Wonderland in Alice (Part 1: Down the Hole) [FF][first][Fairy Tale] (X-post from /r/AlexisEllison)

*All in this golden afternoon,*
*The sun was oh so hot.*
*So some stay fully dressed and warm,*
*And others, gladly not.*

*The Red Queen had just begun,*
*When the Knave began to swoon.*
*In Wonderland some stay too long,*
*And others come to soon.*

**Chapter 1: Down the Hole**

The sun shimmered off the water’s gently flowing surface, directly into Alice’s eyes. She sat next to her sister along the bank of the river, the forest doing an excellent job of being green and perfect, and it was absolutely boring Alice.

“Nothing ever seems to happen here,” she sighed, falling dramatically backwards and staring up at the sky. Even that was a perfect blue. “Everything’s always green and blue and perfect.”

Her sister kept her nose buried in the book she was reading. Even still, Alice could hear a small amount of exasperation in her voice. “Oh, Alice. I’ve never heard anyone complain about anything being perfect.”

“Well it is,” she insisted, taking another bite of bread and jam. “And just once I would like something exciting to happen.”

“Mmmhmm,” came the reply.

Alice propped herself up, peering over her sister’s shoulder into the book she was reading. She could only make out a few lines- it was a cheesy romance novel, describing someone’s ripped abs and heaving bosoms. Everyone in those pages would have been ruggedly handsome or breathtakingly gorgeous; there would be throbbing and spilling and other things that Alice couldn’t possibly care less about.

“One shouldn’t read over another person’s shoulder,” her sister reminded her in a singsong voice.

Alice fell back down, once again looking at the sky. “And one shouldn’t read sappy love stories when having a picnic with one’s sister.” She finished off her piece of bread, then started with another. Her sister had barely touched any of hers.

“Perhaps you would like to go for a swim?’ she suggested, gesturing towards the river.

“I don’t know how to swim,” Alice reminded her.

“Oh, yes. Of course. How silly of me,” replied her sister, not taking her eyes off the page. “You are an adult now, even if just barely. Perhaps you learned without realizing it.”

Alice found that very funny, and she covered her mouth and turned her head so her sister wouldn’t hear her giggle. But that giggle was cut short when, out of the corner of her eye, she caught a blur of white. It stood out sharply against the perfect green forest before disappearing again. For a moment, Alice wasn’t sure if she had really seen anything at all.

“Did you see that?” she shouted, jumping to her feet and pointing towards the tree line. “I think it was a white… rabbit?” She reached for her sister’s hand, who pulled it away gently.

“Alice, I don’t have time for your silly games. I came here to sit by the river and read. If you’re bored, you’re certainly free to run through the forest all you’d like.”

“Aren’t you at all curious about what it is?”

“Not even a little bit.” Her sister licked her finger and turned the page, as if to highlight her point.

A very small part of Alice wanted to stay and argue with her sister. But the curious side of her, the one that always seemed to win out, made a run for it. She slid another piece of jam and bread into her pocket and ran off into the woods. And as she ran off into the woods, she could faintly hear her sister yelling after her.

Alice! Alice! She called.

But Alice didn’t stop. And she certainly wouldn’t come running after her- not in her new shoes, not into the dark woods, and definitely not for Alice who had been running off since she was a child.

The white blur flashed again, zagging and zagging up ahead. Alice ducked under a low hanging branch only to trip over the vines on the forest floor. She barely caught herself before her face hit the ground.

She pushed herself up from the ground and looked for any sign of the white blur. She was disappointed to find that she had lost it after all.

“Oh, dear,” she said to herself, standing and brushing the dirt from her dress. She looked at the forest around her and realized she was in a part that she had never seen before. “Oh, Alice. Now where are you going to go?” She tried to remember what her sister had told her once, and scolded herself for not paying attention then.

“If you’re going to follow me, you’d best hurry. The queen won’t tolerate anyone being late.”

