Rock Wall [M46/F31/F24] [MFF] [FF] [BDSM]

Ellen came down the wall after climbing the course she’d designed and set on it. Indoor was no replacement for the complexity that nature carved into outdoor cliffs, but she felt satisfied she’d set a satisfying course. She liked working at this indoor gym because it had a chimney, not just two angled or opposing walls but a full opening in the wall for her to play with. She’d put a chock in that would require some clever work to get over. There were a few months before real climbing season began, and she was already well on her way to peak shape.

She was massaging her forearms when she saw the two of them enter the gym. A young woman, petite, looking around herself in startled curiosity, and an older man, looking at the people rather than the place. Ellen walked slowly towards them, her attention captured by the girl. She had startlingly big eyes that might have made her look vulnerable except for the intensity of the blue in them, and was truly small, perhaps breaking five foot, perhaps not. She was wearing leggings and a tank top, and her red-blonde hair was straight and silky to her shoulders. Her body curves interswerved with muscles, a small waist but irrepressibly wide hips and the tank-top and sports bra underneath were doing heroic work constraining her breasts. She stood like she had no awareness of anyone else looking at her, or wanting to look at her, but Ellen was not the only eye drawn to her.

The man saw Ellen approaching and smiled at her, and Ellen flicked her attention over him; older but vigorous, thirties to forties, not dressed to climb today. Actually a kind of cool shirt with a pattern of foxes on it that went a little sideways against his otherwise square appearance. She liked that he didn’t hold out a hand to shake, but instead nodded, and said, “Rachael is interested in climbing classes, and I saw that you offered an introductory drop-in class? Is that true?” Ellen turned her attention to Rachael as she answered, “Yes, that’s right, Rachael. Cool that you want to learn rock-climbing, it’s become one of my favorite things.” Rachael responded floweringly to the warm tone, smiling and stepping forward, “I actually always wanted to try,” she said, “Tom finally just bought me the lesson so I had to.” At that, the man–Tom–squeezed Rachael’s shoulder and stepped back, “I think you’re in good hands, Rach,” he said, and Ellen swore she saw a grin in her direction as he said that, “I’m going to hang out at the kava bar– smart idea having one in climbing gym.” And with that, he withdrew.

He was a little more intriguing a figure than your average middle age white dude, but this woman was plenty enough for Ellen to focus on, especially if she truly was a newbie. After getting Rachael set up with her shoes, Ellen asked her about her history with rock-climbing–why she was interested, but why she hadn’t done it.

“I love hiking and I’ve always just looked at rock walls and thought, damn, it’d be fun to be able to climb that, too,” she said, “But… I had some boyfriends that were into it and all of them said my breasts were too big for it, and that I was too short so my reach was too small.” Ellen shook her head, and said, “Well I’m glad you finally came in, because everyone has a size, they have a limited reach compared to an orangutan. It means that you have to pick some different climbs, different surfaces, but the good news is there’s like an infinite number of walls out there in the real world to climb. And here in the gym, I can always set up walls for you to climb.” Ellen was impressed with herself for doing such a good spiel because behind the scenes, her libido was increasing with every heartbeat and breath in this girl’s presence. Something about her just exuded a sex appeal, one she seemed unaware of or at least one she didn’t wield.

It was a full, two-hour lesson, so Ellen took her time in the teaching, going over equipment, terminology, showing her the numbering and lettering systems on the walls, and then had Rachael start practicing on a few small boulders. She had a very cute little way of taking in a deep breath, letting it out, and taking another before her first attempt at doing something that both made her body move in pleasing ways and looked like a good way of centering herself.

About an hour in, as they were moving towards more real climbing, Ellen noticed Tom at the Kava bar, leant over, in conversation with Daphne, one of the girls who worked there and a long-term crush of Ellen’s. Daphne was laughing, and it looked genuine, not customer-service. Ellen took the little spike of jealousy that launched and stored it away. She really, really wanted to know what, exactly, the Rachael/Tom situation was now, but could hardly think of any way to smoothly work that in.

A few moments later, Rachael slipped a handhold on a boulder but Ellen was there behind her, catching her easily. A classic moment, and Ellen was amazed by how electrified she was by the feeling of the soft, yielding body against hers. “Thank you,” Rachael said, and determinedly scrambled back up.

