Monster Erotica Stories! [FF20-30] [SFW]

Monster lovers! Looking for a place to escape?

I’m Vanya Sterling, spicy writer, and I’m starting a Patreon! My series is based on a Portal that takes the protagonists to the Monster Realm, and there, they are given exactly what they need. There will be updates every two weeks in each Realm, and there are five to choose from, as well as a Random tier if you don’t know what you want, or an everything tier where you get, obviously, everything! Below is the Prologue and after is a bit more information.

Liza took a deep breath, hand gripped around the door handle. As much as she loved living in the city, braving the streets was not a fun challenge. She gritted her teeth. She let go of the handle, cursing to herself. Stopped still, reflection staring through the DIY cloud painted mirror, black eyes meeting black eyes, then taking in each other’s faces. A smile crept up on her. She took a tinted lip balm from her pocket, and swiped it over her plush lips. Cherry and mint. She inhaled the scent, rubbing her lips together, smooshing the balm into every crevice. Lips release with a jar opening pop. Liza smiled. Back to the handle. Another deep breath. Come on, girl.

Out in the world, big and grey and always, always moving. Liza hustled and bustled with the crowd, her lime waterproof was a spec of life in the soulless river of commuters. Down she goes, to the depths of the underground. Cattle herded to the barriers, swipe card, flashes of Mamma Mia and Oklahoma and See it Say it Sorted, buskers, don’t touch anything, keep on the right! On the platform, Liza stops for a moment. A man next to her sucks air through his teeth. Liza’s ears prick up, clutching her tote bag closer to her, always conscious of heavy masculine energy.

‘Stupid fucking trains.’ Liza glanced at him, trying to get a read. Plain suit, black satchel, airpods, hair slicked back, pale skin dulled under the fluorescents. Liza focussed her gaze on the people in front. Maybe in the sun he would look different. On a sunny day, loose t-shirt, hair tousled, some ice cream. There could be a smile in him.

The train swooped into the station, crowd squinting at the hot air flooding into the platform. Doors open, passengers filter through the crowd, like oil in water. The crowd forges into the train, sitting as fast as they can, grabbing onto handles and rails. Liza found herself just by the doors as they closed behind her. The train took off, those standing now bumping into each other for support against its speed. Liza let go of her breath, hand brushing over her belly, reminding herself to let her stomach go. But don’t keep holding it, don’t want people to think she’s pregnant or something. That is the last thing on her mind. Working from home in the city and being away from ‘home’ plays in Liza’s mind often. London is great. There are loads of hidden spots to explore, Liza and her mates love sharing new places to visit and eat and explore. But, there’s always been something missing. ‘Home’ was a small house in the Lake District. Her dad was a gardener and her mum was a teacher at the local primary school. As a child, Liza adored exploring the woods, with her parents of course. Finding little bugs and learning about the different species of flora. Her mum even taught her some survival techniques. Liza yearned for time in the woods again, and yeah London had some parks, but it’s just not the same. So, Liza took it upon herself to find the cosiest, and quietest parts of the city. Well, as quiet as London can get.

The train surged to a stop, snapping Liza out of her mind. This was her stop, glad she wasn’t too far in her head or she would have missed it. The doors opened, she’s met with another crowd of commuters. Straight into the crowd, no time to breathe, pushing through the suits and skirts and leggings and jumpers, until she’s out of the mass of people, into another mass of people, up the escalator, swiped card, up the stairs, keep going up the stairs and onto the street. Liza swung around the railings, leaning against them for a moment.

Liza put her fingers to her temples, rubbing along them, around her scalp, between her box braids, and down her neck. The day was far from over, and she was so close to her favourite hiding spot, she just needed a moment. A moment for herself to gather her things in her head, reconnect to herself, out of the crowd. Her fingers found her jaw, middle finger on the tightly knotted muscles, pressing gently, small circles, nice small slow circles. She moved her jaw around, tongue stretching around the front of her teeth. She held her face, moving her head side to side, small pops in her neck and skull. Her skin felt soft under her fingers. A bit greasy from the SPF, but it added a nice glow to her complexion. Let out the belly, shake it off.

The sun peaked out between the skyscrapers. Liza sped down the street. Her waterproof blinding in the sun, neon in the shadows. Liza turned the corner and at the end of the street she spotted the dirty sign poking out under a low hanging tree; The Emporium. Your average passer-by probably wouldn’t see the sign amongst the trees and the cars and the other passer-byers, but when you know what you’re looking for, you’re bound to find it.

