A MILF walks into a bar [MFMMMM]

Kelly had had a long and rotten day at work, and was eager to get home. If Dennis was in the mood for lovin’, that would go a long way towards relieving her tension. She was late leaving work, even later after being held up in traffic, and way too late to make a proper dinner.

She stopped at the supermarket and picked up a rotisserie chicken, some mashed potatoes, and a bag of vegetables she could pop into the microwave. It wasn’t much of an effort, but it would do for a quick meal.

Dennis met her at the door when she got home. He was wearing his suit and holding a bouquet of flowers. “I sent the kids to my sister’s. Let me take you out on a date.” Kelly opened her mouth to speak, but couldn’t think of anything to say. Dennis he grabbed her wrist and led her into the kitchen. He stuffed her sad little pre-fab dinner in the fridge, and said “I want you dressed up. Look sexy for me, okay Kelly?”

“Oooh yeah,” Kelly said. Now this was the kind of attention she craved. Dennis followed her upstairs to watch her dress.

“No panties. No pantyhose,” he said.

Kelly looked at him and shrugged. “Okay, what else?”

“That black dress you wore last year for Greg’s party. The one that shows off your tits.”

Kelly groaned. She’d gained about five pounds since then. That dress was going to be tight. She pulled it from her closet and laid it on the bed. “Any other orders, Sir?” she giggled.

“Do you still have that red bra that makes your tits stick out?”

“Yeah, I think so.” Kelly rummaged through her lingerie drawer and found it. It was a low-cut, balconette-style bra with see-through lace cups and underwires. That was another tight fit, and it had never been comfortable. She put the bra on, then wiggled into the dress.

“Those red high heels,” he said.

Kelly found her red stilettos and put them on.

“Look in the mirror,” Dennis said. “What do you see?”

Kelly giggled. “Just a chubby bunny ready for a date with her handsome man.”

“MILF. I see a hot MILF. Let’s go,” said Dennis.

“What’s a MILF?”

“I’ll tell you when we get to where we’re going,” he said.

They drove around for awhile, taking in the sunset and the view of the city lights. Then Dennis got on the freeway, drove for awhile, then took an exit on the south end of town. This was an area Kelly had never visited, only heard about. All she knew was that the area had a rough reputation. Even in the dark, she could see that it was old and rundown, with abandoned houses and boarded up commercial buildings.

She looked at Dennis, hoping for a clue about where they were going. He kept his eyes straight ahead and kept driving.

He stopped the car in front of a dimly lit cocktail bar. “Go on inside and sit at the bar. I’ll park the car and join you in a minute.”

Kelly went inside and shivered a little. The place smelled of old beer and stale smoke. Dozens of men, and a few used-up looking women, stared openly at her as she walked towards the bar. There was only one seat open, between two drunk old men. She shrunk her arms close to her side and eased onto the bar stool, acutely aware of her lack of panties.

The bartender, a huge man, looked at her face, then down at her tits, then up at her face again. He smiled and raised his eyebrows.

“I, uh, my husband is parking the car,” she said.

“Parking the car?”


“Okay. What can I get you while you wait?” The bartender smirked a little and studied her tits some more. Kelly shrugged. She seldom drank, and rarely touched hard liquor. “What’s good tonight?”

The bartender looked down at her tits and back up at her face. “I’ll fix you something nice,” he said.

Kelly noticed that the din of conversation had stopped. She felt like everyone in the bar was staring at her. She shifted a little on the stool and felt her bare pussy touching the cold leatherette. The bartender passed a mixed drink to her, and looked over her head at someone and nodded.

She nervously took a sip of her drink, not sure if she should look behind her.

She took another sip. The drink tasted slightly sweet and slightly smoky. She could smell the alcohol and realized that it would pack a wallop. No sign of Dennis yet. She took another sip, then another.

The bartender raised his eyebrows at her. She shrugged again and finished the drink. The liquor was going to her head. She remembered the last time she got drunk, at an office party the first year she worked there. She ended up getting sick in the ladies’ room, and passed out in a taxi on the way home. It was not an experience she wanted to repeat.

