One Last Time [M22/F22][rough sex]

“Why the fuck would you do that?” I screamed at Ashlie after finding all the keys from my keyboard deliberately pulled out and thrown around the room.

“Because you’ve been cheating on me with Denise!” my girlfriend jealously accused. “You can’t hide it. I’ve seen the way she looks and talks to you when she thinks you’re alone.”

“You’re fucking crazy! I barely even know her!” I pleaded. “I never fucking touched her!”

“I know you stayed at work late just so you could screw her,” she spat. “Probably been banging her every day. That’s why you’re always too ‘tired’ for anything with me,” she accentuated with air quotes and a sarcastic joke voice.

“Are you mental? This project has been a total shitstorm!” I honestly explained in utter exasperation and pissed off beyond my wit’s end. “I seriously have been working my ass off just to make sure I keep my job! I’m not fucking anyone!”

These types of needless fights were just becoming more and more common, and it was driving me up the wall dealing with Ashlie’s endless shitty attitude. We’d started dating a little more than two years ago, and for most of that time things were great; beyond great actually. Sure most of the first year was just working like crazy to finish college, and spending any free time we had together humping like rabbits addicted to viagra, but that was pretty awesome.

She had a hot tight body and she knew it, always flaunting her hourglass figure with extremely tight clothes and I loved to worship her like a goddess. And even if she weren’t she totally addicted me to her with her absolutely perfect blowjobs. Sucking my cock was her favorite thing to do, and I mean, seriously, she’d demand to do it all the fucking time. I swear, she probably would be a smoker if she didn’t always have my cock in her mouth whenever she could get it. Sometimes I’d wake up to her blowing me and I’d have to shoo her off so I could go take a piss.

But with all that awesome came the crazy. She was always jealous of any female I spent any time with. I stopped hanging out with a few of my old girlfriends just to make her happy, and she liked to come along whenever I wanted to hang out with my guy friends, just to make sure she could chaperone me, complaining the whole time. Honestly, with her adventurous nature, always seemingly horny for me night and day, that wasn’t as much of a problem as it sounds. A little flash of ass or tits, and I would end up blowing off the guys for her anyway, either to hurry back to our apartment or the back seat of my car. Even the closest bathroom stall was good enough to bend her over and spend the next half hour trying my best to get her to taste my cock from the inside out.

It didn’t make sense how jealous she was, given that everywhere she went, she always dressed like a hooker, giving every guy that looked her way a smile and a jiggle. I never complained before, seeing as she was just getting herself excited on cheap thrills and getting her panties wet for me, but now, I was through with the mind-games and pettiness. This was it, the fight to end us. I was finally done with putting up with this bitch constantly jerking me around. It was time to go on offense.

“What about you?” I shot back, “You think I don’t know how you’ve been slutting it up around town?” I didn’t really know anything, but she’d just accused me of cheating, so I felt I had to up the game. “Derek is always weird around you, so how long have you been fucking him?” I knew my buddy found her hot, but he’s such a dork I doubt he could talk anyone into bed. He’d likely be a virgin until he was thirty with his thick glasses and quirky mannerisms, and I felt bad throwing my best friend under the bus like this, but he was just the first guy that came to mind that she might have spent any time alone with.

“How dare you! That fucking dweeb? Ha!” she shouted in disgust. “I could do so much better in my sleep!”

“I don’t doubt it!” I yelled back, continuing my deranged and maddening assault on her character. “Are you fucking the neighbors too? That wrinkled old vet down the hall could probably use a good pity fuck, if you haven’t already gotten to him!”

“Why you fucking…” she was going off the rails, and for a moment I thought for sure this had flown her fuse, bringing us to blows. I wasn’t going to hit her, I knew I could never do that. Too much of my father drilled into me about defending and respecting the ‘weaker sex’ as he put it. I don’t think I’m quite as chauvinistic as he is, and right then I was worrying that her nails could scratch out my eyes if I wasn’t careful, but then she threw me with her bizarre and unpredicted actions. Ashlie pulled her blouse up over her head and threw it at me, letting her bra-clad tits hang out as she shouted, “Fuck me!” and dove at me.

