Bar pickup made for an amazing time

Hubby loves taking me out for drinks and showing me off.  I normally wear a summer or mini dress with no bra or panties, and we always sit at the bar so I can give little peeks to guys close by.  On one of these nights out, I caught the eye of a guy sitting at the bar.  Next thing we knew he had moved closer and had started buying our drinks.  After talking for a while, he came out and told us he was in town for work and had a hotel room.  You could tell he was wanting me (I was sitting turned towards him with my legs crossed but each time I went to the restroom I would give him a little peek of my shaved pussy, not counting the top of the dress was kind of loose fitting so when I turned just right you could see down and make out my nipples).  We had been talking with him for about an hour and a half, when hubby decided to head to the bathroom to give him a chance to hit on me or say something to me, but to his shock he followed hubby to the bathroom.  While they were washing their hands, the guy started telling hubby how sexy I looked.  So hubby asked him if he would like to flow us back to our house. He said he would love to.  So we paid and he followed us to our house. We came in, sat and talked for a few more minutes then hubby asked me to model some dresses for them.  I had modeled around 10 for them (walking in, bending over, etc.) When hubby told me to get the guy hard. So I walk over, turn around and bend over, just about sticking my pussy in this guy’s face.  Then I stood back up and asked ” like that”?  Hubby said “no” that I needed to take it out and play with it.  I got the guy’s dick out and was playing and licking it. Once I had him like a rock hubby told me to go get comfortable.  I went and put on my white silk nightgown that is above the knee in length, then went back to join them, sitting down between Hubby and our new friend. Hubby then started rubbing on my leg and joked that that wasn’t what he meant by getting comfortable, and proceeded in sliding my grown off.  Hubby and the other guy began kissing and rubbing on me, I was getting really worked up so hubby suggested we head into the bedroom.  As we walked into the bedroom hubby told me to get my rabbit while they got undressed.  I got it and laid in the middle of the bed. Hubby directed the guy to kiss, and rub all over me while he did the same.  It didn’t take me long to go with the 2 of them kissing and rubbing all over me while I used the rabbit.  After that they took turns fucking me while I gave the other a bj. Next thing I know, they were DVP (Double Vaginal Penetration) me,  and then from that to DP (Double Penetration).  Before we knew it, it was 4:00am.  It was a blast. I ended up going 7 times and hubby and the other guy 3 a piece.
