I (M20’s) woke up tied up by a woman (F20’s) who was trying to get back at me (BONDAGE, SLEEP PLAY) – Tess & Trevor

You’ve heard this story many times before.

Boy meets girl. Boy likes girl. Girl likes rough sex. Boy spanks her with a belt and fucks her in her sleep. Girl wants more, but boy is kind of her stepbrother? And by “kind of” I mean “definetely”. So girl can’t be with boy no matter how much she enjoys said belt-spank or sleep-fuck. Boy wants to carry on fucking, girl says no. So boy is now upset and sexually frustrated.

Ok, so maybe you didn’t hear it *many* times before.

But this is where I’m at.

I’ve tried other submissives.

I’ve tried vanilla.

I’ve tried swing clubs and kink cons.

Nothing compares to fucking Tessa while she’s fast asleep. Nothing compares to watching her cheeks go purple when I choke her. Nothing compares to her moaning while I beat her ass until it’s sparkling red. Nothing compares to her sweet pussy spitting out my load in a little creampie after I’m done with her.

Nothing compares to owning her body so completely, she forgets she hates me and starts calling me *Sir*. Or master, or daddy… or whatever the fuck I’m going for at the moment.

After two years of not seeing her, there was a part of me that wished she didn’t look hot anymore. But in that (as in all else) I seemed to be fucked.

Tessa was a fucking snack.

You don’t even need to be hungry to want it between your teeth.

She had that round perfect ass, those large juicy tits, that tiny slim waist. And *those thighs*.

*Fuck me*.

That woman had legs for days.

Legs I kept picturing everywhere: wrapped around my hips, bent over my shoulders, spread open on the floor.

It was hard before, when I was trying to keep my distance. But now? Now that she had a vibrator in her pussy and my fingers on her clit? Now it was impossible.

I walk by her door and take a second before I try the handle.

*This is it*.

She loves being sleep fucked.

I asked her to keep her door open for me.

If this is locked, it’s over. She doesn’t want it anymore.

I have a smile on my face before I even push the handle because *there is something pressed between the door and the doorframe*.

These hotel doors can’t be opened from the outside without a key and they have a weight bar to close themselves shut after being opened. So Tessa, my beautiful Tessa, shoved a shirt or a towel or something… to keep the door from closing.

To keep it open.

For me.

*She really wants me tonight*.

I lick my smile.

*Game is on*.

Now, hear me out: I could just go in and fuck her.


I could… *not*.

The idea is so evil and delicious I can’t shy away from it.

My cock is still half pumped (as it has been all night) from our little encounter earlier. There’s only so much pussy juice a man can have on his fingers before going wild and crazy.

But, you see, the thing is… Tessa is expecting me.

And I do love denying her.

*So, what’s it gonna be, Trev?*

You gonna fuck her pussy or you gonna fuck her life?

There is an uncontrollable shake through my body as I step away from that door. I think my cock hates me. For real, we had a great run together, but I walk away from Tessa and I think it’s considering divorce.

*Be strong, Trevor*.

Even breathing hurts.

Instead of going down, my cock gets harder. By the time I make it to my room, it is fully risen. A hard bulge going down the side of my thigh, still restrained by my pants.

If it had a little mouth, it would speak little words of great anger.

*Fuck you, Trevor. Fuck you, you fucking fucker.*

Hang in there, buddy.

Tessa is gonna wake up tomorrow, untainted.

And *that* is going to piss



She’s gonna brat and bitter and bite. And sometime after that, we’ll get to hate fuck her and it will be so worth it, I can taste it.

Wonderful strategy. I feel very smart. Not that my cock cares.

I go down for breakfast the following morning with a smug smile.

“Good morning, Tess” I spot her, first thing.

She looks back at me and…

You ever heard the tale of Medusa? You know the woman with the snakes in her hair who could turn you into stone just by looking at you?

Any man who has ever faced an enraged woman knows that is no myth.

I am not saying an *upset* woman, or an *angry* woman… I’m saying *enraged*.

Furious, pure Ire with a capital I. The kind of unbridled rage that can start a war and finish a kill.

Even though she is shorter, Tessa stares me *down* and I turn to fucking stone. I gulp and that’s about all I can do.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen her this mad.

*Oh, baby, you really wanted it bad, didn’t you?*

But because I’m a son of a bitch, I say:

“Did you sleep well?”

