Daddy’s Little Valentine [F 20s] [M 30s] [Couple] [DD/LG] [Roleplay] lots of [Daddy] talk [Forced Creampie] some [Breeding]

Daddy’s Little Valentine

“Daddy, I had a bad dream…” came a small voice from his bedroom door.

He looked up to see his little girl standing there in an oversize purple and pink My Little Pony shirt that went down to her knees, a few strands of her dark wavy shoulder length hair had come loose from her pigtails and was partially falling over her face as she held her finger up to her mouth in a sign of uncertainty. Groggily he sat up on his elbows, “Whaisit sweetheart?”

“I had a bad dream…” she repeated, slightly louder.

Consigning himself to his fatherly duties, he gave up the notion of being able to get back to sleep for the time being. “Come over here my little purple princess and climb in bed and we’ll talk about it.”

Quickly she shuffled over and hopped up on the bed, diving under the covers and snuggling up to him. He wrapped his arm around her and rubbed her back in an attempt to sooth her. “Tell daddy about it.”

She buried her face in his chest, “I dreamed I was walking around the house and no one was here and I was trying to find you and you weren’t here and I was all alone and I was getting really scared…” She rambled, her tiny hands clutching at him.

He kissed the top of her head and gave her a little squeeze. “It’s okay now. Daddy isn’t going anywhere honey.” She nuzzled her face into him a little but didn’t show any signs of pulling away. He started stroking her soft hair in an attempt to calm her more as he began to notice her sweet scent and the awkward sensation of her soft breasts pressing against him. The harder he tried to push the dirty thoughts that were now forming in his mind, the more they seemed to flood in.

Gently he tried to shift further away but it only made her hold him tighter, her leg wrapping around his and her arms around his waist. He could feel sweat form on his brow as the sensation of her soft, smooth thighs against his only made things worse. Before he could do anything about it, he felt himself begin to uncontrollably rise up as her whole body seemed to be stimulating his senses.

“Daddy? What’s wrong? You’re breathing funny and your heart is going bump bump real loud.” She asked, her pretty brown eyes looking up at him with innocent concern.

“I-it’s nothing sweaty. Uh daddy’s just… um…”

Before he could come up with an excuse, his little girl let out a gasp of surprise. “Daddy! You’re undies are getting all bumpy!”

“Um, that’s just something that happens to daddy’s sometime. We can talk about it when you’re older,” he tried to evade.

“I’m older daddy!” she pouted, “You said you wouldn’t never hide anything from me ever and I wanna know about daddy bumps.” She locking her gaze on to his to emphasize her stubbornness.

“I know I did, honey, but…” She bumped her crotch into his in protest, causing him to grunt in a way he didn’t intend to. “Okay okay…” His mind searched for the safest way to explain the workings of life. “When daddies and mommies get together to make babies, the daddy has to get hard in order for it to work.” This was an oversimplification of the process, but at two in the morning he wasn’t ready to get into the complexities of in vitro fertilization or same sex parents. Just the basics was going to be hard enough with her bright eyes looking into him.

To his dismay, she didn’t take that explanation without any follow up questions. “How does daddy’s thingy make mommies have babies?” Her innocence and the way her legs were rubbing him in her excitement to learn were removing any chance of his erection going away any time soon.

“W-well he has to put it inside the mommy… and then he fertilizes her and she grows the baby in her belly, like how Aunt Jenny did before she had your little cousin Leland.” He’d always thought that was a terrible name, but it was the name of the baby’s father’s uncle who died in a car wreck so he couldn’t really protest too much.

“Oh okay…” She seemed to ponder this, but the hope that the inquest was over shattered when she followed with, “How does the daddy ‘fer-tal-ize’ the mommy?”

“Um… well when he puts his thingy…” he started.

“It’s called a penis daddy,” she admonished him. “Even I know that.”

“R-right. You’re such a clever little girl. He puts his ‘penis’ inside her ‘vagina’ and his ‘semen’ comes out and fertilizes her egg.” He had decided the pretenses were just making it more awkward at this point.

