The First Time We Shared My Wife [MFM]

“Am I hot?” Anne, the woman who would become my wife, was on her knees. She was wearing a short sundress and looking up at me with big eyes. She was softly, but firmly, stroking my cock, her lips slightly parted.

“Am I hot?” She repeated. The question was so unexpected that I started to laugh. Anne didn’t appreciate it. She got up, smoothed her dress and started to walk away.

“Of course you’re hot.” I assured her. But then I continued. I don’t know why I said the words. “You are so hot that all my friends want to fuck you.”

“They do?” She stopped short, shocked.

“They’ve all said they do anything for the chance to fuck you.”

“Bullshit.” Anne was intrigued by the thought that we talked about her. A small smile twisted her lips.

“No, honestly. Call up any of them and ask if they would come over right now and fuck you.” I handed her phone to her. I was taunting her. I didn’t expect her to take the phone.

“No way you’d let that happen.” She smiled and snatched the phone from my hand. She scrolled through the phone book, found my friend Chris and showed the entry to me.

“Tell him he has 15 minutes to get here.” I laughed. “After that the offer is off the table.”

“Seriously. You’d let me say that?” She was grinning. She didn’t believe I would. I felt like I was on pretty safe ground. There was no way she’d make the call.

“Do it. He’ll be here in flash. If he makes it, he can fuck you. I bet you can’t do it.” I teased.

“Oh, I can’t?” She held up the phone threateningly. Her grin rivaled the Cheshire cats.

“Not a chance.”

“You so sure?” She dialed the phone. Her finger hung over the last button.

“Never going to happen.” I was openly laughing at her. She smiled and pressed the last button.

“Chris?” She asked tentatively. She paused after each question. Waiting for me to stop her.

“It’s Anne. I have a personal question. We’ve been having an argument here. Do you think I’m hot?”

“Hot enough to fuck?”

“Well, if you really think so, then I have a one-time offer. If you can make it here in 15 minutes, you can fuck me.” She put the phone down and gave me a look of triumph.

“There is no way you actually called him.” I said. She laughed.

“Well, just wait 20 minutes and you’ll see.” She was almost giddy. Even if she had called him, we both knew there was no way he could make it in the time frame.

“Fine.” I set a timer. We sat down on opposite ends of the couch and watched the door. As the minutes ticked away Anne started to look more and more anxious. Maybe she actually had called him! My cock started to get hard at the thought.

5 minutes passed. 10 minutes. 13. 14. Anne was staring hard at the door. At 14 and a half minutes there was a knock. It was soft but shocked us both enough that we jumped.

“No way!” Anne exclaimed. She got up and opened the door. Chris was there. He was panting, bent almost double. His bike was thrown haphazardly on the lawn. He’d skipped driving and used an off road shortcut. It was downhill, through think brush. He looked up and grinned. His face was scratched where he’d barreled through bushes.

“I’m here for the promised fucking” He gasped out. He stumbled into the house and draped himself over the couch. He looked so ludicrous that we both laughed.

“Wow. You really are desperate.” I taunted him.

“Never thought I’d make it, did you?” He laughed.

“I never even thought she called.” I smiled. Anne looked nervous but excited

“I knew you’d make it Chris.” She had a teasing tone. “I knew you’d do anything to see this hot little body.” She ran her hands down the front of her dress, emphasizing her form.

“Anything.” He agreed with a smile. “So. Umm. Let’s see.” It was clear from his tone that he didn’t expect her to comply. He was right.

“Oh no.” Anne demurred. “You first. Let me see what I’ve promised myself to.”

“Ladies first.” He offered with a faux gallant wave.

“Age before beauty.” Anne retorted. It occurred to us that we didn’t really know who was older. There was a long silent pause. It got a little awkward. Chris sat up. Caught his breath. Laughed. It looked like he was conceding. He was, but only slightly.

“OK Anne. You win.” Anne glanced at the door. Expecting him to leave. Instead he pulled off his shirt. He was skinny, but fit. Still glistening with sweat. His arms were scratched from his headlong ride. He laughed and gestured at Anne. “Your turn.”

