I (F20’s) went for drinks with an ex (M20’s) and it got a little heated (VANILLA) – Tess & Trevor

I don’t understand how Mother Nature thought it was a good idea to give us a brain and a vagina at the same time. Cause let me tell you: those two organs do not agree. Ever.
If my brain could have it his way, I never would have fucked Trevor. And even thought I did, my brain would now insist that I just snap my fingers and move on. Gone and done.
But does my vagina agree? No. My vagina likes to be tickled by really rough dominant men who humiliate me and lust for my holes while I am asleep.
So that leaves me in a mess.
An utter and absolute mess.
I want Trevor, I don’t want Trevor.
I wanna keep him close, I wanna keep him away.
My head is spinning so fast I have a headache. Which is funny, cause you know what’s great for headaches? Orgasms. The only moment in a woman’s life when her brain and her vagina seem to team up.
Paul has been watching us like he is a lifeguard who knows me and Trevor can’t swim. A very fitting analogy, considering I’m drowning over here.
I spent two years away from him and I was fine!
I mean, yeah, I did think about him while touching myself a lot, but I was mostly fine.
Now, he fucks me again and I can’t go two days? Cause that’s how long it’s been! Two days: one, two… since Paul caught us and we… broke up? Can we even call it that?
I have to stretch my back and squeeze my eyes and moan in pain… but I cannot falter!
For Nat.
For my sweet older sister, the girl who would beat up any kid in school who tried to bully me.
The girl who taught me how to use tampons cause mom was out of town when I had my first period.
The girl who showed me how to overcome a heartbreak when my first crush was not interested in me in the slightest.
Natalie can be complicated and in love with danger, but she and Annie are my hearts. They are my team. So I gotta be in her corner for this.
Sleeping with my stepbrother is the kind of gossip that could steal all the thunder away from her wedding, and two weeks from now, when Nat is walking down that aisle I’ll be damned if anyone around her is talking about anything that isn’t how beautiful she looks.
My brain and my vagina are gonna have to chill.
Cause I’m listening to my heart here.
My heart. This thing in my chest that jumps up and down as soon as see Trevor every day.
Every day.
I get to the breakfast lounge and he is there. Wearing some well fitted shirt and shorts in that glorious body of his. His tats looking like they are begging to be tongued. He wasn’t like this during lockdown, but now I notice he wears rings, and some of those leather bracelets that just draw the eye to how large his forearms and hands are.
I am staring.
I am like this close to drooling.
I blame my vagina for doing this and my brain for letting her get away with that.
Everybody, focus!
Not. Going. To. Happen.
Specially with Paul overseeing every move we make.
God, I wish we could have moved on with our lists.
I wish I knew what was on his.
But we decided to stay away and he’s been respectful of that. I’d say bless him, but I really feel like fuck him. Don’t let me go, Trev. I asked you for it and you said you would never, remember?
Lana couldn’t be happier about our distance.
Yesterday I overheard her saying that she feels like he is trying to get over an ex, so she’d probably just be a rebound but that’s fine by her. That’s a literal quote. She is fine if all he needs is a warm body to have some fun for a while. I mean, I wouldn’t mind that either. Two years ago, that’s exactly the deal that got me here.
And the way she talked about him…
It sounded like they were getting closer, you know? It’s only been a couple of days, but 48 hours after I made my original deal with him, Trevor was already sleep fucking me, counting me down with a spoon on my pussy and making jokes about how I fucked myself with his mask before making him wear it.
48 hours with Trevor is like 20 years in human time.
A lot can happen.
They are gonna have sex.
They are gonna have sex tonight, by the way I heard her talking.
And there’s nothing I can do about that. I shouldn’t even be feeling nothing about that.
He’s my stepbrother. I’ll be invited to his wedding one day. His fiancee will wear a beautiful white dress and I will smile and congratulate her.
I can’t breathe.
“Tess…? Tess!” One of the bridesmaids notices my tiny panic attack and my name being pronounced with any hint of fear is enough to draw Trevor’s attention.
I clench my fists trying to force my lungs to breathe in, but they don’t.
My throat is rigid and I feel ridiculous.
Tess, just breathe!
