Saying “Thank You” [MF]

I’m purposely going to be sparse with details at the start because I’d like you to get them as you read. This is going to read like my slice of life work (in fact I based a short story I posted on wattpad about this very event) so expect a bunch of other stuff besides strictly sexy things.

The only relevant details are that I’m Asexual (sex indifferent) and that this happened shortly before I became intimate with my lovely (also ace) SO, which happens to be a shared friend of the equally magnificent woman this story revolves around.

Let’s call her Ava, and our friend (my now SO) Anna.

So, we start with a car ride.

I picked her up, and she immediately throws her backpack to the floorboard in front of her and fishes out a cardboard box after closing the door.

“I know it’s late, it took forever to get here with snail mail, but here, happy birthday” She said, holding the box out to me with a smile.

I look at her shocked, and take the box from her, looking at it. It’s a rather unadorned roughly rectangular cardboard box with only a shipping label.

“do you want me to open it now?” I ask, setting it down on the flat center console of my 1998′ ram.

“by all means” she replies, still looking at me with her beaming smile.

I kicked it out of gear and pushed in the parking brake, where I had formerly been idling in 1st with the clutch depressed as I waited outside her house, and dug my Leatherman multitool out of my pocket.

“I hope it wasn’t too expensive” I said, flipping one of the one handed capable blades open, and getting the sheepsfoot serrated blade, then slicing the three strips of tape with the tip before closing the multitool and putting it back in my pocket.

“It wasn’t bad, but the reviews said it was a good one” Ava said.

“oh?” I asked, flipping the cardboard box open, rummaging through the paper-sack like packing material, finding a grey package with a logo saying “Lamy” on the top surface.

“You shouldn’t have” I said, taking it out and setting the cardboard box in my lap, jamming the packing material inside.

“happy birthday” She said, her smile making her eyes sparkle.

I opened the rather utilitarian clamshell box, and found a Lamy 2000 fountain pen.
I took it out, and the look on my face must’ve been funny, because she chuckled slightly.

“Your eyes are bulging out of your head” She said.

“I’ve never held a pen this expensive before” I replied, uncapping it and looking at the hooded gold nib.

“I read that their nibs run large, so I got an extra fine, Anna educated me about what it all meant” she said.

“I’m assuming by ‘educated’ you mean nerd spewed about pens for like twenty minutes?” I asked, smiling.

“Yeah, pretty much” she replied, nodding with a chuckle.

“I’ll have to write with it when I get home, I can’t wait” I said, clipping it next to my “Safari” pen from the same brand in the left breast pocket of my long-sleeve button down.

“I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you” I said, hitting the parking brake release with my foot on the brake, having to use my toe to lift the pedal back up because the parking brake return spring was long since worn out.

“You don’t have to, it’s a gift” she said as I put it in first after sitting on the clutch for a moment to let the six speed transmission’s drive gear slow down so it didn’t grind when I slid it into gear. While my foot was on the clutch, I put the cardboard box behind me in the rear portion of the club cab, and the nice grey Lamy box into a valley of the obliterated dashboard in front of me.

“There’s got to be something” I said, checking my left mirror and pulling out from behind her mother’s Ford Escape.

“it’s been a while since I’ve had a hug, that could be it” she mused.

I thought for a moment, shifting it from granny low 1st to 2nd without touching the clutch while I thought, staring out the windshield before coming to a stop at the stop sign at the end of the block with my left turn signal on.

I decided to take a chance as I slid it into first with the clutch in.

“It could be something more than a hug” I said, making eye contact with her to gauge her response, and use that to decide whether I needed to bail out and run away from an angry Ava, or apologize.

She reddened, and looked at me with an expression I can’t quite describe, then nodded. “That depends” she said, spelling out a boundary.

“nothing immediately sexual” I said, assuring her as I checked past her down the one-way street for oncoming cars, and made the turn, clicking the turn signal off with my left middle finger on the way by, as I’d ripped out the annoying ass guts of the steering column that made it click off automatically.

“Well, go on” she said, making the same expression with her left hand as she leaned her right elbow against the plastic part of the door below the glass of the window.
“Would you like to take a shower together?” I asked, struggling to explain what I was proposing.

“We already have, it wouldn’t be that interesting” she replied, referring to the several times we’ve quickly hopped in together after swimming or just for the sake of brevity in hotel rooms, or sometimes with our entire group of close friends.

