[F] I think I’m becoming a prostitute, and I’m not sure I’m against the idea…

It started because one of the dads, who I babysat for, was flirting with me.

I thought he was joking at first, but then he started paying me more money when I babysat.

I figured out that he wanted to have sex with me, and I was kinda okay with it because it was easy money and I kind of have a thing for older guy.

But then he started hinting that other dads might be interested, and I started to feel like a slut in the sens that I’m not sure if I’m against the idea.

I don’t know if I should keep doing it with him, and if I should accept to have sex with the others. But part of me is really tempted because it’s easy money, and I’m always wet thinking about it.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/11bx2pc/f_i_think_im_becoming_a_prostitute_and_im_not


  1. Simple. Do you mind having no pride in turn for cash.
    If yes. Go for it. If no. Decline.

    Ask for a pay rise if anything

  2. Sounds like easy money doing what you already love and look forward to. Go for it

  3. Well your obviously want to pretty bad regardless of the money, so go ahead and do it because you don’t have to avoid anything for other peoples judgement and hate so just ignore those worries in your life and enjoy having fun as much as you can no matter what it is in your life you should always do what you crave or desire so down the road when you’re older and just sitting around thinking about your life you won’t be kicking yourself not doing something you wanted to do you should never feel shame for doing something you desired to do so go for it and have fun

  4. This is the movie plot to The Babysitters. It ends because you catch your dad fucking your prostitute/business rival friend

  5. It seems you are more intrigued by the plot than to the possibility to make an actual profession out of it.
    Be aware that the dream is going to land hard into tragedy as soon as one of the wives gets aware of your little business. That being said it’s your life; live it the way you want.

  6. the only fan means you are over 18 so an adult and that was my only concern

    Make sure your prices reflect the market value, I say you need to raise them if everyone is so enthusiastic

  7. If the men are in an open relationship…go for it! 🔥 Just don’t be a cheap sleazy home wrecker if they are not.

  8. It’s easy money but the more people know the higher the chances of getting caught it sounds like he is spreading the word about you and that’s not good it’s just a matter of time before a wife checks a phone for whatever reason and finds out your business and exposes your side business if you are interested in doing something like that I would suggest finding someone you like or trust or finding bulls on here or onlyfans and make your own porn page you can wear a mask and not show your face

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