“What’s ‘semen’, daddy.” Her little face scrunched up at the word like it was weird for her to say.

“It’s sticky white stuff that comes out of the end of the penis.” After the words left his mouth he immediately felt dirty inside for the way he phrased it.

“Out of where?” she pushed.

“Out of where the pee comes out…” he tried to explain.

“Ooh, does it hurt the mommy?”

“No… well sometimes at first, but then it feels nice…” He already didn’t like where this was going. Or did he? Her constant touches and the smell of her hair and the way her dark eyes looked so longingly at him were making it hard for him to think straight.

The next question made him scream internally. “Would you show me with your penis daddy?”

“It’s not really something daddy’s and dau…” she cut him off by reaching down and grabbing his bulge with both hands, making him moan.

“Show me daddy! Show me! Pleeeeease?!” She begged while her fingers squeezed his cock.

He was losing his mind as he throbbed at his little girls touch. The wrongness of the situation and how beautiful she looked were drowning out any voice of reason trying to protest what he was doing. Maybe… maybe if he just showed her his cock she would be satisfied?

“Okay, princess, j-just let go…” She reluctantly pulled her hands away. Knowing he was going to hell for what he was doing, he pulled his boxers down and his now rock hard shaft sprung out like it had a mind of its own.

“Oh wow, daddy!” She gawked at him. “It’s so big!” Her eyes were wide as little saucers. “Can I touch it daddy? Please?” She asked softly.

He bit his lip, “Yes, sweetheart, but just for a few seconds…” the words seemed to come out of his mouth on their own.

Her hands wrapped around his length and squeezed gently, making his eyes roll back a little. “Daddy’s penis is so fat…” she said in awe. Without warning her hands began to move up and down slightly, making him twitch. “It moved, daddy!”

“Y-yes honey, because your t-touching it so nicely…” This just made her hands move more, jerking him clumsily while she stared at it. “B-baby you can’t do that too much…” he stuttered.

Her hands moved away. “Oh no! Did I hurt you daddy?”

“No, it… it felt good… but only mommies and daddies should be doing that…” He tried to get back in control of the situation.

“But you promised to show me how babies were made!” She protested.

He reeealy didn’t remember ever promising that, but he always found it so hard to say ‘no’ to his precious little angel. He found it even harder (in more ways than one) when she lifted up her big shirt to reveal she wasn’t wearing anything underneath.

“Does that big thing really go inside this?” She indicated her smooth, perfectly shaped, puffy little pussy. He could feel his mouth literally begin to water.

“Um, yes. But only when the mommies are older…” he was losing his mind and began to wonder if he was the one dreaming and some evil succubus was hovering over him, draining his life essence through his raging hard on.

“Can you show me what it looks like? Please daddy? I wanna see.” She spreader her legs wide, laying back on his bed and looking up at him expectantly.

“Oh fuck…” he whispered to himself out loud.

“Ummm! Daddy you said a swear word. You owe me a cookie!” The logic of this arrangement didn’t make any sense as it seemed to only encourage her to make him cuss more.

“I’m sorry, sweety. Daddy just… it slipped out…” Eating a cookie was taking on a different meaning for him right now.

She scooted toward him on her cute behind. “Do you just stick it in to mommies? It doesn’t seem like it would work like that…” she looked at him with a little suspicion.

“Well… the mommies… they get… they get a little wet first so it’s easier.”

Her hand reached down and she rubbed herself, her fingers moving around her soft lips. “Oooh I think I’m getting ‘wet’ daddy. Look!” She held up her fingers and he could see her juices glisten on the ends. He gulped audibly.

“Y-yeah, that’s it. But… usually it takes more…” The sight of his little girl touching herself and offering her moist fingers to him had driven any semblance of self control out of him. “First the daddies usually help the mommies get more slippery, like this…” He leaned down between her legs and, hesitating a moment, began to lick her inner thighs.