Yeah, that does it.

Tessa runs her tongue over her teeth like she is considering how many bites it would take to separate my head from my neck.

“Wonderful, thank you”

“Nothing beats a good night of undisturbed sleep, right?”

“I’d say” she whispers “… sleep after a long nigh of hard sex is far better. But that’s cause, unlike you, I have good sex”

“Oh, we’re back at that point where you offend my skills in bed?” I get in her way, between her and the orange juice “What’s it gonna be this time, Tessie? Let me guess: I’m soft. I don’t spank you hard enough. I dick you like a whimp and I don’t know how to eat ass”

“Ah… Trev?”

I freeze and choke.

That’s Leo’s voice.

That’s my brother.

Blood related to me, he is.

Standing right behind me, he is.

Tess smiles like she just orgasmed and *believe me* I can make that comparison.

“If you’ll excuse me…” she says in a polite little husked voice “I’m just gonna get some juice”.

My turn to give her the Medusa look.

Greatest thing about fucking a sub is you can get rid of all your frustrations on her ass, and she’ll thank you for it.

“Hey man” I turn to Leo “Uh, we were just… I was just… We… uh…”

“Trev, what the hell, man? Are you hitting on Tess?”

“What? I… well…”

“Stop it, dude. Are you crazy? Tessa is our sister!”

“STEPsister” I growl “And is she even? I’ve seen the woman *twice*. How does that qualify us as family?”

“Didn’t you two live together for a few months during lockdown?”

“Yeah. That was *once*. Now it’s *twice*”

He rolls his eyes.

“Trevor, stop. There’s tons of bridesmaids around if you can’t keep it in your pants. But don’t go after family”

“*She is not family!* God! I feel like I crossed a mirror into Crazyland. Dad and Janet married after not many months of dating. I met Tessa when we were in our twent…”

“You gotta stop talking like this” he grabs my arm “You’re gonna upset dad. You’re gonna upset Janet. They are trying really hard to make us all feel like one family. Tessa is not the only woman around here. She is not even the hottest”

*Excuse me?*

“Excuse me?”

*Who the fuck is hotter than Tessa?*

He blinks like he doesn’t believe that’s the hill I’m choosing to die on.

“Ok, I’m sorry” I take a deep breath “Look, I’ll go apologize to her, alright?”

“Thank you”

I smile back to him, feeling no joy whatsoever.

Tessa is eating her breakfast alone so I sit with her.

“Having fun?”

“Plenty, thank you” she smiles.

“You better be ready for what I’m gonna do to you later” I sound dry and blunt.

“What makes you think I’ll be interested in you later, asshole?”

“You left your door open, cunt”

She gasps, blushing furiously.

“You came by my room last night?”

“Yeah. And you left your door open cause you wanted me to walk in and fuck you while you slept. So save the outraged look for someone who’ll buy it, Tess”

“Why didn’t you come in?” God, she looks beautiful. Her cheeks are flushed and she is holding herself like she feels cold. I wanna put her in my arms and slow fuck her.

“Because I didn’t want to. How many times do I have to tell you: I don’t give a single fuck about what you want. I’ll fuck you when *I* want it. I’ll eat your pussy when I want it. I’ll rip your ass apart when I want it. I’ll have your throat when I want it. Here…” I drop my extra key card in her purse “You can have the key to my room, you can come in naked anytime” *Oh, please come in naked anytime* “And I still wouldn’t fuck you. Cause this is not up to you. Do you understand?”

“Fuck you”

“You’re gonna say *you understand*” I growl, fucking livid, between grinded teeth “or so help me God, Tessa, I’m gonna clamp your clit until Natalie has her firstborn.”

Her lower lip is shaking. That erotic little pout she has when she wants to brat. Always makes me wanna kiss her and put my dick on her lips.

“We’re done” she whispers under her breath.

“We’ll be done when I say it”

“No” she doesn’t shy away from me “We’re done. For good”

*Wait, is she for real?*


“You heard me. This is insane. For all intents and purposes we are related. If we get caught… *again*” she widens her eyes “I don’t even know what would happen but I don’t wanna find out”

“You didn’t seem all that concerned yesterday”

“Yeah, cause you fuck me *so good*” she loses her breath for a second and I get a little hard “But you’re not the only man who can sleep play me”

*Oh, c’mon. Please don’t do that to me*.