The voice came from behind her. Alice spun around, and found herself face to face with a rather large rabbit in a deep red waistcoat. The sight was such a surprise, that Alice could only manage a startled “oh!” before realizing that it wasn’t a rabbit at all. Rather, it was a normal-sized man in a rabbit costume.

“If you don’t wish to be followed, then maybe you shouldn’t dress up in funny outfits and run through the forest,” Alice fired back with her hands on her hips.

“You’re the one dressed funny.” He looked Alice up and down with a frown before looking at the watch on his furry wrist. “Late! Oh, I’m late. Goodbye, funny-dressed girl!” And with that, he ran off again, moving impossibly fast through the woods as though he actually were a rabbit.

“But where are you going?” Alice called after him, running to keep up.

“Late! I’m late!” he said again, calling over his shoulder.

She ran after him for what seemed like an impossibly long time, so focused that she didn’t even notice that the sky grew a little bit darker and the trees a little bit stranger. Her lungs were starting to hurt, but she didn’t give up and she wasn’t about to turn around. She needed to know- why was he dressed up like he was? Why did she look funny to him? Where was he going in such a hurry?

And a queen! Alice had never met a queen before, so she was very eager to have the chance to meet one now. It had been a very long time since she had learned to curtsey, and she hoped she still remembered how.

Finally, the woods cleared away and Alice found herself in a large clearing around a mighty oak tree. The rabbit was there as well, looking very intently at the base of the tree. Alice hid behind a bush, wondering what he could possibly want with such a large tree. But then, with a shriek, the large man-rabbit hopped forward and then disappeared.

“Mister Rabbit!” she gasped, worried by what she had seen. She expected to hear a scream or a thump- anything that one would expect when a large man fell down a small hole. But instead, she heard nothing at all.

Quietly and softly, she walked to the tree and made her way around it in a slow circle. “What are you?” she demanded.

The tree didn’t answer, except for letting its leaves blow with a soft whistle.

“Curiouser and curiouser,” she mumbled. Her sister would have reminded her not to mumble, but her sister wasn’t there.

There was a hole in the bottom of the tree where the rabbit had fallen. It was nestled in the roots, which seemed to have grown around it making a very nice arch on top. Peering into the darkness, Alice saw nothing but black. It was an impossibly deep cavern that seemed to go on forever.

“Hello? Mr. Rabbit? Are you okay?” Alice called into the darkness. Aside from her own echo, there was no reply. “Oh, dear. I do hope he’s okay.” Getting slightly braver, she stuck her hand into the hole as far as it would go. She felt nothing at all- not even the underside of the tree.

Next, she took a very deep breath and sat down on the ground. She dipped her legs into the hold, trying to feel for the floor that never came. She stretched her toes just a little bit further, trying to find what trick the rabbit had been playing. But, as she stretched, the tips of her fingers began to slip through the dirt. She closed her eyes very tight, reaching for something- anything- to hold onto as she began to fall.

Alice fell head over heels into the deep darkness. One moment she could hear birds chirping and forest sounds and the next, nothing. The hole seemed to go on forever, and Alice could swear that she started to see… wallpaper? And row after row of shelves, too. She looked down, or what she assumed to be down because it was the direction she was falling, and saw a soft red light growing brighter and brighter.

“Is that music?” she asked no one in particular as she worked very hard to keep her dress from folding over her head.

“Yes,” came the reply- soft and feminine. This surprised Alice, because she didn’t know that anyone was listening and she didn’t know who could have heard her while she was falling down an endless rabbit hole. It surprised her even more to realize that she wasn’t actually falling any longer and had somehow landed on a very large, very soft, red cushion.

“That was quite a fall, Alice,” the voice said again. It took Alice a moment to realize that it was coming from a bed in the middle of what appeared to be a room. The bed was surrounded by thin red drapes, matching the cushion on which she had fallen. Beyond the bed was a very, very small door built into the wall.

“Oh, yes. It certainly was!” Alice agreed. “But how do you know my name?”

The voice laughed. “I know everything there is to know about everyone that comes to Wonderland.”

