[MFF] I (M20) met a pair of blonde roommates (F18 F18) at my frat party

By the time fall of junior year rolled around, I was pretty over the house party scene. Two kegs supplying warm foamy beer to a jam-packed dark, dingy basement pumping enough bass to give someone arrhythmia has its appeal for a while, but the magic begins to fade over time. Being just a couple months shy of 21, most of my friends and I had fake IDs and frequented the unofficial “underage-friendly” bars when possible, limiting house party appearances to football game tailgates, the off weekend where a friend or younger sibling would come visit, and maybe the rare party my fraternity threw that sounded fun enough to go to. The frat house was a great place to have a party and me and some guys from my pledge class would make appearances for date parties with sororities, but we tended to avoid the more routine weekend gatherings.

A couple weeks into fall semester, rush season was coming to an end. Bids had been handed out and accepted and a large portion of our next chapter meeting was spent planning the party to welcome our new pledges. Adam had gotten a new DJ deck over the summer and was excited to try it out, Cooper volunteered his truck for the beer run, and I tried to slip out before I got assigned a responsibility that would tie me to the house. I wasn’t so lucky.


I sighed to myself and turned around, hand still on the doorknob. “Hey Justin, what’s going on?”

I got along well with Justin, a fairly cool sophomore who was also our newly elected social chair, a responsibility he took entirely too seriously.

“Listen man, we need someone older to tend bar for the first shift. I could get guys from my class to do it but most of them have only done it once at most and I need you to show them the ropes.”

I groaned. First shift of bartending was always the worst because you had to help with set-up and then stand around as the first girls arrive with shocked faces that they’re the only women there for the first 20 minutes. Also, due to too many incidents, our campus didn’t allow fraternities to serve liquor at parties and therefore sent IFC (Interfraternity Council) around to each house that was having a party to make sure they were following the rules (checking IDs, wristbanding underagers, no liquor, etc.). Once IFC left, you were free to unlock the bookcase by the bar which swung open to reveal the worst rail liquor you could buy.

“No one else can do it? It’s gonna be like 70 degrees Friday night and Lindsay from Kappa told me they were going to Plaza’s patio.”

“Wow that sounds like a great night! You should definitely meet her there after you pre-game bartending with the pledges.” I must’ve not hidden my displeasure very well cause he followed it with, “look, you know how it goes. All actives have to bartend at least once a semester. Just get it out of the way, you’ll be out of here by 11. Better to do it for this party than a date party, this shit’s just for the pledges before they become *actual* pledges.”

Not seeing a convenient way out, I begrudgingly agreed and showed up to the house after class Friday afternoon. Our house had about a dozen apartment-style layouts and I went downstairs to the basement rooms to hang before set up started. After a couple drinks and getting thoroughly beat in Super Smash, I went upstairs to start organizing coolers. I walked into the common room to music playing as the pledges moved furniture, tables, and anything with our fraternity’s letters on it to a side room (can’t have those in incriminating pictures or videos). A couple friends from sororities were already there to help out with the initial ratio as I made sure the liquor was properly hidden and the younger guys knew what to do.

“You’re not going to be able to keep the bar clean, just make a conscious effort to try. Don’t be the asshole who overserves, the liquor bottles are pre-mixed but they’re still strong. If you see someone who needs help, drop everything you’re doing and get them help. Ideally you find Justin, but literally anyone will do. Also, don’t let anyone behind the bar. Last year we had a random guy try to sneak out with a case.”

The lights went out as a stream of people began to flood in. A couple girls who I knew excitedly introduced me to their new little sisters and asked for shots. I shrugged and yelled over the music, “can’t, IFC is almost here, come back in 20 without their wristbands.” They rolled their eyes and took the Natty Lights off the bar and disappeared into the dance floor. I saw Justin come around the corner with a group of people I didn’t recognize and nudged Jake, a buddy who was serving with me.

“Gotta let them back there to look over everything,” Justin yelled over the music. I let the group back, they searched the coolers and asked a couple questions, but before long they had written on their notepads that everything was ok and began to head out. I waited as Justin watched them out the door before flashing me a quick thumbs-up. The bookcase was already unlocked and Jake had already put plastic shot glasses on the bar to loud cheers from the crowd. Jake and I downed a couple each before I poured a dozen shots and began handing them out to any open hand I could find. As tedious and boring the beginning of tending bar was, this part was actually enjoyable.

