My woman [F] is developing quite the Brat Kink and it’s awakening my Dom Kink [M].


We’ve been together for a very long time and during that time we’ve had a lot of great sex, but recently she’s gotten bratty and it’s led to even better sex.

Oddly enough, I think her new Brat Kink started with a trend going around TikTok. She showed me the TikToks and she kind of laughed about them…kind of.

Then she moved here to Reddit where the kink wasn’t so tame.

And recently she moved her Brat Kink into our lives where it started with flirting gone just a little too far.

You see, my woman has always been a flirt, and to be fair so have I. It’s part of who we are, it’s part of our love, and it’s part of our lives.

However, in this particular case, there was one guy she was flirting with whom I knew made it a habit of bedding married women. Still, I didn’t mind her flirting with him because I knew she enjoyed how brazenly he flirted back.

But then he started trying to get time with her alone in what felt like a behind-my-back way, and I asked her to make sure that didn’t happen. All I asked was that I am around when she flirted with this particular guy. She agreed but soon enough I was not happy when I found out that it didn’t work out the way we had agreed. I trusted that her flirting was still innocent, but we should have talked about it. Instead, she acted like a spoiled brat.

When I talked to her about it, I was very clear that I wasn’t happy with how she had handled this situation. Her response surprised me.

She wasn’t apologetic or defiant. Instead, she poutily told me that I could punish her if it would make me feel better.

I went from surprised to titillated. What could she mean? What did she want?

I saw the excitement in her eyes as she said, “I know I was naughty, and I know what naughty girls deserve.”

“And what’s that?” I asked.

“They deserve to be punished. You know, spanked…called names…maybe tossed on the bed…and fucked hard however you want to fuck them.”

I was stunned but undeniably aroused.

I reached out and lightly placed my hand on her throat for the first time in our many years together, and I saw excitement dance in her eyes and felt my cock stir in my jeans.

My grip tightened ever so slightly as I pulled her close. My hand slid from her throat to her long red hair that I twisted around my hand as I gently pulled her head back and to the side.

As I leaned in to kiss her exposed neck, I could almost smell her excitement as she audibly gasped.

I whispered, “You are mine. Do you understand?”

Her response was simple and sent my cock from stirring to lunging. “Yes, Sir.”

That was the first time she ever called me that, and it set my passion afire.

I kissed her tenderly on the lips then pulled her head further to the side so I could kiss her neck again, but this time not so tenderly, and I was rewarded with another, louder, gasp.

I moved to the couch and pulled her gently towards my lap, careful not to actually hurt her as I guided her by her beautiful hair.

I will never forget the excitement and joy on her face as she lay across my lap for the first time in this new way of playing.

And as my hand landed on her ass she egged me on to spank her harder “for being such a slut”. Soon her ass was turning a bright red and I could feel the heat radiating from her ass and pussy where she lay across my lap.

My mind raced as her ‘punishment’ continued and as she kept saying things like “I know I was a bad girl” and “I’m sorry I was a slut”. And as her punishment progressed she just kept pushing me to be harder with her. I fucked her throat, then her pussy, and finally finished in her tight little asshole as I was telling her that I was going to “fuck the slut out of her.

Yet both of us knew that was not my intent. She was a slut when I met her. A slut when I married her. And she’s still the slut I love.

And now her brat kink seems to be a part of many date nights.

We have a date night coming up this weekend and she’s already setting the stage.

Earlier today I walked by her and smacked her ass. As expected, she jumped and turned around to kiss me, but then, to my surprise, she grabbed my nipple and pinched.

I captured her hand in mine and quickly moved her other hand to join the offending hand. I raised her hands above her head and firmly pinned them to the wall behind her.

I leaned down, and quietly whispered, “That was very naughty”. I kissed her tenderly while at the same time, I was slowly pulling her shirt up with my other hand. I placed the hem of her shirt between her teeth and told her to hold it there.

With her bare breasts exposed, I bent my head and sucked her right nipple hard and then teased it between my teeth as she moaned and thrust her hips wildly.

“Harder”, she demanded. But instead, I stopped.

As she looked into my eyes, I saw a flash of understanding. “Please, Sir, harder”.

Such a Good Girl. So I did as she asked. First, the right nipple then the left until both stood out like hard diamonds with slight ridges where my teeth played just moments before.

As I released her hands she reached for my crotch but I pushed her hands away.

“That you have to wait for. Tomorrow night. For our date night, I want all your pink parts very smooth. I want you to wear the electric blue wraparound dress. High heels. No panties and no bra. And you will treat me with the respect I deserve or you will pay the price.”

Her response was simple, “Yes Sir”. But I saw the spark in her eyes…she plans on being a brat.

So I guess I better get to work planning my part of our date night.


Let me know in the comments if you want to hear about date night.

If you want to see my lovely brat, you can find her at /u/RedHeadedSlut4Life. If you visit her, show her the respect she deserves. She’s my love.



  1. Sounds like an intense dynamic – but seems like you guys have the communication going to make it work. Great story!

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