“Hey” it’s his hands. He holds my arms, checking my eyes. He is so warm. How is this possible? I thought everyone should be around 98 degrees, but I swear this man is burning at 250. He touches me and I feel sweat on my forehead “Tessa? Are you ok?” he looks so worried. It’s the first time he’s spoken to me in two days.
Respecting our decision to stay away.
But the second I can’t breathe, there he is. His dad is right behind him, but Trev doesn’t seem to care. All he seems to care about is that I can’t breathe right.
“Just breathe” he whispers, holding my face in his hands.
“She is alright, Trevor” his dad says, harshly.
“Breathe” he repeats, just for me.
And I do.
My face is still in his hands. He’s moving his thumbs, caressing me softly.
“Are you feeling better?”
No. I’d feel better if you hugged me.
“Yeah. I just choked a little. I’m sorry”
“Don’t apologize” he says.
Yes, sir.
“Trevor…” his father growls. I am really starting to hate this man.
Trevor takes a couple of steps back and my cheeks feel so empty.
Brain and vagina need to chill the fuck out!
My heart is in charge, right? My heart is calling the shots right now and my heart wants…
He looks so handsome. Did he always look this handsome?
You said you wouldn’t let me go.
But he does.
He leaves. Back to his breakfast table with Lana and some others. I can’t even be mad at her… she is good people, really. She’s beautiful and smart and funny. And from what Nat has told me, she is also a really loyal friend.
It’s not her fault my life is a mess.
I spend the day trying to distract myself. The wedding activities usually help but since yesterday, Nat seems to be a little off. She seems distracted or upset. I’m not sure. Maybe it’s just the stress, or maybe I’m so horny I’m starting to see things. Either way, we’ve been mostly left to our own devices. To me, that means hitting the hotel bar before bed, cause getting wasted sounds horrible, but going to bed sober and alone sounds worst.
“Have a drink with me” Ryan gently pushes me with his shoulder as he spots me at the bar.
He’s been a decent friend lately so I say “Sure!”
“Not here” He shows me a bottle of tequila he’s been hiding behind his back “Come!”
“W… where?” I ask, but he is already running away like a little naughty boy eating the cookies before dinner.
He runs all the way outside to the pool area which, after 11 pm, is dark and deserted. I take a deep breath and the sound of my breathing gets deafening by the waves and the wind. Salt. I smell salt.
Ryan finds a couple of those chaise lounges by the pool, protected by a canopy. We sit, facing each other and so close together that our knees are always touching.
“I forgot glasses” he opens the bottle and takes a sip before handing it to me.
“Cheers” the thing burns me all the way down and I make a face.
“Atta girl” he smiles.
“Where did you steal this from?” I hand it back to him.
“I… bought it, Tessa” he laughs “I’m a grown up” he keeps teasing me so I roll my eyes at him.
“Why are you buying a bottle of tequila for yourself?”
“Why are you hitting the hotel bar by yourself?”
“I asked first”
“I didn’t buy it for myself. There’s lots of people around, I figured someone would join in. Your turn”
“I couldn’t sleep”
He nods, accepting my answer and raises the bottle in a toast.
“Well, I’m glad. You’re a better company than the other guys”
I laugh at that, stealing back the bottle from his hands for another tiny sip.
Tiny little sips.
I have zero intentions of getting wasted.
“I’m sure you boys all love each other”
“Well, I only knew Peter and Andy before hand. Most of the guys are alright, thought. Except Trevor”
I choke on tequila.
“What? Why?”
“I thought you’d agree. Word on the street is you can’t stand him, right?” the way he asks that gives me pause. There’s so much suggestion in that last word. Almost like he is waiting for me to correct him.
“Yeah, but what did Trevor ever do to you?”
“We played basketball on our first day here. He won. By far. And he wasn’t very kind about it”
“And now you’re holding a grudge?”
“Little bit” he jokes, making me smile.
“So he doesn’t like you cause you suck at basketball?!
“No” he casually takes another sip “He doesn’t like me cause I’m hitting on you”
I feel my entire jaw clench. I freeze and Ryan is… amused. Watching me over the bottle, waiting to measure my reaction.
I have to say something.
“He can be… overprotective of his…” fuck, am I really gonna say it? “… little sisters”. The word taste bitter in my mouth.
