Growing Pains: Part One 21+ [M43/F39] [Straight Sex] [Interracial] [Busty] [Cleavage] [Group Dating] [Tit Fucking] [Huge Boobs] [Curvy Women]

Chapter One: The New Neighbor

Another boring night, I thought as I entered the elevator. I had just returned home from the gym; it had been a long day at work, and I always felt better after working out.

“Hold the door!” I heard a female’s voice yell.

I held the door open, and a brunette woman slipped inside. “Thanks,” she smiled as she hit the button for the floor above me.

We stood in silence for a while as the doors closed.

“Lauren,” she said, introducing herself.

“Nick,” I smiled. “New to the building?”

“Yeah,” Lauren smiled. “Just finished unpacking everything yesterday.”

“Now you get to relax,” I nodded.

“Nope,” Lauren said as she stared at the bags in her hands. “Throwing a small party, some coworkers and a few friends.”

“Ah, breaking the place in huh?” I nodded as the elevator stopped at my floor.

“Hey, Nick,” Lauren said as I started to exit the elevator. “If it gets too loud, promise you will come up and let us know, last place they were a bunch of dicks, and kept calling the police.”

“What number?” I asked.

“Four-twenty,” Lauren said.

“I got you,” I nodded.

I went into my apartment and settled until it was time to make dinner. I had lived in this tiny apartment for three years since my divorce.

Charlene decided that she would be better off with her boss than me, she told me she had broken it off with me before anything happened between them, but seeing how close they got and how fast, I had my doubts.

We had been together for seven years, then one day, I came home, and she was already packed and waiting for me. After seven years of marriage, she left me for a man older than her father.

That was water under the bridge now. We had sold our house, and I was happy. It was a small apartment, but I was saving good money. Eventually, I would have enough to get another place, but I was content now.

It didn’t take long after I had eaten dinner and sat on the couch for the music above me to get louder. Lauren’s party had started.

It was just after eight, and she had warned me that it might get loud, so I tuned it out and watched my show. After a few more hours, the music got even louder. I could hear the lyrics to every song as they came on.

“Okay,” I nodded as I couldn’t hear my television anymore.

I walked out of the apartment and went upstairs.

‘A few people,’ I thought as I got off the elevator and saw more than just a few people standing outside in the hallway.

Lauren’s door was wide open. The music was loud enough to fill the hallway.

I walked past the people and went inside the apartment. It took me a few moments to find Lauren. She was dancing with a few friends.

“Nick!” Lauren said, obviously drinking already. “Shit, it’s too loud?”

I nodded slowly. “And old man Dorsey might have a problem with the people in the hallway.”

“Damn,” Lauren nodded. “Sorry, we got carried away, you’re right, thank you.”

“What’s going on?” another woman said as Lauren turned the music down.

“Neighbors,” Lauren shrugged.

“They call the fucking cops already?” the other lady said.

“No, Nick here, was very polite and came up to warn us,” Lauren said. “I am going to tell some of them to leave, it got out of hand as usual,” Lauren said, shaking her head.

“Fucking hell, can’t throw a party without someone ruining it,” the other lady said, pushing past me.

“It’s an apartment building not a frat house,” I said.

Lauren laughed, but the other one gave me a look that could kill.

“Sorry about my sister,” Lauren said as she walked outside the apartment. “She still thinks she is eighteen, not twenty-three.”

“She would have fit in with my ex-wife,” I smiled as Lauren slowly explained to the people outside in the hallway that they had to go.

“Sorry for being the party killer,” I said as Lauren walked back to her door.

“No,” Lauren smiled. “Better you than the cops, I don’t have the money to look for another apartment.”

Lauren’s sister pushed past us in the hallway with some friends.

“Where are you going?” Lauren asked.

“Somewhere, adults can party and not be bothered by old people,” Lauren’s sister said as she stared at me. “Have a good night, gramps!”

“Thanks, I appreciate that, but I think Chuck E Cheese might be closed,” I replied.

Lauren stifled another laugh.

Lauren’s sister started to say something.

“Before we keep going, you must know I teach at one of the local high schools, I can do this all night,” I said.

One of her friends pulled her back as she stared at me.

“Be back at a reasonable time,” Lauren said as she looked at her sister get on the elevator.

Lauren shook her head. “I really have to apologize for her,” she said.

“No, I am sorry I was mean to her,” I nodded.

“No,” Lauren said as she walked inside. I followed her inside as she closed the door behind me. “She has been a bitch since our father passed away two years ago.”

