Bad Decisions: Part Three 21+ [F36/M44] [Straight Sex] [Cleavage] [Busty] [Huge Boobs] [Oral Sex] [Cleavage] [Curvy Woman]

Chapter Three: Down the fox hole

“Are you okay?” Charles asked as he came into my office.

“Yeah,” I responded.

“Just that you gave me this report twice,” Charles said, dropping a yellow folder on my desk.

“Shit,” I said as I got the correct report and handed it to him.

“What’s going on?” Charles asked.

“I hate that everyone thinks this is a small town,” I said, shaking my head. “Always in everyone else’s business. When they should stay in their own fucking lanes!”

Charles nodded as he sat down across from me.

“It might not be a small town, but most of us, hang out at the same bar, our kids go to some of the same schools, and the same mall, it’s only natural that some people form a tight knit community.”

“Well, they can go join another community, and stay the hell out of mine,” I said.

“Hank, huh?” Charles asked.

“You heard,” I said.

“Hard not to, the guy is a walking time bomb,” Charles shook his head.

Hank was just that. No one knew when he would blow up on someone or do something stupid. One day in high school, he climbed to the roof to write that he loved Jessica Tolban in dark black on the white wall.

Another time he jumped off the water tower into the river on a dare. He had broken more bones than anyone I know for the dumbest reasons.

“You keep clear of him,” Charles said as he stood up. “I know you both have a history, but some people were born trouble, and he is one of them.”

I nodded as he left my office. I knew everyone was right, but Hank always was the person that wasn’t easy to stay away from, he had ways of getting under my skin, and as much as I didn’t want to scratch it, I just had to do it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“So, this is where you live?” Hank asked as I pulled up to my house.

I moved out of the other house as soon as we divorced. I had moved so that I was closer to Clayton.

“What do you want?” I asked as I got out of my car. “I have had a long day at work, and I just want to soak in a bath,” I said as I walked toward my house.

Hank got off his large bike and walked toward me. “Not going to invite me in?” he asked.

“No,” I shook my head. “The other night was just that, a quick fuck and now I am over it.”

“Really?” Hank smiled.

He had more gray in his long beard than black, and his head showed signs of him balding in the middle. Hank had always been reckless, which showed in his face, arms and hands. He had scars everywhere.

From bar fights to reckless stunts, he had done it all. All it took was someone to dare him to do something, and he would do it.

“Yes, really,” I said as I turned to face him. “Look I am going to say this one more time, and maybe you will get it through that thick head,” I said as I stood my ground. “Whatever we had in high school and everything that followed was in the past, and that’s where it is going to stay, do I make myself clear?”

“Your mouth says that,” Hank smiled as he walked closer to me.

“No, all of me says that, the other night, was just that a night, it will not happen again,” I shook my head.

I put my hand behind me to grip my pistol. Hank stopped in his tracks.

“You know how good a shot I am,” I nodded. “Now kindly leave.”

Hank smiled and nodded. “We will talk again,” he said as he walked towards his bike.

The loud bike started and then took off down the road.

I watched to make sure he was genuinely gone before entering the house. I made sure everything was locked and then armed the alarm.

Hank never liked taking no for an answer, and it would be like him to return.

I soaked in the tub and relaxed.

“What are you going to do?” Kate asked.

“Nothing,” I replied.

I was sipping on my sweet tea, something I had started after that night. I pretended it had more than just tea in it. I didn’t even drink at home, just in case I went too far and decided to call someone or go somewhere I shouldn’t. I was trying to make better decisions for myself.

‘Where was that thought, the other night?’ I thought to myself.

“What if he comes back around?” Kate asked.

I was sitting on my couch and talking to Kate on the phone. She continuously checked on me and ensured I was where I was supposed to be. She was like a sister to me.

“I will have a surprise waiting for him,” I said as I eyed my gun sitting on the table. I had more than one. There were a few laying around in strategic positions.

“Good,” Kate replied.

“The alarm is on, and I am sure he is at the bar, damaging his kidneys even more,” I said.

“Well, if you need anything, call me, or text me,” Kate said.

“You too, just in case,” I said.

“He isn’t that stupid,” Kate said.

I shook my head, Hank was a pain in the ass, but he knew who not to mess with, and Kate was one of them. I thought I had more than enough protection for my house.

Kate’s house was a fortress. She lived out in the boonies, away from all of us. It was a good thirty-minute drive to her house, most of it through back roads.

She had trip wire, barbed wire and all kinds of things around her house. No one was that stupid. It all stemmed from her last boyfriend. The guy turned into a total stalker, after they broke up. She found him standing in her bedroom, staring down at her one night.

How he got in was a total mystery, as the alarm was set, and he hadn’t broken anything. The cop’s going theory was that he had snuck in when the alarm was off and stayed quiet in another room or in the attic.

After that night, Kate went total commando, looking up things she could make or buy that would fortify the house.