“How?” Alice asked, moving closer to the bed.

“All in good time. You’re looking for the white rabbit.” It wasn’t a question- the mysterious speaker truly did seem to know something about Alice, at least.

“Yes! Do you know where he went?” She thought it was very strange to speak to a stranger through their bedcurtains, and Alice wondered if she should pull them aside or leave them in place.

“Through there.”

It was very clear where the speaker was referring to, since there was only one door in the room. But that seemed impossible, since it was far too small for the large rabbit to fit through. It was even too small for Alice.

“Not impossible. It’s just impassible. Nothing’s impossible, especially here,” the voice replied, as though reading her very thoughts.

“It is quite impossible!” Alice said, stomping her foot. She was getting very frustrated by the puzzles and wordplay, when all she wanted to do was to find the white rabbit. She tore the bedcurtain aside to confront the voice, but what she found shocked her into silence.

Nestled into the satin sheets was a woman. And that woman was very naked, except for an icing trail running from her breasts and down her stomach, all the way to…

The woman cleared her throat. “Like I said. Nothing’s impossible, even when it’s impassible.”

Alice found her voice, and was very careful to make eye contact with the nude stranger. That was surprisingly easy to do, as her eyes were mesmerizing, but Alice held up a hand to block her own view of the woman’s creamy, exposed flesh.

“How, ahem, did the rabbit fit through that very small door?” she challenged. “He couldn’t possible have fit.”

“Why, the same way anyone does.” She pointed to her necklace, which Alice hadn’t noticed before. In large, gold letters it said EAT ME. The woman spread her legs and waited with a subtle smile.

Oh, dear, Alice fretted. She didn’t want to touch the frosting on the woman’s stomach, but really couldn’t see any other way out of the room. She looked again- the door was still far too small, and it was still the only way out. She looked upwards and couldn’t even make out the hole she had fallen through; she really didn’t have any other choice.

“My sister will be ever so sore at me if I spoil my appetite,” she tried meekly, hoping to appeal to something inside the nude woman.

“Your sister? My, my. How exciting,” the woman replied enigmatically. “Do you want to go through the door, or don’t you?”

Alice knew that the rabbit would be getting further and further away, the longer it took her to make up her mind. “Fine,” she sighed. She reached out with a shaking hand and ran a single finger across the frosting trail on the woman’s smooth, warm stomach. She lifted it to her mouth and tasted it. It was good and sweet, and she braced herself for whatever was going to happen next.

But the only thing that happened was that the woman laughed. “You’re a naïve little one, aren’t you? The frosting doesn’t make you shrink- my pussy does that.”

Alice’s eyes went wide. She had never heard anyone be that blunt in polite conversation, especially a stranger. It was offensive but, somehow, exciting to hear. At least she wasn’t bored any longer, even if she wasn’t interested.

“Oh! Well, thank you,” she said with a slight curtsey. “But I don’t like girls, not that way anyway. Although it’s very, um, kind of you to offer.” She couldn’t help it; her eyes drifted over the woman’s body. Over her firm breasts and tight flesh. Her delicate fingers and smooth slit. Alice had never been interested in girls before, but if she was…

She shook the thought from her head. There was certainly another way. There was always another way. She could feel the woman’s eyes follow her as she examined the door. It was, truly, much too small for Alice to fit through. She thought that she might be able to fit a foot through, perhaps, or maybe her hand. But there was no way all of her could make it.

There was also no other way out. And, Alice reasoned, she would have to eat sooner or later anyway. While maybe not filling, she couldn’t argue with the presentation of the meal.

“I do need to get through that door,” she said. It was less to the woman in the bed, but more to herself. All the same, she felt the woman’s hand slip into her own. And she followed her, very willingly, to the bed. After all, she had somewhere to be- even if she couldn’t exactly remember where.

The woman lay down again, exactly where she had been when Alice first arrived. But this time, she pulled the younger girl onto the bed with her.

“That’s a very lovely dress,” she said, pointing towards the powder blue dress and white lace that Alice wore.

