[MF] A teacher’s first time playing on this 3 letter app

Well, pandemic times were rough for everybody and teachers, and i specifically, also missed that human interaction, that discussions of different ideas, just weren’t the same online. Online it would get even messier, even more i would say aggressive, and not in a good way.

And yes, of course i also missed a good fuck to get rid of some stress and tension that classes, midterms, finals would cause me. Something that zoom meetings also didn’t help, because after some time i started, girls started showing up on sports bras or in some tight shirts and clearly not wearing underwear (looking at you Angela, not idea how that shirt resisted to the piercing, but that wasn’t hiding anything…).

But anyway, after some research, let’s call it, i started seeing more and more this app called Kappa India Kappa being referenced as one of the top ones for sexting, so in a moment of “loneliness” i decide to try it but after a couple of days of using it I’m still pretty lost on how to add people, how to join groups, how to find people that have the same interests as you mainly. For horniness purposes also, true, but not only.

After some more googling, i find out that reddit and some specific reddit pages are some very good “complements” in this search. And so when i had a free night and morning, i post there, looking for some company and added that skirts (especially checkered ones) are something i find irresistible in a girl.

Well, quickly I realized that i wasn’t the one being hit by covid horniness. Didn’t get a lot of responses but still got some and one of them just stood up easily. She sends a text, saying she’s 19, a college freshman (usually the ones i teach, since the class i assist is kind of a basic level one) and she always had a fetish for teachers. And added a picture of her in a black bra (not huge but good volume), open jacket and a skirt, revealing some pretty great, beautiful, thick legs, that for me was just heaven (quickly i would find out the thong matched the bra…).

We chatted for a bit but was not for that we added each other, and quickly we were teasing each other and clothes were flying off. She was just so hot, nothing extremely developed, per se, if i saw her in a hallway i might not even look twice at her (unless she was wearing that skirt…) but she had some great pear shape tits, an elegant belly and her bottom was just irresistible. Thick af, legs, thighs, peachy butt… I honestly don’t think i ever came so much in a night, even when actually fucking the person. It helped that i really hadn’t had any fun In week(s?) and hadn’t even masturbated in a few days either but i found the perfect partner there. The tease, her response, the angles she would send (the “arm bra”, In doggy style, showing her panties on her panties while fingering are just some of the gifts i got that night..) just drove me crazy. I came 3 times, easily that night and supposedly she did too (at least one time i can check it, i saw her body twitching while she was fucking herself with a brush, the others i will have to trust her word lol).

I have been a couple of years on the app now and, honestly, very few encounters can even compare to that one. Usually one of us (if possible both of us) finishes and it’s done, but that one kept going for hours, literally…

The only regret is it didn’t turn into something regular.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/11n1ork/mf_a_teachers_first_time_playing_on_this_3_letter