C’mon, you mean to tell me you haven’t showered with your close friends you’ve known since you were six? You’re missing out big time. If you’re not perverse, there’s no big deal to other people’s naked bodies, even with the opposite gender.

“You’ll see” I said, banging through the gears to cruise along at just under 30 mph in 4th gear with slight throttle pressure.

“I really don’t mean to pry, but how long has it been since you’ve had any kind of romantic intimacy?” I asked after a lapse of silence.

“a while actually” she said, her voice slightly monotone.

“hey, no shame” I said, making my best attempt at a consoling voice while turning and making eye contact with her for a moment, then turning my attention back to the road so I didn’t crash my baby.

“thanks” she said after two red lights had went by and we listened to the sound of an idling 12v Cummins engine for a while.

“for what?” I asked, curious.

“just… I don’t know, that helped a bit for some reason” she said. “just you saying that” she giggled to herself for a moment, and when I looked over she was looking at her feet with her arms crossed.

“do you want to hold my hand?” I asked, glancing over just after I said it in case I needed to catch a nonverbal expression.

She nodded, and we held hands for all of four seconds before I had to switch gears.
“doesn’t work very well in a manual” I stated, taking her hand back up from where I’d left it.

“I’d meant to ask, why do you even drive this thing all the time?” she asked.
“weirdly, it gets better city mileage than my gas one, but the gas one gets better highway mileage” I said, shrugging. “costs way less to drive this thing around town, even after the cost of diesel than it does in my red one”

“huh” she mused, “You know, you’re cute when you talk about things you’re passionate about”

“thanks” I replied, glancing over to catch her smirk.

I drove in silence, holding her hand, and eventually rumbled up to my house which was a short ways away.

“get yer’ shit and get out” I said, my smirk robbing the words of their sting as I popped open the door.

she laughed as she whisked up her backpack. “You always say that” she said.

“everyone still smiles when I do,” I shrugged, both of us stepping out at the same time and closing our doors at nearly the same time.

“you’re lead duck” she said, pointing towards my front door as I spun the keys on my index finger, using the loop of the carabiner clip as the fulcrum.

“no shit?” I grinned at her. “you’d look pretty dumb standing there waiting”

“shut up and unlock the door” she laughed, slugging me on the shoulder on my way by.

I unlocked the door, and hung my keys on one of the coat hooks near the door, making room for Ava to squeeze behind me.

Sheckers, my ever-so-loving cat, who is a crack fiend for attention was sitting on the banister of my stairs like a statue looking at us.

She’s usually seen joined by two other (much younger) cats, who are pretty much her adopted children, but Erika and Fermi do not like visitors, and will run like the wind and hide.

Ava walked up to her, and scratched her behind the ears gently, making Sheckers purr and lean into her hand.

“You’re happy to see me” Ava said, setting her bag down on the long bench running along the stairs.

I stepped up behind her, and asked a simple question.

“Would you be okay with me touching you?” I asked.

she nodded, looking over her left shoulder vaguely at me.

I stepped forward, and wrapped my hands around her as she pet Sheckers, laying my palms flat against her stomach and leaning down to put my head on her shoulder, as I stand at 6’4 and she stood at a (still very tall) 5’10.

“Do you want me to take the lead?” I asked in a soft voice, gently rubbing her stomach through her light gray tank top, which she regularly wore without a bra, uncaring at how her nipples showed through the thin fabric.

she nodded “nothing below the belt, but I’m fine with my uhhh, erogenous zones I think they’re called?” she said, seeming to think for a moment.

“gotcha” I said, nodding as I moved my hands from her stomach to her sides, running them up to her armpits and back down to her waist, leaving my left hand on her left hipbone before taking my right to just below her chest on her right side. “You fine with up here?” I asked, pausing before I spoke.

she nodded. “That’s okay” she sighed, taking a deep breath as I ran my hand across her broad muscled chest over her shirt, taking her small left breast in my hand with my forearm across her right.

“shower now?” I asked, questioning in my tone.

She nodded “Last time I took one was yesterday morning” she said as I pressed my lips to the left side of her neck before pushing my tongue through them and against her skin, careful not to give her a hickey, making her sigh and shudder.

“so responsive” I breathed softly into her left ear before running my right hand through her short brown hair.

“do I need to drag you?” I asked with a smile as I nodded towards the stairs.

“nooooo” she replied mockingly, smiling as I stepped onto the first stair and looked back at her with a hand extended.

She took it, and we walked to the master bedroom, which was the first door at the immediate top of the stairs before I paused and turned to her after flipping on the light.