She gasped loudly, “Oh daddy! That’s making me feel funny…”

“It’s okay, honey. That’s just your body getting ready for daddy.” He licked his lips. The smell of her delicious cunny filling his nostrils pressured him to finally taste her forbidden fruit, licking softly over her slit.

Her legs went stiff and she grabbed his head, letting out a squeak of pleasure. “Oh daddy! That tickles!”

He didn’t stop, hungrily lapping at her. He couldn’t believe how incredible she tasted, and the sounds she made as he ate her out were better than he ever could have imagined in his most depraved fantasies.

“D-daddy! Somthin… somethings… I’m…”

“It’s okay, baby. It’s called cumming. Just let it out.” he reassured her before rubbing the nub of her clit with the tip of his tongue. This caused her to shake violently as her first orgasm raced through her, causing her to buck her hips into his face.

After he felt her hands pushing his head away from her, he moved up and embraced his now exhausted princess. “That’s a good girl…” he cooed as he stroked her hair and held her close. He could feel her heavy breathing against his chest as she began to slowly come down from the intensity of her climax. But he wasn’t done with her yet.

“You okay, baby?” he asked gently.

“Oh daddy, that felt really good…” she sighed.

“Now… sometimes mommies help daddies in the same way to get ready to make babies…” She looked up at him with quizzically. He laid down on his back and tenderly caressed her cheek, leading her face to his still hungry member. “Can you do to daddy what he did to you? Use your mouth on him?”

Hesitantly she nodded. The size was intimidating, but she desperately wanted daddy to be happy. “I’ll try daddy…” She moved to take him in her hands again and positioned her mouth over the head. Slowly she began to use her tongue to lick the end, pulling back a little when she tasted something coming out the tip. “Daddy, what’s that stuff coming out?” she asked in a slightly worried tone.

“That’s called precum. It’s like what comes out of your special area only a little different. Do you not like the taste?”

“It’s not that… I… I think I do like it…” She resumed using her tongue with increased energy. Soon she was moving up and down his shaft, licking the length of him. Then, in a moment of inspiration, she attempted to put the entire end of his cock in her mouth. She filled her mouth with his girth and began to softly suck, causing him again to twitch in her hands. This made her giggle a little while he was still in her, and the slight vibrations made him moan.

He placed his hand on her head and it took all his willpower to keep from shoving her down on him. He wanted to fuck her little mouth and shoot down her throat, but at the same time was worried that he’d scare or choke her and make it so she wouldn’t want to do it again. So he settled for just lightly moving her head up and down, grunting slightly at how warm and wet she felt.

With her spit beginning to drip down his shaft, she eventually pulled back. “Is it wet enough to go in to a vagina now, daddy?” She asked with an unhealthy glint in her eye. He hadn’t even contemplated going that far, planning to just unload in her mouth, but now that the idea was in his head he couldn’t help but feel the need to penetrate his dearest treasure. Surely if he just went a little ways in it would satisfy him enough…

“Yes, princess, that should be enough. Now lay down and spread your legs again.” Obediently she complied and her trust in him made his heart skip a beat. Slowly he moved on top of her. “Now, daddy’s only going to go a little way in so you can see how it feels, okay?”

She nodded, “Yes daddy.”

Taking his cock in his hand, he began to push it up against her smooth pussy, sliding it up and down to make sure it was properly lubricated. At the touch of him, she unconsciously grabbed his other arm and held on, preparing herself for what she thought was about to happen. “It might hurt a little at first, but just try to stay relaxed, okay baby?”

Her response was another nod and she bit her lip in anticipation.

He began to apply pressure against her opening and after a second, felt it start to give and allow him to enter. She gasped and he felt her nails bite into his arm as she began to stretch around him. The look of pain on her face should have made him hesitate, but it only made his desire to keep going even stronger. Finally, he felt the head completely pop inside her tightness. He stopped and held himself there as his precious pumpkin panted beneath him.

“You’re being such a good girl for daddy. Are you doing okay.”

With her eyes still shut she nodded a third time. “I-it’s not as b-bad as I thought… daddy…” she gulped.

