A Dangerous Game [F26/M35] A young woman on the run [Rape]

She’s on the run. From who she does not know. But she knows him all that well.

She’s in a constant state of paranoia. Always looking over her shoulder. Out of the corner of her eye, she often thinks she catches a glimpse of him lurking in the shadows. But when she turns to look he is never there. Until he is. Her mysterious stranger, her intruder.

A few months ago he came into her world during a moment of weakness. Lonely and hurting from a split from a man she loved, a man that treated her badly, she threw caution to the wind. She was looking for something… anything… anyone, to fill that void.

A young woman all alone in a seedy bar on a Tuesday night. Trying to numb the pain she felt. The place was packed with disgusting old men, alcoholics, losers. She sat alone and stonewalled their advances. A pretty young thing, there all alone, in a place she did not belong. That is when he approached her.

He bought her a drink and against her better judgement she accepted. He was tall, lean, and dark. Not particularly handsome but he had a way about him. Quiet, but confident, always grinning. Very witty and sarcastic, reading her thoughts. During conversation, he told her what she was thinking. He was right, but also was so wrong.

She was half intoxicated when he first spoke to her, so maybe she was just naïve, but he had her attention.

The rest of that night was a fog. How they left the bar, how she got home, and how she came to be in her bed naked is a blur. She remembers bits and pieces. She remembers awaking in the middle of the night with him hovering over her, inside of her, she wanted to stop it, but she could not move.

In the morning he was gone, no trace of him. She was sure he had slipped something into her drink. She was conflicted because she remembers being attracted to him and although she could not move during her rape she remembers feeling pleasure. She is almost certain she had orgasmed.

She was ashamed and did not report the incident. What could she say really? She did not even have a name. She instead chose to push the memory of that night into a secret place, and try to forget. To pretend it never happened.

But he would not allow that.

It started with phone calls at all hours of day and night. Infrequent, no pattern, no voice on the other end of the line. Just silence, sometimes just breathing. She knew it was him.

She changed her locks and had an alarm installed. Eventually the phone calls stopped.

On a sunny afternoon in the springtime, she was out on a crowded city street. It was a beautiful day. She wore a loose fitting spring dress and sandals. She enjoyed the warm weather and looked forward to the new life-chapter that warm weather often brings.

She was in an outdoor market browsing, when she felt eyes upon her. That is when she looked up saw him. A cold dark figure from her past gazing at her from afar, his face would disappear through the many faces on the crowded city street. It was as if she had seen a ghost.

Petrified she hurried away often looking back. Trying to find his face through the hundreds of faces. She did this over several city blocks, seeing him for a second or two, in pursuit of her, then blending into the crowd. There was no doubt he was following her. He was on the hunt. A dangerous game of cat and mouse.

As she left the market district she saw a taxi, she tried to flag the driver down to stop. Desperate, she almost ran out in front of the car pleading with him to stop and let her in. The driver swerved and honked the horn before speeding away.

She turned an looked again and the stranger was closer, across the street stalking her every move.

These streets were less crowded, fewer businesses, more private, more residential. Onward she fled from him looking for an escape. She was lost and did not know exactly where she was on these unfamiliar streets.

She continued to loose sight of him, only for him to reappear each time closer that before. He was closing in.

She was trying to get a bus stop, or a subway station so she could make her way back home. But she was headed in the wrong direction and was frantic.

It was starting to get dark. She felt hopeless. She stopped and spun around 360 degrees. Looking in all directions trying to see where she needed to go. She was lost and afraid.

She scanned all around her unable to spot the stranger. But she knew he was there watching, waiting for his opportune moment.

She was exhausted from the pace she had kept trying to get away from him. Defeated and tired she made a decision in haste. She chose a random street and went in a different direction than before.

A short distance down this street she knew it was a mistake. It was lonely and desolate, she turned to go back in the direction from which she came, and there he was. No more than twenty feet from where she stood. They locked eyes, his unwavering stare, and that shit-eating grin.