“And I’m done waiting around for you”

“You don’t mean that”

“I do. It’s time I take control of my sex life. If I want something, I need to go there and find it… instead of waiting for it. Waiting for you”

“Are you saying *red*?”

“I’m saying yesterday was the last time you could have been in my pussy. You wasted it because you’re not a man… you’re a boy. Instead of going in and having me, you chose to play games. So now, I’m done. Your dick is never tasting my pussy ever again”

She doesn’t sound like she is teasing me.

Well… fuck.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me” she stands up “I’m gonna enjoy the beach and spend time with my sisters. Have fun, Trev”

She walks away.

You know my great strategy?

It may have backfired.

My cock is the first to notice. If it had little hands, it would give me a little slow clap and call me a fucking moron.

And I think it’d be right, cause Tessa spends her whole day like I don’t exist. Not in a *trying-to-ignore-me-cause-she-is-so-horny* kind of way. She just… doesn’t care.

I try to come closer but now not only my dad is trying to keep me away from her, but also Leo.


I guess we were never meant to be.

I spend my day mostly alone.

I go to bed completely alone.

And I dream of her.

I dream of yesterday when I first saw her at the resort and I tried to pretend I didn’t care about her. My resolve lasted half a second. As soon as she was in reach, I had my arms around her. Her perfume still drives me crazy. Her body still drives me wild.

Two years ago I crushed on her so hard it broke my heart.

*I was falling for her*.

One more month of Tess, back then, and I would have been done for.

Sex was perfect, but I just wanted her to kiss me all the time.

Problem was she did not feel the same and wasn’t coy about letting me know.

For two years I wanted to kiss her.

For two years I wanted to punish her.

All I had to do was open the door and fuck her. Yeah, Cock, you’re right, I’m a moron.

All I have left are dreams of Tess.

I dream of fucking her ass in the garage. I dream of counting her down on the couch. I dream of hate fucking her in her room. I dream of clamping her tits in my bed. I dream of her sneaking into my hotel room to give me a blowjob.

I can feel her mouth. I can feel her saliva and her warm breath. I can feel her little kisses all over my shaft. I can feel her nails scratching my stomach. I can feel her moaning with my balls between her teeth. I can feel her carresses up and down my inner thighs.

Something is waking me up but whatever it is, I hate it already.

I don’t wanna wake up.

I want to keep feeling that mouth and those teeth and that tongue and those touches.

My body has a different plan and fuck my body for waking me up. Slowly, my eyelids open in the poorly lit room.

*Poorly lit?* I’m quite sure I turned all the lights off… it should be completely dark in here.

As the sleepiness wares off my lust gets more intense, like I’m falling into the dream instead of slipping out of it.

The sounds hit me first.

Flesh and saliva. A humping noise of something large and hard being pushed into something small and wet.

My cock is covered by it. *Covered by the something small and wet*. And tight. And warm.

I can hear her moan. *Tessa*. Not a dream. Not a dream at all.

I look down and see her hands scratching my chest and abs, I’d recognise those greedy nails anywhere. Her face is buried in my groin, sucking my cock like she is trying to prove a point and (honestly) I don’t care what her point is, she made it and I agree with her.

I moan. Heavy and hoarse. My hands looking for her hair.

My hand… *My hands?*

I can’t move my hands.

I look up and see I’m tied to the headboard.

I’m gonna say that again, very slowly: my hands, are tied, to the headboard.

I push and they don’t come, so I push harder and the whole bed shakes.

“Good morning” she teases me even though it’s clearly the middle of the night “Did you sleep well?” her whisper so close to my cock makes my hips move to her. There is something about having a woman’s mouth *really* close to your cock but not yet around it, that turns men into beasts.

Like some left over gene from our cavemen days. Like the only cavemen who survived the ice age were the ones getting head. Which makes sense, right? I mean, it’s easier to cross a cold desert wasteland if you got a nice little incentive waiting for you on the other side.

“I’m sorry about this” she crawls on top of me “I know you prefer your sleep to be *undisturbed*, right?”

“Yeah, but I can live with this. Untie me”

She smiles, giving me kisses on my chest.

“Why would I do that?”

“Cause if you make me break this bed to get out I’ll spank you”

“Not tonight” she promises.

“I thought you said we were done” I lean as much as I can, trying to lift off the bed so I can lick her, but she moves away.

