[F20s/M20s][FreeUse][Fiction] The Skylar Chronicles part 9

Working from home is great. I don’t have to deal with morning commute traffic. I can nap on my lunch. I get to hang out with my dog. I don’t have to deal with Brad microwaving fish in the break room. There really are very few downsides to working from home, which is why I’m glad to work for a company that allows me to do exactly that. But I’m willing to bet you’re not here to listen to me go on and on about how great working from home is. You’re here because you want to hear about Skylar. You want to know if I stayed.

The answer is no, I didn’t stay. I got in my Uber, caught my flight, and went home. I then subsequently broke my lease, quit my job, packed up all my stuff, and moved to Seattle to be with Skylar, because damned if I’m not going to be with the woman I love. Skylar and I have been officially together for a year and a half now, living in the suburbs of Seattle as she pursues her law career. We moved out of her apartment and found a house with some more space. It’s been good. The only trouble was me finding a new job. That took a while, but I eventually was hired into a data analyst position for a Silicon Valley tech firm that is trying to bring smart glasses and smart contacts to the market. Yeah, it’s really Black Mirror-esque but whatever. The good thing is that I get to work remote. And did I mention we got a dog? Our Rottweiler Athena has been a perfect addition to the house.

I was sitting at my desk in my office at home preparing for a meeting with my supervisor when I heard the front door open and then shut. Checking the time, I saw that it was almost 4pm and Skylar had just walked through the door. I could hear her moving around on the other side of the house, no doubt saying hi to Athena before she moved on to the bedroom to change into something more comfortable than pants because pants are evil. Meanwhile, I sat in a black t-shirt with basketball shorts on. A few minutes later a knock came at my office door behind me. I checked the time again, knowing my meeting would be starting any minute.

“Come in,” I called out. I turned to see Skylar enter my office with her oversized bathrobe on fully encompassing her fit 5’4” body. Her brown hair was down, resting just past her shoulders.

“You busy? I just wanted to see what you were thinking for dinner tonight.” She inquired.

“I’m about to be in a meeting with Brian. Spaghetti sounds good, if you’re in the mood for that.” I responded.

Skylar leaned in and let her warm hand caress against me arm and then gave me a kiss. “Spaghetti it is,” she said as she stood back upright. She had a thoughtful look in her eye.

“What’s on your mind?” I asked.

“Just thinking back to the apartment — the first apartment. All the fun we had there. Do you remember when I was interviewing for this job and you crawled under the table and ate me out?”
“How could I forget? As soon as your interview was over, you dragged me out from under the table and tried to suffocate me with your pussy.” A small remembering smile came to her face as I recalled the memory. Then I heard the familiar sound of a Teams call coming through on my computer. I turned my back to Skylar to prepare to answer it.

“I’ll be off in an hour and then we can eat.” I announced. I clicked to answer the call as I heard the door shut behind me.

Brian’s face popped up on the screen. “Hey there, how’s your day been?” He began the conversation. We began to chat casually before moving into business. I had an important project I’d been working that he wanted an update on.

We hadn’t made it very long into the meeting before I gave a startled jolt at the feeling of something brushing my leg. “Are you alright?” Brian asked me, noticing my reaction. I glanced down to see Skylar on her hands and knees pushing her way under my desk in nothing but dark red lingerie that was concealed by her robe only moments earlier. She hadn’t left the room.

“Uh…yeah, my dog came into my office when Skylar was in here a few minutes ago and I didn’t know she was still in here.” I lied while staring Skylar straight in her eyes with my most What the fuck look. Her mischievous smile spread across her face and I knew in that moment the exact thought going through her head: If you’re home, you’re available.

“Aww. Well, you tell Athena I say hi and give her pets for me,” Brian said excitedly.

“Oh, I will.”

I brought my attention back to the screen and continued to walk Brian through the segments of my project that still needed doing. Skylar’s hands slid up the side of my thighs before moving in to caress my dick through my shorts. It didn’t take long for her to get what she wanted, a hard dick to play with. Her hands, adorned with dark blue fingernails, began to untie my shorts. I half-heartedly tried to push her away with my foot but Skylar is nothing if not persistent. Her hands proceeded to grip the sides of my shorts and give them a quick yank down toward my knees and then my ankles. My dick was fully exposed and Skylar wasted no time taking it in her hands. She began to slowly stroke up and down with her right hand as her left rubbed my thigh and then took my balls in her hand. To say I was distracted would be the ultimate understatement.