I’ll be totally honest, this paralyzed me with confusion, and the next thing I know she’s using those sharp claws to bust all the buttons of my dress shirt off, and gouging at my belly to get my fly open. Granted, this wasn’t quite an unusual state for me to see her, just ten times more wild and insane than I’d ever seen before in my life. I don’t know how she suddenly flipped from raging to turned on, but she brought me there with her. I hadn’t been hard, but seeing her acting like a wild animal, demanding sexual satisfaction turned me on just as fast as the first time she stripped for me. Probably faster.

We kissed, biting each other’s lips, and being raw and uncaring about hurting each other in getting our clothes off as fast as humanly possible. I’m sure I almost broke her arm yanking on a bra strap, and I tried to rip her panties off as they always show in movies, finding out that’s a crock of shit. Unless they are movie-magiced specifically to be rippable, they will stand up to a strong yank. All I did was chafe her hip and end up throwing her to the floor painfully, but that just seemed to encourage her even more. She kicked them off the rest of the way, kicking me in the legs to take me down with her, and then she was gobbling up my dick with my tighty whities only a few inches down my hips, while a stray keyboard key impaled my ass.

“Fuck!,” I groaned in simultaneous pleasure and pain. I wedged my hand under me to pull the square piece of plastic from my tender rear while she went to town on my sensitive gland. I’d always been appreciative of how deliriously well she could suck cock, and that just gave me all sorts of evil ideas to spew at her thanks to that jagged reminder of her vandalism. “You are such a God-damn slut. How many cock’s have you fucking sucked? Ten? Twenty? Fifty?” I growled, shimmying off my underwear while she mercilessly hoovered at my erection. I was worried she might bite me, but she hadn’t yet, and pissing her off so far had obviously triggered some new super level of eroticism in her that was off the charts. Feeling like pushing my luck, I figured I might as well keep going. “I wouldn’t be surprised to find out you fuck your boss, all your co-workers, the mailman, Hell, even the neighbor’s dog ‘cause you’re such a filthy whore.”

She gagged herself on my pole and shivered. I wasn’t sure from the angle, but I think she’d been frigging herself while she sucked me, and probably got herself off already, only a few moments into this wildest sexual experience of my life. Granted, she’d been the only girl I’d ever fucked at all in the first place, but still, this was beyond the pale. She’d taken my virginity, and I knew she’d been around, getting a good bit more experience, but that was fine with me, so long as she was mine. I never really asked about her sexual history, instead choosing to trust her. Besides, I got to reap all the benefits of that practice, such as her amazing blowjobs; I’d heard from enough other guys about how their girls that hated it did a lousy job, so I had always counted that as a blessing and never questioned my luck.

“Are you fucking cumming already?” I spat, trying to stay in the mad attitude that had spawned this surprise playtime, but it was difficult as I was really starting to enjoy this side of her, as I always did. We rarely ever fought much in the last few years, as all she ever had to do to get me to go along with anything she wanted was to get on her knees, and one way or another, I always wimped out with the sexy action that followed. But this time, I was going to be in charge, dammit!

“You don’t cum unless I say you can cum,” I shouted, kicking her off of me and up against the sofa. She cried out, no doubt landing her delicate ass on a few of those caltrop-like keyboard keys, but that was her own fault as far as I was concerned. Still, I wasn’t going to needlessly hurt her if I didn’t have to. “Get your ass over here,” I shouted, standing up and grabbing her arm while she squirmed to get the sharp plastic pieces out from under her as I had. I lifted her up and threw her hard into the padded cushions, face down, and pounced on her before she could react.

“I’ll give you something to cum on,” I hissed, slotting my dick into her sloppy wet fuck-hole, and just started pounding her ass hard, pushing her face into the couch without regard as to how she felt. She turned her head, gasping and panting like a dog in heat, and that just made me harder and madder. Something in me kind of broke at that point. I wanted to hurt her, make her regret the damage she’d done, and appreciate how much she’d pissed me off, but at the same time, I knew she was loving this and that just pissed me off more. It didn’t matter how hard I fucked her, that was what she wanted, but it was also what I wanted and it felt too good to stop. The only thing I could do was try and fuck her harder, really shove her face into the furniture, but she started cumming again before I did and I just couldn’t take it anymore.

