[MF] Shower Sex with the Merchandise Girl

As always, names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent.

TL;DR I was on tour with a band and had shower sex with our merchandise girl.

Music has always been a passion of mine. I’ve toured, been under record contracts, done studio work, and so on. At some point, though, I went back to school for computer science, then started working in the tech industry as an engineer. I would still play weekend warrior with music; the band I was with would hop in the van on Friday evening, play some gigs over the weekend, then I’d return to the grind on Monday. This one summer, though, the band, we who played this caustic version of rock ‘n’ roll music, got the chance to tour for an entire month: two festivals, a bunch of gigs, and more states than we had ever visited before.

To facilitate this tour, we needed to bring someone on the road with us to handle logistics, and more specifically to handle merchandise (“merch”) sales: t-shirts, posters, compact discs, etc. Those items would usually end up paying for hotels (when we could afford them), gasoline, and food (we would usually pay out of pocket). We picked up Clara on a street corner in a major US city, and after reshuffling a bunch of gear in our van, went on our way to the first gig.

Clara caught my eye from the jump: short (maybe 5’1″) without her heels, slight figure, a thigh gap, and the way she was dressed / how she looked. She was wearing tight leather pants, stiletto heels, and a much-too-small t-shirt that exposed her pierced navel — as well as her small and perky nipples poking at the light fabric of the t-shirt. Her hair was dyed purple and buzzed into a crew cut. She had multiple piercings, including a barbell in her tongue, which I noticed when she introduced herself to me, and a couple of tats on her biceps. Plus she was wearing this jet black eyeliner and lipstick, which really accentuated her milky-white skin tone. I usually go more for “conventional beauty” in a woman, but admittedly Clara’s over-the-top style caught my attention. Regardless, she was a great looking woman, and her friendliness and charm had me interested right away.

As the newest band member, I was relegated to the worst seat in the van: in the back near the luggage and gear. Lucky for me, though, Clara had to sit next to me, closely, as it was the only available space left in the van. Periodically she would reach behind our seat to get something out of her purse, and that’s when I noticed — that when she shifted her body in a certain way that her black thong straps would peek out from the back side of her leather pants. I tried not to stare, but it was really difficult. Eventually she noticed that her thong was showing (I couldn’t tell if she was blushing, because of her thick makeup), and I kind of waved my hand a bit to indicate that it was fine. Then I shrugged, and said matter of factly, “don’t worry about it; frankly, it’s a great look.” She mock slapped my arm, and exclaimed, “men!” before we both laughed.

Clara and I got to know each other quite a bit over the next several hours of the drive. She was quite intelligent, and had a wonderful laugh. Plus she asked me many, many questions. I came to learn that Clara was 19 (I was in my early 30s) and that she was entering her sophomore year of college. She’d taken the summer to travel, and given her love of music she hooked up with the band through (an early form of) social media. We also bonded over our admiration of the French language. The man-child in me starting saying crass American slang — like “beat the meat” or “cut the cheese” — in French, and to my delight, she laughed — and taught me… the correct way to be crass in French. Excellent!

We had the gig, packed it in, then crashed at this apartment of a friend of the bandleader’s. The place was a dump, we were all packed into the living room, the air conditioner was set to 62 degrees F (the thermostat was literally hanging off the wall by its wires so we didn’t dare touch it), the carpet was stained, but then again we were exhausted, and the place was free. At some point during the night, Clara snuggled up to me, still wearing what she was the previous day, sans her heels. I woke up first and went in search of coffee.

Clara met up with me when I got to the parking lot, where she was getting something from the van. We were in the deep south, and it was already hot as balls out. Yet, the inside of the apartment was an icebox, so that sucked too. I grabbed my suitcase and said that having a long, hot shower would probably balance things out between hot water and frigid room temperature. Clara agreed that it would be a great idea, and I helped her grab her suitcase from the van, flatly stating that she was more than welcome to join me in the shower. Granted, I was half kidding, but I kind of figured that at most I would just get a rise out of her followed by another one of her charming laughs. Instead, she fell silent and got a real serious look on her face. Uh oh. I grabbed both of our suitcases and trudged up the steps to the apartment.

I grabbed a change of clothes from my suitcase then excused myself to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth and shaving, I fired up the shower and had just started to undress when there was a faint knock on the bathroom door. I wondered if one of my bandmates needed to pee or something. And yet, after opening the door a crack, there stood Clara, with a change of clothing hanging over her arm, and a toiletry bag in her other hand. She dodged eye contact at first, but then the steam from the running shower hit her in the face, and she perked up. “Oh, this is perfect. Cold air, warm steam.Just like you said it would be.” With that, she closed the door behind her, locked it, set her belongings on the counter, and started to strip right there in front of me.

I stripped naked as quickly as I could. I wanted to watch Clara undress. I *love* watching a woman undress; even if it’s in haste, it’s *always* a beautiful thing. She shucked her t-shirt first. Her tits were tiny yet pert, and her erect nipples were pierced with a ring encircling each one. She wriggled her hips to get out of her leather pants and she kicked her stiletto heels to the side. Her black thong was sheer, and as she rolled it off her body, it became clear as day that Clara’s body was entirely hairless.

Her eyes grew wide for a second. I guess that she saw that I was rock hard, and that I’m abnormally thick (again, not a brag, just a freakish reality). Then she grabbed her toiletries from the counter and got in the shower under the water, shooting me a look that screamed, “well, are we doing this or what?” to me.

It started out so innocently at first (every unexpected sexual encounter should be described in this way — HAHA!), what with a large specimen of a man in me, and this tiny woman jockeying for position under the shower head, me doing my best to not “accidentally” touch her with my penis, she being a little bit shy about having my eyes all over her, but also with lots of giggles as we held on to each other — such that we didn’t topple out of the tub, taking the shower curtain along with us.

