Beachgoer [M20s/F20s][exhib/voyeur][public]

Not a soul in either direction. Just as the website Cassandra had found stated, the private-property nature of the beach meant that even on a Saturday afternoon, the crowds that plagued the public beaches were nowhere to be found.

Hopping on top of a large rock, she again peeked down both stretches of the strip, and again she found the beach to be completely deserted. She sighed, relieved, “perfect.”

In no time flat, she had her spot all laid out: towel, umbrella, book and soft cooler all positioned perfectly. Cassandra might’ve been new to the area, but she was certainly an experienced beachgoer.

Settling in, she grabbed her sunblock and gave a generous coating to her fair skin, taking great care to avoid missing any spots, sunburns be damned. Now glistening and mostly protected from the sun, she rummaged around in her bag and retrieved her newest book and set to reading.

The romance novella she’d bought on a whim from the local bookstore was okay. Nothing spectacular, stereotypical hopeless romantics chasing each other in circles, tons of casual flirting, waxing poetic about the futility of it all over bottles of wine. Just the way Cassandra liked it. What caught her off-guard, however, were the detailed depictions of smut.

She had managed to get through about half of the thin novel so far, but on three separate occasions, there were very graphic descriptions of sex between the characters. Cassandra was no prude by any means, but she was certainly not one for erotica. She tried her best to skim over the sexy bits, but after some pondering, she came to realize that there were definitely story details mixed in there that she didn’t want to miss.

With a sigh, she set the paperback down at the edge of her towel and looked around once more. Her spot was fairly private, bracketed in on three sides, with beachgrass on her flanks, and a rising dune behind her. She could see the ocean ahead of her a few hundred meters out and slightly downhill. She really had gotten lucky, she thought to herself.

Rummaging again in her bag, she retrieved a different sunblock, an aerosol this time, and turned over onto her stomach, facing the sea. She untied the knots holding her top on and let the strings fall, hoping to avoid tan lines. She sprayed a borderline-excessive amount of sunblock across her back and did her best to rub in what of it she could. It was the best she could manage without someone else around to help. She sighed, “that’ll do, I guess.”

Returning her attention to her book, she dove head-first into the smut. The scene was set, with the main character and her friends at a club, the main character dragged her most recent dance partner aside, into the bathrooms. Cassandra pressed her thighs together, the beginnings of arousal starting to peek into her mind. She continued reading as the characters progressed steadily, kissing, making out, feeling each other up as they fumbled into a stall. Her mind raced as she continued reading, the characters steadily growing more debaucherous as they gave into their own arousal, mirroring Cassandra’s.

Further down the rabbit hold she fell, until the characters began to fuck, right there in the bathroom stall. Cassandra panted under her breath, “fuck, a total stranger…”

That’s when she realized she was grinding slightly against her towel, her body subconsciously seeking out whatever tension release it could. She could feel her nipples were hard and pressing against the texture of the towel, teasing slightly. She took a deep breath, setting the book down once more, “Okay Cassie… Take it easy…”

For a brief moment she considered indulging her arousal and masturbating, but shot the idea down almost immediately. The beach certainly appeared empty, but there was no way to be sure.


She hemmed and hawed for a second, before reaching under her body and adjusting her bikini top to cover herself, just in case, before standing up. She looked around once more, peeking over the top of the grassy dunes, searching for any sign at all of other people. She could see what looked like a bright red umbrella a mile or two down the strand towards the public beach, but aside from that, there was hardly a soul.

“Fuck it.”

She dropped her bikini top at the side of the towel and sat back down, laying on her back and spreading her legs. Picking up the book once more, she continued reading. The character’s partner had a stereotypically huge cock, and had the main character bent over in the stall as he railed her from behind. “God, yes…” Cassandra sighed under her breath.

She reached down with her free hand and squeezed one of her ample breasts, more than filling her slim hand. She pinched at the stiffened nipple and tweaked it a little before doing much the same to the other, eliciting a long sigh from her mouth.

Cassandra’s mind filled with fantasy, inserting herself into the story in place of the main character. Standing there in the bathroom stall getting fucked hard by a sexy stranger. Without a care in the world as to who might hear. Her free hand trailed down her body, across her toned stomach, before sliding slowly underneath her bikini bottoms. She could feel she was already soaking wet, and she began to tease herself slowly, as she made a conscious effort to continue reading.

The story progressed, with the character and her partner cycling through a handful of positions, and Cassandra following suit in her mind. Her fantasy drove her up the wall, and the intensity of her arousal climbed ever higher. Still though, she maintained a slow, teasing pace with her fingers, rubbing up and down her lips and softly grazing her needy clit. Not for long however, as her increasingly-depraved fantasy and the story of her book fought for center-stage in her mind.