“Yeah, sure” Ryan has a bit of a smirk of someone who doesn’t believe a single word I just said “You wanna play Never Have I Ever?”
“Do we have to?”
“Never Have I Ever” he starts anyway “Slept with someone who was tangentially related to me…” he hands me the bottle, suggesting that I should drink as stated by the rules.
“Are you intentionally trying to be an asshole or is it an accident?”
“Relax, Tess. I’m not gonna say anything. Honestly, I’m not sure how it’s still a secret”
“Excuse me?”
“The other day, your sister said you named me as your best sex, and the second she said it… if it was physically possible for a human being to spit fire, Trevor would have done that. So I decided to have a little fun at his expense. You know, cause of my basketball grudge and all” he has a smug smile.
I widen my eyes while my jaw drops. I point at him in accusation.
“The ride to Playa del Carmen”
“Yeah, don’t get me wrong. I’d hit on you even if Trevor wasn’t involved. But I would have been smoother about it instead of… you know… licking ice cream off your finger” he laughs “Then Trevor grabbed you away like some cavemen” he raises his shoulders “So it was obvious. I’m not judging, really” he adds, quickly “You two are not related, that’s silly. But I understand how some people could see it that way and how you’d rather it not be a topic on your sister’s wedding. So I’ll be quiet, you don’t need to worry”
Well, that was… reasonable.
“Thank you” I say “Even though you were an asshole about it”
“Sorry, I was just having a little fun. Anyway…” he scratches his head like he wants to ask me something else but doesn’t know if he should.
I roll my eyes at him.
“Oh, just ask”.
“You two still together?” he blurts out like he was literally just waiting for an opening “Or can I say stuff about how beautiful you are”
“We’re not together” more words that also taste bitter “It happened. It’s over”
“Good” he smiles a little too confident.
“I’m not having sex with you again, Ryan”
“Really? I hear I was your best”
“Yeah… about that…”
“You were lying, yeah I know”
I blink really fast, cause he caught me off guard. I’m used to men being extra cocky when it comes to that stuff. Admitting you’re not the best is weirdly refreshing.
“How do you know that?”
“Because I was there, Tessa!” he laughs. He has a sweet laugh. He is also kinda cute and I’m starting to remember why I slept with him in the first place “We were both tipsy. We were both sleepy. The whole thing was a hot mess that lasted… what? Twenty minutes?”
“More like ten”
“Well, first: ouch. You hold back no punches, do you?”
“Not my style.”
I’m a brat, or so I’m told.
“And second: that night was hardly my finest hour. So when your sister said you named me as your best sex I knew either she was lying or you were”
“She was” I say “I named the guy who took my virginity”
“So… you were both lying”
“Excuse me?”
He has a silent stare that says oh, please.
“I’m supposed to believe your first time was your best? That’s bullshit”
“What? He was sweet!” I sound outraged.
“I’m sure he was, but there’s no way your sex life is that depressing. You’re too hot, Tess. I’m gonna go on a wild guess and say your mom was in the room so you didn’t feel comfortable giving any answer that remotely resembled the truth. Am I hot?”
Yeah, actually. Kinda hot, if I remember correctly.
“You’re really irritating, you know?”
“It’s one of my many talents”
“What are the other ones? Orgasming in under 160 seconds?”
“You hold back NO punches! Woman, what did I ever do to you?” he is laughing his ass off.
I appreciate a guy who can take banter. I take the bottle away from him again, and he lets it go with a sign of surrender.
He has a sweet smile.
Ryan and Trevor are two very different flavours.
Trevor is the obviously hot guy that makes a woman gasp even when he is fully dressed, because you can tell he is smoking hot under that shirt. He has the grin and the voice and the look and the confidence of a man who’s greatest expertise is to eat pussy.
Ryan looks comfortable. He’s the kind of guy you’d take home to meet you mother and they end up being great friends. He’s handsome. Very. I do remember him being hot under those clothes, but he doesn’t look like he can eat a pussy.
“So who was it? The best sex you ever had?” he adds, dramatically.
I bite my smile and stare at Ryan with a “oh no, no” atitude.