Lauren sat on the couch and offered me a seat next to her.

“I had to drop everything and come back home and be the big sister I hadn’t been in years.”

“What happened?” I asked.

“Kristy has always been daddy’s girl,” Lauren said as she shook her head. “I was like our mom, so when our parents split, I went with mom and Kristy stayed with dad, only problem was she never left, never went to college, got a good job, or anything and dad just catered to her every whim.”

“Spoilt her,” I nodded.

“To the core,” Lauren shook her head. “Mom was tough on me, I followed in her footsteps literally, she was a nurse, so I became one. She still curses me for coming back and taking care of Kristy. She says it’s not my problem and Kristy is old enough to take care of herself.”

“So, mom is still around,” I said.

“Yup, living in a nice condo in Florida,” Lauren said.

“Far from Detroit,” I nodded.

“And a lot warmer,” Lauren said.

“So, you came up here and taking care of your sister,” I nodded.

“Yeah, trying to get into the nearby hospital, got my foot in, but it will be a while until I can make what I was making down there,” Lauren nodded.

“What about Kristy?” I asked.

“Spoilt bitch doesn’t want to work,” Lauren shook her head. “Unless you call using my car when I am not using it to do the food grabs like door dash and the like,” she said, slightly annoyed.

“Not really well-paying jobs,” I nodded.

“Exactly,” Lauren said. “I better get this place cleaned up. She won’t do it.”

“I will help, after all I was the one that cut it short,” I said.

“Thanks,” Lauren smiled.

We picked up the beer bottles and all the trash that everyone had left behind, then I called it a night and went down in the elevator to throw the trash bags away.

The chute was always hit or miss. Most of the time, it was either too full or didn’t work, and everything just backed up.

“Still up huh gramps,” Kristy said as she saw me.

“Forgot your quarters for the toy machine, or did they not have enough tokens?” I replied.

“Fuck you!” Kristy shouted. “I am not some kid!”

“Then stop acting like one,” I responded.

“Better start being nice to me, or I will get us thrown out again, and you won’t be able to date my sister,” Kristy said as we walked into the building.

“Relax, I am kidding,” I smiled. “We got off on the wrong foot, my name is Nick,” I said as I held out my hand.

Kristy sighed and stared at me. “Okay,” she nodded. “Kristy,” she smiled.

“See, I knew there was a smile under there somewhere,” I said as I pointed to the bench across from the mailbox.

Kristy wasn’t like her sister Lauren.

Lauren was a brunette in good shape and had a great smile. Kristy was curvier or, as some of my students would call, a chubby woman. And she looked angry all the time.

Kristy sat down first.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“You a councilor too?” Kristy asked.

“When the time needs me to,” I nodded.

“Well, I am not going to break down and start crying, and tell you all my problems,” Kristy said, folding her arms.

“Didn’t ask you to,” I nodded.

In my experience, the ones that put on the most rigid outer shell had the softest insides. Something was burning at Kristy, and as much as she wanted everyone to believe she was a hard ass and that nothing bothered her, she wanted someone to tell her she would be okay.

“What?” Kristy said as we sat in silence.

“Nothing,” I said.

“Fine,” Kristy said. “She’s being like mom, or what I remember of her, always telling me what to do, when to do it, and who I can’t hang out with,” Kristy said, shaking her head.

“What’s his name?” I asked.

Kristy’s eyes shot open.

“High school, remember?” I smiled.

“Derek,” Kristy said. “The one with the red hair.”

“Mohawk guy,” I nodded as I remembered her leaving with a guy with red hair in a mohawk.

“Yeah,” Kristy smiled.

“So, what’s the problem?” I asked.

“Derek wants me to go with him to a club downtown next week,” Kristy said. “His band is playing, and he thinks I can help them out by dancing onstage.”

I shook my head.

“What?” Kristy said, turning her smile back to anger.

“What kind of dancing, and if you say anything but rock dancing, or mosh pit dancing I am shaking my head again,” I said.

“He thinks I should take off my top,” Kristy said. “When they play their songs, he said it would give them more followers.”

She knew it was a bad idea as she held her head down as she said it.

“You know that’s all he wants, right?” I asked.

Kristy nodded. “It’s because I am fat,” she said.

“If you do it, then yes,” I nodded. “He will laugh and that’s exactly what he will tell the rest of them, but if you don’t,” I said, picking her head back up. “The guy with the black hair and the skater shirt might be keener to speak up around you.”

