Lust at First Fight: an Erotic Fantasy Tale [MF] [20s] [public] [blowjob] [swallowing] [vanilla] [creampie] [impreg/pregnancy] [romance]

*If you would like some visuals with this story, there are pictures posted [here](–they do not exactly follow the action here but if you like these characters, you might appreciate one take on what they look like. Neither post is necessary to enjoy the other.*

After the bar fight was resolved, things got a lot quieter in the inn’s common room. A pack of mercenaries, fresh off a trade caravan, had rolled in and promptly started spending the coin they’d earned, and antagonizing the locals into the bargain.

Fortunately for those locals, there were a couple of more principled souls willing to stand up for their hosts. Bran Brightwing, though a long way from home and anyone looking over his shoulder, was ready to stand up to anyone trying to take advantage of those around them. The dark-haired half-elf was promptly joined by a ginger human woman who seemed to be spoiling for a good fight, and showed herself ready to meet the challenge once the fists (and chairs, and bottles, and glasses) started flying. Bran considered himself a skilled fighter, but the woman fought like she was crazed, laughing gleefuly, shoving tables over, swinging chairs at the mercenaries, and vaulting back and forth over the bar as needed. Bran held his own, but wasn’t nearly so mobile. The woman acted like she had been born in a bar fight.

“You did alright there,” she said to him with a grin as the innkeeper shoved the last of the bruised mercs out onto the street. “You been in a fight before?” She grabbed a stein, checked and sniffed to make sure there was nothing repulsive in it, then drained it.

“Usually with sword and shield,” Bran answered her with a smirk. He was about to ask her name, but the woman perked up at his answer.

“No kiddin’! I been in a few like that myself, but this sorta thing is what I grew up with. Picked up a blade, bow, an’ shield along the way–they do seem to help, at least sometimes,” she said with a smirk. “I’m Brigid. What do ya call yourself, tall, dark, an’ dangerous?”

“Bran. And I’d say I’m only dangerous to troublemakers,” he said with a smile. Brigid had an earthy charm about her: rough, forthright, and unassuming. She frequently brushed her messy, chin-length locks from her freckle-covered forehead.

“Ain’t we all,” she chuckled and hopped the bar to grab another drink. “You want anything? Think we’re owed a bit, don’t you?”

“I’ll take some mead,” Bran said with a chuckle. Brigid filled a goblet and slid it at him, filling another glass for herself. While she rounded the bar, he fished a couple crowns from his pocket and left them on the bar counter–what they were ‘owed’ aside, with all the broken furniture, he figured the barkeep could use all the help he could get.

“So what’s yer line, handsome?” Brigid drawled as she strolled back up to him. “Sword for hire? Nobleman’s bodyguard?”

“Usually I work for the church,” Bran answered her with a little smile.

“Ah, so I can’t tempt ya to go upstairs with me, huh?” She teased.

“Well, my order’s not unreasonable. We could, ah, ‘get to know each other’, as long as things don’t get out of hand.”

Brigid chuckled and slipped an arm around his shoulders. “Yeah? Tell me more… How far can we go, exactly?”

Ten minutes later, she had pressed him against the wall of the inn’s second-floor hallway, her lips covering his, hands brushing over his body. Bran couldn’t help himself, he was groping her back, and she didn’t seem to mind one bit. Low, crooning noises of appreciation rose in Brigid’s throat as she pushed her body tight against his. Not the only thing that was tight, either, as his breeches had gotten increasingly more uncomfortable since their kiss had started. Brigid rolled her hips, rubbing herself against Bran’s erection and giggled into his mouth. “You’re going to *have* to do something about this, darlin’,” she teased, leaning down to nibble at his neck.

“Ahhh… A-as long as… We don’t do anything too… Serious…” He could barely get his breath. It wasn’t looking good, either, as Brigid looked about and giggled before sliding to her knees, trailing her palms down his chest, then unfastening his belt. “Uh, woah! That…”

“Shush,” she said, looking up with an impish twinkle in her eyes. Brigid yanked his trousers down, popping his achingly hard rod into the air, and was immediately stroking him.

Bran desperately looked both ways, up and down the hallway. “Ah, shouldn’t we… A-at least get to your room… O-or mine? Ohhh, wowww…” While he’d been stammering, Brigid had been kissing the taut skin of his manhood, then slipping him between her lips. She was already bobbing her head, sucking him. Bran leaned his head back against the wall, the feeling of Brigid’s warm mouth on him banishing any second thoughts.

Bran breathed deeply, laying his hand on her head, tangling his fingers in her ginger hair. Her left hand climbed his thigh and Bran met it with his free hand, lacing their fingers together. He murmured her name as his legs grew weak, the muscles in his stomach and thighs tightening. “Mmmm, mmmhhhh, mmmmm…”

Surely it was only a few mintues before Bran felt the delicious surge of heat up his length, loosing a moan he barely kept control of, letting his spend off into Brigid’s waiting mouth. He shivered and pushed himself up from the wall, looking down at the wild human woman. She hummed around his still-stiff tool and slowly pulled off, then looked up toward him with a big grin. “Mm, looks like you’re still ready for action, huh?” She winked. “Think you can keep yourself from going ‘too far,’ or…?”

Bran hitched up his pants, arms shaking. At the moment, he didn’t particularly care how ‘far’ they went. Brigid was intoxicating. “L-let’s… Go.”

Her room was closer, and he was barely able to let her get the door unlocked as he wrapped his arms around Brigid from behind, impatiently dry-humping her rump. Once the door was closed behind them, they were hungrily kissing again, peeling each other’s clothes off. The room could have been crowded with people for all Bran cared to look at it. They clumsily made their way to the bed without breaking their kiss and collapsed at the edge of the mattress, squirming up atop it. Bran squeezed Brigid’s left breast while she stroked his still-hard prick, tugging him downward. He was finding it hard to resist.