“C’mon!” he pouts “Just tell me. I won’t tell your mom”
“I think I’ll keep that name for myself, thank you very much”
“So… Trevor?” he smiles. He has a naughty-boy smile that is kind of endearing.
“I am not going to answer that”
“It was Trevor. Your best sex was Trevor. But I’m curious. What did he do? I mean… what does a guy need to do for Tessa to consider him the best?”
“Taking notes, are we?”
“You never know. You might give me a second chance to clear my good name. I can’t mess that up.”
My turn to laugh. He is cute. He is funny.
He is… cozy.
“C’mon. What did Mr. First Place do?”
“Well…” I breathe in, fully aware that I am never telling Ryan what my actual kinks are “He did… things”
“Ah, yes, things. The best foreplay there is” he makes fun of me “Seriously? That’s all I’m getting?”
I take another sip of tequila and dramatically pretend to have my mouth busy, so I can’t answer him.
“Alright, I see how it is” he grins “How about I make you a deal? I tell you my best and you tell me yours?”
“You mean I wasn’t the best you ever had?” I bat my eyelashes at him.
“Not even close” he lowers his voice down to a teasing whisper. He is just jokingly getting back at me, but I do have a kink for being humiliated so Ryan accidentaly hits just the right spot.
“Who was it?” I ask.
“A woman I used to work with”
“Well that’s boring”
“That’s not the whole story! Are you gonna let me finish?”
“Depends. Does it get more exciting than that?”
“Shut up and listen”
Yes, sir.
I shut up.
“You know how some guys like…” he presses his tongue against his cheek like he’s not sure what kind of vocabulary he can use with me.
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
“We had sex, Ryan! I’d say we’re pretty intimate. Just say whatever you wanna say”
“You know how some guys like tits and others like ass and so on?”
“That’s what you were being a prude about? The words tits and ass?”
“Can you just answer my question?”
“Yes, darling, I know how some men have sexual preferences. Yes. Some women prefer men who get to the point. I’m one of those. Maybe that’s why I only had you for twenty minutes”
“I hear it was only ten” he smiles like he is trying to figure out how any man could deal with me. Maybe he should ask Trevor. Then he could take notes.
“Are you gonna get to the point?” I laugh.
“Are you gonna let me?”
“Do you only do what women let you do?”
“Wouldn’t you like to find out” he grins with a sexy little wink “I like legs” he says.
“Yeah. They turn me on like fuck. Which is why I was so hard into you, you have amazing legs, Tess”
“Why, thank you. Was that it?”
He shakes his head, like he is finally getting used to my bratting and carries on without waiting for my permission.
“Because I like legs, it’s natural that I’d have a thing for… you know…”
“Pantyhose” he laughs “You know? Fishnets and… uh…” he takes a break and breath out almost like he’s holding back a moan “You know those really fancy high heel shoes with those red bottoms?”
“Whatever they are called. A hot woman wearing nothing but some nice lingerie, fishnets and a pair of those would have my heart any day”
“Your heart?”
“My dick”
“And is that what the woman was wearing? The one who was your best?”
“It was a Christmas party at the law firm I work for. She was wearing some office attire… tight skirt and a silk shirt… I never took them off. I fucked her in the storage area on top of some files. She was wearing a dark pantyhose and I ripped that thing out of my way. Pushed her panties to the side and fucked her without opening a button on her shirt. I just felt her thighs over the pantyhose and under them. Grabbing her, so hungry, I kept ripping more and more holes in it. When we were done, she had to remove the whole thing before going back to the party. Which was a good plan not only because I destroy it, but also because I came on it”
That was enough to shut me up a little.
I mean it’s not sleep play, but it was kinda hot.
“Was that exciting enough for you?” he teases.
I reply with the international hand gesture that means so-so and he laughs.
“Your turn”
“No, thank you”
“I told you mine! Now you have to tell me yours”
“I never agreed to that, did I?”
He squints his eyes, checking his memory and realising I never did agree to that.
“That’s evil”
“Yeah, that’s me. Nice to meet you”
“C’mon, you gotta give me something? I feel so vulnerable right now”
“That’s not my fault”
“You offended my sex skills and my stamina, then you hear my secret and refuse to give me anything back! C’mon, Tess. Tell me!”
