She just wanted to play a game… [M20/F20] [morningwood] [sex] [blue ball relief]

My eyes slide open, but everything’s blurry. I reach up, wipe away the crust, and am confused. Wood rafters, a strange blanket, strange sheets, weird artwork on the walls, all ducks and reeds. This isn’t my room. This isn’t even my house.

I wipe my eyes again, but everything’s still there. I roll my head to the other side. More wood rafters, more ducks. A painted wooden duck on a small table. A duck stuffed animal next to it. I’m always a little delirious when I wake, but this is taking the cake.

Below the foot of the bed — carved with artwork of two ducks in flight — it’s bright, and I haven’t mustered the courage for sunlight yet. Plus, there’s some noise I don’t comprehend. It’s familiar, yet I can’t place it. So I rub yet more crust from my eyes, and squint down past my feet.

A big window, rolling hillside beyond glowing with morning light. A TV just in front of the windows in a wooden hutch. A couch between my bed and that TV.

The TV is on, some video game. I sit up to see who’s playing.

In front of the TV, with her back to me, lays a young woman. She’s wearing a sweatshirt, snug around her waist, two big brunette pigtails of hair tumbling down her back. And below that shirt, the biggest, tightest, roundest ass I’ve ever seen. Tight white-and-pink panties cling to it, slide up between its cheeks.

I am immediately wide awake, smacked in the face with a powerful urge to touch that butt, to rub up against it, nuzzle my face against it, to… I don’t know, I just need it.

Memories come crashing back in. The girl is Victoria, and she’s my dad’s boss’s daughter. We got in yesterday, my parents and me, invited out to spend a few days at Dad’s boss’s personal hunting retreat. Dad’s boss — Mister Ayer, I’m supposed to call him — he owns this land, hundreds of acres, and he’s known to invite people he likes out on trips like this. Dad explained on the drive out, it’s a great career boost for him, and should be fun for us, too. He also explained, giving me a stern glare, Victoria was off-limits.

The TV screen flashes, some cooking video game with cartoonish graphics and silly, bubblegum music. Victoria hums along.

Last night, Mister Ayer had served us dinner, deer that he’d personally hunted and cleaned. He was a big, loud, boisterous man, someone who obviously enjoyed playing host. His wife clung to his arm, a woman who looked like she must’ve been quite the jaw-dropper back when she was young. Victoria’s resemblance to her parents was clear as she sat quietly at the far end of the table.

She’d said nothing to me — or to anyone else, that matter — that whole dinner. But I’d caught her eyes on mine. And my father caught the smiles I was sending her way, and gave me his most disapproving glare, the one that reminded me under whose roof I lived, who was paying for my car and cell phone and entire lifestyle.

It’d worked. I turned away from Victoria, avoiding her looks, keeping away from her after dinner. She’d slinked away without saying anything, and I’d stayed up with the adults, reveling in my recently-earned ability to legally drink wine. I had no pallet for it, but I’d had several glasses, listening to their conversation late into the night.

And then Misses Ayer directed me to this room, the cabin’s bonus room, in the rafters above the formal living room. My parents were already using the guest bedroom, she explained, but there was this trundle in the bonus room set up for me, for just such occasions. And that I shouldn’t worry, that even though the room was open, having no door that could close, and was where the games were set up, that the Ayer’s would respect my privacy, and nobody would disturb my slumber. I could sleep in, she even suggested.

So the pieces begin to click. That since Victoria had gone to bed before the rest of us, she probably didn’t know I was sleeping in here. This was probably her morning routine, getting in some video games before the rest of the house was awake. She would probably be very embarrassed to realize I’d seen her in her underwear.

How to be polite?

I come up with a plan. I roll over, deliberately squeaking the bed frame, and clear my throat loudly.

It works, sort of.

“Good morning, Julian,” she says, “Hope you don’t mind, but, well, you’re in the room where the TV is.”

“Uh…” I rub my head. That’s not the answer I expected. “It’s… it’s ok.”