Throughout the rest of the lesson, Ellen found Rachael a student willing to rise to the challenge when set it, willing to be pushed, and she pushed her farther than she would have a normal student. Rachael was enjoying it, that flashing smile appearing more and more often. By the end of it, the smile was permanent. Even with trembling arms, Rachael had to be told the lesson was over, that it was their last climb, and she looked crestfallen for a moment before the smile rebounded onto her face.

“Thank you so fucking much, Ellen,” Rachael said wholeheartedly, and Ellen laughed at the pure joy of it, “This was exactly what I needed,” Rachael continued, “And you were right, like, of course being short is a limitation but I did more than I thought I’d be able to.” Ellen took a breath to ask, but even before she could, Rachael said, “I definitely want more lessons.” “Well great,” Ellen said, “You can get a package, monthly–” Rachael interrupted and said, “Can I get the lessons with you? Or are you some sort of first-time only expert?” Ellen laughed again, and said, “You absolutely can get the classes just with me.”

Tom reappeared at that point, and Ellen said her goodbye, Rachael initiating a hug between them. On their way out, the nature of their relationship was probably clarified, perhaps mystified by Tom’s hand clearly on the small of her back.


Tom didn’t come to the next few lessons with Rachael, depriving Ellen of more chances of figuring out what was up with them. She’d pieced together a couple of biographical details Rachael had dropped in casual conversation to peg that the girl was relatively recently out of college, so the age gap with her and Tom was pretty damn wide.

After the fifth lesson, when an exuberant Rachael had managed to tackle an overhang for the first time, she decided she’d celebrate with something at the kava bar, and invited Ellen to join her, “Tom likes the raw stuff,” she said to Ellen, wrinkling her nose, “I think it’s ridiculous tough guy stuff or something, it tastes like dirt water.” She blushed and said, “No offense if you, uh really like it.”

“No worries,” Ellen responded, “A CBD drink is more my style.” She ordered two of them, ginger-lime CBD sodas that bubbled pleasingly on the tongue. “I was actually a budtender for a year,” Rachael said, “So I could give you long pitches about various CBD pitches if you want.”

“Feel free to pitch me what you like,” Ellen said, with more flirtation in the sentence than she’d meant, but she definitely had meant some. Rach gave her a lingering look, and started asking Ellen some questions about herself. Rachael was a good listener, and Ellen actually spilled a few things.

She was glad when next session, everything between them still seemed to be fine. After the session, Rachael said to her, “You know, I live nearby, and I find it a little silly to pay the kava bar prices for stuff I have at home. Would you like to come by after work and have a couple there?” Ellen was surprised, but agreed. “I’ll head home and change and then come by yours, like, midafternoon.”

Ellen’s mind was occupied fully with that until she left work and it’s a wonder that she didn’t fall a few times. She went home, showered, considered agonizing about what to wear and just put on nice-fitting jeans and a tight t-shirt–but in a sort of offering to the gods, she had underneath a really glorious sheer lingerie set that always made her feel incredibly sexy.

She made her way to the address Rachael had given her, texting her that she was on the way, and getting the ‘Great!” response. She found the address, not an apartment building but an actual house, and rang the bell. Rachael answered, swinging the door open to reveal herself wearing a pretty red sundress, which she filled out absolutely beautifully, “Come to the kitchen,” she said, “Shoes off please,”. Ellen kicked her shoes off and followed her down the hall to a nicely appointed kitchen that looked like it got a lot of actual use. Rachael looked at home in it, and she was up on tiptoes, opening a cabinet, the gesture showing off her calves under the short sundress. She pulled out a couple of the drinks in sleek cans, and handed one to Ellen.

They were standing by the kitchen table, a very solid-looking oak affair. The kitchen was nice, with drying herbs and natural light. “I’ve always liked hanging out in kitchens,” she said, “And Tom really has a great one.” As she faced Ellen, it was clear there was no bra under the sundress, her breasts clearly delineated against the fabric, and Ellen’s gaze at them was pretty obvious for a moment. She broke that by asking a question.

“So this is Tom’s place, then?” Ellen asked, and Rachael nodded, “Yep.”