The door smacked the bell, a silly little ringing filled the small entrance area, soon squashed by the soft acoustic indie playlist seeping out of the speakers disguised around the room. Liza glanced over the room. The walls filled with shelves of books and antique knick knacks, the floor with islands of boxes and stacks of even more books, on the ceiling a track followed the rim of the room with a glass train choo-chooing along, and below sat at Liza’s feet was Marlow. The fattest, most scrumptious ginger tomcat in the world. Liza quickly shut the door, bell tingling quickly.

‘Hello baby’, Liza gleamed. She leaned over and tickled his puffy cheeks. Purrs and meows ensued, and soon enough Marlow was belly up, wriggling around, with Liza happily rubbing his tummy. ‘Such a good boy, are you a precious baby?’ Marlow meowed in reply, yes I am.

From behind the desk, a woman pushed through the beaded curtains. Liza looked up, the woman smiled at her. Liza’s heart pounded, smiling to cover her hot cheeks. Imogen towered over the desk, her long black hair swept to one side, revealing a newly bald undercut with a freshly inked tattoo. Liza’s jaw dropped.

‘Wow, when you said something new-’

‘I know, I’m a constant surprise.’ Imogen’s husky tone latched onto Liza’s voice.

‘I- I came to return- return this,’ Liza fumbled in her tote. ‘Sorry, it’s just-’ Liza found and grabbed the book, flipping it out onto the desk with a resounding slap. Silence. Imogen raised an eyebrow.

‘Did you like it?’

‘I- yeah, it was great.’ Liza tucked a braid behind her ear.

Imogen crossed her arms. ‘The way you threw it on the desk, I felt some hate.’

‘What? No, no it was a good book really, I just-’

Imogen put her hand on the book and smiled. ‘Relax, I’m messing.’ Imogen cracked a smile, Liza broke

into nervous laughter. Imogen turned to the old computer, tapping away on the clunky keyboard. Marlow leaped on the desk, Liza jumped a little. He padded over to her and rolled over, staring at Liza, meowing at her to rub the belly damnit! Liza smiled and gently stroked his belly. Imogen glanced over. Seeing Marlow so content with Liza turned her heart into a creme egg dunked in fresh coffee, slightly melted and hot as hell.

‘Anything you’re looking for today?’ Imogen said. Liza looked up, gathering some strength from the belly.

‘Maybe something a bit fantastical?’ Liza said.

Imogen turned around, putting the book under the desk. ‘Thought you were learning about your horticultural roots?’

Liza raised her eyebrows, she remembered. ‘That’s- well, yes, but I think I’m looking for a bit of an escape.’ Liza said quietly. Imogen nodded, paused for thought, turned and rummaged behind her. Liza clenched her jaw, this could be her chance to finally ask her out. She’s practised this, relax the stomach, deep breath. She won’t fumble this time, come on. Liza inhaled ready to speak.

‘I’ve got something I think you’d like.’ Imogen gestured to follow upstairs, Liza barely had a chance to let her breath go before Imogen was already up the stairs. Damn long legs.

Upstairs of The Emporium was a slightly larger area of space than downstairs, walls filled with books, and comfy re-upholstered chairs and chaise longues, blankets and cushions, small cup-ring stained covered tables and flourishing hanging plants, except for the one in the furthest corner, sat by the bay window its large low hanging leaves tattered and hole-punched. Lamps were scattered over the room, but the only electric light, dim and warm, came from a chandelier in the centre of the room. Imogen scoured through a shelf, Liza slowly approached. Imogen mumbled to herself as her fingers danced over the books. Marlow trotted through the room, heading straight for the corner. He jumped up on a table, then chair, then a gap in the wall shelf, and perched perfectly in line with the tattered hanging plant. Liza laughed under her breath as Marlow scratched and bit, with a surprising amount of focus.

‘He’s like a young Picasso, but a cat.’ Liza snapped her attention back to Imogen, leaned against the wall holding a thick book. Liza’s ears burned, was she watching me? Imogen strode over to Liza, landing a book’s distance away.

‘It’s one of my favourites. Helps me feel a bit at home.’ Imogen held the book up, Liza carefully taking it from her hands. The book was a hardcover, with deep purple with silver vines printed on the front.

‘It’s beautiful,’ Liza said. Her hand grazed over the cover. Imogen placed one hand under the book, one over, both gently holding Liza’s. Liza looked into Imogen’s eyes, a small ring of cool grey surrounded her black pupils. Imogen scanned Liza’s sweet black almond eyes for a hint, anything to tell her to stay.

‘Let me know if this helps you escape.’

‘I might stay to read for a while, is that okay?’

Imogen smiled, bright, letting go of Liza’s hands. ‘That’s what we’re here for. I might have things to do around, do you mind?’

‘No, no do your thing!’

Imogen nodded, walking towards the stairs. ‘Alright, off to do my thing.’ Imogen hopped down the stairs. Liza laughed, pressing the book to her forehead, do your thing? God that was so stupid. Liza stopped herself, no, it wasn’t stupid, it was fine, not great, but fine.

