[F] Getting to know my roommate [M] – Parts 3 to 4

Sorry I’m posting this late, I was just too tired last night. Anyway, someone brought up to my attention that describing *the main cast* would be better for immersion. I’m pretty shit at descriptions so here goes nothing. I’m “Luz”, 20 years old. I’m latina, 5’4, with an hourglass figure and pretty petite. I have black wavy hair that goes down to my shoulders and dark brown eyes, I’m also shaved if that matters. Maya is a couple months younger, at 19. She’s white, *like pale*, and is overall a bit smaller and more petite than me at 5’3. She has dark brown, almost black hair, that reaches the middle of her neck, lighter brown eyes and she’s shaved aswell. Jared is 23, he’s white with a slight tan, probably somewhere around 6 foot, he’s slim, not scrawny but not buff either. He has short light brown hair and green eyes, as well as a short beard.

Now to the fun stuff. Maya left early in the morning to visit her mom, which fit perfectly with my little scheme. I got up and went to take a bath, “forgetting” to take a towel and not locking the door. I made it extra bubbly, I wanted a lot of foam. And that’s where the plan stopped going as imagined. I was supposed to ask Jared to bring me a towel so he’d come in, but a few minutes into the bath he knocked on the door. He needed to brush his teeth, and I told him he could come do it because I was covered in foam. He came in, avoiding to look at the bathtub but he was out of luck because the mirror in front of the sink reflected it. I discreetly repositioned myself so my tits would slightly peek out of the foam, knowing he’d notice it eventually. With nothing else to look at while brushing his teeth, it was basically guaranteed he’d end up looking at me through the mirror. It went on for a couple minutes, until he was done and started leaving the bathroom. I quickly asked him to get me a towel and he obliged. When he came back with one, I fully sat up to take it, exposing my foam-covered breasts and I pretended not to notice it. He quickly left, the plan had worked out great. As I dried myself, I suddenly remembered about the pair or panties I’d left yesterday. I looked around and it was there, untouched. I added a second pair and left the bathroom wrapped in my towel.

Jared unfortunately left not long after, fucking up my plans for the day. That evening when changing, I went with ol’ reliable. Big shirt and nothing else. I didn’t feel like teasing, I was too exhausted, so I just cuddled against Maya on the couch, resting my head on her lap. Jared was on the other end, and they started chatting. Couldn’t tell you what it was about, I fell asleep right there and then.

When I woke up, I was covered by a blanket. Turns out the positon in which I fell asleep completely moved the shirt off my butt, fully flashing my bottom to Jared. Just goes to show no woman is safe from wardrobe malfunctions. If you have two X chromosomes, you’re in constant danger. Anyway, Maya quickly realized Jared was devouring me with his eyes and entered full on *protective gf mode*. She covered me and scolded him for not telling her and daring to stare. She doesn’t really keep grudges though so they were quickly back to being friends.

Once again sorry I didn’t post earlier, I try to have another update up tonight if all goes right.


I know I haven’t been the most active with the posts, but it’s been a busy couple days and nothing’s really happened. So I offer you this little interlude before I get back to the teasing.

So as I’ve stated before, Maya is very prude. She has a lot of trouble expressing her sexuality and especially showing nudity. I won’t bore you with the details but it stems from her shitty religious dad that psychologically abused her. That’s why she wears very ample clothing that covers a lot, you’d be lucky to even catch a glimpse of her cleavage. Now this morning, she went in the bathroom to take a shower. The lock must’ve broke because I know that girl never leaves bathroom unlocked, yet Jared barged in on her pulling down her pants. She’s a very soft spoken person, barely ever raises her voice, so that made it all the more shocking when she started yelling obscenities at him. I did say she doesn’t keep grudges, but seeing her ever so slightly uncovered seems to be the exception. She barely said a word to him for the rest of the day.

Now this should have ended there, but Jared didn’t not learn his lesson it seems. In the evening, Maya went early in our room to change into her pj’s. He wanted to try to apologize again to her, so he fucking got in without a knock right as she was taking her shirt off – braless might I add. Now Maya is a very pale woman, so when she chased him out of the room with her face more colourful than I’d ever seen it I knew Jared had fucked up. I had to calm her down after she hurled a charging block right next to his head. She stayed in our room for the rest of the night, whilst I explained to him why she’d gone mad.

So overall, a good Monday. He’s still super sorry but she probably won’t hear him out for a day or two.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/11o6bdw/f_getting_to_know_my_roommate_m_parts_3_to_4