“Kyle?” Kristy smiled again.

“Aha, you do know his name,” I nodded.

“But he is so quiet, and he just follows them around,” Kristy said, shaking her head.

“Follows them or tries to be around you?” I asked.

“You must be a good high school teacher,” Kristy smiled.

“What do you say? Give your sister a little slack?” I nodded.

“If she gives me some more freedom,” Kristy nodded.

“But you got to give me something back to her,” I said. “Only works if it goes both ways.”

“I will take the job down at the coffee house,” Kristy nodded. “Kyle likes going there to hang out.”

“There we go, right moves,” I said as we stood up.

We walked toward the elevator, and I got off at my floor.

“Hey Nick,” Kristy said as she poked her head out of the elevator. “I wish I had a teacher like you when I was in high school.”

“You probably did, but you probably hated them,” I smiled.

“True,” Kristy said.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~

“I know it’s illegal, but sometimes,” Keller said as he joined me the next day in my classroom.

“They are only kids,” I smiled as I graded some papers.

“Teenagers, not kids,” Keller said as he plummeted into one of the chairs.

“Same thing these days,” I shrugged.

“Why aren’t you heading home?” he said as he looked at the clock.

“Trying to catch the train at this time?” I looked up at it, “I might as well stay here for another hour and catch the later train.”

“True,” Keller nodded. “So, I heard something,” he smiled as he leaned forward.

“Another rumor mill favorite?” I asked.

It was the reason I didn’t hang out with most of the other teachers. Rumors and trash-talking ran rampant among the staff. It was worse than listening to some of the students.

“You know it,” Keller smiled.

“You know what,” I said before he started talking. “I might just take my chances with the train.”

I was right about the train; it was jam-packed. Felt like we were all sardines stuffed in a small can.

“Nick!” Lauren yelled from her car as I walked down the train station stairs.

“Lauren,” I smiled.

“Get in,” Lauren said as she pulled over.

I wasn’t going to turn down a ride home. I still had to catch a bus or walk the rest of the way.

“It’s freezing out there,” Lauren said as she turned up the heater.

“Thanks,” I said as I put my hands up against the outlets.

“No car huh?” Lauren asked as we pulled away.

“Sold it after the divorce,” I nodded. “Trying to get back to where I was,” I said as I felt my hands warming up. “It’s a slow trek back.”

“Ah, how long were you married?” Lauren asked.

“Seven years,” I nodded.

I told her all about my marriage and how it failed. How I was a college professor, and after the divorce, I got into a few verbal arguments with the wrong people at work and fell from grace.

“Well, sounds like you are making strides to get back on your feet,” Lauren nodded.

“Slowly, but surely,” I smiled.

I helped her pull the snow tarp over her car. We ensured she locked it up and took out all her valuables.

“I wanted to thank you again,” Lauren smiled as we walked into the building. “For the talk with Kristy, we had a good night, we talked about things, and I am hoping things will get better moving forward.”

“That’s good to hear,” I smiled.

We walked into the lobby area and went to the mailboxes.

“Shit!” Lauren said as she stared over my shoulder.

“What?” I asked.

“Him,” Lauren said as she noted Craig from one of the other apartments walking towards us.

“Nick!” Craig said. “Some game last night huh?”

“I don’t watch basketball remember,” I said as I stared at Lauren’s reaction to him.

Craig was harmless most of the time, but a few women saw him as a bit of a creep.

“Lauren,” Craig said as he walked toward her.

“I will let you two talk,” Lauren said, inching away from him.

I immediately positioned myself between Craig and Lauren as we moved toward the elevator. “Throwing a party next week, maybe you guys can come, and bring your sister also.”

Lauren was about to say something, but I nodded at him and helped her into the elevator.

“Fucking disgusting,” Lauren said as the door to the elevator closed.

“What happened?” I asked.

“We were moving furniture in, and he popped out of nowhere,” Lauren said. “He kept offering to help so I let him, then he did the whole elevator scene from the movie liar liar,” Lauren shook her head. “The one with the woman with the big boobs.”

I nodded, knowing the scene very well. “He even made the noises and everything,” Lauren said.

“I’ll talk to him,” I nodded. “Supposedly he took too many hits to the head when he played football, and it knocked a few screws loose.”

I had known Craig from when I moved in. He had good days and bad days. He loved movie quotes, so I wasn’t surprised to hear he quoted a movie to Lauren.