Cassandra set the book down, the fantasy winning out, and she summarily abandoned the slow, deliberate pace of her fingers and she devoted increasingly more attention to her clit. She rubbed intently, pressing harder and harder against the little nub as she fucked the imaginary stranger more and more in her mind. Her other hand, now free of the book, set to teasing her sensitive breasts, squeezing and pinching at the nipples.

Her mind raced, the fantasy beginning to take of a life of its own before the untimely arrival of a visitor dragged her back to reality. The intruding flying insect landed right on her face, blissfully unaware of the interruption it had just caused. “Fuck! Shit!”

Cassandra screamed and swung her arms across her face, causing the bug to retreat and fly away while it still could, leaving behind the wrath of the woman scorned. As she realized the coast was now clear, she sat up and sighed. Her masturbation interrupted, reality sank back in quickly. She thought aloud, “Okay. Too much. Let’s… Let’s just relax. It’s way too public here to be doing that.”

With a deep breath, she laid back down, doing her best to purge the lingering fantasy from her mind. She looked at the book and considered settling back in to read before dismissing the idea altogether. “Nope. No more. I’ll read you later. At home. In private. With no bugs.”

She shoved the book back into her bag and continued lounging. Looking to the sky, a few puffy white clouds passed overhead. They floated by lazily, sleepily even.

Much like Cassandra.

Cassandra moaned loudly, looking down between her spread legs, as the stranger’s 12-inch cock stood at attention. Wordlessly, he ground it against her naked and soaking-wet pussy. Its hard underside pressed and slipped against her sex, spreading her lips and teasing intently at what was next to come. She whimpered between moans to her partner, “what are you… Wait, here?”

The muscular man simply nodded as he reached down and adjusted his erection, pressing hard now, before backing off a bit and rubbing the tip of his cock against Cassandra’s needy hole. She reached out and pressed a tiny hand against his ripped chest and whined, “wait, but what if someone sees us?”

The man chuckled as he continued teasing, pressing the head of his cock harder against the entrance to Cassandra’s pussy. He retorted, with a hint of arrogance, “let ’em look.”

And with that, he thrust hard into her.

Cassandra awoke with a gasp, finding that her fingers had taken the place of her partner’s cock. She had dozed off watching the clouds, she realized, “What the…”

She shook her head a bit, dismissing what lingering thoughts of her dream remained. She withdrew her hand from underneath her bikini bottoms, and taking stock mentally, she sat up. “Okay, let’s see…”

She had forgotten to put her top back on before she dozed off, and her breasts were still uncovered, though thankfully there was no sign of sunburn. Her bottoms had been tugged to the side, and her pussy was uncovered. “Must’ve done that in my sleep,” she thought to herself. She turned to her side to look for her phone, hoping to check the time, and that’s when she saw it.

She had a visitor.

A young man was sitting maybe ten feet away, staring intently at her. He appeared to be in pretty good shape, with toned muscles and tanned skin. He clearly took care of himself. What really caught Cassandra’s attention, however, was the fact that the man was completely nude, his cock erect and standing tall, and with his hand wrapped around it, stroking slowly.

Cassandra froze. Uncertain of whether this was another dream, or if she was really awake, she simply sat there and stared back, well, stared at his cock that is. It was decently large, veiny, and throbbing with every stroke of the man’s hand. Blinking hard, she reached up and pushed her sunglasses down her nose, still trying to determine if her visitor was real or if she had just been seeing things.

Not a word was spoken between them, their eyes locked on each other’s naked bodies. She had no idea how long the man had been there, or even of how long she had been asleep. It couldn’t have been that long, given she hadn’t started to burn at all, but she wasn’t entirely sure. Still groggy from her nap, she continued to stare.

The man shifted a bit, now seeing that Cassandra hadn’t reacted negatively to his presence and came to his feet in the same spot he had been sitting. His hand still wrapped around his erection, he took a half-step towards Cassandra, seemingly testing the waters and watching for any sort of reaction.

She hadn’t missed the movement, and her eyes jumped between the man’s cock and his eyes. She watched intently as he took yet another step, and another, and another. He was maybe three or four feet away from Cassandra’s side before he stopped. He brazenly raked his eyes across her uncovered form, starting at her feet, up her slightly-spread and toned legs, stopping briefly at her uncovered and glistening pussy, before continuing up her tight stomach, her large breasts and finally stopping when he locked eyes with her.

Cassandra was fascinated with this stranger standing in front of her. He didn’t appear to be embarrassed or anything, and the entire time he had continued to stroke his erect cock. By now, Cassandra could see that he was decently well-endowed, with maybe seven or eight inches of length, and adequate girth to round it out. Again, the fantasy flooded back into her mind, and the stranger from her dream was replaced with the stranger standing before her.