The noise of the music and the people had grown to a point where I could barely hear orders. I had resorted to simply holding up a beer and a bottle and waiting for people to indicate which they wanted. I saw a hand waving at me out of the corner of my eye and held a shot glass in that direction without looking. The hand took the cup and immediately returned empty, asking for more. The process repeated before I finally turned to see who it was, pausing for a second before recognition set in.


She squealed hi and tried to hug me over the bar before realizing it was a futile attempt. Carlie was a freshman this year, but I knew her from high school because she was semi-friends with my younger brother.

“I didn’t know Carter was in your fraternity! This is so fun to run into you like this! This is my roommate Livvy.”

I picked up about every third word she said over the music, but managed to get the gist of it while my brain worked to figure out who the hell Carter was. I smiled at Livvy and mouthed hi, who smiled back before reaching for a shot.

“Are you back there all night?”

I checked my watch and told her only about 20 minutes before I was taking off. She put on a pouty face before telling me to find her before I left. The two girls took another shot and disappeared into the mass of bodies dancing, waving back at me as they went.

The remainder of my shift passed and I handed off the role to the poor bastard who had to close it down. I downed another shot and was about to text my friends that I was on my way before I remembered Carlie. I debated for a minute about still going to the bar before deciding I could at least go dance for a little bit. I scanned the room and saw the top of her blonde head talking to a tall guy that I remembered was Carter, a new pledge. I grabbed four shots and made my way over to them, side-stepping through couples grinding on each other.

Livvy saw me first, tapping Carlie on the shoulder and gesturing in my direction. They waved me over and eagerly took the shots from me as we cheers’d and put them back. Carter had clearly overestimated his liquor tolerance as he was attempting to continue the conversation while leaning against the wall, struggling to keep his eyes open, a battle he was quickly losing.

I turned to the girls, finally able to get a good look at them. Carlie was tiny, five feet tall in shoes with lifts, straight blonde hair that went to the small of her back, and an incredibly cute face. She had a gymnast’s body, her tight stomach on display in a black bandeau that hugged her C cup tits. Her legs were toned and tan and the bottom of her firm, round ass hung out of the bottom of her jean shorts. She carried an air about her of knowing she was hot and wanted heads to turn as she walked by.

Livvy had a similar build to Carlie: a couple inches taller with hardly any tits to speak of, but made up for it with a huge ass that I couldn’t believe would fit into jean shorts. She and Carlie had clearly gone for matching looks as she sported a white bandeau that shamelessly showed off her pierced nipples. As Carter and Carlie continued their conversation, I turned to Livvy and we began to dance.

We were drunk and clumsy, laughing as people around us bumped into us. I wrapped an arm around her waist and she quickly stepped in closer to me, pressing her ass against my crotch. She snaked an arm back around my neck as we moved to the music, holding each other close. As each song played, our bodies melted closer and closer together, her head resting on my shoulder with her eyes closed. When her eyes opened and caught mine, she tilted her chin up towards me. I smiled at her softly before leaning in and pressing my lips against hers. Without breaking the kiss, she turned around so we were chest to chest and put a hand through my hair as I cupped her ass, feeling her soft skin at the hem of her shorts. I pulled her against me as her tongue slid across my lips. I broke the kiss off as a side door of the house flew open and someone bolted out. Carter had lost the war against the rail liquor and needed some fresh air.

Carlie rolled her eyes and turned towards us, smiling at our intertwined bodies.

“You guys look cozy with a bunch of people around.”

I smiled and responded while looking at Livvy. “Extremely. I was actually thinking about getting out of here, what do you think?”

Livvy was nodding before I finished my question and, after not so subtly grazing my dick through my shorts, her hand found mine and I led the way out of the house with the two girls in tow. As we walked towards campus, Livvy leaning against me, they told me the dorm they were in, which was about a quarter-mile from my apartment. Livvy had already whispered in my ear that she wasn’t staying in the dorm tonight, but I figured it would be gentlemanly to walk Carlie back anyway. As we got closer to my place, I figured I had to take a shot.

“You know Carlie, you’re more than welcome to crash at my place if you don’t want to walk all the way back. One of my roommates is gone so you’d have a bed to sleep in.”