Anne looked a little trapped. She glanced at me. Then laughed.

“OK.” She smiled. “It will be obvious that I hadn’t planned on this.” She pulled her sundress over her head. Let it drop to the floor. It was clear what she meant. She had nothing on underneath. She wasn’t prepared for a slow stripping game. Suddenly she was standing in front of us completely naked. Her nipples were hard. Her pubic hair was a wild tangle of brown hair. She normally kept it shaved in a tight little landing strip.

“Wow.” Chris gasped. He stared at her. His eyes devouring her body. She blushed deeply.

“Now you.” She told him. He looked at me, back at her, then stood and pulled off his pants, taking his underwear with them. His cock was long and slender, already erect. Anne suddenly giggled. Chris blushed deeply and moved to cover himself.

“No. No.” Anne waved away his embarrassment. “I just wasn’t expecting to see two cocks in one day. Especially one so beautiful.” It was her turn to blush at her own awkward phrasing. Chris relaxed. He looked over at me to make sure everything was alright. I was smiling.

“I thought there was a lot more than just looking today.” He shot back.

“I don’t think you’re brave enough to fuck me in front of my boyfriend.” Anne retorted. Her hands drifted to cover herself. Awkwardness started to creep in again.

“I don’t think you’re brave enough to get fucked in front of your boyfriend.” He retorted. There was a bit of a standoff. Both of them standing there. Halfway between uncomfortable and aroused

Anne looked over at me. Saw me smiling. She smiled back. Then she lowered herself to the floor and lay back. She spread her legs. She propped herself on her elbows and looked at Chris. She seemed to beckon him with a smile.

“I think I’m plenty brave. It’s up to you to take what’s on offer.” Her body, tight and pale, on full display, was too much for me. I undid my pants. Started stroking my cock. Chris looked back at me. Then he too lowered himself to the floor. He lined up between her legs.

“There is no way that you’ll let it happen.” Chris said with a laugh. He was lying fully on her, almost hiding her from view.

“There is no way you’ll do it.” She echoed his laugh. Hers was a little sharper, a little more breathless. She reached down between her legs, grasped his cock, lined him up. He gasped, then propped himself up, looked her in the eyes.

“OK.” He looked back me, nervously. Then back at Anne. “OK. You got me. This is very hot. I’ll just, umm take a breath here”

“Told you he wouldn’t.” Anne said over Chris shoulder at me. She then looked Chris in the eyes and whispered. “You can, you know.”

Chris abruptly thrust forward. Deep into her. She was wet. Open. There was no resistance.

Anne gasped. She had never really expected that he’d do it. The erotic quality of that gasp hung in the air. Chris gasped almost in unison. My cock throbbed with arousal.

“Fuck yes.” She fell back to the floor. Chris reached behind her knees and pulled her legs up to his shoulders. He went wild. There was no grace, no finesse. He pounded in to her like a man possessed.

She started to grunt as he fucked her. He pushed her knees back further, until she was bent almost double. Her grunts rose in pitch and volume until she was squealing as he took her.

He started to tense. He wasn’t going to last long. As inexperienced as Anne and I were at this stage of life, he was even less so. He was overwhelmed. Anne’s pleasure meant nothing to him. He took her and fucked her as hard and as fast as he could. With a quick shout he exploded into her pussy.

She wasn’t on birth control. We’d been using condoms and no one expected this. She gasped in surprise, then pulled him in tighter, urging him to fill her. He pumped once, twice, three times and then collapsed against her heaving chest.

He took a few ragged breaths. Then jumped up. He was suddenly very awkward.

“Um. Thanks.” He said to Anne. Then looked over at me apologetically. “I should, um, go.” He pulled up his pants and shuffled out the door. He hopped on his bike and peddled off.

Anne started to laugh. I joined for a moment. But my arousal was overpowering. I got off the couch, lay down on her and quickly slid in. She was hotter, wetter, looser than I had ever experienced. Anne stopped laughing and held me close as I added my load to Chris’s.

I finished and rolled to the side. Looking up at her. She laughed again.

“I think I need to go on the pill.” She smiled.

[The Chronology of Anne](
