunted. It pulled out, the hairy skin on my thighs retreating as well, then shoved back in.

This felt a lot like fucking. Maybe it was supposed to.

What felt like a bulbous head split my lips as it pushed in and out, the tool pulling almost all the way out before sliding back in deeper every time. It felt thick and hard like a cock, not at all like the metallic hardness of the speculum.

“You’re doing good. You feel so good.”

He sounded a bit off, but I couldn’t really tell with my fuzzy, drugged brain.

And the tool felt good too. I was a bit horny in general, and the previous part of the test had really heated me up. I sighed as the tool worked its way into me.
The head bumped into my cervix. It felt like his hips and balls sat flush against my body too, but I couldn’t be sure. Maybe I was imagining things and it was just his hands and the tool.

“Ok… I’m going to test… your vaginal walls. Just hold on. It might… take a while.” He sounded like he was panting.

The implement slowly retreated, dragging its thick length along my slick vaginal walls until that head was kissing my lips, then it made its way back in, the plunge just as slow.

It felt so good. I wanted so badly to fuck back, but I couldn’t. Maybe that’s why I was sedated. Whatever this tool was, it was better than a dildo. Mmm, fuck.

“Oh… you’re so tight… so good… oh, yes…”

Things like why he was panting, the words he was using, and how it felt exactly like his pelvis was pressing up against mine with every thrust didn’t penetrate my cloudy mind.

After a few more slow, torturous pumps, he sighed, and the tool started to speed up. It really sounded like slapping flesh down there. I felt his thumb on my clit, and my hips twitched, my pussy clenched.

“Yes… just testing… your natural responses. Mmph. Don’t worry… about it. Ungh…”

It felt too good to be concerning, the tool so much like a cock pistoning in and out of my eager tunnel. Fuck, he could test me all day if he wanted to.

His rod was thrusting hard and fast. I wanted it to be a cock. It felt like a cock, soft and hard all at once, filling me up and fucking me and making my pussy tighten with increasing pleasure.

I had to be soaking wet. His thumb massaged and pressed my clit, intensifying the heat coiling low in my stomach. I hoped orgasming wouldn’t ruin the test, because I could feel the heat building, the beautiful waves pouring through me. If he kept this up, I was going to come on that thrusting tool.
I tried to make some warning noises in case he didn’t want that. “Mmm, mmn… mm.”

His breathless voice interrupted me. “Shh, it’s ok… everything’s going… perfect. Hold on… Just a little longer… You’re, uh, reactions are… mmm… yes… ah…”

Well, I tried. It was too late anyway. With these last few deep, long thrusts, that coiling heat exploded inside me, my pussy grabbing onto its invader, pulsing pleasure through my body.
I couldn’t feel if my toes curled, but the luxuriant heat certainly spread to every inch of my skin. I whimpered quietly.

The tool lodged itself as far as it could go inside my quivering pussy and held still. If it had been a cock, it could probably feel my throbbing inner muscles.

“Oh yes… Emma, yes… You’re so tight… That’s a good response, yes. That’s perfect,” he panted.

*Oh, good*, I thought. I hadn’t ruined the test.

He started moving the tool again, pumping it faster and harder, short and quick lunging thrusts like a cock about to cum. The implement somehow seemed to grow bigger, swelling inside me as it impaled me over and over again, in and out, the thick shaft plunging through my depths.

The moan in my chest came out as a soft breath. I wished I could arch into the hard thrusts, shove my pussy into this amazing tool. I vaguely noticed my body rocking with the force of the pumping shaft.

“Mm… almost… done… ungh. Y-you might feel… a fluid injection… Oh yes. Oh, oh, oh, unh. Yes! Emma! You feel… so perfect! Ohhh!”

Hot liquid splashed my insides, again and again. It felt like cum, like he was cumming inside me.

My pussy loved the feeling, sending little shockwaves of pleasure through my body as the rod thrust and twitched and filled me with its fluid. The tool’s movements became erratic as the doctor groaned and panted.

“Yes… oh yes… very good. Oh, oh, ohh… so good. Yes. Mmm…”

The tool twitched and shoved hard, then slowed into leisurely thrusts, liquid leaking out of me. It glided a few more times through my sopping tunnel before pulling out. The doctor’s satisfied sigh echoed my own feelings. The fluid began to drip down my ass.

He patted my hip. “Thank you for a wonderful time, Emma.”

What a strange thing to say.

He removed the IV, wiped me off, closed my gown, and replaced the screen. His face looked a little flushed as he smiled at me, his eyes half-lidded and sleepy. “The test was excellent, your body is very healthy. The sedative should wear off in about twenty minutes. Please check out at the front desk when you’re ready.”

He gathered his clipboard and left the room.

I drifted out of consciousness for a bit, until I woke up and yawned, realizing I could move again. The entire experience had been so strange. It felt like a dream more than a memory.

I put on my clothes, gently rubbing my slightly sore but satisfied pussy. Something dripped out. It smelled like cum.

I passed by my doctor on my way out and almost asked if he’d fucked me.

He gave me a polite, distant smile and nod, then turned back to his paperwork.

Hmm. Guess not. Still, maybe I wouldn’t wear that hospital gown on my next visit.



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