“Don’t you fucking cum!” I growled, hammering her womb with my dick relentlessly as I grabbed one hand around her tiny little neck. I didn’t really squeeze at all, but just me putting the slight pressure of gripping her windpipe made her cunt clamp down on my rod so hard, she almost forced it out completely. “Fucking shit!” I growled and forced myself to bang back into her constricted fuck-sleeve a few more times, and it was so wonderfully tight I started nutting before I knew it.

I groaned out maybe three hard spurts up her quim before the angle and her shivering twisting body expelled me. Her ass was wet as a greased pig, and I grabbed my still spasming schlong and jerked out the last of my sticky right onto her sweaty asshole, so it would run down to her cunt and join the rest of my spent swimmers leaking out of her onto a messy pool on the couch. Then I walked away from her, on shaky exhausted legs, carefully dodging the minefield of loose keys still scattered about as I made my way to the kitchen for a drink. Fuck, this was so fucked up. I didn’t know what to do next, just that I needed to ignore her fucked up craziness for a moment to clear my head.

I guzzled right from the milk container, mostly just because I was sure that too would piss her off, only wearing my socks and just stood there cooling off with a drink. I replayed what just happened in my head, trying to come to grips with what we just did, and wondered what this meant for us. Before she sexually assaulted me I was going to tell her we were through. I was so ready to break up with her right then, but now I wasn’t sure. That’s not exactly true, I knew I should break up with her, as she was a totally batshit psycho, but was I heartless enough to break up with a girl just after cumming in her? It didn’t seem right, but I knew that was the right thing to do, as I couldn’t take the constant shit anymore.

I put the milk back and closed the fridge, then walked back to the living room to check on her, and she had barely moved an inch. She was sprawled out as if she were drunk, face down on the sofa, her cunt and ass creamed and the sticky pool under her had spilled out to the carpet now. The worst part was the absolutely shit-eating grin she had on her face looking sideways up at me.

“You fucking broke me,” she sighed, then closed her eyes and ever so slowly twisted to get a hand between her legs to curl two fingers in her abused hole, forcing out a little more of my man sauce as she giggled.

“Look, Ashlie,” I said, sitting down next to her and putting a hand on her hip. “You are god-damned sexy as hell, but I just can’t do this anymore.”

“I know,” she sighed, turning her head into the cushion for a moment to muffle a cathartic scream into it, then turned to look back up at me. “But you got to admit, the breakup sex was fucking great.” She was the only girl I’d ever fucked before, so I’d nothing like this to compare it to. Having only ever dated two other girls before her, the first was only just the one date so we weren’t even really a couple. Hell, we never even kissed, but still, it drove me crazy with anguish for months. My only other relationship only lasted three dates, and that was mostly just us making out at the movies a few times. Anyway, she told me she was breaking it off to get serious with some other guy she’d been dating the whole time we’d been going out, and it hit me like a nut punch, so much that I never even went to my high-school prom. This rage-fuck to break off our two-year-long relationship was something I’d had no idea could even be a thing, but she was right. It was pretty great.

“Yeah, I can’t say you are wrong there,” I chuckled, content that my happily shriveled sticky dick was a million times better of an outcome than I had otherwise expected.

“And you were right, I did fuck Derek,” she groaned, stretching her lovely sweaty body like a cat as she sat up.

“You… you did?” I gasped, stunned in disbelief. I had a sudden surge of intense anger, but it passed quickly as I reminded myself we were already broken up now, so what else was there to get upset over?

“Yeah, a few weeks ago while you were working late,” she stretched her hands over her head, making her perfectly sculpted breasts lift so wonderfully I stared, memorizing their naked shape since I knew the moments I had left of seeing them was nearly gone. “He was so awkward and shy, and I was fucking horny and jealous. So I pulled the ol’ pour-a-drink-in-his-lap trick to get his pants off, and let me tell you, that boy’s got some serious dick!”

“Really?” I was starting to get upset again, as irrational as it was to get angry over whatever my ex did, but I couldn’t help myself. I’d just rutted with her, her body marked by my seed, and she’d been my girl at the time, now casually admitting to cheating on me with my best friend. It was a pretty shitty thing to do, and honestly, I was ready to just grab some of my clothes and walk out right then.

