Little Miss Perfect [F21f20] [D/s] [Lesdom] [masc/femme] [Edging] [Ruin] [Denial] [Office Romance] [Long]

“I’m not like you at all.” Her voice was harsh like it usually was, but there was something else to it. Perhaps, it was a longing that she repressed so much that even she no longer recognized it. “I don’t get off on breaking the rules.” Her voice was laced with snobbishness and perhaps a hint of teasing.

“Yeah?” Summer asked. “Try not to come, then.”

Charlotte’s breath hitched in her throat as she felt soft, dexterous fingers slide under the hem of her skirt, up under the cotton that lay between them. She felt her cheeks grow hot and for once didn’t worry if it was ugly and blotchy. She gripped Summer’s shoulder tightly, her knuckles turning white from the effort. If you had told her that she would be cooped up in her office being mercilessly toyed with by someone whom she had thought for so long was beneath someone like her—the same someone who was now slipping her panties down her legs for better access—she’d call you insane and a loser.

She wasn’t like this at all. She was still Charlotte, but she had lost touch of her intolerability. Though she had lost touch of what seemed to be the essence of herself, she had never felt more herself than she did now. She had thought for so long that her strictness had made her who she was. After all, if you asked anyone within their shared workplace to describe her, they would certainly not have nice things to say.

If her reputation defined her, she’d be an emotionless, sadistic monster who enjoyed torturing her employees. They had her all wrong, in her opinion. She simply preferred playing by the rules because they added structure, and it was in her beliefs that humans thrive on structure.

Now, though, she felt like a hypocrite. Not only had she looked down on her subordinates when they got into dreamy office romances, now she was caught up in a whirlwind of her own. Surely, it couldn’t have been out of jealousy, right? No, she was just a stickler for the rules, that’s all. There’s nothing more to it. She found it immature and irresponsible to fall for a coworker. It distracts from work, which should be the priority…right? She simply called in her subordinate to relieve stress, and it was no big deal.

But now, here she is with Summer. Stupid, rule breaking, impulsive, sexy Summer. Summer was the type of person to clock out the moment her shift ended. Summer was the type of person to insist that meetings could just be put into emails. She was precisely the opposite of everything Charlotte stood for. So, why were they together in her office, with Summer making slow, tantalizing circles that continued to unfold and uncoil Charlotte? It didn’t seem to help her case, either, that she just happened to be sensitive–that a slight touch may cause her to gasp. Surely, she couldn’t be blamed for that.

It had been this way since they had been in school together. High-achiever Charlotte, constantly getting the top rank in every subject, student body president, and perfect in every way. Then, there was Summer. She always seemed to be bored in class, never bothering to pay attention. She would mess around during study breaks, and she never seemed to care about what anyone else thought. She was confident and perfect, and Charlotte hated her for it. Not only was she a rulebreaker, but she made impulsive decisions, and Charlotte knew perfectly well that that is a recipe for absolute disaster.

Charlotte did her best all throughout school to ignore this troublemaker. What pissed her off the most was that she always made second rank in every subject, only a few points off of Charlotte herself. While Charlotte was all work, no play, and she studied her ass off to get where she was, here came along the lazy genius Summer, who made paper airplanes or slept during class, somehow still coming up just below the first rank.

*“You should put more focus into school,” Charlotte had said to her one day. She had stepped into a classroom to chat with her favorite teacher, only to see Summer already there, who informed her that said teacher had gone to print some papers. “Regulars in detention might just become regulars in jail.” Charlotte had been quite proud of how good her sneer had become after four years of disapproving everyone around her.*

*“What do you mean?” Summer had laughed. It had been a low, lighthearted laugh that spread from her mouth all the way up to her eyes, turning them into little crescent moons. “I’m doing just fine in school.”*

*“Yet you’re still not on top,” Charlotte had replied, straightening her skirt proudly.*

*Summer had let her mouth form into a slow, smooth smirk. She moved her legs off of the desk they had been propped against before standing. She looked down at Charlotte, easily almost a foot taller than her. She leaned in close. “Listen, president,” she had said, dropping her voice low. “Not all of us are obsessed with that kind of thing. You’ll find that a bunch of these people you think are lower than you will get into the same prestigious universities as you will. You’re cute, but your attitude is awful.”*

*Charlotte had summoned all her willpower to keep her face straight. She had known that giving Summer any kind of reaction would have been letting her win. Summer straightened back up, her full height once again overshadowing her “rival”. Her smile had returned as she lifted her arms above her head in a slow, drowsy stretch. “Oh, and one more thing,” she had said. “I’m only number two because you looked so happy being number one that I couldn’t bear to take that away from you.” With that, she sauntered out of the room, the plain uniform’s skirt swaying alongside her hips.*

*To Charlotte’s absolute horror and despair, the test results updated after their next midterm, and she almost fainted when she saw her name second, under none other than Summer.*

Charlotte bit her lip almost hard enough to draw blood. She concentrated all of her willpower into not orgasming because she was better than everyone else, and she would not give Summer the satisfaction of seeing just how large of an effect she had on people. “You need to—*ah* *fuck*—to print the report and—*oh my stars*—er—hand it in by t-tomorrow morning.” She did her best to adopt her usual bossy tone that showed that she was the one in charge. She looked at Summer’s face etched with that smug smirk she had given her many times back in school.