“I only have this game at this cabin, not at our main house, so, like, I don’t get many chances to play it, is all.”

Ok, so she’s not leaving. Now, how do I get out of here? My suitcase is still in my parents’ room, I realize, and my clothes I was wearing yesterday are on a bench next to the TV. All I’ve got on are form-fitting black boxer-briefs, and what with my morningwood, they don’t hide much. “It’s, uh, it’s cool,” I say.

“You should come play with me,” she says cheerily, “It’s a two-player game. I’ve got a second controller here.”

“No, err, I mean, no-thank you. That’s alright.”

“Please, Julian?” She does that puppy dog thing with her voice, making herself sound cute and desperate and irresistible, like saying ‘no’ would be slapping her in the face. “I’m all alone here. I never have anyone to play with me.”

Even though from this angle I can’t see her, my mind flashes back to her cute face, how it must look right now, all wide-eyed and pleading. And to her ass, how it’s so perfect and round and in need of a grope. My erection just will not go away, but against my better judgment, I find myself saying, “Ok, you talked me into it.”

“Great! I’ll start a new round here.” She busies herself with the game.

I climb off the bed and sidle around the couch, moving quickly, hoping she won’t notice the stiffy I’m sporting. I sit down on the carpet behind her, my back to the couch, and cross one leg over the other to hide my boner.

But she obviously has no such qualms about her ass. She’s prone in front of me, propped up on her elbows, chest on a pillow. A perfect arch runs from her shoulders, down her back, up her hips, and over that magnificent beast of a butt. And her butt… her legs are together, but as her panties run between her ass cheeks and over her crotch, I can see them clinging tightly to her mound, the white and pink stripes stretching as they embrace her pussy.

As I stare, I salivate and my cock twitches.

Victoria giggles. “Everything ok there?”

Fuck me. She’s turned her head back, over her shoulder, grinning at me as she reaches out, offering the second game controller to me.

I blush. “Uh, yeah, um, all good.” I can’t reach the controller, not without unfolding my legs.

She waves it back and forth. “You going to take it?”

Fuck me double. There is no way … I’m going to have to lean forward. Maybe, if I’m quick, and I lean forward… I swallow, and do it, as smooth as I can. My fingers reach out, come up empty.

She’s giggling, pulling the controller from my grasp.

“Hey!” I frown.

“Looks like you’re in need of some relief there,” she nods at my crotch, her eyes sparkling, lips curled in a mocking smirk.

The heat of my blush swells. “Don’t– don’t look!” I try to cover my boner with my hand, but she pulls my wrist away.

“No! If you touch your dick, I’m not going to let you then touch my controller.”

“I’m not touching–” I stop my myself, grimacing, trying to compose myself despite the rude bulge in my shorts. “Could you please hand me the controller?”



“First, I’m going to show you how to play. Now sit down.” She swats her ass, making it bounce.

I sit back down.

“Not there,” she says, “Here.” She swats at her butt again.

I frown, still not understanding. “What?”

“Sit on my butt!” Her tone is scolding, like I’m being an idiot. Maybe I am.


“Uh, so you can watch? Duh.”

“I can see fine from where I am.”

Suddenly cutesy and sing-song, she says, “View’s better from here.”

I narrow my gaze, eye that glorious ass. “How old are you, Victoria?”

“Twenty. Why?”

“Because what you’re asking, it’s–”

“It’s what? What am I asking?” She wiggles her hips, bounces her ass side to side.

I breathe in, out. “Nothing.” I glance around, make sure nobody else is around. Which, it’s a few minutes after six in the morning, they aren’t around, I know this. But still. I get on my knees, crawl forward the two paces to Victoria’s ass, and swing a leg out, over her. And I sit down, not on her ass exactly, but on her thighs, so that her ass is just in front of me. I am literally pressed up against her, my erection bouncing against her ass. It’s what I’ve been lusting after since I woke up and saw it, but now that I have it, I’ve no idea what it is I’m supposed to do with it.