“Thank you,” Alice blushed.

“You should probably take it off, so you don’t get frosting on it.”

That made a great deal of sense to Alice, although she had a nagging feeling that it shouldn’t have. But she had already fallen down an endless hole chasing after a giant rabbit, so her list of things that now made a great deal of sense had grown considerably.

The woman propped herself up on her elbows, watching as Alice pulled the dress over her head and threw it to the floor. She was left in only her bra and panties- both stark white against even her pale skin, and something that no one else had ever seen before. The woman on the bed reached out and pulled Alice on top of her, the frosting smudging between them as their lips pressed together.

Without warning, the woman rolled on top of Alice and trailed her kisses down her chest. She pushed the stark white bra up and ran her thumb across Alice’s nipple. Alice watched as her mysterious partner leaned forward and took her nipple in her mouth, her tongue running around the very sensitive flesh before sucking it into her mouth.

It was as though she were watching herself in a dream. Alice had never even kissed a boy before, and here she was having her nipple sucked by a stranger. She had a hard time figuring how it had happened- it just somehow had. Even more surprising (if only to herself), she ran her finger through the frosting that coated her stomach and smeared it on her other nipple.

The woman smiled, took the other nipple in her mouth, and sucked gently until it was clean. “I think I like you, Alice.”

Alice smiled. She liked her, too. But she was sure that showing it would be much more appreciate than merely saying it. She took control, rolling the both of them back over and forcing the woman onto her back. She licked the little bits of frosting from her breast, down her stomach, leaving little bit marks along the trail as she did.

Finally, Alice slipped down in between the other woman’s creamy thighs. She admired the smooth, pink pussy- enjoying a view that she had never been able to see before. “It’s so pretty,” she said, blushing.

“Thank you,” the woman said with a giggle and a wiggle. “If you like how it looks, you should see how it tastes.”

Alice ran her fingers along the slit, barely grazing the lips. The woman shivered slightly, which pleased Alice immensely. The idea that she could affect another in such a way was new to Alice, and she liked it.

She spread the lips apart and leaned in, and with a flick of her tongue tasted the other woman’s juices. Alice’s tongue slid up the slit and onto the woman’s sensitive clit, causing her to arch her back and push her pussy into Alice’s face.

“Oh, God,” the woman moaned, grabbing Alice’s hair as her tongue pressed against her clit. “Yes,” she sighed, pushing and wiggling her hips towards Alice.

Alice had to loop her arms around the woman’s legs to keep her pressed firmly to her face. She was enjoying every moment and every drop, and didn’t want to miss any amount of either one. The woman, for the same reason, wrapped her fingers through Alice’s hair and pulled her closer as she bucked wildly.

“I’m cumming!” The woman moaned.

Alice didn’t know what to expect then, and was pleasantly surprised by the sweet taste that coated her tongue and dripped down her chin. It felt… warm. Pleasantly warm. The tender warmth ran over her tongue and down her throat. It filled her belly, then quickly spread through her entire body. She could hardly hear the woman’s moans and begging, and she could hardly feel the smooth skin pressed against her own. She wasn’t even sure if she wanted to go through the door any longer, rather than remain in the bed rolling around with the nameless woman. As Alice worked her tongue in small circles on the woman’s clit, her pleas got more breathless and desperate as she squirmed underneath her. She tensed, and then her body shuddered as the orgasm ripped through her.

The air around Alice seemed to turn a vibrating purple. She giggled and laid her head on the woman’s stomach, kissing just beneath her belly button. “What was that?” she yawned.

“Wonderland, little Alice, is woven together by pleasure and pain. You’ll learn that soon. Now put your dress back on. You haven’t much time.”

“Until what?” she asked, obediently slipping her dress over her head as best she could while laying down. She slipped her head back between the woman’s legs and ran her tongue along the glossy and shimmery pink lips, lapping up the mess that she had caused. The woman ran her hands along Alice’s hair, smoothing it down.