Panicked, she ran as fast is she could further down this empty street. The stranger behind her in pursuit. She ran down a dark alleyway looking for any path of escape. She could hear is quick footsteps closing in on her.

She called out “why are you doing this to me?” Just before he caught up to her. He did not answer.

When he caught her his long arm scooped her body up by the waist and lifted her off the ground and swung her body around. Her purse slung to the ground, it’s contents scattered. He told her not to make a sound. The only word he spoke as he took control over her.

She let out a soft cry as he carried her a little further down the alley and laid her down on her back on the hard concrete.

“Please don’t do this” She pleaded.

But he spoke not a word. His piercing eyes that had looked right through her earlier were now upon her body, full of lust.

She laid there defenseless. Sure, she could have fought and screamed, but she just went limp, allowing him to take control of her. He lifted her loose dress and forcefully parted her bare legs. He removed her panties by ripping them off of her.

She knew what was about to happen to her, but she was wet for him somehow. He pushed himself inside of her and she lifted her legs slightly as he pounded her body into the hard ground. He reached down and held her throat in a tight grip. She gasped for air as he worked himself in and out.

She made soft whimpers and came to orgasm beneath him. An orgasm while being raped, she never imagined. The first time she was not sure. It was a fog, but this time was all too real.

He pulled out of her and stood up. She sat up on the concrete not sure what would happen next. He stepped to her and she instinctively took him into her mouth and he fucked her face and throat. She gagged and drooled and her body convulsed before he pulled out of her mouth and allowed her to breathe.

He took a handful of her hair and told her to get up. He pulled her up by her hair. He turned her around and forced her face hard against the wall of the alleyway and held her there as he entered her from behind.

She cried out in pain and pleasure, as he slammed her body hard against the wall. Each trust violent and without regard. She wept tears of fear, confusion, desire, and guilt. He pushed himself as deep as he could, a total violation of her being, her self worth. There he held himself inside of her as he pumped his seed.

She stood there motionless as he used her. Her face pressed hard against the wall, her legs spread, his throbbing cock twitching inside her most sacred place.

When he was finished he zipped himself back up and left her her there in the dirty alley a complete wreck, her panties still around one of her ankles.

She stumbled the dark streets back to familiarity and eventually found a subway station. She rode the train back to her neighborhood with other passengers looking at her with concern. She looked as though she had been ravaged, through an ordeal. And she had.

The next day she called the police.

They cast doubt upon her story. They asked her why she had waited so long to report the first incident from the night she had met him at the bar. They were skeptical of her recounting of the incident in the alley. They insinuated and more or less accused her of being a scorned lover trying to get back at a man that had used her. This is why so many women never come forward, she thought to herself.

They showed her a book of mugshots of known sexual predators, but none of them were a match. They did a rape kit, and sent it off for testing, but she knew it was no use. He was not stupid. She did not know him, but she did. She knew he would never be as dumb to leave his semen inside a victim if he could be traced.

He haunted her day and night the image of his solemn stare always in her thoughts. His menacing smile. She was afraid to go out. During those weeks she rarely left her apartment and eventually she did not feel safe even within those walls.

The following month she broke her lease, and made preparations to move out of her apartment. She needed to get away. She needed a new start. She even contemplated changing her name.

She knew what he brought to her was pure misery even if it had been entangled with moments of want and desire.

As she left town in the darkness of night she felt as if he was still upon her. Still pursuing her as she fled.

She watched headlamps in her rearview mirror as she drove away to her new place. A place, far, far, away she thought. Somewhere where he never could find her.

It seemed as though she was being followed. The headlamps in the rearview following closely behind, tracking every maneuver as she drove. A changed lane, an exit off the freeway, they were never far behind.

She was sure that it was him. Following her out of town.

But now she held a secret, so near and dear to her being. Something he did not know. She now carried his child inside her womb.

The next time he found her, the next time he tracked her down, would that matter to him? Would he care?

It mattered to her and she pressed on, waiting for him to find her wherever she may go.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/12kllm9/a_dangerous_game_f26m35_a_young_woman_on_the_run

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