“What’s your, ah, relationship with him?” Ellen asked, and then cursed herself for smoothness. But Rachael laughed, those big blue eyes focusing on her, and she said, “I haven’t found the right name for it in polite company. Are you polite company?”

“No,” Ellen said slowly, “No, I don’t think I am.”

“I don’t think you are either,” Rachael responded, “I cyberstalked you a bit and saw you’re queer as hell and that’s cool. So I’m hoping you’re also cool as hell when I tell you he’s my dominant.”

That fit. That explained it all, and Ellen nodded, smiling, “Thank you for trusting me with that,” she said.

“Oh, I have an ulterior motive,” Rachael said, putting her hand on Ellen’s arm, “It’s also an open relationship. I can date other people. Or, y’know, fuck them.”

Things had moved fast but since Ellen was all on board with the direction, she didn’t mind one bit. She put her own hand on top of Rachael’s feeling the delicacy of the young woman’s fingers, and said, “And this isn’t just a threesome thing?” Ellen shook her head back and forth, silky hair moving as she did, “I want you. Tom is… his own thing. I’d love for you to meet him. But no. This isn’t a threesome.”

That was all that Ellen needed to hear in that moment. She stroked her hand up Rachael’s bare arm, feeling the tiny, soft, down hairs under her light touch, feeling her shiver under her touch. Her kissable mouth fell open and her eyes fluttered, and Ellen felt the surge of desire and ego from causing that reaction. She put her hand on Rachael’s stomach, feeling softness above abs, and then moved it slowly up to capture and hold one of her breasts. Rachael gave a little cry, a sound almost of relief and Ellen’s other hand went around her back and they kissed, for the first time. Rachael’s mouth was hot and full, hungry under her, pulling her in. She darted her tongue into the girl’s mouth and Rachael eagerly sucked on it. Rachael’s nipples were hardening under the sundress, jutting into Ellen’s hand, and she found it with two of her fingers and heard Rachael gasp, plucked it and felt as well as heard her moan.

Rachael’s body was so warm under her hands, and so pliant; she felt the submission in her body, inviting her. She grabbed her hair and kissed her harder, and Rachael melted, turning her head up, moaning into Ellen’s mouth. Long, dizzying moments passed. Ellen brought both hands to Rachael’s breasts, pushing at them, pulling on them, until Rachael scrabbled at her shoulders and pulled the dress down, exposing herself. Ellen broke the kiss and sat back, filling her eyes with the sight of them, putting her hands underneath and lifting them, feeling their unique, soft, yielding weight. Her nipples jutted a proud coral pink, the spreading areola a lighter blush. She lapped at them each, took first one into her mouth, then the other, pulled hard on them. Rachael’s body writhed and tangled her hands in Ellen’s hair, pulling and tugging but not to restrain, not to stop.

Ellen put her hands around the other girl’s waist and lifted and Rachael obediently assisted and sat on the kitchen table, as Ellen shoved Rachael’s thighs apart with her hands, then gripped them hard. “Submissive,” she said, not a question. Rachael nodded, her body going quieter. Ellen’s hands slowly traveled up her thighs, feeling the softness of her skin increasing as she got higher up her thighs. She kept her gaze right on Rachael’s as her fingers traveled the last distance and found a bare pussy.

“And wearing nothing under a sundress. Like a slut,” Ellen said, And Rachael nodded again. Ellen’s fingers started to lightly slide over the surface of Rachael’s pussy, quickly lubricated by the wetness there. “And already so fucking wet for me,” she said, her voice growling with pleasure. Rachael spread her thighs wider, gripped the edges of the table, and gave her a half-defiant, have supplicative stare.

Ellen curled her fingers into position and then slid them in, that beautiful shock of being suddenly inside, suddenly so warmly contained by another woman. Rachael said, “yes,” in a small voice and Ellen kept pushing, up to the knuckle, and then withdrew, and then did it again. Her thumb started to brush on Rachael’s clit, making her jump at first until she found the so-delicate whispering touch that was what the girl needed. She leaned forwards and kissed her again, biting her lip as Rachael kissed her back, holding her in place as she fingerfucked her.