“It’s… uh…” I shrug “Private. And a little embarrassing”
“I won’t judge”
“Yes, you will”
“Look, let me phrase it like this: whatever it is, it can’t be worst than what I’m imagining, right?”
“What are you imagining?” I sound shocked.
“That you are into cannibalism or some shit”
“You DO NOT think I am into that!”
“I could! Since you’re not telling me…”
“Nice try”
“I could think you are into micropenis. Is that why you didn’t enjoy mine? Is that why you enjoyed Trevor’s? Or you could have a fetish for… wrapping butt plugs in bubble gum before…”
“Alright, alright, you made your point” I am laughing so hard I lean into him, he takes the opportunity to gently caress my arm. He is casual about it. He is… smooth “I…” I take a deep breath. Ryan has sweet brown eyes. The kind of eyes that wouldn’t judge you for your preferences, but that are far too innocent for I like to be hate fucked while I’m unconscious.
So I go with:
“I like it rough, ok?”
“Rough? How rough?”
I lick my lips. Daydreaming.
“So…” he leans in as well, waiting for a reply, but I just take another sip of tequila instead “You like to be spanked? Have your hair pulled? Be called names?”
I nod with a quiet smile.
“Keep going”
“Oh, wow! You like to be… called by really vulgar names?”I nod, encouraging him to carry on “You like to be spanked hard? With props? You like to be choked?”
“Keep going”
“My, oh my. Is it too boring of me that I don’t know how to keep going?”
“I wouldn’t blame you. I used to be very vanilla myself”
“So that’s the best sex you ever had? When Trevor introduced you to all that?”
“I didn’t say it was Trevor, nice try. But being introduced to that… yeah”
“What did he do? Specifically? On this… Best time”
I shake my head no with a wicked smile and his face melts in a clear sign of pain.
“C’mon! I am so curious now. Fine, don’t tell me the best time. Tell me the second best?”
He fucked me while I was trapped under his nightstand yelling at him to stop.
I shake my head no.
“The third best?”
He fucked me with a spoon, counting me down to my orgasm.
I shake my head no.
“Fuck, what did this guy do to you? You sure it wasn’t the cannibalism, right?”
I laugh so hard I grab his arm.
“No, that would be too far”
I’m still trying to joke it off, but Ryan puts his hand over mine caressing my fingers and something happens. He is so gentle. His touch is so caring that it forces our eyes to lock. He makes the expression share a moment make sense. That’s what we’re doing right now. This moment, this exact second, is just between me and him. Just the two of us feeling it.
“Tess” he whispers, with his big sweet brown eyes “Please, tell me”
I feel safe.
For whatever reason.
I feel like I can say it.
I feel like he won’t judge me.
To the hell with it.
“I like it when a guy hate fucks me against my will” I whisper.
And I know what will follow.
He goes very quiet and when he finally speaks, there’s a hint of horror in his voice:
“You mean… you wanna be r…”
“I mean it’s a kink. I like to pretend to fight while I’m being fucked”
I think he was about to say oh, but his voice runs out. So he just almost opens his mouth, before his eyes kinda lose focus.
He thinks it’s weird.
Of course, he does.
Who wouldn’t?
It’s 2022 and most women are out there fighting so that men will respect our “no” and here I am saying I get wet when they ignore it.
Ryan doesn’t seem to know what to do with himself, so I say:
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I should go”
“No, no!” he holds me by my hand, touching my knee to keep me down “No, you didn’t make me uncomfortable. It’s a kink, it’s fine” he says, but I can tell he is still a little weirded out “But what happens if you change your mind and want to stop? I mean… if you are pretending to fight it off, how does a guy know it’s not for real?”
“We had a safe word. Red. If I said Red, he’d immediately stop”
“Red” he repeats, trying to see how the word feels on his lips “That’s simple enough”
Our fingers are still a little intertwined and I put the bottle down cause I think I had one sip too many.
“Ok, so… I should keep going until you say red?”
“Who’s holding back no punches now?” I laugh.
“Listen, I’m offering my services. It sounds like we both have our reasons to make Trevor jealous. You have the whole he-is-you-ex thing and I have the whole basketball-grudge thing”
“Is the basketball grudge really a thing?”