“Hey, if you ever get uncomfortable, tell me, okay?” I said, taking her chin in my hand with my right thumb and forefinger, making her blush.

she nodded, and I returned it.

“comfortable with a kiss?” I asked.

“depends” she said, putting her right hand on my hip and gently grabbing my wrist with her left hand.

“let me guess, no tongue?” I asked.

“actually, no, I love tongue, just don’t like getting my lips sucked on” she said, smiling.

“you’re just all kinds of weird” I said, leaning in.

She opened her mouth, and we kissed like middle schoolers that didn’t know how for a few moments before parting.

“shirt off?” I asked.

she nodded, and I grabbed her tank top at its hem, and lifted it off of her as she raised her arms.

“even though you’ve seen me like this hundreds of times, and I’ve swam topless at public pools before, it feels different to be standing here showing them to you” she said, putting her hands on my hips again as I admired her eyes with my left hand on her shoulder and my right on the side of her head.

Her and Anna had an affinity for either toplessness or nudity whenever they could manage it. I met Ava at a nudist resort when I worked there as a groundskeeper in highschool. That job wasn’t really all that, pay was trash. But I got a friend out of it.

“intimacy is weird like that” I said, smiling while I dropped my left hand down and started deftly undoing the buttons of my button up shirt as I stared into her eyes, which seemed to sparkle.

I glanced down at her chest, which was in the midst of a full body blush as she stared into my eyes, and actually looked for the first time since puberty.
She had amazingly soft pink puffy nipples topping her small breasts, which were a stellar addition to her muscular swimmer’s chest.

“like what you see?” the ever so confident Ava said, shimmying side to side a few inches, making her breasts sway back and forth.

“I do, and you’re right” I said, smiling as she helped me out of my shirt and threw it behind me onto the bed.

she cocked her eyebrow in a “go on” expression.

“standing here looking at you with that look in your eyes feels different” I said, running my hands up her sides again and bringing my right hand to rest with my knuckles against her stomach and my fingertips in the hem of her khaki short shorts.

“you want me to help you out of your shorts?” I asked.

“No thanks, I can do that myself” she said, still grinning.

I nodded, and stepped back, taking the time it took her to get out of her shoes and shorts to take off my boots and pants, her obviously beating me in the race, standing there in only her light blue underwear as I took off my glasses and sat them inside one of my boots.

“Would you like me to keep my boxers on?” I asked, pausing with my thumbs on the hem at my hips.

“You can be nude, nothing I haven’t seen before” she said, sliding her own underwear down to her feet, and picking up the whole pile and tossing it onto the bed.
I nodded, and did the same.

clothes all over the bed were for future us to deal with.

Ava stood up straight, and leaned back with her hands at the small of her back, cracking it.

This had a side effect of sticking her crotch out, making her long labia minora catch my eye, and making me smile.

“stare all you like” she chided, grinning as I moved into my large bathroom with her following me, pausing before turning on the water to look in the mirror against the back wall of the shower at the open door, and telling her to close it.

I cracked the valve on the wall of the shower, which doesn’t have any walls or a door to it, just two long drains meeting at a 90 degree angle with a shower head mounted on the ceiling with its controls on the left wall relative to the door.

I hope you know all of that was a royal pain in the ass to install in a house built in the 1880’s.

I adjusted the temperature, ushered her over to ask if it was acceptable, and whisked her into the water after she nodded, making her squeal as I held her, pushing my tongue into her mouth for another drooly preteen style kiss.

“I like when you suck on my tongue” she said softly, pushing her crotch against my upper thigh.

I smiled “I do too” I said, doing as she bid, and she returned the favor.
When we parted, she looked down at my crotch, which was standing at attention, and giggled.

“Look at you all excited” she said, looking back up to meet my gaze.

“You sticking out your crotch is what did it” I said, shrugging.

she gave me a “really” look, cocking her left eyebrow up and turning her head to her right.

“I shit you not,” I replied, grinning and kissing her again.

I pulled away after a moment and grabbed the bar of Ivory soap off of its shelf where it rested on its soapsaver disc.

“If we spend all this time kissing and feeling each other up we’ll be pruny without any progress towards getting clean” I said, picking up her right arm by the wrist and pulling her gently out from under the water.

“did you mean what you said earlier?” she asked.

“about what? your crotch?” I asked in response.

She nodded.

“yeah, something about your, uhh, lips? made my libido wake up” I said.