She dug her nails into Summer’s shoulder, putting her effort in not making a sound. Though her status gave her a private office, the walls were paper thin. She knew that any not-work-appropriate sound she made would be able to be heard by the cluster of cubicles right outside the door. The walls only muffled their voices enough to hide what exactly they said, so long as they didn’t say it too loudly.

“Summer,” she warned, but it was not the same warning tone she had used many times before. This one had the same intonation, but it was weak because she hadn’t meant it. Part of her wanted to keep feeling the pleasure of Summer’s fingers making deliberate, tight circles.

“Hm?” Summer asked, her breath sliding over Charlotte’s neck, causing a shiver and a whimper to escape. “If you want me to stop, just ask me to stop,” she said simply.

Charlotte opened her mouth to do so, but nothing came out. She really didn’t want it to stop. All the while she’s debating it in her head, Summer’s bringing her closer to the edge. She knew she couldn’t come because she could not physically keep quiet if she did. Their endeavors before had been after hours, when Charlotte had called Summer into her office before the latter had a chance to book it the moment five-o-clock hit. That first time led to here and now, in the present where she could not allow so much as a moan to exit her, or that would mean trouble for both of them. It was no longer late after everyone had gone home, and Charlotte could be as loud as she pleased. Now, it was a packed office filled with coworkers and with people who held both of their jobs in their hands. So, no. Coming was not an option.

“By all means, boss,” Summer said, knowing how the title made Charlotte incredibly horny. “Keep telling me what I need to have done by the end of today.”

“If you don’t get the report done—*oh fuck*—then we won’t have anything—*aah*—to bring to the m-meeting,” Charlotte continued, her sentences still not fluid due to the current…predicament. She felt her core begin to tighten as she steadily approached an orgasm.

Suddenly, a firm knock on her door caused both girls to break away from one another. Charlotte quickly smoothed her skirt down, while Summer sent a small smirk her way. “Come in!” she called, keeping her eyes steadily fixed on Charlotte like a predator surveying its prey.

The door opened, and one of their coworkers stepped in. “Oh, h-hi Summer,” she stammered. “What are you doing here?”

“Willow, great timing! I was just leaving,” she said with a smile. “I’ll see both of you at the meeting today.” She brushed shoulders with Willow gently, giving her a quick wink. Charlotte had the displeasure of seeing Willow’s cheeks turn pink at the gesture. She stood still for a moment, seemingly dazed.

“What do you want, Willow?” Charlotte snapped, annoyed at the intrusion.

“R-Right,” Willow said, looking down at her clipboard. Charlotte squeezed her fist tightly, as Summer caught her eye from in the doorframe behind Willow. She was smirking and holding up Charlotte’s panties. The owner of the garment narrowed her eyes in warning, but Summer looked unaffected–amused even. She then put her finger to her lips before slipping the panties into her pocket, then turning on her heel and strutting away.



The meeting room was filled with hushed chatter before the meeting itself had started. People were making dinner plans with coworkers or talking about how excited they were to see their cats. Charlotte, on the other hand, crossed her legs so tightly that circulation began to slow in her legs. She stared down at the wood lacquer table and the reflection of the overhead lights on the shiny surface. Suddenly, conversations around her ceased. She looked up to see Summer in the doorway. “Am I late or something? Is there something in my teeth? Why did everyone go quiet all of a sudden?”

Charlotte looked around at her fellow coworkers, seeing flushed face after flushed face, blushing cheeks after blushing cheeks. So annoying. Sure, Summer was conventionally attractive with her short black hair and her face that easily switched between being pretty and handsome on a constant basis. Still, it was annoying to see just how many of their coworkers claimed to be in love with her.

Summer looked around the room. All the seats had been taken except for the two that were beside Charlotte. After all, nobody really wanted to sit next to the sadist of the office. This was what Summer had been counting on. She grinned and sat down next to Charlotte.

“So, Summer,” one of their coworkers started. “Some of us are going out to eat after work. Do you want to come?”

“Yeah, we would love it if you joined us!” another one chirped.

“The more the merrier,” a third one chimed. “I’ll buy you dinner.”