She told me to sit, and I have. But now, am I allowed to touch it? Should I be grabbing and squeezing it, playing with it? Should I continue to pretend that I’m not incredibly erect?

“Good,” she says, her head again turned over her shoulder, smiling at me with her teeth over her bottom lip. “Now, watch and learn.” And she turns back around and plays the game, like I’m just supposed to think is normal.

I glance at the screen, but I can’t even pretend to pay attention. My focus drops immediately back to her ass and it’s fantastic roundness. And my hips, I don’t meant them to, but they’re slowly thrusting into her, trying to grind my cock on her through the fabric. A wet spot has formed at the tip of my shorts, and I’m panting.

“Are you even noticing what I’m doing?”

I whimper. “Sorry, I… I–”

“Why are you sorry?”

“I–” I can’t finish a sentence, is what. My will shatters, I reach down and grab her ass, my fingers digging into her muscles, squeezing and groping.

“Are you better now? Watch, you move the character around with the stick…”

“Ok,” I grunt, grinding my hips into her ass, wantonly massaging her butt. My fingers curl around her panties, tugging them to the side. My boxer-clad erection slides down between her cheeks.

“…and you pick up items over here. Are you even watching, Julian?”

“Yeah,” I mutter, sucking down air as my cock strains at the fabric. “Totally watching.” With a burst of relief, my shaft finds the flap in my shorts and shoves its way through, now rubbing on her ass skin-on-skin.

“Good,” she says, “There’ll be a quiz at the end. Now, what you’ll need to do… Julian!”


“Everything ok back there?”

“Never better.” I’ve slid my cock between her cheeks, down down down, until now, where it rests against the heat of her pussy.

“Alright, well,” she says, “You’re going to need to lean in close to see this next bit.”


I lean forward, pressing my hips into her. Victoria and I gasp in unison as the tip of my cock shoves its way in between her pussy lips. The sight, my dick skewering this glorious ass, it’s too overwhelming for me to take things slow or casual. I grab her waist and thrust in, as deep as I can. Her pussy is so tight, so incredible to have mounted on my cock.

“Good,” she grunts, “It’s so hard… ngggg… this level, I mean. You’ll really have to find… nnnnggg… a good pace, you know?”

“Yeah,” I suck down a breath, my hips pulling back automatically. As I shove myself inside her a second time, I watch her ass jiggle. And when we’re skin to skin — my hips resting against her butt, my balls against her thighs — her warmth infects me, makes me dizzy.

Blood rushes behind my ears, my vision tunnels down. My universe is condensed down to the essentials — me and Victoria, my hard dick and her wet pussy — and I fuck her like it’s the entire reason we exist. Restraining myself would be a travesty, holding any lust in reserve a waste, and I pour my entire essence into pounding my cock into her, into giving Victoria the fuck she deserves.

“Fuck…” she groans, the controller clattering against the floor as her hands clench and release, clench and release. She scrambles for something to hold on to, her face buried in the carpet.

Her asshole spasms, and I brush it with my thumb, teasing her.

She whimpers, sweat tricking down her gloriously round ass as it bounces, her arousal intoxicating me. My dick shoves into her over and over again, each pull out a rush of ecstatic potential, each thrust in a firework of release.

“You’re so hot,” I mutter.

“Cum in me,” she mutters back.

Her simple instruction is all it takes for bliss to explode from my cock and shoot through my limbs, to flood my brain. I groan as the spunk surges through my shaft and erupts inside her. I don’t slow my thrusts as I feel her pussy slicken with my seed, and I pump every last drop inside her.

When I pull out, my cock is coated with its own release, and thick white cum drips from her pussy. I collapse on the floor next to her, catching my breath, barely holding myself up.

“Oh, fuck,” Victoria pants, rolling onto her side. She looks up at the TV. “We lost the level.”



  1. If you like this story, my post history is nothing but sex stories, and I’ve got a lot more collected on a free blog: terriblyeasy . wordpress . com

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