When she felt the young woman’s body start to tremble, the trembles accelerating, she gave a last stroke of her fingers inside, and then pulled them out. Rachael sighed as they came out with a sticky noise, and looked at them as Ellen held them up, shining. “Not yet, Rachael. I’m edging you.”

She saw a jolt of response to that, a stronger grip on the table. And Ellen smiled.

For the next half hour, she kept Rachael poised on the verge, building her up with possessive strokes of her fingers deep into her pussy, nuzzling kisses to her breasts that ended with the rough treatment she craved, dirty talk into her ear, but each time she experimented along a path and found it working she would take it up to the end and then stop. Finally, Rachael said, “Please, I really need to. I really, really need, not want, need.”

How could Ellen resist such a lovely plea? She did not withdraw her fingers this time but kept them inside, kept her thumb working its magic on that delicate clit, and told this beautiful girl, “Come for me. Come on my hand like the good little slut you are. You look so fucking hot like this, my hand up under your sundress on your table. I wanted you as soon as I saw you.” Dirty endearments, all meant, and in the end, Rachael cried out, head flung almost all the way back, crying out helplessly as the orgasm shook down her little body.

Afterwards, after kisses, Rachael led Ellen to a small room, which she said was her study, that had a bed in it. She had Ellen sit on the edge, knelt, and worshiped her pussy. She kissed her way along Ellen’s thighs, licked and sucked at her folds, lapped at the clit with her tongue, and took every instruction Ellen gave her about how to please her. She raised her eyes to meet with Ellen’s and made happy noises. Ellen gripped her head by the silky hair, and pumped her hips off the bed into her face. When Ellen came it was sharp and beautiful and she kept Rachael’s face down against her until the entire wave of it had passed.

They took a little nap together in the small bed, tangled together–Rachael had reassured her Tom wouldn’t be home until late that night. When they woke, Rachael made her some toast with some homemade rhubarb spread, and made Ellen laugh when she said, “I can still keep paying you for lessons, though, right?” “Yeah.. I think we can keep the two things separate.”

And it was totally fine their next lesson, and they didn’t hook up again that time, nor the next, but the weekend after, Rachael invited Ellen to spend the night–Tom would be out of town. They used a strapon for the first time, Rachael getting on all fours and Ellen railing her from behind, her flowing hair a handhold. Afterwards, Rachael said, “That was actually my first time ever taking a strapon. And it’s going to set a high bar for the others.” That led to a conversation about other firsts, and Ellen asked, “Have you ever recorded yourself fucking?”

Instead of immediately responding, Rachael got off the bed and grabbed her laptop, coming back and flipping it open. “I think we’ve fucked enough times you know I’m not just trying to get a threesome.” She said, and started playing Ellen a video.

It was Tom, fucking Rachael. Each of her legs in his hand, pushed back almost to her ears, his body over her as he hammered his thick cock down into her relentlessly. Rachael’s little body was bouncing with each thrust and the wet sound of her little pussy being invaded was so loud in the video, even with his groans and her moans and yelps.

“So that’s a yes,” Ellen deadpanned, even while her arousal started to grow again. Rachael played the next video, her cute mouth wrapped around Tom’s cock, her hands against her thighs as she forced herself deeper and deeper as he encouraged her. “Good girl,” his deep voice said, “So hungry for that cock,” and Ellen could see the reverberations of joy and desire to please that caused in her body when he said that.

Rachael reached over as Ellen watched and pushed her fingers against her pussy, cupping it, probably the most assertive thing she’d ever done. She was a little hesitant at first but followed the cues of Ellen’s body. The next video began autoplaying–Rachael riding Tom, her arms behind her back, blindfolded, his big hands on her waist, raising her up and down as if a toy. More images, more videos as Rachael’s fingers worked on her, and she accompanied them by talking about how much she’d loved it, how rough she could take it, and after who knows how many Ellen came staggeringly hard, watching Tom’s cock fill Rachael impossibly.

The next time they fucked that weekend, Rachael didn’t bring it up again, focusing instead on kissing her way up and down Ellen’s body. A week later, Rachael invited Ellen to ‘Dinner, really just dinner” with her and Tom. She came, ate a great butternut squash risotto Tom had made. He was a good, easy conversationalist, able to handle the awkwardness of “you’ve been fucking the hell out of this woman who I also fuck” with aplomb, not making any sexual references to it. He was well-traveled, and though not a climber himself, had interesting back-country stories, but also gave both her and Rachael plenty of time to tell theirs. After dinner, they took some more of Rachael’s endless supply of CBD drinks to the living room, continuing to talk.