“No, I said I wasn’t gonna wait around anymore” she bites my nipple and my cock just jumps up even harder “You’re too slow, so I’ll just take whatever the fuck I want”

“Untie me”

“Are you gonna use the magic word?”

She either means *please* or she means *red*. And I’m not using either.

“Tessa, look at me” I clench my teeth “*Untie me”*.

“Hmm… No” she straddles me and that’s when I realise she is naked.

Very naked.

Completely naked.

Absolutely skin-only naked.

Her tits bouncing about, her delicious pink nipples as hard as my cock, her shaved pussy… every inch of her: available. Within reach while at the same time just out of it.

The desire I feel for this woman is not normal.

It’s like trying to compare a bad hair day with the Plagues of Egypt. They don’t run in the same circle. They don’t exist in the same category.

There’s want. There’s lust. There’s desire. There’s need.

And then there’s what I feel for Tess.

I’ll need to come up with a new word for it cause the English language has failed me.

As soon as I see her naked body I want my tongue on her.

I want to taste the sweat right off her nipples.

I pull on the ties she placed on my hands so strong that the bed shakes *violently*.

So much so, it gives her pause. She widens her eyes staring at her knots to make sure they will hold.

*Yeah, baby, get scared. Get really fucking scared, cause when I break out of here your ass will be fucked like you didn’t know was possible*.

But the ties hold.

“Untie me and I won’t make you eat my cock until you gag”

She arches her body back, riding my stomach, grinding her pussy on my abs. Her tits look fucking glorious like this. She has her hands back, teasing my thighs, my cock… my balls.

I thresh on the bed to the point I think I moved it a little. I pull my hands until I start hearing wood crack and sing. *But the tie holds*.

“Fucking cunt, untie me now”

She smiles like she is riding a mechanical bull. All my agony only turns her on.

“Tess, fuck” I don’t seem to be able to unclench my teeth “I wanna grab your tits. It’s been two years. I wanna grab your fucking tits”

“Oh” she pauses, smile fading from her face “I’m sorry… you think I give a fuck about what you want?”

*Oh, this bitch*.

This fucking bitch.

“You’re gonna regret this”

“No, I don’t think I will”

“Next time I fuck you… and make no mistake *I will* fuck you… I will ask for no permission. And I won’t wait for you to cum, either. I’ll use you and I’ll leave you”

“Yeah, whatever. I’m gonna sit on your face now” she sighs, like she is bored “Not because I want your pathetic tongue… but because I want you to shut up”

I wanna say *you’re gonna regret this* again, but she said she is gonna sit on my face? Oh, please, please, please. Bring it on. So what I say instead is:

“Fucking untie me, Tessa”

“Shut up, Trevor”

She sits on my face just like she said she would.

It feels like being smothered by pussy and I gotta say: if you have to pick a way to go, this should probably be it.

Regular sex is like a choreography.

Virgins do it messy, but once you learn it, all you do is try to repeat the steps. The more moves you know, the better the sex is. But usually it’s about doing what you like and what you think the other might like so that when the music is over, everyone is happy.

Great sex is different.

Great, amazing, sweaty *I-want-this-forever* sex is *improv*. It’s you and another person going for the moves that *feel* right. Maybe you made them before, maybe you didn’t. It’s your favourite touch mixed with being called by names you always thought disgusted you. It’s the lovely kiss you always wanted mixed with a sexual position you didn’t know was allowed by physics.

Great sex is when you do something that seems perfect *for you* and somehow that’s exactly the same thing that is also perfect *for your partner*. The same thing. At the same time.

And I went on this very long tangent so you’d understand that when Tessa sits on my face and I put my tongue out… *licking her* is fucking amazing to the both of us. She moans riding my mouth and taking the strokes of tongue on her slit like a gift from heaven. And I have my nose deep in her flesh smelling her juice and drinking her in until I’m drunk on *sex*. My cock is so hard, I feel it bob around when I try to move.

I wanna give her orders. I want this cunt to lick me back.

But I’m tied. And… well… gagged.

It doesn’t matter how good this feels. Punishing her later will feel much much better.

I wanna grab a hold of her thighs so I can pull her in.

I’ve eaten plenty of pussy but, I gotta say, I never had a woman sit on my face before. I’m glad Tessa is the first but at the same time… why the fuck did I never try this? It’s like climbing the Kilimanjaro. Lot of work, but the view is fucking priceless.