“that’s an awfully tall tale for an asexual” she chided as I soaped up her torso.

“It’s true, I don’t know why, but yours just looks good, and made me hard” I shrugged.

“would you be okay with me soaping your things up?” I asked, holding the bar of soap in my right hand and standing about a foot away from her.

She looked me in the eyes for a moment, and then nodded, blushing.

I stood to her right side with my left hand at the small of her back, and circled the bar of soap on the skin above her pubic mound to build up a lather.

I then squeegeed it off of her smoothly shaved skin with my hand, and washed her vulva, paying no more special attention to it than I did her torso.

(fold that make a lather trick up and put it in your back pocket for later, no sense in diving in with the whole ass bar of soap if you’re washing someone. Plus it’s just a hell of a lot more intimate)

She shuddered and put her head against my left shoulder as I worked the suds in, spreading some of the soap off of her sudsy body on to mine.

I moved her to stand in front of me with my back to the door and her facing the running water, relishing the feeling of the cold on my wet back as I put my left arm around her stomach and my right across her chest, shuffling to the side slightly so I could see myself and her in the long rectangular mirror.

(you might be asking if a mirror next to a shower is a bad idea, as it’d be hard to clean, but you’d be wrong actually, as a spritz of rain-x every time you clean it makes the soap scum roll right off)

“look in the mirror, and see how good you look” I said softly into her ear.

Even without my (admittedly weak prescription) glasses, I saw her eyes flick from the floor where she was looking to the mirror, and saw her white leotard tanlined alabaster skin redden under the suds as she looked at us.

“now watch” I breathed into her ear, running my hands across her slick body, making her twitch and shiver with every movement.

I stood there, caressing her, kissing her neck and spitting soap out of my mouth, rubbing my hands all over her body as I made eye contact with her in the mirror.

I stood still for a moment, then moved in front of her and stifled a laugh before speaking.

“want me to wash your ass?” I asked, grinning from ear to ear.

She snorted, and nodded. “go for it big boy”

I did, doing the same lather trick, only at the base of her spine, making her twitch and shiver as I overstimulated the sensitive area.

“that tickles” she giggled.

I took that opportunity and itched just gently enough right at the base of her spine, making her squeal and buck a bit as I held her with my left hand on her stomach.

I squeegeed the soap off of her back, and slid it down the part in her firm muscled rear, then did the same song and dance as with her vulva, paying no more attention to it as I did with anything else on her body.

I repeated my motions with her legs, and took time to slowly caress the inside of her thighs, making her brace herself with her hands on my shoulder as I knelt on one knee in front of her, my back to the mirror so she could look at herself.

I ushered her to under the water, and took my time rinsing her off, caressing every surface of her body equally, but doubling back on the sensitive areas I knew she liked touched, especially her sides near her hips and the inside of her thighs.

I caught her staring at my erection more than once, once meeting her gaze with a smile.

I’m sure it doesn’t help that I poked her inadvertently multiple times with the thing.

“Hair today?” I asked, knowing she was of the ‘wash my hair every other shower’ crowd.

“no, did that last time,” she replied. “aren’t you going to soap up?” she asked.
“nope, took a shower this morning” I replied, flushing up with her and pressing my chest against hers. We embraced one another for a while, just feeling one another’s warmth.

“let’s get out of here, my fingers are all pruny” she said, holding her left hand up so she could see it as she put her right cheek against my upper chest/neck with my chin against the top of her head.

“you’re not even the one that did all the work” I teased, turning the shower off by shuffling us both to the right and reaching over her left shoulder with my right hand.

“come on” I said, leading her by the hand over to near the door with the sink to the left of the door.

I dried her off, repeating the same song and dance, and quickly drying myself off with the same towel.

when I got done drying off my hair, I was met with her standing in front of me, and she reached down and took me in her hand.

I put my right hand on top of hers gently, and shook my head as I guided her hand back down to her waist, pinning it there with a bit of pressure.

“none for me, this is all about you” I said, lifting her chin with my left hand and giving her another slobbery kiss, sucking on her long tongue and making her shudder with a pinch to her right nipple with my left hand.

“want to cuddle?” I asked, touching my nose to hers and staring into her stormy grey eyes, which gave me a slight headache, but it was worth it.

she nodded quickly, and I led her by the hand to the bed, and made a “come here” motion after I climbed into its king size surface. With the clothes mostly on one side, the other was free to use.