“Until it’s time to go,” she replied. Her voice sounded almost sad.

Alice tried to reply, but her head was spinning. She looked into the woman’s eyes, who regarded her calmly. The room got bigger as the spinning sensation stretched through her. Alice was shrinking, and quickly. She barely had the moment it took to slip her dress back over her head before she would have been much too small for it. Clearly, it had no intention of shrinking without her.

“Goodbye, giant lady!” Alice called. But it occurred to her that the lady wasn’t any larger than she had been when they first met. It was, in fact, her that was getting smaller. She thought that maybe she should correct herself, but it hardly seemed to matter- there were much more important things to consider.

Only a moment later, Alice found herself in front of a very large, ornate wooden door. There were strange symbols carved in the frame, running up each side and over the curved top. She couldn’t understand what they were trying to tell her, and very much hoped they weren’t important.

She tried the doorknob, because that’s generally the first thing that one tries when their goal is to open a door. But she found that it was very much locked.

“What do I need to do to get inside you?” she asked the door. It was a silly thing to ask of a door, especially since doors don’t talk.

“Maybe buy me dinner first!” Most doors don’t talk, at least. This one did, and it also laughed as well. A loud, obnoxious bray not unlike a tone-deaf donkey.

“Oh!” Alice squealed, surprised and suddenly very aware that she was still holding onto his knob. She let go quickly. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were alive.”

“Of course I’m alive!” the door snorted. “Why, what have you done to your doors?”

“Well, where I’m from doors are most often quiet,” Alice explained. “Aside from the occasional squeak, that is.”

“You’d squeak too, if all you did was hang around and wait to be framed!” The door laughed again, its keyhole opening wide to make room for the very big sound coming from it.

Alice groaned inwardly, but did her best to maintain a polite demeanor. “Thank you, um, Mr. Door, but I really must get through. You see, I’m looking for a white rabbit, and-”

“A rabbit?” the door interrupted with a harsh whisper, suddenly very serious. “Was he wearing a read waistcoat?”

“Why yes,” Alice replied, leaning in close and whispering back.

“And a watch?”

“Yes!” Alice said, much louder than she meant to. “I mean, yes,” she whispered.

“Are you sure you want to find him? Didn’t he seem a little… dangerous?”

Alice was suddenly very alarmed. She hadn’t even considered that following strange men dressed in unusual costumes into the woods could possibly be a bad idea. “Dangerous? How so?”

“I heard he was… well…” He seemed hesitant to continue. Alice leaned in very close to hear what he had to say. “a little unhinged!” he shouted. “Unhinged, get it?” He laughed again.

Alice was getting very frustrated. “Yes, I get it,” she snapped. “But are you going to let me through or not?”

“Oh, I didn’t tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

“Oh, well you see- I’m locked!”

Alice stomped her foot. She was getting very frustrated. “Why didn’t you tell me that in the first place?”

“You didn’t ask?”

Alice thought for a moment, and then she remembered the piece of jam and bread that she had put in her pocket. She took a small amount of the sweet jam and pushed it into one of the door’s cracks.

“What are you doing?”

“You have some jam inside you,” Alice answered. “Do you know what that means?”


“It makes you ajar.” The door thought for just a moment, the burst out in another laughing fit. “So it does!” he replied. “Ajar. A. Jar. Ajar.” The door repeated it over and over, as though savoring the words. “I like that one. Okay then, off you go!”

The door opened with a satisfying creak, but just a little bit. Alice had to push it the rest of the way, finding herself in a dense, dark forest. As dark as the chamber had been, it was even darker through the doorway. Soon her eyes adjusted, and she could make out the shapes of trees and branches. She took a deep breath, taking in the musty scent of an ancient forest. She was certain that she was being watched.

“Remember Alice,” the door said behind her as it closed again. “Everything in Wonderland hinges on you.”

There was no laughter that time. Alice turned around to ask why, but the door was gone. She was entirely alone in Wonderland.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/79aftm/wonderland_in_alice_part_1_down_the_hole