“Aw, that’s so sweet, you guys,” Summer answered, giving them a warm smile. “I already have plans tonight, but we should definitely plan to meet after work sometime this week.”

A couple sighs of disappointment went unnoticed as their boss walked into the meeting room. “Hello, everyone.”

Charlotte took this distraction as an opportunity to hold out her hand to Summer under the table. Summer gave her a puzzled look before placing her hand on Charlotte’s outstretched palm. “No, you idiot!” Charlotte whispered. “Give me back what you took earlier!”

Summer whispered back, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You little-”

“Charlotte.” The perfectionist slowly looked up to see the Boss staring at her disapprovingly. “Leave the chit-chat outside of work.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Charlotte answered, waiting for the Boss to turn back around before shooting a glare at Summer, still wearing that stupid smirk.

Then, the touching starts, slow at first, but quickly becoming more deliberate. Because the room is full, Summer can’t move the way she wants to with full range of motion, so she opts for pointed, deliberate, and detailed touches. Her fingers worked smoothly and effortlessly, as if she were playing the guitar or pushing the notes to a piano. Her touch was absolutely deadly and precise, like a sniper readying up with its red laser beam. She worked slowly, and Charlotte thought maybe she could endure it, as long as it stayed slow and gentle. But of course, suddenly it became not slow and certainly on the verge of not being gentle. It becomes shallow and quick as Charlotte bites down sighs and gasps and moans and cries. She keeps her eyes focused on the slide presentation that her Boss is giving, forcing all her willpower into not looking at Summer.

As someone who loved meetings, she could attest that she most certainly did not like this one. She liked the boring aspect of meetings–the predictability, the quiet and focused atmosphere, and the feeling of productivity. Now, though, she felt like she had jumped from a building and was flying at the concrete below, waiting for the impact to come. She felt like she was standing on the wing of an airplane as it flew high above the cities below. All of these feelings came from one thing: Summer’s fingers.

Being brought to the edge more than enough to count on her fingers and then some was certainly not on her plan. As people shuffled out of the meeting room, eventually leaving just the two girls inside, Charlotte spun to face Summer, face flushed and eyes hungry. “My office. Now.” This had been the first time she’d ever growled so animalistically, and Summer’s smirk quickly became an amused grin.

“Sure, boss,” Summer said, popping one of her fingers into her mouth and sucking it with a satisfying pop as it came out from between her lips. She exited the room with a dangerous sway to her hips. Charlotte stood up, smoothing out her skirt and doing her best to clean off her seat from the puddle of arousal she had left. Then, she took a walk around the office to see if everyone had left.

She stepped into her office, closing and locking the door behind her. There was Summer, sitting in the chair at Charlotte’s desk, looking handsome and pretty all at once. Charlotte’s eyes narrowed at the woman sitting at her desk, looking cool and nonchalant after cruelly edging her. She walked over, kicking her heels off in the process, before climbing up on Summer’s lap and kissing her, rapidly and aggressively beginning to unbutton her shirt.

Summer stood, laying Charlotte over the desk and using her thumb to draw little circles on Charlotte’s clit. Finally, Charlotte took the chance to make the noises she had been suppressing. She cried out Summer’s name again and again, moans and sighs mixing in with the sound of her wet pussy being played with. Summer slipped a couple fingers into Charlotte’s soaking pussy, watching them easily slide in.

Charlotte arched her back on her desk as Summer showed her new colors that had never before existed. Her fingers brought out actual magic from deep inside of her core. “Fuck, Summer…”

“Wow,” Summer hummed. “I didn’t know you were such a dirty girl, president.” Her fingers moved swiftly with agile precision. She hit every sweet spot and every sensitive nerve. At this point, Charlotte could barely even feel her legs. “Do you want to come?” Charlotte nodded, but Summer only clicked her tongue, unsatisfied. “Who knew that Little Miss Perfect would be sprawled over her desk, asking to come from the person she hates the most.”

“I…don’t–ah fuck, right there–I don’t hate you,” Charlotte revealed between shaky breaths and deep moans. “I never hated you.” She wasn’t sure if she was ready to admit that she just didn’t know how to handle a crush back then. She still doesn’t.

“Oh really?” Summer asked. “You’re about to.” With that, she pushed Charlotte over the edge of an orgasm before giving her soaking pussy a couple firm slaps. She watched in fascination and amusement as Charlotte’s pussy clenched and quivered, with no stimulation to finish the job properly. Charlotte tried to close her legs and squeeze for that little bit of stimulation, but Summer easily pinned her down, ceasing any ability to move. Summer leaned in close to Charlotte’s ear, the whisper causing a shiver to run through the latter’s body. “See you [tomorrow](, class president.”