She slid into my bed, and as it was about a Junemillion degrees Kansas outside, and I keep my house at a steady 74, we didn’t bother with the warm fuzzy blanket.

I laid her on her back, and I laid on my right side, propping my head up with my elbow into the mattress as I caressed her body with my left hand for a while, before kissing her again.

she eventually turned to lay face to face to me, and I laid down, with my right arm under her head, looking at her nude body with purely aesthetic admiration as she looked at mine with a slightly different look in her eyes.

“You really like looking at it?” she asked softly, a hint of question in her tone.
I nodded. “I take it you’re a little bit self conscious about it?” I asked softly, rubbing her shoulder with my left hand.

she nodded. “Yeah,” she said softly.

“just know it’s perfectly natural.” I said, “and in fact, it turns me on” I laughed a bit. “and not many things do that for me”

“thanks” she said, taking my left hand in her right and guiding it down to her crotch.

I asked with a look.

“I don’t want to cum, I just want to feel you touch it” she said, bringing her left foot up the mattress a bit, spreading her long legs. “just do your thing”

I nodded, “just your, damn, uhh, lips?” I asked.

“they’re called my labia, the labia minora specifically” She said in a mock smartass tone, paired with the same expression, making me laugh.

“Okay, just your labia minora?” I asked.

“Yes, but I’m okay with all of it,” she said, smiling.

“Want me to slip a finger or two in?” I asked.

she shook her head. “you’re really specific, thanks for that,” she said as I caressed her slit from front to back, making her inhale and hang her mouth open for a moment.

“you’re good at making me feel comfortable, you know?” she asked as I circled her clit, making her shudder.

“It’s my way of saying thank you” I told her, leaning in to kiss her again.
I continued ‘doing my thing’, which amounted to patting my head and rubbing my belly while I tried to juggle sucking on her tongue/getting my tongue sucked on while I paid special attention to her labia.

(that shit never gets easier, I swear, either you’re damn good at it or you suck, I’m of the latter verity)

I continued playing with it under her instruction after we parted from kissing, admiring how she oooo’d and ahhh’d with her facial expressions as I did certain things

“that’s enough” she said after a moment, “getting a little too sensitive”

I nodded, and brought my fluid slicked hand up to my mouth, and licked it clean, savoring the slight bitter taste, and making her smile.

“Would you like to take things to the next step?” She asked.

I made an expression roughly akin to “what do you mean?”

“I enjoy your company, and I think I want to spend more time with you” she said, holding my hand and caressing it softly, keeping it close to her chest.

“I’m open to that,” I nodded. “Let’s take it slow, and work out the details and exactly how we feel about one another later, alright?” I replied.

she nodded, her expression unchanging.

“That works for me” she said, “I’m glad you had the guts to do all of this, you made me feel very special, and I want to savor this moment for as long as possible.”

I smiled. “You’re welcome” I said “and thank you.”

Her eyes suddenly went wide “the pen!” she said suddenly, grinning.

“Yes, I did say I would write with the pen when I got home, didn’t I?” I replied, sitting up.

“Would you mind if I stayed nude for a little while?” she asked, I looked back, and she was still sitting the way I’d seen her last.

“Not at all” I said, grinning. “You don’t ever have to ask me that, I’ve always said yes.”

She frowned. “It’s polite.”

I shrugged at her, crossing my legs. “You can strip down as soon as you step in the door, I like your company, no matter which way you choose to spend your time here”

She blushed, and sat up as well, leaning back against the headboard with her legs spread.

I looked away, and fished the pen out of my button up, which was still laid on the mattress.

I held the pen in my hands, looking at it.

“Hey” she said, making me turn around and look at her once more. “I think I want you to stare at me when I’m naked.” She said, she had her lips pressed together after she said that, and she looked at the sheets instead of me.

Her entire upper body was a bright red, and she’d moved her legs to straight out in front of her, with them turned to the side, her knees slightly bent, showing herself to me.

“I can do that” I said, setting the pen on the nightstand, and moving to sit in front of her.

About 15-20 minutes later.

“Is it nice?” She asked, standing next to me as I sat in my office chair at my desk. She was still nude, and I’d put on a pair of boxers.

“It’s great,” I replied, “here, you try it” I told her, handing the pen off to her.

She wrote, and then set the pen back down on the paper.

She sat back up, and ran one of her hands through my hair. I capped the pen, and wrapped my right arm around her, spinning the chair around to face her.

She leaned down, and kissed me, no tongue, just lingered on my lips before sitting up again.

“Thank you”