I can see sweat dripping down the vale of her flat stomach, topped by bouncing tits with a movement ocasionally interrupted by her own naughty fingers, pleasing herself.

I move my jaw, trying to bite her pussy whole, to get to her clit and the tremors on her body make their way to my tongue… so strong that, for a second, her moans become a silent scream.

She grabs my hair, using my head as a sex toy. I only notice I’ve been trying to free myself again because my wrists start to hurt.

*Fuck this*.

I heard wood cracking a little before, didn’t I?

I’m sure I can break this.

I give it a hard fucking pull and the bed cries.

“Stop it” she flicks my forehead “Or I’ll make you” she stands, letting me breathe.

“I’m three times your size, Tessie, and this ties won’t keep me forever. I’d like to see how you plan to *make me* do anything” I give it another pull and I think one of the wood pieces on the headboard break a bit cause my arm suddenly has a bit more range.

Tess crawls about me, turning around before sitting on my face again.

*I want your tits.*

*I want my fingers in your ass.*

I get ready to pull one last time and break free. I’m gonna spank this woman until her ass is raw, and then I’m gonna fuck it and fill it with cum while she screams *no* and *please*.

But right before I give it the last pull, she bends over and swallows my cock.

She’s not tall enough to fully sixty-nine it, so her pussy leaves me, hovering over my mouth while she gives me head.

She sucks from base to tip so hard, it feels like my cock got stuck on a vacuum. She doesn’t stop to breath, she doesn’t stop to gag. One long suck all the way out of her mouth.

Have you ever *felt* every single muscle in your body at once?

Have you ever felt them all tighten and tense at the same exact fucking second?

I wanna look down and watch her suck me dry, but as soon as I am out of her mouth, she sits on my face again.

I am licking her like a thirsty dog reaching for a water bowl. But she only gives me a few seconds before swallowing me again.

I close my eyes tight. The violent way she is sucking my cock is such a powerful kick to my senses that I can’t take anything else. It’s like holding your breath when you’re about to cum… when your body is feeling *too much* you can’t take anything else.

She sucks my dick and all of me surrenders. I can’t *see, smell, taste or touch*. I become completely impaired and vulnerable. All I can do is feel my cock.

All the way in her mouth, sliding against the cheeks, being stroke by her soft tongue… then down and down it goes, until her throat is full and she starts gagging the cock back out.

I am about to cum, but she sits back on my face, rubbing her clit and beats me to it.

She moans with tiny little gasps that make me thrust my hips into the air.

Tess orgasms on my face, so heavily that her cum spills out of my lips, running down my cheeks and I know I’m gonna spend the whole year smelling her on me.

Her climax takes her until she falls in bed next to my still trapped body.

I am so fucking horny for this woman even her shallow desperate breathing is turning me on. I might cum by myself if she doesn’t join me soon, but that’s be a waste so I try to reign it in.

“Untie me” I sound like a beast “Untie me right now”.

She grabs my jaw. *Hard*. She leans in so I feel her words on my lips.

“Say *please”*

I laugh in her face.

“You know that belt you love so much? I’m gonna roll it around my hand and I’m gonna *fist you* with it. Untie me, cunt”

“You don’t learn, do you” she is getting up “You could have been a good boy and I’d let you fuck me. *But nooo*.”

“Where the fuck are you going?”

“Have a good night, baby”

“Tessa, if you leave me hard I’m gonna make you regret it. I’m gonna get you back and I am gonna take no fucking pity. I don’t care if you scream or beg, you hear me? Get back here, untie me and suck my cock”

“What was it that you said…” she plays innocent while getting dressed “*If you can own it, you can have it”* she winks “I owned you, baby” she releases one of my hands out of concern for my safety, not my libido “I owned you so bad”.

I undo the other knots releasing myself at long last but by the time I’m free, she is already long gone.

I am left with nothing but a vile and sadistic smile to entertain my still very hard cock.


You win this round, Tess.

Now, let’s play another one.

This story will be updated on Reddit every thursday.
Patreon is one chapter ahead (early access with updates every tuesday and thursday).
More coming soon! <3 You can check my profile for other parts of this story!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/11mzvjj/i_m20s_woke_up_tied_up_by_a_woman_f20s_who_was


  1. That was so fucking good I have to follow…can’t wait for next Thursday loool

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