“That would be great actually! I’d love to,” she said while looking at Livvy. We stumbled into the apartment together and the girls collapsed onto the couch. I turned on some music and asked if they wanted anything to drink. After waters and vodka sprites were poured, I joined them on the couch. Livvy immediately got up to sit in my lap and lean her head on my shoulder. I turned to give her a quick kiss, but her hands found the back of my head and pulled me into an intense makeout, her tongue flicking against mine as she hungrily pushed her body into me. My hand slid up her body from her hip to her tits, rubbing my thumb over the piercing underneath. When she let out a soft gasp, I remembered that we weren’t alone.

I broke off the kiss and turned to Carlie, my thumb still rubbing Livvy’s pierced nipple. Carlie had clearly been watching, sitting up intently with her face flushed. Her eyes darted back and forth between Livvy and myself, seemingly drinking in the view in front of her. Without thinking about the possible negative consequences, I moved my hand from Livvy’s chest and lightly touched Carlie’s knee.

There was a moment’s pause where I realized I may have fucked up an absolute slam dunk in Livvy. Carlie held eye contact with me for a long second before looking towards Livvy. My eyes followed hers and I turned, hoping to see Livvy consent to the situation. She had a smile on her face that washed away all concern and made me say a silent thank you prayer, the first prayer I said in years.

Livvy’s lips made contact with the side of my neck as Carlie slid closer. Her hand found my thigh underneath Livvy’s legs and she leaned in close to me. She paused about an inch from my face and held herself there until I reached an arm around her and pulled her in. Carlie tasted sweet, a mixture of flavored vodka and lip gloss that I couldn’t get enough of. We made out as Livvy kissed my neck and moved her hands to feel up Carlie. My hands found Livvy’s and together we pulled down Carlie’s top, revealing the perkiest tits I had seen to that point. As Livvy grabbed at them, Carlie moved to kiss her roommate. I leaned back to watch them slowly undress each other as their tongues bridged the gap between their lips. When they had their tops off, I leaned in to Livvy and took her piercing in my mouth. She let out a moan as I used my tongue to play with her nipple while Carlie stood up.

Livvy followed Carlie up off the couch and I again watched as they kissed, their hands working the buttons on each other’s shorts. As they got down to their thongs, I unbuckled my belt, pulled down my shorts, and began to slowly stroke my cock. They giggled as they made out, jiggling each other’s tits and lightly spanking each other. Livvy bent over and took one of Carlie’s nipples into her mouth and grabbed her ass with both hands. Carlie let her head fall back in pleasure and sighed contently before looking over at me. We held eye contact as she stepped back from Livvy, walked over to the couch, and laid down on her stomach with her head on my thigh. Livvy followed, doing the same on my other side and spitting into her hand to replace my hand on my cock with hers.

As Livvy stroked me, Carlie had begun to hold my balls, still looking up at me with her head resting on my thigh. I leaned to the side and grabbed Carlie’s ass, massaging and running a finger lower and lower. Livvy took her hand off my cock and stroked Carlie’s cheek, getting her attention just before she wrapped her lips around the head of my cock. She flicked her tongue in circles, causing me to groan and slowly thrust upward into her mouth, grabbing a handful of her hair. She eagerly took more of my cock into her mouth, taking it down her throat until her nose came to a rest against my leg, seemingly putting on a show for her friend who was watching from inches away. Carlie put a hand between her legs and began to rub herself, breathing heavily against my cock, her eyes glued to Livvy. I watched as Livvy came up for air, gasping heavily as Carlie immediately took her place. Carlie may have lacked the god-given skill Livvy had, but her enthusiasm was not to be out done. She took me as deep as she could, gagging and coughing but never relenting. Livvy was encouraging her, a hand on the back of her head, guiding her through it as she leaned over to take my balls in her mouth. Carlie came up for a breath, thick threads of spit connecting her mouth and my cock. Livvy immediately met Carlie’s mouth with hers, licking up the spit and stroking me.

I slapped both of their asses before saying, “let’s go to my room.” We moved quickly down the hall and I closed the door behind us, grabbing Carlie and pressing her against the door. She moaned into my mouth as my hand found her pussy, already soaked. We made out as the noises behind me indicated Livvy was fingering herself on my bed. I picked up Carlie and she wrapped her legs around my waist, her hips rocking, rubbing her pussy up and down the length of my cock. I carried her across the room and dropped her on the bed, where she scrambled to put my cock back in her mouth as I stood. Livvy, still playing with herself, sat up on her knees and came over to me, kissing me deeply and wrapping a hand around my neck. We both looked down to watch Carlie work her lips up and down my length, before I leaned into Livvy’s ear.

