Sinner’s Delight [Nun x Demon] {F27/M5000] [Oral Sex] [Graphic Sex] {BDSM] [Dom/Sub]

Hello sweetlings! I wanted to give you a little taste of a short story I published on my patreon. You can read the rest of it (and many others) on [](


He seemed to ponder for a while, before squeezing her cheeks firmly between his fingers and pulling her face even closer to his. He was now so close that she could feel his breath on her skin.

“Fine. But I want you to let me know if it is too much for you.”

“I promise.” She smiled smugly, drawing a cross over her chest with the tip of her finger.

“You saucy little minx.” The demon rolled his eyes, doing his best to hold back a laugh. “You are luckier than you are wise.”

He kissed her forehead, then stepped back. His body stretched again, this time well over two metres. His dark skin had become pale, his black hair grew down to his shoulders and two long horns extended out from his head. Eleonora’s eyes widened as she saw his hardened cock reach above the middle of his abdomen.

“That will never fit!”

He grinned, revealing a set of sharp fangs, then used his powers to strip her of her clothes. The demon grabbed one of her breasts, making her wince as he cut into the delicate skin with his claws.

“You wanted to see the real me, so… We’ll make it fit.”

His deep, husky voice gave her goose bumps. Eleonora wrapped both hands around his cock, making him gasp as she slowly moved them along his length.

His red eyes darkened with desire.

“Those are dangerous games you’re playing, angel.” He grabbed her wrists, moving her hands away from his dick and bringing them to his lips so he could kiss them. “Do you still remember your safe word?”

She nodded.


“Good girl.” He lifted her in his strong arms and buried his face in her neck, inhaling her floral scent. Dantalion slid his tongue along the protruding vein, managing to get a shaky moan to escape her lips. “Hold on to my horns.”

The request puzzled her, but she complied. As soon as her fingers tightened firmly around his horns, the demon propped her ass up with his hands, lifting her up until he could slip her legs over his shoulders.

She blushed as she felt his labored breath against her sex.

“Dantalion, what are you…” The words caught in her throat as soon as she felt his tongue slide along her pussy. A hoarse moan echoed through the room as he flicked it over her sensitive clit.

“I will never taste anything as delicious as you.” He glanced at her with beastly hunger darkening his gaze, before sliding his fangs down her thigh. She screamed as he bit her, tearing her skin. Eleonora struggled to hold on to his horns as he penetrated her with his tongue, moving it relentlessly as if he were starving and only she could sate his hunger. His claws dug into the tender flesh of her ass, pulling her closer to him as he stimulated her.

She was a panting mess, biting hard on her lower lip as pleasure began forming a knot in the bottom of her stomach. When her orgasm finally overpowered her, she was unable to hold back her cries of pleasure.

Dantalion kissed the inside of her thigh, before carefully sitting her down on the desk. He spread her legs apart and slid his thumb over her swollen clit. She pressed her thighs together again.

“No… It’s sensitive…”

Her voice was nothing more than a soft whisper. He pushed them apart again.

“If you don’t think you can handle it, then use your safe word. Otherwise, I won’t stop.”

“Can’t you at least let me pleasure you?” She looked at his rock-hard cock. “That looks extremely painful.”

“Your pleasure is my pleasure. I am here to serve you, angel.” His lips curved into a mischievous grin. “Besides, burying myself in you will be pleasurable enough.”



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