Another drink appeared in front of her. “Please, no,” she said.

“Compliments of the gentleman in the back,” said the bartender.

Kelly knew the worst thing she could do was to make eye contact with the stranger who bought her drink. She looked down at her glass. Still no Dennis.

She wondered if he’d abandoned her here. Certainly her recent behavior would justify it, if he’d somehow found out. First Josh in the elevator, then that creepy programmer, then all those weird questions from Averill. Feeling guilty and ashamed, she started on the second drink.

“I guess I’m a bit of a lightweight,” she said to the man next to her as she finished the glass. He looked at her and went back to his own drink. Her eyes felt dry, her face numb. If she had to stand up, she was sure she’d wobble. But she’d need to stand up pretty soon. She needed to pee.

“Where’s the Ladies?” she mumbled to the bartender. This was embarrassing.


“Where’s the Ladies room?” she said, a little louder. He pointed to the back corner of the lounge.

Kelly got up carefully and stood for a moment, hanging onto the bar stool for support. She felt steady enough, so she started walking towards the back.

Halfway there, she brushed past a man sitting at a table. He reached out and grabbed her hand. “Are you okay, honey?”

“Yeah, just gonna powder my nose,” she said.

“You don’t seem too steady on your feet,” he said. He pulled her closer. “Sit in my lap,” he whispered.

His breath stank of liquor and cigarettes. Kelly shook her head and tried to pull her hand away. “Sit,” he said.

She thought about Dennis again. “It must be half an hour now. Perhaps he has abandoned me,” she thought. “Well fuck him,” she decided.

She let the man pull her down onto his lap and giggled. “I have to pee,” she said.

“Go pee then.” He reached under her dress with his right hand and fingered her pussy. “Forgot your panties? Naughty girl.”

The fingering felt good, but she really needed to pee. “Let me up,” she said.

He put his wet finger in her mouth. “Lick it, then I’ll let you go,” he said. She sucked on his finger, then licked her lips. “I’ll walk you to the restroom. You don’t need any of these other guys grabbing at you,” he said.

Kelly shrugged. They stood up together. With his hands on her shoulders, he guided her to the restroom.

She opened the door marked “Ladies” and flipped on the light. The room was as bad as she expected it to be. A single, ancient toilet, a sink with only one water tap, an empty soap dispenser, and paper scattered on the dirty tile floor. She’d rather go on the ground outside than deal with this mess.

She opened the door to leave, and the man pushed his way through into the restroom with her.

“Sorry, Babe. Too many beers. I gotta cut in front of you,” he said as he fumbled in his trousers. He found what he was looking for, and urinated noisily into the toilet, not bothering to lift the seat, or even caring that he had an audience.

He gave his dick a couple of shakes, tucked it away, and zipped up. “Your turn, sweetheart.”

“Oh, hell,” she thought. She shrugged, pulled up her dress, and squatted over the toilet, being careful not to touch any part of the seat. After a few moments of hesitation, she emptied her bladder. With nothing to wipe with, she shook her hips a little to dislodge any remaining drops, then stood up.

He pushed his hand under her dress again, fingered her pussy, and smeared his finger under her nose. “Like that?” he whispered. “I bet you do. I bet you’ve dreamed of fucking a guy in the bathroom of some filthy dive bar, and licking him clean afterward. I just bet you have.”

“Not until right now,” Kelly said.

“Tell me how bad you want it,” he whispered in her ear.

“I want it,” she said.

“You want it what?”

“I want it, please.”

“You want it please, what?”

Kelly shook her head, embarrassed and thoroughly aroused. She licked her lips and tasted pussy juice and a trace of piss. “I want it please, Sir,” she said.

“You’re going to get it, all right,” he said, and slapped her ass, hard. He opened the door and gestured to his companions. “She wants it. She told me she wants it. Are you ready?”

Three more men crowded into the restroom. The last one locked the door behind them and turned out the light.