“Yup. But whatever. I’m sure you’ll be going over to Denise’s,” she shrugged.

“No. I wasn’t lying,” I grunted, “She and I are not a thing.”

“No way! Dude, you should totally hit that!” This was really weird. I’d never seen Ashlie like this, actually encouraging me to go after another woman. Normally she’s ready to tear my head off whenever she even catches me looking at porn, much less another actual girl. And now, here she is, freshly defiled and leaking my jizz, while practically begging me to go out and fuck my coworker? “Seriously, she’s fucking you with her eyes every time I see her talk to you.”

“Huh, okay,” I pondered my options, wondering if Ashlie was right about Denise, and considered my options. Denise, while not as drop-dead gorgeous as Ashlie, did have a nerdy kind of cuteness about her that I found appealing as I started considering her attributes. She probably had much bigger breasts, though she always hid them with sweaters and jackets, and maybe if I took off her glasses she might look pretty with her curly red hair. “Maybe…”

“So, you can stay here tonight, but I’ll need you to move out tomorrow,” Ashlie stood up and crept over the sprawl of keys she’d scattered all over the floor as she got down to business, much more reasonable and matter-of-factly than I would have otherwise expected. Though, by now, I guess the only thing I really should have expected from her is the unexpected. She wasn’t dumb, but she was a whole whirlwind of total chaos in my life that I was frankly going to be happy to move on from, especially if there was another cute girl already waiting to take me into her sweet embrace. This was definitely the happiest breakup I could have ever wanted.

“So, I guess, I’ll sleep here on the couch tonight,” I sighed, wiping off the cum puddle onto the floor to prepare it for being my bed for the night.

“You can,” she pranced cautiously over to the stairs, like me, also naked of everything except her socks, acting as the most perverted ballerina in the world. “Or you can come upstairs and see if you got a repeat performance still in you.” She posed, kicking up one leg and pointing her finger at her puckered mouth as if she’d just shared the naughtiest of secrets in the world. “You know, one last time?”

A million times before she’d done such nasty and sweet sexy things for me over the last few years, always begging for me to end my pesky male refractory period as fast as possible so we could get back to the fun of fucking our brains out, but I can honestly say, never before had she accomplished her goal as well as she had tonight as I could already feel my balls burning to make her scream with pleasure, knowing I really could do anything I wanted to her, the nastiest, meanest, worst things possible, and she’d fucking love it. If she didn’t, I didn’t care; I’d be leaving tomorrow.

“One last time,” I grinned like a wolf sighting a lonely sheep in the field at midnight. She squealed with excitement as she dashed up the stairs to the bedroom to escape my leap at her, and she only barely got to the bedroom before I pounced on her lovely sticky ass and pinned her to the mattress, one hand with a fierce handful of her hair, and the other shoving my thumb up her ass to grip her like a bowling ball as I buried my dick back in her still oozing cunt. We didn’t sleep at all that night, and I was amazed how she never once complained about how rough or brutally I manhandled her. Actually the more I hurt her, the louder she moaned. In the end I left massive hickeys and bruises all over her body. That’s not my kink, but honestly this was clearly what she really wanted from me the whole time, and while it was fun, we both knew this was a one-time deal.

When the morning came I awoke with her already sucking on my morning wood, and I wasn’t surprised. She was a mess, her hair a knot of tangles from me yanking on it all night. Her neck was black and blue on both sides, and she might have gotten a slight black eye from when I slapped her a little too hard after she playfully bit me to wake me back up as she sucked me off again at one point, but she just gasped and laughed, begging for me to teach her another lesson. Seriously, she was one Grade-A fucked up bitch, but had the body to make it work.

“One more time?” she moaned, whimsically teasing my cockhead with her lips as she sweetly begged me for yet another final performance, knowing I had to get to work soon. She didn’t even wait for an answer before going all the way down my me, deep as she’d ever taken me, made it even more special when I felt her tongue caress my tight hairy scrotum. She was already sure of my answer, and I figured I could be late to work just this once.


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