It took a while to get settled. Marlow followed Liza around until she found the perfect spot for today’s reading. Sat deep into a plush pink velvet armchair, Liza opened the book and began to read. The words melting into one and other, her mind picking on things around the room, Marlow fidgeting in her lap. She couldn’t help but think about home. Growing up in nature, becoming who you are in the trees, laughing and building connections on picnics and walks by rivers. It was all so far away. Liza’s eyes filled with tears, her chin dimpling. Marlow stood up, paws pressing into Liza’s belly and breasts.

‘Ow, Marlow!’ Liza sniffed, putting the book to one side. Marlow rubbed his face on Liza’s cheeks, wiping away a tear. Liza stroked Marlow’s back.

‘Are you-’ Liza jumped out of her seat, Marlow jumped onto the floor. Imogen stood a few metres away. Liza shot her a fearful look. ‘Shit, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-’ Liza turned away, cleaning her face.

‘It’s alright, just spooked is all.’ Liza stood, brushing herself off. Imogen took a few steps

towards her.

‘Not a fan of surprises?’ Imogen said.

‘No, honestly you’ve done nothing.’ Liza smiled weakly. Imogen took another step, slowly, speaking softly.

‘Is there something I can do to help? Would you want to talk about it?’ Imogen finally caught Liza’s gaze, her dark eyes now glassy pools. Liza opened her mouth to say something, a few breaths escaped her. Imogen took a final enclosing step, holding out her hands. A moment passed. Liza lifted her hands and held Imogen’s ringed fingers in her palms.

‘I’m having a hard time… thinking about home a lot.’

Imogen frowned. ‘Where’s home for you?’

‘The Lake District. Grew up in the woods. My parents, they passed away a few years ago. I just don’t have the space or time or energy to-’ Liza’s lips quivered. Imogen pulled her up off the seat, her long arms enveloping Liza in a gentle hug. Liza rested her head just below Imogen’s shoulder, closing her eyes, wrapping her arms around Imogen’s waist, squeezing tight. Liza felt Imogen’s chin graze her head. A small kiss planted on her crown. Liza bit her lip, trying to stop the tears from falling.

‘You’ll be alright, pet.’ Imogen whispered.

‘How do you know?’ Liza’s voice barely reached Imogen’s ear. Imogen unravelled herself out of the hug, holding Liza at arms length. Something flashed across her face.

‘Wait here,’ Imogen said as she sped off down stairs. Liza looked around the room, everything suddenly felt much bigger than before. She wrapped her arms around her waist, and sat on a nearby sofa.

A thud. Liza whipped her head round. Marlow jumped up on the shelf, batted the leaves, and leaped, landing with a mighty thud. Liza smiled, watching Marlow perform his acrobatics. She shrunk into the sofa, feeling the soft cotton beneath her fingers. She sniffed, and wiped her nose on the inside of her sleeve. Her ears started burning, face scrunched up, hands whipped over her face. She hardly ever cries, and now, here, in front of- no she practically cried on Imogen? Ridiculous. Totally ridiculous. Thank God Imogen was so kind about it all. Liza let out a sigh.

Imogen ascended the staircase. Liza fixed her sleeve and face, putting on a bit of a smile. Imogen approached with a glass of water and two small shoulder bags around her torso. She handed Liza the water.

‘Thank you.’ Liza sipped. The water was cool, condensation forming on the glass, wetting her fingers. Imogen sat next to her, frowning slightly, fiddling with her rings.

‘I have something that might interest you.’ Imogen cleared her throat. ‘Or at least, help distract you. It’s- I’ve only ever shared this with one other person, and I only know this because someone shared it with me.’ Liza blinked, then sipped again. Imogen grabbed one of the thin straps around her torso, pulling onto her lap a small gold drawstring pouch. She cupped it in her hands, keeping her gaze on the glittering fabric.

‘You said you’re looking to escape.’

Liza nodded.

‘I can’t believe I’m- Okay. I went through a period of my life when I wanted to escape, not what you’re going through specifically but- you get it. A close friend shared this with me and it changed everything. And you’re going to think I’m fucking bonkers but it’s true and it’s wild and it’s incredible and also a bit scary at first so bare with me.’ Liza caught Imogen’s eye, it was like someone had breathed a new life into her. ‘I think it’s best if I just show you.’ Imogen stood, reaching into the pouch and produced a small glass ball, it almost looked like boba. Imogen held it at arms length and dropped it. The ball hit the floor, air sucked into it and imploded five feet high. Liza yelped, covering her face. Imogen rushed to her side, hands out ready to calm her down.

‘Liza, it’s okay, I’m sorry, just look.’

