Russian Foreplay [Group]

I worked as Yacht crew for a time. The culture on Yachts could vary massively, some were models of the 21st workplace, with the Owners, Management, Officers and contract agencies, all working in conjunction to create an environment where only the highest standards etc etc.

Others were run essentially as floating shag pads, for the rich and Idle. Some of those didn’t even have sufficient crews to sail them, they simply stayed anchored off whatever Eurotrash resort the owners wanted to frequent, and the crew was only required to keep the lights on and serve drinks.

So I was working on one of the latter types. We didn’t usually have a captain on board so the Yacht was runby the owner’s agent in conjunction with the Purser, who he was also shagging.

Now someone told me once that he didn’t think the agent was actually Russian, but we always called him Russian.

I’d worked on Yachts for a while, I had some qualifications both for working on board, and for things like Scuba diving. However I’d come out late that year and I struggled to find regular work. So a friend of mine got me a job on board. However she was up front about how things were run.

So the job was a kind of a mixture of being a Mechanic and a cocktail waitress. The owners wanted all the crew berths on board to be filled by women that could also put on a bikini and serve drinks to the owners mates when they were on board.

It sounds fucked up but in reality it worked kind of OK. Because a crew came on board to actually sail the Yacht when needed, all I had to do was general maintenance, and they were even happy to help me get other crew qualifications. Every now and again I’d put on a bikini or cocktail dress serve a few drinks and as the Yacht would be crawling with prostitutes or girls looking to hook up with rich guys, I never felt any pressure.

So the owners agent was on board quite a bit and he always trying to get in the girls knickers, he had varying degrees of success, some of the other girls were open about having shagged him, others I suspect kept it quite. He tried it on with me a few times, but he took no for an answer, and never held it against me.

He was a big guy, and he could be intimidating, sometimes we saw that in practice when he came into conflict with various visitors on board. To be honest though I actually found it reassuring, I found him easy to work with and so did most of the rest of the crew.

So I was sharing a 8 berth cabin with 5 other girls (we weren’t normally jammed in that tight but there was work going on in the crew quarter). I brought back one of the guys that was temporarily working on board, and one of the other girls did the same. we’re having sex in the cabin the lights are out.

I’m on a bottom bunk the other girl that’s with her boyfriend is on the bottom bunk opposite.

Anyway after a bit some of the permanent male crew start knocking on the cabin wanting to come in to ‘chat’ etc.

I’m not reallly sure this is a good idea, some of the other girls make their excuses and decide to sleep elsewhere, so anyone that stays…. anyway in they come.

I’ve just had sex and all I want is a little bit of a cuddle and some sleep. The cabin is tiny and now there’s quite a few people in it. .

So the guy I had just had sex with wants me to shag his mate, which I was kind of getting in the mood for, so the guy I was with rolls out of bed and he climbs in. We have sex for a little bit, which was actually quite good, he pulls out of me, asks if he can take the condom off, and finishes on my tummy, quick wipe with a tissue and off he gets.

It was actually really good, there was a kind of good atmosphere in the room, I liked the majority of the guys, and the next guy I had sex with was a guy I’d been good friends with since we’d started working on board, he must have been watching the previous guy because he did exactly the same thing and finished on my tummy again.

So the cab was tiny and one of the guys opened the door so they’d have some more room to maneuver.

Now I’ve just had sex with three different guys, one of them twice and I really want a shower and I also wanted to change the sheets.

So that’s when the agent appears at the door. So he’s there at the door smiling, he’s a big guy and even if he wasn’t in a position of authority he’d have been capable of getting his way with a lot of people.

Anyway so he makes his way inside and I actually thought he was going to go for one of the girls he sees regularly, instead he settles on me.

In a way I kind of admired, the way that the ordered my friend out of bed, and indicated he was taking his place . I suppose my thinking at the time (if I was thinking) was that it didn’t really make any difference, I’d just had sex with three other guys, and it would be easier all around if I just let him fuck me as well.

I was actually kind of impressed at what he did next, he completely undresses, puts his suit on a hanger and then gives it to my mate to hang up. He then makes him give him a leg up (rather than use the step) so he can get into the bunk.

Then in front of 7 other people some of whom weren’t even pretending now to watch, He proceeded to perform oral sex on me, making a point of licking up whatever was sprayed on my tummy and thighs.

He did all this while making sure everyone could see, then he made my friend support my shoulders while he fucked me from behind.

It was kind of hot, but more than a little disgusting.


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