“Do you want to taste your friend’s pussy?”

Livvy moaned and let out a shiver. I gave Carlie’s wet mouth one more thrust before I pulled it out and told her to lay on her back. She hurried up the bed and leaned against my pillows, legs spread wide, rubbing her clit in tight, fast circles. Livvy rolled onto all fours and kissed up the insides of Carlie’s thighs before running her tongue up the length of Carlie’s pussy.

“Oh, FUCK”

Carlie began to let out a string of profanities, mixed in with high-pitched whimpers and cries of her friend’s name. I took in the view of the two tight blondes enjoying each other, stroking my cock before climbing onto the bed behind Livvy. Her magnificent ass was pointed to the sky and I gave it a hard slap before I leaned over and licked her pussy. She groaned loudly at that and her hand found its way to her clit. As she rubbed herself, I slid my tongue in and out of her tight pussy, tasting her juices and listening to the sounds from above me.

“Fuck me already, please, I need it.”

I sat up and grabbed a condom out of the side table. As I rolled it on, Carlie was squeezing her tits with one hand and holding Livvy’s head with the other, wrapping her thighs around her friend’s head. Livvy wiggled her ass in front of me, begging me to fill her. I pressed the head of my cock against her tight hole and slowly pushed myself in. Livvy let out an animalistic groan and I felt her pussy constrict around me before she slammed her hips backwards, taking my full length in her. She gasped before a shuddering moan left her throat and she dove back into Carlie’s pussy. I locked eyes with Carlie as I fucked her roommate, stroking deep and slow as Carlie’s eyes began roll, her body quivering.

“Don’t stop Livvy, don’t stop, right there, fuck right there don’t st-”

She let out a short scream before it turned into a whimper as her body spasmed and she gripped the sheets. Gasping for breath, she reached for Livvy, trying to pull her on top of her. I pulled out of Livvy as she climbed up, kissing Carlie deeply before I slid back into her. I held onto Livvy’s ass with two hands as I fucked her, listening to her moans between kisses beneath me. As she built towards her climax, she buried her face in a pillow next to Carlie to muffle her noises.

“Fuck me baby, this pussy is yours. Fuck me harder, please fuck me harder”

Once Livvy buried her face in the pillow, I held eye contact with Carlie. Her adorable face had makeup badly smeared, her cheeks were bright red, and her eyes had a look of pure lust in them. Livvy lifted up her head and kissed Carlie hard before rolling away from me, saying she needed a break for a second. I immediately reached down and pulled Carlie up into my lap. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I slid my cock into her.

As tight as Livvy had been, Carlie was out of this world. It felt like my cock had been placed in a warm, wet vise. She whimpered in my ear as I slowly worked my full length into her. It took almost a minute and I had to distract myself momentarily about my favorite baseball team’s batting order from 2007 so I wouldn’t cum immediately. Once we got a bit of a rhythm in, it was pure ecstasy. Carlie put her feet flat on the bed and bounced up and down on me, her high-pitched whimpers bouncing off the walls. I slapped her ass hard, eliciting a low groan from her before she pushed me back onto the bed, bouncing her ass up and down as her tits hung in front of my face. I turned my head slightly to watch Livvy play with herself. She was watching us with a hunger, building closer and closer to her orgasm.

“Come here before you cum,” I ordered Livvy, who immediately obliged. She swung a leg over my head and lowered her pussy down onto my mouth. I reached around with both hands to hold her ass as I tasted her juices again. I could hear the girls making out above me as Livvy rode my face and Carlie rode my cock. Livvy almost immediately came, her thighs squeezing my head as she shook above me. She climbed off and I pulled Carlie down for a makeout before telling her I was close to cumming. I lifted Carlie off and stood over her as she laid down on the bed, aiming for her tits. As I came, Livvy laid down next to Carlie, her head resting on her chest, licking some of my cum off of her roommate’s body.

I stood there, trying to catch my breath before grabbing a towel for clean-up. Once we were good, I climbed into bed, wrapping an arm around each of their naked bodies. They snuggled up to me and we eventually drifted off to bed.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/125tjbc/mff_i_m20_met_a_pair_of_blonde_roommates_f18_f18


  1. Damn, what a night! Good thing you acquiesced to bartending! There really is no better feeling in the world than a tight petite blonde.

    I went to a school with a similarly anal IFC, ha.

  2. They both sound amazing, but Carlie especially sounds unforgettable. Just imagining how great that body looks.

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