“Yeah, absolutely. It’s a huge thing. It’s massive. I’m totally in to help you make him jealous”
“That’s your only reason, hm? Not because you wanna fuck my legs?”
“No, never. I don’t even like your legs that much”
He is so cute.
He’s hooking me again.
With that smooth talk and that sexy smile. I’m gonna get naked before I realise what happened.
“We could pretend to be together. He’ll be spitting fire again.”
“Oh yeah? Just pretend?”
“I mean, we should have sex so we really dive into the characters”
“Of course, of course”
“But I can kiss you in front of him. Call you sweetheart. I could lick your finger again. That one really worked”
“You’re insane” I’m still laughing. I don’t think I’ve stopped laughing for a while now.
“No, I’m not. You taste good” he still has that casual atitude but there is something in his tone now that makes my laughing slow down. Something intense in his words,.
“It was just the ice cream” I say.
“Or maybe it was you. But there’s an easy way to check”
He takes the bottle of tequila and spills some of it on my hands.
“Oh no” he says with the fakest tone of horror, taking my hand in his.
“Did you really just do that?”
“I have no shame” he says and I am about to laugh when he licks my finger.
He is pretending to clean the tequila off it, but his tongue is so smooth and warm and…
There’s something about watching a man’s tongue that makes you think about how it would feel on your clit. Warm and soft. God, I’d take it.
I need to be eaten out so bad.
I’ve spent every meal for the last two days wishing Trevor was fingerfucking me. Daydreaming about his touch. But now that my head seems to be favoring Trevor, my vagina is yelling fuck all and opening business to whoever. They never agree, these two bitches.
Ryan licks my finger so good I am starting to think I had it wrong: he definitely knows how to eat pussy.
“This tequila is top notch” he says sucking on a different finger “Or maybe it’s just you. Let’s find out” he sinks his fingers in my hair pulling me closer for a kiss. His lips are… good. But I’ve been hungry for something else.
I’m been dying for rough lips. Dying to have my face scratched by his beard while he tells me to stop being a cunt and be a good girl, or I don’t get the belt. I wanna hear those harsh words in that loving tone again. I wanna get my ass spanked bloody while getting sweet kisses on my forehead.
But I can’t have that.
Trevor ir like fresh water straight from a waterfall of a melted glacier. Ryan is like a nice tall glass of iced water.
Not the same… But a nice tall glass is a fine drink.
And I am so very thirsty.
I kiss him back and Ryan’s hands on my hair become more urgent, pulling me even closer.
He has the bottle of tequila in his hand when he breaks the kiss, his nose brushing on my cheek while he pours a sip straight on my mouth. I take it and drink what I am offered, licking the bottle and his fingers while I’m at it.
His eyes are heavy with lust.
“Let me try something else” he grunts and before I can say or do anything, he tilts the bottle on my neck, letting a little stream of alcohol burn down my skin, flowing all the way to the vale between my tits. We both stare at the stream going down as he waits to find out if I’m still ok with this.
He is licking his own lips like he could take any alcohol in the world as long as it came served on my tits. He puts his tongue straight between them, licking the drops of tequila that made it all the way down.
“Good?” I ask.
“Not sure. I didn’t pour enough” he says and tilts the bottle on my again. This time straight down my cleavage, soaking my tits “That’s fucking tasty” he lowers his face, his nose brushing slightly over my alcohol-drenched skin “And I’m not even a tits guy”
“You want me to go put on some fishnets and Louboutins so you can lick tequila off my thighs?” I joke, but I think those words hit Ryan the same way a be a good girl for daddy hits me. He clenches his fists like something took over him. He eats my tits, licking them clean, but his entire body language has changed.
“That’s tomorrow” he mumbles “Tonight we do this” he is biting whatever piece of flesh his teeth can get a hold of and I do enjoy being bitten.
Ryan is too soft.
Even though he is trying to go hard for it, it’s still nowhere near enough. His bites feel like he is roleplaying. His grabbing of my hair feels like it’s make-believe.
He doesn’t really own me. He is just trying his best to make us all believe it.
My vagina is a little disappointed.