“It doesn’t have to be, though, right?” Ellen said, in a small lull in the conversation. “Sorry, what now?” Tom asked. “It doesn’t have to be just dinner, does it?” she asked Rachael. Rachael shook her head, “It does not. Tom and I would be happy it were more.” “Good” Ellen said, and got up, walked over to Tom, and straddled him, before he could get up, catching his arms as they came up to fold him and pinning them back against the couch–and feeling him not fight her, but be guided. She leaned in to kiss him, and it was a good kiss, receptive, the start of something. She sat back, released his arms, and he immediately put his hand on his stomach, “Jesus Christ your abs,” he said, pressing into her, “That’s so goddamn hot.”

They made out some more, his hands going to her breasts, finding her one nipple ring, playing with it. Tugging a bit, reasserting some control. The balance and play of power in a lot of movements, his arm wrapping around behind her, letting her feel his strength, at the same time that she held his face in both hands and kissed him savagely. He finally rolled her over to under him and she felt something in her release at that, her legs fell apart, and he laughed a satisfying, dark laugh.

Rachael was there, her hands on Ellen’s buckle, her jeans, pulling them off, pulling off the panties beneath. She slid her face up Ellen’s thigh to her pussy and started energetically, devotedly licking, sucking, and preparing her. Tom shed his clothes, revealing that thick cock that Ellen had seen do so much work. “Fill me,” she asked, begged, or commanded, she could no longer tell.

He got between her legs, and Rachael’s hand guided his cock into her. He looked into her eyes as the head of his thick shaft penetrated her pussy, and lingered there, enjoying sitting in that moment. Rachel was right next to them, her hands on them both, her breathing joining them, and then Tom pushed forwards and he was sliding into her more, and she spread her legs wider in response and then wider still when he said, “Good girl.” Finally, he was bottoming out in her, and then he slowly, inexorably as the tide pulled out and crashed back in. “It’s so fucking beautiful,” Rachael said, kneeling to watch as Tom’s thick cock spread Ellen’s pussylips over and over, as they stretched on each pull out and embraced him on each thrust in His thrusts were slow, deliberate, claiming thrusts, no over-urgent jackhammering. This cock was here to stay.

After long minutes of that, Rachael’s fingers slipped in deftly to tease and caress Ellen’s clit until she had her first orgasm of the night. Tom pulled out as she came, holding her. When she recovered, she pushed him back onto the couch, mounted him, and again pinned his hands back. She met Rachael’s eyes and said, “Fucking hell, this cock feels so good in me. I see why you’ve become such an addict for it. A fun cock to get fucked by, and a fun cock to fuck.”

He combined a smile and a groan of pleasure in response to that as she ground down hard on him, pressing her clit against him. He leaned his head forward eagerly and she agreed with him and leaned forwards and gave him her breasts to suck, first one, then the other, as she rode his cock, taking it, taking him. She ground down on him over and over until she was coming on him, shouting into his face, his cock feeling enormous in her.

After that orgasm, she felt delightfully weak, and when he pulled her up and then laid her face down over the arm of the couch it seemed exactly right. She felt Rachael’s hands grab her ass and spread her and then Tom’s thick cock invading her again, “God, you’re such a hot little fucktoy. Your pussy feels so damn good around my cock.” He leaned over her, his hand grabbing her hair and hauling her head up as he started to really, really fuck her, clearly taking his pleasure in her body. Rachael worked her way down to Ellen’s head and kissed her, such a gentle touch as her pussy was being so totally claimed. “You look beautiful like this,” she said, and that’s where she stayed, her big blue eyes looking into Ellen’s, as Tom fucked her, fucked her hard and thoroughly, his hands in her hair, on her back, on her ass, until finally with a groan of total completion he exploded in her, his cock throbbing. She reached out and held Rachael’s hand as he unloaded everything that he had inside her, and collapsed on top of her. They shared all of that orgasm, and the kiss that came afterwards was unique.