“Thanks, I just don’t want him anywhere near my sister,” Lauren nodded.

I waited until Lauren went up to her floor, then I rode down the elevator. I knocked on Craig’s door.

“Hey buddy,” Craig said as he opened the door.

“Can we talk?” I smiled.

“Sure,” Craig said as he let me inside.

Craig’s apartment was filled with stacks of DVDs all over the place. And movie posters all over the walls and the ceilings. He has lived alone since his mom passed away.

The poor guy had no one, but his movies and sports to keep him company. She left enough money for him to live rent-free for another two years; after that, I dreaded what would happen.

“I was just going to put in the Cable Guy,” Craig smiled.

“Okay,” I nodded.

I had seen the movie at least four times with him. He was a massive fan of comedies.

I slowly brought up how Lauren felt, and as usual, Craig understood how he pushed the barrier like I knew he would. He wasn’t some creep that wanted to get into women’s pants. He liked playing out movies in real life, and some of us in the building played along. Others saw it as childish.

Craig’s mom said he was a wrecking ball on the college football field, consistently lowering his head and pounding the ball forward. She said no one could bring him down, and then he got injured, all those hits, and now poor Craig was stuck in movie land.

“I will make sure not to say anything,” Craig nodded.

“You can say things, just be careful, that’s all,” I smiled.

“Thanks Nick!” Craig said with his usual smile. “You guys are always looking out for me.”

After watching the movie for the fifth time, I left and returned to my apartment. Most of us were putting money together to buy Craig another year in the building, but time was running out.

“Hey,” I said as I came to my apartment.

“Didn’t have your number,” Lauren shrugged as she stood outside my door. “Kristy might not work much, but she makes a killer lasagna, thought I would bring you some.”

“Thanks,” I opened the door, and we walked inside.

“You were right,” I nodded. “This is great lasagna,” I smiled.

“Thanks for talking to Craig for me,” Lauren said as we sat and ate dinner.

I explained his situation, and Lauren nodded and said she would treat him differently now that she knew the truth.

“So, play out the movie scene,” Lauren nodded.

“Yeah,” I shrugged. “He usually ends it, I think that scene ends with you pushing him out the elevator and the door closes, not sure it’s been a while since I had seen it.”

“Yeah,” Lauren nodded.

We both laughed for a moment.

“Only one problem I have with that scene though,” Lauren said as she leaned back on the couch as we sat down.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“The actress is good looking by all means,” Lauren smiled. “And has great cleavage.”

“I vaguely remember, but carry on,” I said.

“They aren’t that big,” Lauren shook her head. “The actress is barely a C cup at best.”

“For many guys C is big,” I nodded.

“No, cleavage is big, guys or I should say males in general see cleavage and instantly think she has big boobs,” Lauren nodded.

“Guilty,” I nodded.

“Really?” Lauren smiled as she stared at me.

“I have been known to stare, I fully admit it,” I nodded.

“Hmm,” Lauren said as she stared at me and then at her chest. “Must be the turtleneck, because I haven’t caught you staring.”

“Well, it is cold outside, and you’ve been wearing Jackets and very large sweaters,” I smiled.

“Ah, so I can hide them,” Lauren nodded.

Her phone went off, and she smiled.

“Saved by the buzzer,” Lauren said as she stood up.

Lauren wrote on a piece of paper.

“My number,” she said as I gave her mine and walked her to the door.

“Do you want me to walk you up?” I asked.

“I am literally a floor up,” Lauren smiled. “But thank you.”

I sat down to watch television with a smile on my face. “Maybe I should watch Liar Liar again,” I said as I looked at my movie app.

‘You never asked,’ Lauren texted me.

‘I figured you would have made it safely,’ I replied.

‘No, how big they are,’ Lauren responded.

‘Didn’t think it was polite to ask,’ I replied.

‘I did bring it up, so it’s very understandable if you asked,’ Lauren said.

‘Well, how big are they?’ I asked.

‘How rude!’ Lauren sent back.

Then a picture came right afterward.

My eyes went wide as I read the measurement tag.

‘Too big?’ Lauren asked.

‘Never knew they went that high,’ I replied.

Lauren sent back some laughing emojis. ‘Have a great night.’

‘You too,’ I replied.

I still stared at the picture.

“32JJ,” I said as I leaned back in the cough.

***Author’s Note: The rest of this story as well as many others of my stories are on my other pages, the links to which can be found*** [***here***](



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