[FM] – I (F38) gave a handjob to my married neighbor (M36) during a neighborhood party

I want to use this account to share some stories and chat with others. I think this particular story is fairly mild in comparison to some of the others here, but I will share more if there is interest. This happened early last fall.

First, a little background. I’m married, have 2 kids, and live in your stereotypical suburban neighborhood. We’ve been there for about 8 years and have gotten to know most of our neighbors pretty well. One of the great things about the neighborhood is that it has an amazing sense of community. A few times a year, we will block off the street of the cul-de-sac and have a block party with the 12 or so families there. It’s during one of those that this incident occurred.

There is one couple that lives down the street – Mark and Julie. They are both very nice looking, a couple years younger than me, and with younger kids. Julie has a sharp tongue and can be a bit much to deal with sometimes. Mark, on the other hand, is amazing. Physically, he’s probably 6’3”, in great shape, with a light brown beard and hair. But the thing about Mark is that he and I just have some sort of chemistry I can’t explain. When we’re around each other, it’s like our minds are on the same wavelength. We share a similar sense of humor. And over the years, I’ve found we sort of gravitate to each other during these neighborhood events.

Along those lines, there’s been a growing sexual tension between us over the years, which culminated in a bit of a drunken make out session one evening last summer in the dark shadows on the side of his house. We were like a couple of teenagers, kissing and ass-grabbing over clothes. Ever since we crossed that little line, it’s been on my mind whenever I’m around him and I think it’s the same for him.

This neighborhood party took place on a fall afternoon/evening. TVs were set up in the cove and college football was on. There were tables with food and drink. Adults and kids were just hanging out, playing games, and mingling all afternoon. As normally happens, Mark and I gravitated to each other late in the afternoon. It was a warm fall day and I was wearing a gauzy yellow sundress. Mark was in shorts and a tshirt. My husband was engrossed watching a football game with some other dads and Mark’s wife, Julie, was with another mom doing something with their kids. Something was said about needing more drinks, so Mark grabbed one of the coolers and we walked to my house to refill it.

Once we walked into the empty house, it immediately struck me that this was the first time that we’d actually ever been alone together (aside from the drunken make out session mentioned above). Mark realized it too because once the door closed behind us, he set the cooler down and we just looked at each other for a few seconds, both wondering if the other was going to be brave enough to start something.

Turns out Mark was the brave one. He closed the short distance between us and grabbed me by the hips, pulling me close in to him. Then he pressed me back against the kitchen counter as his tongue parted my lips and an urgent make out session began.

We made out that way for a few minutes until he escalated things. His mouth left mine and found my right ear lobe. Then he nibbled his way down my neck. Now I don’t know about anyone else, but this is a *huge* hot button for me. So, when his right hand grabbed my ass and his left closed around my braless breast, my knees almost buckled.

Until now, I had been half trying to listen for a door opening or anything like that, but now I was lost. Those concerns went out the window. My mind was just focused on the feelings he was giving me. And speaking of feelings, I was feeling something hard pressed against stomach.

Up to this point, I could probably (wrongly) justify to myself that this was just a harmless make out session. But when my hand closed around the hard shaft in his shorts, there was no denying I was crossing a line. With both feet.

His cock felt huge in my hand and I had to get more. I unzipped his zipper and reached in, pleasantly surprised to find no underwear. I fished it out thru the zipper opening and looked down as I held it. It was just a little bit longer than my husband, but quite a bit thicker. The head of his cock was an angry red and oozing precum as I started to slowly jack him off. His cock was pointed up between us, the head rubbing across the front of my sundress as I stroked him.

I’d only been stroking him for a minute or two when his mouth left my neck and he moaned out “Oh, fuck!” I don’t think either of us had actually expected things to go this far this fast. And then it happened – one, two, three, then four spurts of hot sticky cum all over the front of my dress. Not only was he thicker, but he also came a lot more than my husband. My dress was a mess.

He looked down at my front and said “I’m sorr…” but I stopped him with a kiss. “Fill up the cooler and get back out there before they miss us.”

I went back to my bedroom and cleaned off the cum as best I could. But, the dress was a hopeless mess so I put it into the hamper and changed into some jeans and a tshirt. I freshened my make up and made my way back out to the party. I found my husband in exactly the same place I had left him, still glued to the game, none the wiser. I brought him a beer and sat down next to him, still thinking about the feeling of Mark’s hard cock in my hand. For the rest of the night, Mark and I stayed away from each other, but would occasionally catch each other’s eye from across the way and smile.

Nothing has happened between Mark and I since then, but whenever we’re around each other, the sexual tension is even more unbearable than it was before. There may be more to come (pun intended?) in this story. Thanks for reading!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/118wzsg/fm_i_f38_gave_a_handjob_to_my_married_neighbor


  1. Nice story! Sure it is not as ‘extreme’ as some of the others but that makes it more relatable, at least in my case. Curious what else you will share!

  2. love it – horrible, but – life is too short – and I wish I was the neighbor!!!

  3. I had a similar experience; just know you two aren’t done. Enjoy the wild, sexual rollercoaster ahead. 😍

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