‘What kind of bullshit prank is-’ Liza uncovered her face. Before her, a dark oval thing hovered in the air, green and blue smoky wisps on its edge curling around it. Liza’s eyes transfixed on the darkness.

‘It’s a portal. I know, it’s a lot. It looks scary but it isn’t.’ Imogen stood and walked towards the portal. She waved her hand around the wisps, smudging some of the darkness with it, before resuming its original shape.

‘A- a portal,’ Liza stumbled. Imogen nodded. ‘Fuck off,’ Liza whispered. Imogen chuckled. Liza grabbed onto the sofa arm rest, pushing herself up to stand. She paced, trying to see through the portal, trying to find its back, or edge, or something, but it remained the same no matter where she stood.

‘W-where does it go?’ Liza walked around Imogen.

‘You’re taking this well.’

‘I think I’m in shock.’

‘We don’t have to go in now, obviously.’

‘Yes, obviously.’ Liza put her hands on her hips. ‘You’re expecting me to go through that?’

‘When I tell you what’s on the other side, then you can make up your mind.’ A moment passed, the two women staring at each other. Liza rubbed her mouth.

‘Okay, okay, where does it go?’

‘It- well- the Realm changes every time.’

‘Realm? Descriptions, please.’

‘It’s all dependent on what you want, so when I’m lonely I- okay that’s not a good example, when I’m angry, I go in and there are- people there and they help me get my aggression out.’


‘Not, people.’

‘Not people?’


Liza ran her tongue over her teeth. ‘So what then?’

‘It changes every-’

‘You need to give me an example, alright? I was just having a shitty day, crying about- about tough shit and you spring this- this- and you won’t even tell me-’

‘Monsters. Monsters and and and wild things, and they’re amazing, they give you time and space, which is what you said you wanted! So, here is something. A chance at something to escape for a while.’

‘Monsters?’ Liza laughed. ‘Like Dracula or-’

‘Yes, but no, I’m sure there are vampires, I’ve never encountered them but yes, sort of like Dracula stuff.’

Liza opened her mouth to speak. She waved it off, pacing around the sofas. Imogen followed from a distance.

‘It’s safe, they don’t harm humans. They actually like humans. It’s a- a thing there.’

‘A thing?’ Liza glanced at Imogen. Imogen walked a bit closer.

‘Yeah, and I’ve actually got a great friendship group there. And time runs a bit weird, it’s slower so you don’t actually spend a lot of time there when it gets down to it.’

Liza stopped in her tracks, and turned to face Imogen. Imogen pursed her lips. Liza ran her hands over her braids.

‘So, what do you expect me to do now? If this isn’t some nonsense, delusion or dream or whatever, what do we do?’

‘We can go in- I know, I know, it’s clearly not the right time. I could give you a few of the pearls, and you can explore in your own time. Or you can forget.’


‘If you eat one, all your memories of the portal and all the things around it disappear. I assume it works, I’ve never done it, not that I want to.’

Liza held out her hand. Imogen reached into the pouch and took out a couple of pearls and placed them in Liza’s hand. They were warm, soft, and shiny. Liza rolled them under her thumb. Very warm to the touch. Imogen took one of the shoulder bags off and handed it to Liza. Liza held it in her other hand, stiffening up, unsure what to do with these new objects. Imogen smiled nervously, taking the pearls from Liza’s hand and placing them in Liza’s new bag. Imogen placed the strap over Liza’s shoulder, then held her shoulders.

‘One is to try, just throw it on the ground. The other is to bring it back to me so I can show you how to get more, or you can return it, or eat it.’

Liza nodded. A hissing emitted from the portal. Liza grabbed onto Imogen pulling her away. The portal popped out of existence. The room filled with silence. Liza stared at the space where the portal was, now completely normal.

‘Sorry, I should have warned you. If you throw a pearl you’ve got a few minutes to enter or it’ll close, you’ll hear that hissing, otherwise it’ll close whenever you’re back. I’d suggest taking a notepad and pencil or something to take notes if you want, phones don’t work there, and you can’t take anything from there, it’ll turn to dust.’

‘Should- I take food or-’

‘No, they’ll have you sorted.’

Liza let out a short laugh. She brushed her hand over the bag by her side, glancing at the spot where the portal was.

‘Do you really think it could help?’

‘Without a doubt.’

Liza clenched her jaw and met Imogen’s gaze.

*I must be out of my mind.*

This is how it works:

Not all stories are for everyone, you get to choose which Realm you want to be in. In each Realm there will be one main plot line, as well as one off shorts. Each chapter will focus on the different types of Monster loving; platonic/connection, love interest, and the devils tango. You can read separately or together, your call, your journey. There will be tags for each chapter so you know what to expect!