His hips began to move back and forth on their own, causing his glans to rub inside her. She let out a little whimper and to his surprise, asked softly, “Can… can you go in a little more… please?”

He had to clench his muscles to keep from releasing immediately when he heard her sweet voice say those words. He wanted to plunge in and split her little body open, but restrained himself and slowly applied more pressure, causing him to go deeper by inches.

The tiny whines and grunts she made were so adorable that he bent down and kissed her on the lips. Her hands went to the sides of his head and she kissed him back as tears began to run down her cheeks. When he was about half way in, he stopped again.

“How are you doing? Still okay?”

Her whole body was shivering. “I-it hurts… a little… b-but it also feels really good… I can feel you stretching me…”

He got an idea that might help her allow more of him inside. Tenderly, he reached down and began to lightly rub her throbbing clit. This made her jump a little and he groaned as her muscles tightened. “I’m gonna make you cum again, sweetie, so you can get wetter, okay?” Before she could respond he began moving his fingers in circles and before long he felt her gush around him as her second orgasm reached her while her daddy was inside.

After her spasming stopped, it felt like she opened up even more. Taking the opportunity, he pushed deeper, losing himself in her tightness. Before he could fully enter her, he felt her clamp down again and decided he was far enough. Without checking this time, he began to move, slowly pumping her as he looked down to see her looking up at him, her face contorted in a mixture of pain and pleasure.

It was all too much and after several thrusts he started to try and pull out, but her legs locked around him. She grabbed his shoulders and seemed to rock up on to his cock. “I wanna be a mommy with you, daddy. Make a baby in me, please! Please daddy! Use your semen in me!”

Despite how much he tried to pull himself out, he couldn’t take the onslaught of her words and the sensation of her entire body latching around him, desperate for his seed. Uncontrollably his hot cum rushed out of him and spilled deep inside his tight little girl. He tried to use his muscles to stop but it only seemed to make him produce more spurts of his load until he felt it being pushed out the sides of her hole.

She stayed locked on to him even when he collapsed on his side, determined to take as much of him into her womb as possible. He felt drool leak out of his mouth as his mind turned to mush, and then a pair of soft lips on his as she kissed it away.

Her own orgasm insured that she would milk out every last drop as her muscles rhythmically squeezed him again and again. Finally, after all the energy in both their bodies was used up, he felt her grip loosen.

“Holy fuck, that was so fucking hot baby.” She gasped, wiping sweat off her face. “I can’t believe how much you came in me…”

“I can’t believe you held on to me like that… Weren’t you the one that wanted me to pull out because you said it was risky without a condom?” He couldn’t stop himself from playing with her breast while they talked.

“Yeaaah I know I did…” She replied bashfully. “I’ll just have to get a morning after tomorrow is all. No biggy.” She pulled him close and gave him a deep kiss. “I couldn’t help myself,” she grinned, “You were doing such a good job, ‘daddy’.”

“You were incredible,” he sighed. “I wanted to just fuck you so bad. You have no idea how hard it was to take it slow.”

“I know baby, that’s why I love you,” she beamed at him. “Happy Valentines Day, honey.”

“Happy Valentines Day, beautiful,” he stared into her eyes longingly. “We defiantly aren’t waiting a year to do this again.”

“Hell no!” she laughed. “Daddy still has to show me what happens when he goes in the other hole.” She winked.

“And don’t think I didn’t notice your little ‘cookie’ manipulation. That’s not how incentives are supposed to work.”

She just giggled and caressed his face. After a moment of silence, she said, “I still can’t believe your sister named her baby Leland.”

“I know, right? That poor kid’s gonna have a rough time when he goes to school.”

Her finger began to trace over his chest. “You know… ‘if’ we had a kid, I bet we could come up with a much better name than that… Maybe… I don’t need to go to the store tomorrow?” she asked hopefully.



  1. Why the fuck are there four reports on this saying there are minors in it? The ages are right in the fucking title, you idiots. Stop fucking reporting this shit because you hate the word “Daddy”

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