We ended up with her under the shower head, with she having her back to me. I was tall enough that I could tower over her and get some hot water on my body here and there. And that’s when I noticed the tattoos that she had on her back. She had a tattoo design that ran down her spine, basically accentuating every bone, and that dovetailed into what is commonly known as a “tramp stamp” on her lower back. While I am not a huge fan of a body covered completely in tats, I am a *huge* fan of the “tramp stamp”, I will not lie.

At first we focused on washing ourselves, and after the initial moments of jockeying for position and all of the giggling, the room was silent except for the sound of running water, water splashing from our bodies to the surface of the tub, and a periodic whirring or wheezing type of sound when the air conditioner kicked on.

I absolutely *love* shower sex. An ex introduced me to it; we’d fuck all day Saturday, and then I’d be ready to go another round in the shower. This situation was different, however. While age play was an emerging fetish for me back then, I thought about *older* women, not of 19 year old women in the slightest.

Yet there I stood, with this eccentric, beautiful, and naked young woman showering with me, and I didn’t have a fucking clue as to how to proceed, I admit it. But suddenly, like through some divine intervention, this blob of Clara’s shower gel squirted out of the bottle and landed on my shoulder, causing a faint smell of ripe melon to tickle my nose. “Looks like you lost something there,” I joked, lightly rubbing the shower gel into her shoulders. Clara turned slightly, grabbed my hand, and squirted *more* shower gel into it. Challenge accepted, then?

What started as a gentle rubbing of shower gel on her shoulders and back led to a gradual but deliberate probing of my hands on her sides, up and down her belly, and finally she squealed a bit as my thumb nail tweaked her right nipple the first time. As I continued touching her, she eased herself up on her tiptoes, and after setting her shower gel on the rack in the shower, arched her back and grabbed the handicapped “pull-up” bar as she leaned her upper body towards the wall. I squatted down a bit (a lot!) and my cock found its way underneath her butt cheeks, and nestled itself neatly into her sexy thigh gap. My hands continued snaking around her body and finally made contact with her clit where I started to pinch it and make slow and deliberate circles around it. I could feel her warmth and slickness in her thigh gap. Clara kept getting louder and louder, and I didn’t care if anyone heard.

After a little bit of this, she almost slapped my cock head out from her thigh gap, imploring me: “stop, stop, stop!” I backed away from her in the tiny tub area, best I could, and she turned around, grabbed her arms on the “pull-up” bar behind her, and lifted herself up, while hooking her toes over the sides of the tub and spreading her legs wide for me. I ended up kneeling on the base of the tub with her legs thrown over my shoulders, penetrating her with my fingers, while lapping at her pussy and asshole with my tongue. Her asshole just let my ring finger in, and she let out this shriek that was both incredibly hot but also slightly terrifying. I continued alternating flicking her clit with my thumb before going back to circling it with my tongue. I was rewarded with her squirt in my mouth, and some not too shabby head from her, even after I guided her in the direction of her stroking my perineum with her fingernail and penetrating my asshole with one of my fingers — which she obliged, albeit sheepishly at first.

I came for the first time in her mouth, but I knew that I was ready to go again, and definitely knew that I was going to be ready to cum again. I needed more. My god, she was so hot. The first time I entered her, she still had her hands clutching the “pull-up” rail. Tight, hot, sweet, sweet pussy. If there was a milker for cum (there probably is one, and no I’m not going to Google it), her pussy was *definitely* it.

To my surprise, Clara definitely enjoyed being fucked more than our other play. I remember being 19, and the 19 year old females I’d be with weren’t necessarily that into it. We fumbled around back then like, umm, teenagers. But not Clara! She told me to stop again and said that she preferred fucking in a bed. Holy shit. Where could we find a bed?!

Alas, there was a second door in the bathroom, and on the other side was a master suite, or I guess you could say “a master bedroom with clutter everywhere”. We shut off the shower and toweled each other off. Then we pushed a bunch of discarded laundry aside on the bed (I have no idea if it was clean or not, and didn’t want to inspect it that closely), laid down a towel at Clara’s behest (as if it was going to provide a sterile barrier or something?), and started going at it, missionary style with her legs over my shoulders. Eventually we settled for doggie style, me laying down the towel on top of yet more filthy carpeting, she asked me to put my hand around her throat, and later asked me to open the bedroom door that we could put on a show. This was very exciting. I knew that at least a couple of people saw us, but I didn’t know who, oh, and I didn’t care.

She told me that she wanted it in her. She *begged* me for it. I gave a few powerful final thrusts before releasing inside of her, and then I surprised her by eating my entire load, or at least a whole lot of it — before depositing a good portion back into her mouth, like as a surprise.

For the remainder of the tour, my bandmates demurred about the whole thing. I knew that they knew. I bought Clara some short skirts and dresses and convinced her to go without panties. On the final night of the tour, a young man (who was more age appropriate for her) was chatting her up, and she ended up experiencing her first threesome with the two of us. Internal strife between the main members of the band basically shut it down after the tour, and Clara lived with me for a year, a year that she “took off” from college. Her parents, they of financial resources, threatened to cut her off financially once they learned of our situation, so she headed back to school — which was the right choice. Last I heard she was modeling and in an affair with a much older, married woman. I admit that I’d like to chat with Clara again one day, but this experience (or these experiences) with her remain some of my fondest sexual memories.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/12mcdet/mf_shower_sex_with_the_merchandise_girl


  1. one of the best stories I’ve read on here and I’ve been reading this board a long time. wonderful stuff

  2. It’s amazing to read a hot story that also includes great writing.
    More welcome.

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