“I.. Shouldn’t…” Was all the protest he could muster.

“Tell me to stop then,” ehe crooned, her face against his neck. Bran said nothing. He tried to say the words, but couldn’t force them out. “Do you want me to stop, Bran?”

“Uhnnn… No…”

She giggled. “Good.” She held him against herself, breathing a gasp. Bran shivered as he felt the slick warmth of her folds kissing the head of his manhood. Then she was pulling him inside, and Bran couldn’t help pushing his hips forward, burying himself the rest of the way. Brigid moaned loudly, throwing her arms around his shoulders. “Auuuhhhhh, ohhh fuck yesss,” she breathed, clutching her legs against his hips.

Bracing himself with one hand, squeezing her breast with the other, Bran kept telling himself he should pull away. But he couldn’t, his self-control was all but gone as he drove against her, plunging his way into her welcoming slit.

Brigid peered up at him, chest rising and falling, her lips quivering as she mewled and moand. “That’s it, baby… Yes, keep going! Ahhhhh! Don’t stop, keep fucking me…”

His mind was clouded, all his second thoughts, hesitations, worries about the future, all but consumed by his all-powerful need. “Uhhhh, B-brigid… I’m… I’m about to…”

“Hahhhhh, yesssss, do it, cum for me, Bran, don’t hold back…” Another couple strokes and he let out a loud moan, burying himself deep in Brigid’s warm, clutching tunnel as his throbbing rod gave up its load, a fresh flood of his seed spilling into her.

He huffed, panting. He couldn’t stop, barely even paused. He pulled his arms down and pulled Brigid’s thighs and hips upward, and he was in motion again, roughly bucking his hips down against hers, shoving his way deep into her womanhood. Brigid cried out with each thrust, her chest and cheeks flushed a deep, pretty pink, a sheen of sweat growing on her skin.

“Fuck yes! Fuck yes! Yes, don’t stop! Give it to me, baby! Auuhhhh!” She reached over her head, arched her back, and let out a squeal as Bran pounded against her with reckless abandon, heedless of any consequence, knowing only his need for her.

“Gonna… Cummm…” he managed to growl through gritted teeth.

Brigid shrieked in ecstasy. “Yes, baybeeee! Cum in me! Yessss!” Her tunnel squelched with every stroke and Bran squeezed her thighs as he felt another surge of heat as he poured his seed into her again.

***More… More…***

He dropped her legs and was down upon her again, kissing her hard and hungrily, arms wrapped around her, his hips pushing his way deep into Brigid’s slick, squelching, leaking tunnel. She moaned and whimpered as he rolled his hips. Bran started to wonder if he would ever be able to pull himself away from this delicious, intoxicating redhead. He held her, moaned into her, pushed himself into her depths.

“Mmffff… Brigid… Can’t stop…”

“Don’t want you to,” she whined. “Feels… So good… Mmhhhh, more, please…”

Panting for breath, Bran picked up his pace, bucking roughly against her again, short rhythmic cries accompanying his strokes. “Hhnn! Y-yesss! Do it, baby, give it to me! Auuhhh!”

The bed rattled and creaked as Bran grunted, bucking against this compelling, captivating, whirlwind of violence and lust. Brigid gasped and grunted, each stroke of Bran’s hips prompting another cry as he rolled against her over and over and finally an intense wave overcame him and he felt himself throb one last time, his tool eagerly putting his seed where nature meant it to go.

He collapsed, huffing loudly, shivering as he felt himself finally spent. “Ahhhh… Buhhh… Brigid, I… You’re unbelievable…” he shakily lifted his face to kiss her.

Brigid mewled, trembling arms wrapped around his shoulders. “You… You’re pretty good yourself,” she breathed, teasing her fingers over his back. “Ahhhh… This… W-was your first time?”

Bran couldn’t help a hesitant laugh. “Y-yeah, that’s right.”

“Hahhhh… Don’t think I’ve ever been fucked like that,” she murmured, kissing his neck. She froze for a second. Then she nuzzled his shoulder.

Bran lifted his face to look at hers. “Is… Something wrong?”

“Ehhhh…” She looked away. Her mouth worked and she sighd. “I… Probably shouldn’t have told you to cum inside me…” She let her eyes meet his, almost shyly. “And I *definitely* shouldn’t have told you to do it *three times*…”

Ah, that was it. Bran sighed and kissed her forehead. “Not safe, huh?”

She breathed a soft laugh. “Mmhh, probably not…”

Bran kissed her nose, reaching up to play with her ginger locks. “Well… I’ll just have to make you an honest woman then, won’t I?”

She froze again, eyes widening. “I… Y-you mean get married?”

Bran moved his shoulder in a little shrug. “It’s what I ought to do, if you’re having my child. I… Know we just met, but that’s on both of us. Even if it wasn’t for my Order, I wouldn’t want to leave you to deal with a child on your own.”

Brigid sighed and brushed a couple fingers against his cheek. “Guess it’s only fair.” She smirked and leaned up to kiss his temple. “Better not make me regret it, pretty boy,” she said with a breathless laugh.

“You may… Especially meeting my parents,” he said with a chuckle.


“They… Are good enough people, but they live among the elves. I couldn’t abide it, that’s why I left home. They… *Will* want to know they are to be grandparents, though,” he said with a chuckle.

Brigid joined him. “Well… If they get too sassy, between the two of us, we can kick their asses.” She turned and wearily pressed her lips to his one more time.