His kisses make their way from my tits to my neck and my brain takes over. This is not bad. Trevor is probably with Lana now and since we can’t have him anyway… might as well have some fun. I feel his hand on my tit… clawing and squeezing. It’s tame. It’s weak. But it’s not all bad. We could enjoy this, right?
A moan slips through my half open lips as it seems my brain and my pussy have finally agreed on something. Ryan squeezes my tit even harder.
Come on, Ry, a little harder. You can do it.
He is pinching my nipples over the shirt and bra and I’m not sure how I’m even supposed to feel anything with that much buffer between us, but there he is. I might not feel it, but it won’t be for lack of trying.
Let’s see if I can drive him wild.
“You sure you wanna wait until tomorrow? I have some really nice pantyhose”
“I bet you do”, his hands go through my body, but never to my legs. Never to the one part of my body that is sure to make him lose control.
I don’t like this.
I don’t like a man who is always so much in check.
I like it when they go raging mad.
I like it when they go violent.
He kisses my neck. He kisses my mouth.
Turn him on, Tess. Crush the good boy and find out if there is anything inside.
“I wouldn’t mind you making holes in any of them” I pant, biting his lips. C’mon, babyboy, go crazy on me “And I’d wear nothing but fishnets and Louboutins. Who the fuck cares about lingerie?”
He is gasping in my mouth. Moaning. Losing control.
Come on! Grab me! Hurt me. Do it!
“Would you like that, baby?” I lick his moans, his hands going lower and lower down my body. Take my thighs, Ryan, you got this “It would be nothing but fishnets, high heels and a very naked Tess. I could keep my legs really close together and you could fuck my thighs. Not my pussy, see? My thighs. You could put your dick between them and fuck them. And then you could take off my fishnets so you could rub your cum on my skin”
“Fuck, Tess” his voice shakes as he grabs me. Really grabs me.
Well, fucking finally.
Ryan pulls me to his chaise and lays me on my back so he can cover my body with his. He’s a bit harder now. A bit rougher.
But he’s still holding back.
He is like a very well trained attack dog. He sees his target and he is drooling for it but I don’t even need a leash to control him. He’ll stay by my side, tapping his angry feet on the floor, staring at his prey like a hunter, but he won’t fucking move until I say go. And even after he is attacking, the control will still be completely mine.
A very well trained Rottweiller. That’s Ryan. There’s an animal under there somewhere, but he is far too well tamed for it to show.
Trevor is… something else.
Trevor is a raging pitbull. The strongest fucking dog there is. No training. No taming. No control or restraint. I’d need a leash and a collar to keep him in check, and even then it wouldn’t be certain. I’d need to grab on to that leash for dear life and he would still pull me at his will to wherever the fuck he wanted to go. I could pretend to have control over him all I wanted, but it would be lies. He is too strong. He is too wild.
That’s Trevor.
All man. All the time.
Being tied up must have been hell for him.
God, that felt good.
He was shaking that bed so violently I though he was gonna break free.
Shaking the whole bed while I sat on his face. I felt like a goddess. I could hear the wood cracking all over the bedframe while he pushed and pulled so fucking hard. Fighting rope and wood to break free so he could grab my thighs. He didn’t care about the pain, my commands or the knots. He just wanted my fucking thighs.
I don’t even know what he would have done to me if those knots didn’t hold, but I kinda wanted to find out.
Ryan, on the other hand…
He could have my thighs now and still he holds back.
He pinches my nipples over the shirt again. Ry, that’s not how you do it, bud. You gotta rip my clothes off and go for my actual tits, baby. Those over-the-shirt pinches are doing nothing.
“A little harder. You can do it” I ask
“Tessa, learn how to shut the fuck up, or I’ll gag you with the fucking fishnets”
That’s… nice.
Fuck, where did that come from?
He puts his hands between my thighs and I squeeze them so hard, he smirks.
“I see” he is blowing his words and his lust on my skin “That’s what you like, hm? You like to be treated like a whore”
Yeah, that’s what I like.
That’s the spot right there.
Fuck, ok.
This just got a whole lot nicer.
“Tell me what you like to be called” he fingers me and in that department he really knows what he is doing “Whore?”
I moan a little.
“Yeah?” he asks “Slut?”