She rolled onto her back once more, never breaking eye contact with the stranger. He followed suit, drilling down to his knees and watching her intently. Her arousal was at an all-time high, with the erotic sight before her and the thrill of being more or less completely naked in public pushing her ever higher. Her hands took on a mind of their own and began to trail up and down her body, her fingers raking across the front of her torso, dragging intently across her nipples. She could tell that the man enjoyed it, and his pace increased ever so slightly to match her growing arousal.

Apparently encouraged by this, the man scooted closer, still on his knees, and ended up right at the edge of the towel. His pace never stopped, never faltered. Locking eyes with Cassandra, he reached out with his free hand and made the motion of rubbing over her exposed breast. Her hands moved away, and his hand took the place of hers, cupping the underside of one of her tits before squeezing all the same.

Cassandra felt like her skin was on fire wherever the man touched her, his strong hand squeezing at her sensitive tits, teasing fingertips across her nipples. Her eyes rolled back just a bit as he moaned under his breath.

He appeared even more brave now, and scooted as close as he could, his knees pressed against Cassandra’s side, and played with her tits even more roughly now, pinching and tweaking her hardened nipples. The pace of his stroking grew progressively faster as he touched her more and more.

Cassandra was a woman possessed, her arousal driving out any thought of stopping or taking a step back. She could hardly believe how erotic the whole situation was, and she stared intently at the man’s cock as his hand whirred back and forth across its length. She could see his balls churn, boiling cum threatening to spill over the edge. She was barely conscious of it as he edged ever closer, his cock mere inches above her breasts, aimed directly at them.

The man panted, he breath growing more and more ragged as he quickly approached climax. He adjusted a little more, the tip of his cock now aimed straight across Cassandra’s tits, and he returned his gaze to her face. Her eyes telegraphed hunger. The hunger of a woman driven mad with arousal, and in a moment her need was communicated silently to him.

The moment they made eye contact, he lost all control. Cassandra was caught by surprise as the man began to spurt thick ropes of cum across her chest, a guttural groan forced from his mouth. One after the next, the streamers splattered across her tits, over her shoulder, across her neck, and down her stomach as he lost control of his now-frantic stroking. As he milked the last few droplets of cum from his shaft, he leaned back and admired his handiwork. She was absolutely covered in it, thick white ropes all over her body. She had never seen a man cum so much in one go before. The quiet of the beach was broken only by the ragged panting of the two of them.

Cassandra, before long, realized that she too had been caught up in the arousal, her fingers rubbing intently across her pussy the entire time. She slowed her pace, now just teasing slowly. Her mind was hazy, a mix of fantasy and erotic bliss continuing to stave off any sort of logical response to the whole situation. She released her clit and dragged her hands up and down her body, smearing the man’s cum all over herself. She looked over to where the man had been and found he was no longer there. He had just up and disappeared. There were footprints leading away, so she concluded that it had probably been real, but she couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed that he hadn’t stuck around. Why she wanted him to stick around, she wasn’t sure of, but she wished all the same.

After a brief reprieve, she sat up and looked down towards the ocean. However, the first thing she saw was a random person waking along the beach, unaware of her still-naked presence. What really struck her, however, was the fact that the person she saw was also completely naked. Confusion, disbelief and realization all flitted across Cassandra’s face in the span of a few seconds, as reality washed over her like an ocean wave. She was still in public.

With a startled squeak, she fixed her bottoms and pulled her top back on to cover herself. Fighting to take a deep breath, she tried and failed to calm herself down. A million thoughts flooded her mind. Who was that man? Why was he watching her? Why had she let him touch her? Why had she left him cum on her?

With frantic pace, she messily packed up her things and made her way up the beach, across the dunes, and back to her car. Along the way, multiple beachgoers passed her by, all in various states of undress. She thought to herself as she walked along the path to the parking lot, “what the fuck? What the fuck is this beach?”

Her questions found answers at the trailhead. The signs she had ignored as she had excitedly made her way down to the beach earlier spelled it out as clear as day: clothing optional. A nude beach. No wonder it had been so quiet.

That night, after a long, hot shower, Cassandra settled into bed. A thousand questions had still gone unanswered as she fought to ignore them throughout the rest of the day.

“What the fuck were you thinking, Cassie?”

She looked across her bed to the novella, sitting on her nightstand almost mockingly. It gave her the answer she was looking for. She sighed deeply, and answered herself aloud:

“That was so hot.”


1 comment

  1. I hope y’all enjoy!

    Beachgoer and its second chapter were originally posted on Literotica (same handle as here on Reddit, if you’re interested!), and after being pointed to this sub by a friend, I figured I’d put it up here too.

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