Luckily Darold wasn’t home, or she would have killed him. She had beaten him pretty severely, she hadn’t seen him since, but once in a while, she would look around as if she caught a glimpse of him.

Darold’s father was a sperm donor, as we called him. It was a one-night fling that resulted in Kate being pregnant. Of course, when she came and told him about it, he acted like it was the best thing that could happen to them, but less than a week later, he was gone, packed up his house, left his job and was nowhere to be found.

Kate could have gone after him legally for support, but she was an independent woman. She always said it took two to make a baby, and she was just as fault as he was. As Katie said, she spread her legs and invited him in. Even though they used protection, the result was Darold.

I was his godmother, and I loved the kid. He was shy at times, which made me smile as he hardly looked people in the eye, always holding his head down.

Clayton was the one that got them into trouble, doing things they shouldn’t. After an incident at the gas station, I had to talk with Clayton and told him there were certain things he could do that Darold would get in serious trouble for; at first, he didn’t understand; Darold was his best friend, but Clayton didn’t see the color difference. Darold was half white and half black. While he was lightly colored, many people only saw the black in him.

One day Clayton came home and said he understood what I had said. He told me they were at a store buying clothes with Alyssa, and the lady at the store kept looking at Darold rudely as Clayton said, and she asked Alyssa for Darold to keep his hands out of his pockets and take down the hoodie.

Alyssa was furious as Clayton was wearing the same exact hoodie and had it up and had his hands in his pockets, just like Darold. From that day forward, Clayton always looked after his friend.

“Well,” I said.

I got up from the couch and went upstairs. It was another night, and I was sure I would have that same dream again.

I went online to chat with some of my faraway friends, we talked for a bit, and after a while, I got bored and was about to close my laptop.

Then I decided to read a few stories. I loved reading erotic stories before going to bed. It was something I had picked up after the divorce.

I logged in and found a new story by one of the authors I followed. Reading the story got me all hot, and as usual, I went down to leave her a comment.

I sighed as I saw the usual anonymous comments.

“Fucking keyboard warriors,” I sighed as I typed a response to one of them.

My author loved writing stories that pushed the boundaries. This story was about a female having sex with her boss behind her husband’s back at the company’s party.

Of course, some saw fit to call her out on it. Wishing death on the cheating woman or worse. When the author wrote a story about a man cheating on his wife, none of them said anything. Not one single word about how it was terrible for him to cheat, on his wife. Not a single comment that he should die or catch something.

These people were the same ones that went into the interracial section and downvoted or plagued the comments with racial slurs or comments. The worst thing was they hit the little coward button, making sure to make their comment under an anonymous name, to shield themselves from reprisal.

‘Fucking cowards!’ I thought.

If they didn’t like the story, why didn’t they just stay away? It was like going into a Mexican restaurant, knowing you don’t like Mexican food.

After a few rounds of going back and forth, I decided it was a lost cause and settled into my bed.

“Dammit,” I said as I knew I couldn’t sleep.

I reached under my bed and grabbed my huge toy chest. Jacob always laughed when I went for it.

“Why does it have to be so big?” he asked the first night.

Then I opened it. His eyes went huge. I had bought a lot of toys for myself during the years. More than any sane woman should have, I always thought.

I got down on my knees and looked through the various toys. I had everything anyone would need and more. There was another one like it in the walk-in closet.

“Ah!” I said, reaching for the one I wanted to use tonight.

It was a mold of Jacob’s cock. I had sent it to my favorite website, and they made it so that I could press the button and fake liquid cum would shoot out the tip.

I pushed the chest back under my bed and looked online for my favorite porn. I found it and slid the large dildo into me.

I slowly worked it into me until it was deep inside of me, and then I pushed the laptop away. I imagined it was Jacob. He always went slow at first. Sometimes he would go slow throughout, and then there were times he would fuck me so hard it felt like he would break the bed.

I was going for the slow and steady. I loved it when Jacob did that. He would look down at me like I was the only woman on earth.

I could feel the tension building in my stomach, and I started to arch my back. I stopped going slow and started fucking myself with it, furiously pushing it in and out of me. It was building inside of me. That’s when I pushed the button.

Jacob loved cumming inside of me, from when I got pregnant to the last time. He loved cumming inside, calling me his cum dumpster or cum slut. I had to beg him a couple of times to cum on my tits or my face. Even when he tit fucked me, he would grab my head and push his cock into my mouth.

“I don’t want to waste it,” Jacob would often say.

“Cum inside me, Jacob,” I yelled as I felt the liquid shoot into me.

After I came down and my breathing stopped, I knew that would never happen again. Jacob and his colossal cock belonged to someone else.

He was cumming inside her now, calling her his cum slut and whore.

I dropped the toy to the floor and then turned on my side as I fell asleep alone.

***Author’s Note: The rest of this story as well as many others of my stories are on my other pages, the links to which can be found*** [***here***](