I moan a little more.
“Bitch? Cunt?”
I moan so good I feel his dick going fucking hard.
“Oh. That’s the one, right there. You like that, you fucking cunt?”
I do.
I really really do.
“What else do you like? Do you like that daddy shit?”
I do.
I really really…
I smile like a whore ready to say oh yes, daddy but it feels wrong.
It feels criminal.
I remember the first time I called Trev daddy. It was natural. I was so wet for him that I would have called him just about anything under the sun, as long as that meant he’d give me dick.
I can’t.
I’m sorry, Ryan, I can’t.
My brain wants to.
My pussy wants to.
But my heart is in the way.
“I… I can’t” I say, under my breath “I’m sorry, Ryan, I can’t” I push him away gently.
“Was it the daddy thing? Was that to far?“
“No, I actually like that, but I…”
“… Right over there” we hear my mom’s voice.
“Fuck” Ryan gasps, getting off me in a quick jump.
We both sit back up a second before mom and Paul cross the canopy into our line of sight. Ryan is bent over his own body, trying to hide his boner while I’m running my hands through my hair trying to make it not look like a man just messed it up.
“Hi kids!” mom notices nothing, the beautiful soul that she is “Have you seen Nat?”
“Nat? No. Why?”
Paul is mom’s opposite. He notices everything. And while he does seem uncomfortable for interrupting, he also seems pleased, you know? Because I’m making out with someone who isn’t his son.
I wonder if Trevor would share his joy.
Though, considering how close he was with Lana when I last saw him, Trevor is probably having a lot of joy right about now.
“I think something happened” mom says.
“Nothing happened” Paul tries to calm her down “Nat is just under a lot of stress”
“I’m sorry, why do we think she is upset?” something happens to a woman when she thinks her sister is in trouble. It’s like your entire DNA was coded so that if that moment ever happens, you’ll be ready.
Everything else fades into the background. Nothing else seems as important.
I was wet, horny and confused? Well, that’s all gone now. Something happened to Nat.
“I think she and Peter might be having a hard time”
“They are fine!” Paul adds again, but he sounds a little too intense. Like a man trying to hide a mistress behind the curtains while going what are you talking about? The curtains were always bumpy like that.
I need to go find my sister.
I leave them behind without saying goodbye. I barely make it to the lounge and I feel a man’s hand around my wrist.
My whole body wants it to be him.
I turn around and it’s just Ryan.
That annoys me more than it should. Frustrates me.
“Ryan, I can’t right now. I know you wanted sex, but I gotta find my sister.”
“Tessa, wow, wow!” he raises his hands, asking me to calm down “I wasn’t gonna have sex with you out in the open like that”
You weren’t?
He takes a deep breath.
“We had a few drinks, so I’m not doing that right now. But we are doing it”
“Doing… what?”
“What you wanted, remember? You wanna fight me and say no, I’m ok with that.” He tightens his lips and something inside my pussy itches. “We’ll do it right. I’m gonna take my fucking time with you cause I’m coming for that First Place title” he gives me a wink.
“It’s a tough competition”.
“I’m not scared” he shrugs “You know, Tessa, Trevor is not the only guy in the world who knows how to be rough”
I hope you’re right. Cause I can’t have Trevor anymore and I really fucking love it when it’s rough.
Ryan steps closer, his hands slowly caressing my waist.
“If you like to be treated like a whore, I can treat you like a whore. So make no mistake” he slides his fingers inside my shirt and I get a little shiver “I’m letting you go tonight, but I’m coming back for you tomorrow and I don’t give a damn if you tell me to stop. I’m gonna fuck you hard and” he gives me a little kiss on the cheek so very close to the lips “Daddy won’t back off unless you say red”.
I gulp.
I have no idea what kind of trouble I’m throwing myself into.
And that was before I even realised this last part of our conversation wasn’t private.
Someone was just around the corner, listening to every single word.


This story will be updated on Reddit every thursday.

Patreon is a few chapters ahead (early access with updates every tuesday and thursday).

More coming soon! <3 You can check my profile for other parts of this story!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/126yjmc/i_f20s_went_for_drinks_with_an_ex_m20s_and_it_got


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