Kelly never knew which of the four men touched her where, fucked her where, held her wrists behind her back while someone else fucked her, pulled her hair while someone else fucked her there, shot loads in her mouth, in her face, on her tits, up her ass, in her cunt, up her ass again, then shoved their dicks in her face and ordered her to lick them clean. Men kissed her, forced their tongues into her mouth, pulled her tits out of her dress and sucked her nipples hard, pinched and pulled on her nipples, then three of them penetrated her ass, her pussy, and her mouth, all at the same time.

She was beyond aroused, beyond horny. This was the most incredible, outrageous thing she had ever done, and she wanted to cum so desperately, but every time, every time she was on the verge, the men would switch out and start all over again, until finally all of them were spent. She heard the door open and close, then realized she was alone.

She fumbled around till she found the light switch. Her knees and elbows were raw. Her pussy was raw. Her ass was raw. Her hair was sticky with cum. Somehow she’d lost her shoes and her bra. Her tits were hanging out of her dress. She had no purse, she’d forgotten it at home. No money to pay her bar tab, no way to pay for a cab ride home. No way to fix her hair properly, and only a dribble of cold water to clean herself up.

Kelly tidied herself up as well as she could, with her pussy still throbbing for attention. She knew the walk of shame back through the bar would be excruciating, but she had sobered up completely and had to get out of there. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

Sitting at the table with the four men was her husband Dennis. “Enjoy your date?” he asked.

Kelly felt a chill that started at her shoulders and went down to her belly. Her face burned. She couldn’t look her husband in the eye.

“Ready to call it a night?”

“Uh-huh,” she whispered.

He drove her home, took her up to the bedroom, undressed her, and took her to bed. She was worn out and exhausted. He was fresh and aroused. Everything those men had done to her in that filthy restroom, he did to her, in her mouth, in her pussy, up her ass, then did it all again. When he’d finally had enough, more times than she had ever known him to do before, he said “Now cum for me.”

He knew. He knew that after all she’d had done to her that night, that she hadn’t been able to cum. “Show me what you do when you need to cum and I’m not here.”

Kelly bit her lip. She fingered her clit and realized it was fully erect, like a tiny erect penis. Could she do this in front of someone, even her husband?

“What do you need? Do you need to stick something up there?”

“No,” she said. “I just …” She couldn’t say it.

“Show me.”

Kelly shook her head. Dennis rolled her on her stomach and smacked her ass. “How about now?”

She shook her head again. He smacked her ass again, harder this time. “Now?”

“Please,” she said, and tried to twist away.

Five hard smacks in a row. No answer. Five more. “Do I need to get my belt?”

“Please, okay, please,” she begged.

“You didn’t have any trouble showing them how you like it,” he said. Five more smacks.

“Okay, please, I will,” she said.

“Ask nicely or you get the belt,” he said.

Kelly was almost crying. She was more aroused than she’d ever been in her life. She’d fucked other men and liked it, and he knew. She loved Dennis, yet she had been unfaithful to him. “Please can I cum?”

Dennis said nothing. He unthreaded the belt from his trousers, doubled it up, and flogged her. Softly for the first five strokes, then five hard strokes, counting out each stroke. “Please can I come what?” Five more hard strokes.

“Please can I come, Sir?”

“Roll over. Show me what you do.”

Kelly laid on her back with her knees spread. She used her index and ring fingers to separate her pussy lips, and rubbed gently around her clit with her middle finger. She was on the verge, there, there, and then Dennis started flicking her nipples. She rubbed, he flicked, she winced from the pain, and rubbed harder. “This is impossible,” she thought, and tried to move her hand away.

“Okay, you get to choose. You cum for me, or you get the belt. I think you like having your ass paddled too much, so I think your tits will get it instead.” He held the belt above her.

She felt weirdly aroused and humiliated at the same time. She let a strange man watch while she peed, then let him and his friends fuck her in every possible place, but she couldn’t cum for her husband until he whipped her with a belt? She closed her eyes, emptied her mind, and rubbed her clit until she came harder than she’d ever cum in her life.

“MILF. Do you know what that means? It means a Mom I’d Like to Fuck.” Dennis spat in her face and left her alone in the bedroom.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/7agnyc/a_milf_walks_into_a_bar_mfmmmm