“Do you think you’ll make your deadline in time?” Brian’s voice brought me back to the meeting in front of me but Skylar refused to change her pace even a little. My balls danced against her fingers as the pace of her stroking my cock in her tight grip quickened.

“Yep, completion will be no problem, I’m sure,” I attempted to say without seeming too flustered. It’s difficult to know if I actually conveyed composure or not.

“Perfect. It’s important that we get this right, you’ve got a lot of potential with this company.

“I appreciate you saying so, Brian.” I managed to say right in the same instance that a familiar warm feeling rushed from the tip of my dick to the base. Glancing down I could only see the top of Skylar’s head as her mouth enveloped my dick. I let out a deep exhale as I fully came to the realization of her working to take all of me into her throat and then back up again. My left hand came to rest on top of her head out of sight of the camera as I looked back up.

“I did want to chat about what your future could hold with us if you continue to impress,” he proceeded.

“I’d love to,” I replied quickly before applying pressure to the top of Skylar’s head and pushing her mouth back down the length of my dick. Skylar loved when I took control. I could feel the wetness running from my dick to my balls and thighs as Skylar let drool run from her mouth, making a mess like she often did. I could tell from her quick up and down pace that she had been thinking about this all day and she was intent on making me cum before this meeting came to an end.

“I don’t think it will be a long time before we could reasonably pitch you becoming a supervisor for this team or another within the company.”

I glanced down at Skylar who, letting my dick slide from her mouth and fall off the tip of her tongue, looked up at me and gave a proud smile. It’s hard to say if she was proud of herself for getting away with this or proud of me for what Brian just said.

“That would be amazing, Brian. You really think…” my voice trailed off as Skylar once again took me into her mouth sucking the tip of my dick quickly, “..um…you really think I could do that soon?”

“Are you alright?” Brian asked.

“Yeah, I’m good! I just lost my train of thought. You know, sometimes the thought just doesn’t run deep enough,” my words came as I pulled Skylar’s head down further onto my dick, planting myself deep in her throat for five…six…seven…eight seconds. She gave a slight gag noise before I released and her head came back up from amid all the drool she left on my dick.

“Athena, you alright?” I glanced over my shoulder, feigning concern for the dog that wasn’t in the room before returning my gaze to what was in front of me. Skylar’s eyes locked with mine as she bit her lip and nodded slowly. I knew she was ready to claim her prize for this daring mission she’d undertaken.

Brian smiled, “She good?”

“Yeah, she’s fine, just sneezed a bit.” I responded. Skylar had taken my drool-covered dick into her hand and was stroking up and down quickly. She began to suck the tip of my dick as her stroking continued. My body began building toward its climax.

“Anyway, yeah, I absolutely think you’d be suitable for a supervisor position sooner rather than later. You’re a hard worker and you know your stuff,” Brian continued.

Skylar released her grip on my dick and began to suck again at a quick pace. She knew it wouldn’t be long before I would cum. She sucked and licked, her face a mess from the drool and some light tears from gagging.

“I say let’s see how this project plays out and then we talk to Zack about how to get you a promotion,” He said enthusiastically.

I couldn’t respond. If I opened my mouth, a moan was going to come out and there would be no explaining it. Skylar knew exactly how to push me over the edge and she was checking that box. I could feel myself right on the edge and knew there was no time. I covered my mouth and tried to look as thoughtful as I could as Skylar quickly removed my dick from her mouth and began to stroke it until I crossed my point of no return and began to cum all over her face. I sat there in tense silence for a moment, Brian hopefully under the impression I was thinking about what he said. I didn’t have to look at Skylar, I knew she had a big smile on her face.

Finally, I caught my breath and said, “I’m really excited, Brian. I can’t thank you enough for the opportunities you’re providing to me.”

Brian smiled and responded, “I look forward to seeing what you do. I want to dive deeper on the project with you before you get it turned in, but I do need to jump to another meeting in a few minutes. Let’s set up some time tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow sounds great to me,” I gave him a wave, “have a great rest of your day!”

Brian waved back and disconnected the call.

I sat back in my chair, my head rocking back against it. Finally, I looked down at Skylar who was kneeling and looking up at me with that mischievous smile on her cum-covered face.

“I’m so glad you work from home,” She said playfully.

“Yeah, I like this arrangement too, but you’re definitely going to get me fired.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/11s3oyu/f20sm20sfreeusefiction_the_skylar_chronicles_part

1 comment

  1. I don’t know why this formatted so weirdly, but I wasn’t able to fix it.

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