Roses are Red… [MF] [Author Pic] [Happy Valentine’s Day]

Roses are red

Your heart is all mine

Now tease me and fuck me

My sweet Valentine


Pull me on to your lap

Bite my nipples so gently

Suck, knead and squeeze them

Bite them rather intently


Put me over your knee

Make me drip, make me wet

Spank me so many times

So I’ll never forget


Rub your tongue on my pussy

Nuzzle my clit

I’ll beg you for release

Which you’ll never permit


Call me your good girl

Caress my cheek sweetly

As you stretch me wide open

And you fuck me so deeply


When I’m dripping with cum

And my pussy’s full too

Kiss me on the lips

And say, “I love you”


[Happy Valentine’s Day](



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