The Agreement – Part 2 [MF 30s] [D/s] [vaginal sex] [anal]

*I posted part 1 here a while ago and will add a link if I can work out how…*

He pulled back from her slightly and looked down at her still on her knees. His mouth curled up at the corners as if he was trying to suppress a wide dirty grin. He’s definitely enjoying this as much as I am she thought.

‘Let’s see if you have been keeping up with your training. Go over to the sofa and present yourself for inspection.’

This had been the other part of the agreement. Not only was he able to call on her to…serve him at anytime without notice, but there were two rules she had to follow:

1. She had to wear the buttplug he had got her everyday so that, in his words, ‘her holes were stretched and ready for him to use at all times’
2. She was not to shave the hair around her pussy

The buttplug rule had been a real challenge to start with. It was a metal plug, not too large, with a nice purple jewel on the end. She had worn plugs before the agreement but wearing one everyday had taken some getting used to. Now though, she slipped it in as part of her normal morning routine and she found it gave her a sense of excitement to go about her day to day activities while plugged. It was her dirty little secret.

The shaving rule had surprised her. Her previous partners had always wanted her either completely shaved or very sculpted. It felt somewhat scandalous to have allowed her hair to grow naturally for so long.

‘Yes Sir’ she said and moved over to the sofa. She undid her jeans and pulled them down along with her underwear so they were around her ankles. Then she knelt on all fours on the sofa facing away from him, reached back, and spread her cheeks apart with her hands. She felt her face warm and realised she must be blushing slightly. Well, it wasn’t exactly the most dignified position she had ever been in. It was slightly degrading, but in a way she found she enjoyed.

He walked up behind her. ‘Such a pretty little slut with that jewel in your ass, and your hair is soaked from your pussy juices! Did sucking my cock really make you that wet? What a good slut you are.’ He reached down and tugged gently on the buttplug, not enough to remove it, just to remind her that it was there. Then he slowly slid his finger downwards and parted her lips, brushing past her clit. She gave a small shudder with the pleasure of it.

Then he said ‘I think you have waited long enough. My good girl deserves her reward.’ and thrust his cock inside her. She hadn’t been expecting him to start so soon and she immediately let out a surprised groan. He began to slowly withdraw his cock but each time he was about to pull in out completely he thrust it back in hard and another groan would escape her mouth. It felt sooo good.

He began to speed up and before long he was fucking her hard to a smooth rhythm. She found her mind going blank and all her focus was on the feeling of fullness in her pussy and to accompanying weight of the plug still on her ass.

He slapped her ass without missing a beat with his thrusting.

‘Have you missed this slut?’ he said.

‘Fuck yes’ she moaned.

He slapped her ass hard. ‘Yes what?’

‘Yes Sir’ she said.

‘Good girl’

The fucking continued for a few minutes and he had sped up so she thought he might be close to coming but then he said ‘Let’s see if all that stretching has paid off’

He stopped thrusting and instead began to pull the plug out of her ass. She felt her asshole resist for a second but then it slid free. He pulled his cock out of her pussy and put the head of his cock against her asshole. He began to push forward and again there was a second of resistance but then it slid all the way in. ‘Ohhhh fuck’ she moaned.

He immediately began fucking her ass hard. ‘Good girl. Does my cock feel good in your ass?’ he said.

‘Fuck…yes…Sir’ she managed to say between panting and groaning.

‘Do you want my come in your ass?’

‘Yes, please, Sir’

‘Then beg me for it’ he said.

Even this deep into their fucking session that momentarily surprised her. But she was caught up in the moment and everything felt sooo good, she found herself speaking without thinking ‘Please Sir, fill your anal slut with your come! I want it inside me. Please, Sir!’

‘Fuck!’ he groaned and he thrust hard, deep into her ass and didn’t withdraw. She could feel his cock twitch as he came and had a feeling of warmth inside her. She slumped forward, panting.

Before she even had a chance to compose herself so felt him spread her cheeks and then push her buttplug back into place. She turned around surprised and he gently held her chin up towards him with one hand. ‘You’re going to keep my load inside your ass for the rest of the day. Good anal sluts should be full of come and you are a very good anal slut.’ He leant down and kissed her passionately. ‘I will see you again’ he said. Then without pausing, he pulled him cock back into his jeans, straightened his clothes and walked out of the house without another word or a glance backwards.

She felt dumbstruck. Her mind was spinning. What had just happened?! She also belatedly realised that although she had been very much enjoying herself, she hadn’t actually come. Well that’s typical she thought with a slight smile, and headed to her bedroom to finish herself off.
